Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 133

Chapter 132: Teddy is fearless (12)

Huxiu’s animal form is a saber-toothed tiger, and he is not good at climbing trees.

But not being good at it doesn’t mean that they can’t climb. People in their tribe can basically climb trees.

After hearing what the people on the tree said, Hu Xiu climbed to the tree in twos and threes and looked into the distance.

The size of the dinosaurs is very different, the small ones are very small, and the big ones are very big.

Many sauropod dinosaurs have a body length of up to 20 meters.

Even if this kind of dinosaur eats plants, they will hide when they encounter this kind of dinosaur.

Such a Big Mac… If they are not careful, they will be trampled to death!

Fortunately, there are not many such dinosaurs. At the same time, because they eat too much, they often don’t stay in one place, and they always walk non-stop, which has little effect on them.

But now…

The dinosaur Hu Xiu saw was bigger than all the dinosaurs he had seen before!

The giant forest where their tribe is located, the trees there are the tallest around, not only that, the leaves of this giant tree also grow at the crown of the tree, and the straight trunk is underneath!

Because of this, many huge sauropod dinosaurs came and couldn’t eat the leaves of these giant trees.

Before that, their residence was always safe, but now… the huge dinosaur in front of you can actually eat the leaves of the giant tree!

It is so tall that those giant trees might be broken by it, and if it breaks into the giant forest…what will their tribe do?

What should the people in the tribe do?

After climbing down for a while, Hu Xiu jumped directly to the ground: “I want to return to the tribe!”

After he finished speaking, he turned into a beast shape and ran in the direction of the tribe.

When Huxiu went up to the tree to observe the situation, many members of the hunting team did the same thing.

They looked at each other and ran to the giant forest behind Hu Xiu.

The collection team has always been active near the giant forest, and most of them have family members there.

Faced with such danger, they all want to go back to their family.

Animals that run fast, all turn into animal forms and run back. Some people move slowly or are too small in animal form, so they can only rush back in human form.

However, no matter how fast they are, they are not as fast as that huge dinosaur.

When the dinosaur walked forward, it was overwhelming!

Most ordinary trees are just grass in front of them, and it is not worth letting them stay!

Only when it encounters a larger tree, it will stop and eat all the leaves on that tree, and this will not delay it for too long.

Its goal is very clear, which is the giant forest where the giant tiger tribe is located!

The giant forest is a big meal for it.

When Hu Xiu discovered this huge dinosaur, people from the tribe had already discovered it.

The earth trembled, as if it had encountered the wrath of a legendary beast **** who would break the earth.

Of course, this is not the anger of the beast god, this is… a big guy is coming towards them!

The few young men guarding the tribe hurriedly climbed the tree, and then they saw the huge dinosaur.

Yan Jing also saw it.

The original owner can climb trees. When those young adults climbed trees, he also climbed them.

He inspected it visually and found that the dinosaur that was coming here step by step was probably hundreds of meters long.

This dinosaur should have evolved-orcs in this world can grow bigger and stronger after absorbing the energy contained in this world, and of course dinosaurs can too.

But this is probably not a good thing for dinosaurs.

If they are too big, it will be more difficult for them to find a partner or food.

The dinosaur in front of me could never find a suitable partner. It is estimated that it would be harder to get enough to eat than other dinosaurs.

In addition, it will cause great damage to the world.

“Let’s leave quickly!” After seeing the huge dinosaur, the people guarding the tribe spoke without hesitation.

This dinosaur is too big, it’s still aimed at the giant forest. It’s better for them to hide away!

Plant-eating dinosaurs generally do not attack them actively, as long as they hide away, they will not be attacked.

“It’s too late.” Yan Jing sighed.

Recently, Huxiu has hunted a lot of prey, and because the weather is getting colder, the food that can be collected outside has become less, and the time for the collection team to go out to collect has also shortened.

The weather is not so good today, the wind is a bit strong, and they haven’t even set off yet.

Nowadays, everyone is in a mess, and many people plan to run when they take out their storage from their tree hole.

But at this moment…insects, dinosaurs, snakes…various animals rushed towards them.

The appearance of that huge dinosaur awakened all the animals in this land.

Before this big dinosaur came close, many animals, especially those living underground, had already begun to flee.

When the dinosaur got closer, other animals also fled.

When these animals ran away, many rushed into the giant forest.

Forget those herbivorous dinosaurs, they knocked over a few people at most when they fled. Those meat-eating dinosaurs… they don’t mind picking up a person.

And those snakes, insects, rats and ants… many of them are poisonous!

As soon as Yan Jing’s voice fell, he saw something rushing over.

People like them now have two choices. One is to be trapped and go together, that way… it’s just a few young and strong in the tribe, and most of the children and old people will be trampled or eaten.

There is also… guard their tribe and let these animals run away first.

The people in the tribe are all six gods and no masters, and Yan Jing said: “Let’s get together! Don’t get separated!”

When this kind of panic, everyone wants an idea.

And getting together is all right, everyone is getting together.

“The child is at the innermost, then the old man, and the young man is at the outermost… in a circle.” Yan Jing said again, mentally driving away a few dinosaurs who wanted to bite them.

He has been in this world for two months, his injuries have long since healed, and his strength has improved a lot. If it weren’t for this, the old and weak of this tribe might not survive this situation.

These people quickly formed a circle, and Yan Jing did not join in.

“Salt, you hide in!” The people guarding the tribe shouted to Yan Jing-Salt has never been out hunting, and is weaker than many people in the gathering team. They are afraid that he will be out of the circle.

