Love and affection: the chief runaway bride

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Escape


Hearing the doctor’s words, she casually reached out a hand to dismiss the doctor, but in the mind has been thinking of how to leave things.

More than ten minutes later, Tang Xiaowei was maid’s whistle wake up, she came back to her senses, found that the doctor has not in the room, only the two maids with her.

She frowned. “Why did you call me? Did something happen? ”

“No, Miss Tang. You were distracted just now. We were worried about you. By the way, the doctor said that there was nothing wrong with your body, so he went out, ” the maid replied gently.

Tang Xiaowei was thinking about her plan to leave. When she heard that there was nothing wrong with her body, she waved her hand at the maids. “You can go out. I didn’t call you. Don’t come in and disturb me. ”

The two maids looked at each other, then nodded. They walked out and closed the door.

Tang Xiaowei watched them leave and close the door, sneering secretly.

Now that she had entered her fingerprint, even if they closed the door, she could still get out.

After thinking about it for more than ten minutes, she had already thought of a good idea.

Since there were many people here during the day and she couldn’t go out, then she would go out at night.

When the sky turned dark and everyone here rested, she quietly left this place and went back to question her father.

… …

The night was thick.

In the dark sky, only a few stars were blinking.

The night wind was slightly cold. The curtains next to the window were blown up by the wind. White cloth floated in the night wind. The darkness of the room and the darkness of the night blended into one, making the shadow of the curtains look like a ghost.

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to the window.

She was wearing a light gray dress, and her long hair fell over her shoulders.

The night wind blew up the hem of her dress and her long hair, making her look like the white curtains, like a deadly ghost in the night.

The next second, she immediately tied up her long hair and tied it into a small ball above her head.

The next second, she had already turned over and sat on the windowsill.

At this moment, it had been more than four hours since dark. She had thought that the people here would go to bed early, but they did not turn off all the lights until 10.

Moreover, not all of them were resting. She secretly opened the door and wanted to go out the front door, but she found that there were several bodyguards in black uniforms standing on the front page of the corridor outside.

At first, she thought that she could escape easily in the dark. Seeing this situation, she only wanted to curse.

She had no choice but to come to the window and planned to leave from here.

Although she had seen this place during the day and the height was not low, she would definitely not die or be crippled if she jumped down.

However, she was not stupid. If she could not jump, then she would climb.

She reached out her slender White Hand and grabbed the curtains that were fluttering in the wind. Mengli pulled, and the curtains were instantly pulled down by her and turned into a large piece of cloth.

After taking the curtains, she jumped down from the windowsill and found a pair of scissors in the room. Without any hesitation, she immediately cut the curtains into many long strips of cloth. Then, she threw the scissors and tied all the strips of cloth into a tight knot The originally large curtain immediately became a strong rope.

At this moment, Tang Xiaowei truly felt that Huangfu Qiye’s family was really rich and willing to spend money.

She was merely a woman who had bought it back, yet the room she lived in had extremely luxurious furniture.

Opposite her big bed was a row of exquisite and luxurious wardrobes. They were very beautiful and very heavy. No one could not carry them, and they were made of top-quality Mahogany.

She had seen it on the Internet. Such wardrobes would definitely cost millions to buy.

She used to like them. She did not expect that the room she lived in today would really have such a wardrobe. Unfortunately, she could not stay and enjoy it.

She tied a rope to the wardrobe, and there was still a lot left.

So she put the rope outside the window and climbed up. Without any further delay, she wrapped the rope around her arm and slowly climbed down.

It only took her three minutes to climb up from the windowsill to the lawn.

Although it wasn’t long and looked easy, her palms and arms were all bruised.

The wound was small, but it still hurt.

But now wasn’t the time to care about the wound. She threw away the cloth, turned around and ran in a certain direction of the Manor’s lawn.

During the day, she had already observed the manor from the window, so she knew which direction would lead her to the correct location of the manor.

The only bad thing was that this forest manor was really built in the deep forest. She saw that outside the Manor’s walls, there were trees everywhere.

Although she was very afraid, she was even more afraid that her life would be ruined by Huangfu Qiye. Moreover, she also felt that since there were people living here, then the forest outside the manor would definitely not be dangerous.

“huff… huff… ” she ran very fast, panting non-stop …

However, the Huangfu family’s manor was really too big, and the lawn was also very wide. She felt that she had run for ten minutes, but she still had not run to the wall.

During the day, when she was observing if there was an exit outside, she saw a hole that looked like a dog hole at the wall. There were people guarding the front door at night, so she could not get out at all. She could only climb out through the hole that looked like a dog hole.

Tang Xiaowei did not dare to stop. She hurriedly ran to the hole in front of the dog hole, then stopped. She bent down and panted hard.

A few seconds later, she climbed onto the soft grass. Her head drilled into the dog hole, and she also continued to climb out.

Even though she looked and acted in a sorry state, she couldn’t give up. She had to take this opportunity to run out.

This huangfu family’s forest manor was definitely not the place she wanted to stay.

With this thought, half of her body had already climbed into the hole.

The wall was built very thick. Her entire head and upper body climbed in. She stretched out her hand and barely touched the grass outside the wall.

But this was enough for her to be excited.

Being able to touch the outside proved that she had made the right choice. She could definitely climb out of this dog hole.

She twisted her body and climbed out with all her strength.

Two minutes later, she had already climbed out.

She stood up on the grass outside and looked up at the long wall of the Huangfu family. She finally let out a sigh of relief.

“I’m finally out. ”

She sighed and did not stay any longer. She turned around and ran into the forest.

… …

At this moment.

In the most luxurious bedroom of the Huangfu family’s forest manor, the young and handsome man was only wearing pajamas. There was only a belt around the waist of his pajamas, and his entire chest was exposed to the air.

Huangfu Qiye Sat devilishly on the SOFA. His slender legs were crossed, and his expression was gloomy and cold. He held a wine glass in his hand, and the red wine was shaking in the glass.

His gaze was lazy as he looked at the screen in front of him. There was an extremely cold smile on the lips of a certain little woman who was trying her best to escape.

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