Love and affection: the chief runaway bride

Chapter 848

Chapter 848: Chapter 848: “Don’t touch me… “. …


She was so angry that she kept gasping for air.

She had only given birth two months ago, so there was still plenty of milk and water.

Previously, she had been feeding her eldest daughter in the forest manor. In the past few days, she had lost all her milk and water due to the lack of children on the ship.

Now that she and her youngest daughter were both on Su Jin’s island, she naturally would not waste any more milk and water. Moreover, she had asked Su Jin to bring the child over and feed it to her. She would also have the opportunity to meet the child. That was why she had such a request now.

Su Jin did not expect her to say that she was feeling unwell because of such a reason.

After all, he was not a woman. He did not have many women in the past, so he did not understand anything about this at all.

Therefore, when he heard Tang Xiaowei’s angry, embarrassed, and angry voice, he felt very embarrassed. He took a deep breath and recalled that Xiaoai’s mother was Xiaowei after all, and Xiaoai had been eating milk powder during this period of time It was better for the child to eat his mother’s milk and water. Moreover, Xiaowei was feeling very unwell now, so he really could not refuse to let Xiaowei meet Xiaoai.

“Alright, I’ll go and bring the child over now. Wait for a while, ” he said hurriedly with an awkward and nervous expression on his face before walking out of the room.

After he left, the door to the room where Tang Xiaowei was kept was closed by the bodyguards at the door.

Tang Xiaowei’s eyes were filled with disappointment when she saw the closed door.

The reason for her disappointment was that she did not have much strength left in her body at the moment. She could not run even if she wanted to.

However, now that Su Jin had promised to let her see her youngest daughter, she would look for an opportunity to get along with her youngest daughter first. Then, she would wait for Qi ye to come and save them.

She believed that even if Qi ye failed under Su Jin’s hands this time, Qi ye would definitely come and save them again.

Moreover, Qi ye lost this time because he brought too few people with him. He brought too many people with him later on. She believed that Qi ye would definitely be able to save her and her youngest daughter, Xinwei.

As for the things that Su Jin wanted her to think about, she would never agree to it.

Anyway, she needed to feed the child every day now. This was a good thing to be able to see the child every day. She had to make good use of it and get Su Jin to agree to let her take care of the child herself.

As soon as Su Jin entered the nursery, he immediately grabbed a maid who had been taking care of Xiao’ai. He then asked in a low voice, “do women who have just given birth have to feed and breastfeed their children every day? If they don’t, will their bodies feel uncomfortable? ”

The maid was specially hired to take care of the child, so she also understood these questions. Therefore, after hearing Su Jin’s question.. The maid nodded in fear. “Your Highness, it’s true. After giving birth, all women need to feed their children with milk and water. If they don’t, their chests… … their breasts and breasts will be very swollen and painful. Moreover, it’s very good for their bodies to be fed breast milk, so they usually need to be fed for a few months. Some of them even need to be fed for a year or two.”

After hearing the maid’s words, Su Jin immediately stopped doubting Tang Xiaowei’s words.

At least, she really had given birth to two babies only two months ago. Furthermore, after she said those words in such an angry manner just now, her face was a little Pale. He no longer suspected anything and instead walked nervously to the crib Then, he reached out with both hands and carried the little baby on the crib.

Just as his large hands touched the little baby, the little baby’s tiny body struggled for a moment. Then, the little baby’s large eyes slowly opened. As it was woken up, the little baby immediately opened its small mouth and started crying loudly. “Wah… Wah Wah Wah… ”

Su Jin hurriedly coaxed the little baby with a gentle voice. “Xiao’ai, don’t cry, don’t cry. Daddy will bring you to see your Mommy, okay? Where’s your mommy? From now on, our family can be together… ”

He treated the little girl like his own daughter and coaxed her gently. After she stopped crying, he gently wiped her tears away before carrying her out of the nursery and walking towards Tang Xiaowei’s room.

His right arm was injured by Huangfu Qiye. Although it was bandaged, it was still in pain. However, he did not care about it at all at the moment. He carried Xiaoai as if she was not injured at all.

When he reached the door, the bodyguard at the door opened it for him. He stood at the door with the child in his arms and looked inside.

Tang Xiaowei, who was in pain from all the milk, water, and swelling in the room, heard the sound of the door opening. She lifted her head and looked over. Upon taking a look, she saw a small figure in Su Jin’s arms. She immediately understood that this was her youngest daughter.

Ever since her youngest daughter was born, she had only seen her once before she was swapped out. It had been more than two months since she last saw her youngest daughter.

At the thought of this, her nose turned sour, and tears instantly welled up in her eyes.

In the next second, she ignored the fact that her body was weak and wanted to stand up and rush to the door to carry the child into her arms.

However, she had underestimated the drug Su Jin had gotten someone to drug her with. She had just stood up and had yet to move, but due to the lack of strength in her body, she lost her balance and fell to the ground in an instant.

Fortunately, there was a carpet on the ground. Otherwise, she would have definitely fallen in great pain.

She frowned slightly and wanted to get up, but she realized that she did not even have the strength to get up.

She bit her lips and sneered at herself.

Su Jin had seen the child fall after standing up in his arms. He immediately rushed over and placed the child on the big bed. Then, he could not care about the child anymore He hurriedly reached out and prepared to carry Tang Xiaowei in his arms. “Xiaowei, you’re still not moving around. Let me carry you to the bed and get some rest… ”

“Don’t touch me… ” Tang Xiaowei waved her hand against Su Jin’s arm, refusing to let him carry her.

The spot she hit happened to be the spot where Su Jin was injured by Huangfu Qiye’s gun last night.

Due to the pain, his entire body immediately stiffened, and his face instantly turned slightly pale

Although she was completely powerless due to the medication, she had used all her strength to hit him because she rejected him. However, he still felt the pain.

He fell to the ground beside her, but he did not give up. He reached out his hands and pulled her into his embrace despite the pain He lowered his head and whispered through gritted teeth, “Xiaowei, no matter how much you say or how much you reject me, I won’t let you go. If you want me to let you go, you’ll have to kill me! ”

“If I have the chance, I’ll kill you. ” Tang Xiaowei was suddenly hugged by him. She wanted to break free, but when she realized that she could not, she shouted angrily like a crazy person.

Su Jin wanted to say something, but at that moment, the little fella, who had been forgotten on the big bed, suddenly burst into tears when he heard the two of them arguing. “WAAA WAAA WAAA… ”

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