Loss A Love And Gain Three






Bella was hot, hot as if her body was on fire. Her throat burned, her mouth dry, and her fingers and toes stung.

She could hear her mates around her, but she couldn’t see them; her eyes were closed shut because of the excruciating pain. Not to mention, her head felt like it would explode.

“Tanya, do you know how long the change will take?” Kate asked in a hoarse voice.

She and her mates could feel Bella’s pain. She was holding Bella’s hand to give her some comfort.

For three days, Bella felt nothing but peace and warmth. During those days, being in the sun was close to heaven.

Even though she felt a little weak, she got to know her mates along with Carmen and her mate, Eleazar.

She still had some reservations about her mates; she didn’t want to be hurt again like she was by Edward and his family. But she was giving them a chance, at least.

Her features changed: a smaller nose, pointy ears, and smaller lips. Her height had grown as well, with her hair turning pure white.

Her peaceful state was shattered on the fourth morning when the pain hit her like a freight train. They brought her back outside to see if she would be better like the previous days.

“Five days.” Tanya answered. “Or maybe four.” She changed her answer after seeing claws growing on Bella’s hands and feet.

“Step back!” Tanya shouted to her coven mates.

They were all gathered around Bella.

“No!” Irina shouted, she was holding Bella’s other hand. “She needs us!”

“Please, Irina, she’s changing. She might hurt you during her transformation.” Tanya pleaded.

Eleazar grabbed Carmen and moved her back a few yards while Tanya did the same with Irina.

Kate moved more slowly than the others while staring at Bella.

“Damn it, Kate, get over here!” Tanya shouted.

“Are you seeing the scales covering her skin?” Kate asked in amazement.

“We know, we are right here, Kate.” Irina said, shaking her head at her mate’s silliness as Tanya grabbed Kate and flashed back to the others.

Bella’s scream was heartbreaking as her body was covered with scales and feathers. Her face grew longer, sharp teeth emerged, and her screams turned into roars.

It was so loud it made the earth tremble, with animals and birds scurrying away from the danger they felt and heard.

“What the fuck?” Kate couldn’t help herself; she had to curse. Bella, her mate was standing at nine feet tall.

She was on all fours, claws digging into the earth. Her back feet were bipedal, while her front feet were hands, muscled hands with claws.

Her body was covered with snow-white feathers and scales that glistened in the sun. Two silver horns grew on each side of her head, and spikes ran from the middle of her head to the end of her tail.

Her wings were spread out but lay limp on the ground. Her eyes were arctic blue, and her mouth was full of razor-sharp teeth.

Bella stood on her hind legs, reaching a height of twelve feet. She lifted her head to the sky and roared as blue fire sprayed out of her mouth. Her body lit up with the color blue while her hands and feet were on fire.

 “Her fire is blue. She’s marvelous.” Irina whispered to Tanya, who shook her head in agreement.

Even though her mother Sasha had told her about these creatures, she had never encountered them.

Kate being Kate, jumped up and down. She flashed to Bella. "You look amazing Bella."

“Kate stepped back. You don’t know if she’s in her right mind as yet.” Tanya said.

"Come on Tanya, she’s our mate. She won’t hurt us." Kate said in excitement.

Bella heard them and decided to have some fun. She came down on all fours, shaking the earth, and making everyone fall to the ground.

 Kate dropped on her ass in front of Bella, and Bella leaned down, her head close to Kate’s. She then let out a light roar.

Kate could see into Bella’s mouth, sharp teeth and all. She was frightened while the others tensed.

Tanya was about to move Kate, but she was stopped by Bella’s heavy laugh.

“That was not funny Bella.” Kate said as she stood up slowly.

“Yes, it was!” Bella laughed harder.

“You know, if I was human, I’d have shit my pants, or maybe I did.” Kate felt the bottom of her jeans to make sure, while Irina and the others laughed.

“How are you feeling, Bella?” Tanya asked, chuckling. She was glad Bella was having fun.

“I’m okay, I feel amazing.” Bella said, finally stopping her laughter. “I’m hungry though.” They could hear Bella’s stomach rumbling.

Kate laughed. “Okay, you big lizard, let’s go hunting.”

“Hey, don’t call me that!” Bella said.

“Fine, fine. Kate held up her hands in surrender.

Come on Bella dear, we’ll all go hunting with you.” Carmen said.

Bella took a step but fell back on her ass, and Kate laughed. Bella growled at her.

“It’s okay Bella, take your time.” Irina said softly.

Bella stood up and took a step forward, first her right leg, then her left. She watched her feet until she felt confident enough to walk without looking down.

She held her head high, proud, as she walked with her new family into the forest.

“So, Tanya.” Eleazar said. “I thought dragons were born, not bitten to change. And Bella looks different from the pictures I saw during my research.”

“Well, Bella is different because a royal dragon changed her. They are the only ones who can change another species into their kind. They are more powerful than normal dragons.” Tanya looked at Bella proudly.

“The royal dragon has two forms. Well, three if you include the human form. The form that you haven’t seen yet looks human but with fangs, scales, feathers, wings, and claws, with bipedal feet. The royal dragons are deemed to rule their kind. Bella is a princess or a queen.” Tanya continued.

“Well, hello, your Majesty.” Kate said in an English accent while curtseying.

Bella just snorted. She doesn’t think of herself as a royal, a princess, or a queen. She’s just Bella, one who can change into a dragon, but that hasn’t changed who she is.

 “Do you think the Queens will have a problem with her?” Irina asked, concerned for her mate.

“A law is in place that if a member or a new mate has joined a coven, it will be allowed instantly for a mate than the new member, Irina. But they must be presented before the queens. The law must be followed.” Tanya placated.

“Don’t worry, Irina. I’ll protect us.” Kate said, standing in a superhero pose.

Carmen and the others snickered.

Bella rolled her eyes and picked Kate up carefully by the collar, tossing her onto her back as Kate screamed in surprise.

Bella made sure that Kate landed between two spikes on her back.

“Everything will turn out okay.” Tanya said, smiling. She knew that the Queens were strict but reasonable. Bella was their mate, and they wouldn’t take her away from them.

“Onward!” Kate shouted, pointing straight ahead.

Bella began to run in a flash while the others followed with happiness.













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