Yan Jing said: “I’m okay… Go in that direction, and I will break.”

“Salt, are you crazy?” asked the person who had let Salt hide in the circle before.

He doesn’t really want to protect the salt, after all, salt is quite useless.

But salt is the patriarch’s companion. As the patriarch said before, don’t let the salt run around, lest the salt is in danger.

Yan Jing said: “I’m not crazy…”

He thought about it, and finally turned into a beast shape.

The giant poodle is a large dog, and the adult giant poodle basically has 60 or 70 catties, which is about the size of a wolf.

But Yan Jing is… he is conscientiously absorbing the energy in the air these days and has been working hard to evolve.

He has very strong mental power, eats and sleeps well every day, and has already begun to mend the world…

The growth of his strength became very fast after his injury was complete.

This also allowed him to evolve more than once.

His current animal shape was not smaller than Hu Xiu’s current animal shape, or even bigger.

The person who greeted Yanjing hiding behind him couldn’t say anything for a while.

Salt’s animal shape is so big…In contrast, he is the one who needs protection!

The only pity is that although the beast of Salt is large, it is not mighty, and it looks… mediocre lethality.

But even so, salt is the most powerful of them!

After seeing the animal form of salt, they were even more relieved.

No wonder the animals that ran away in a panic didn’t hit their side… I was afraid of salt!

The people in the tribe stared at Yan Jingze blankly, and after a while, they asked, “Salt…what are we going to do next?”

Yan Jing thought about it for a while and said: “Now running with those animals, it is easy to be rushed and injured. Let’s wait here for a while.” He wanted to let these people run slowly, but now the situation is getting worse and worse. .

Animals run by from time to time around, and many of these animals have the ability to kill them.

The people in the tribe were a little scared and did not escape obediently.

As time went by, the tremors of the earthquake became more and more severe, and the animals that escaped from their settlements became fewer and fewer, but many carcasses were left behind.

“Should we run away?” someone asked.

Yan Jing said: “You can run away, I will break it.”

When Yan Jing said this before, everyone thought he was joking.

But now Yan Jing said so… Those people responded and left obediently.

Yan Jing waited for them to leave, but walked in the direction of the giant dinosaur.

He wandered around the world for a long time.

But those worlds never let him take heart.

He doesn’t even pay attention to the lives of those in the world.

But this world is different.

There is tiger repair here.

He and Hu Xiu still have a home!

Yan Jing did not hope that this settlement would be destroyed!

In that case… he better be able to kill the dinosaur.

This sounds like a fantasy. Although his animal shape has become much larger, it is only a little bigger than Hu Xiu’s current animal shape. If he encounters that giant dinosaur, he may not even be able to bite the opponent’s skin.

But he has mental power.

He also thought about controlling a Tyrannosaurus rex, pretending to be his partner, and of course he can control this giant dinosaur now.

Dinosaurs have a very low IQ. Even if this giant dinosaur grows larger, its IQ is definitely not as good as that of an orc, so it is not difficult to control it. ’

Yan Jing ran towards the big dinosaur.

Hu Xiu hurried towards the place where the tribe was.

His mind is full of salt.

Salt has never participated in a hunt. He doesn’t understand anything. Now he has encountered such a dangerous thing… Will something happen to Salt?

And Hu Xiu’s worries reached its climax when he encountered some wildly fleeing animals on the road.

He is not afraid of these fleeing animals, but salt is different!

Salt’s human form is very weak, not to mention the animal form, the small one, if it is stepped on by someone else, it will be trampled to death!

Hu Xiu let out a roar from time to time, faster and faster.

Those who followed his hunting team gradually couldn’t keep up with him, and he was the only one who rushed forward quickly.

He didn’t know how long he had been running. Suddenly, he smelled the smell of people in the tribe!

Hu Xiu rushed in that direction and saw the people in the tribe.

The people in the tribe are gathering together and are running in one direction. There are old people and children in this group, so they walk very slowly… But there are so many people!

Is the salt in it?

Hu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief and approached them. As a result…

Among these people, there is no salt.

Hu Xiu’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

The people of the giant tiger tribe also saw Hu Xiu at this time, and shouted excitedly: “Patriarch!”

They are really scared!

Fortunately, they saw the patriarch… they were saved!

Everyone was happy when they saw their patriarch let out a roar, and then ran away.

“The patriarch seems very angry, what’s the matter?” someone asked puzzledly.

Another human said: “Is it because I didn’t see the salt?”

Everyone: “…” It’s definitely because of this!

Their patriarch didn’t know what was going on, they especially liked salt.

When he was in the tribe, he walked around holding animal-shaped salt all day long. He came out of the tree hole every morning, and his body was still full of salt.

They were all wondering, how could their patriarch have such a strong smell on his body.

The patriarch must be angry if he doesn’t see the salt now.

Wait, does the patriarch know that salt is so powerful?

Should I know?

By the way, salt is so powerful, why not go hunting?

They couldn’t figure out the reason after much deliberation, and simply didn’t want to think about it.

Especially… after a while, they met other people in the tribe!

These people are not like Tiger Xiu anymore. When they see their relatives, they all stop and start to inquire about the situation.


“What are you talking about? You said that the animal form of salt is bigger than the patriarch and protects you?”

“After the salt breaks?”

“Are you sure you have no dizziness?”

The old and weak in the tribe are sure they are not dazzled.

The slacker mother said even more: “I think the animal shape of salt should not be the long-haired dog we thought! It is another beast we have not seen before! It is so powerful and mighty!”

People who have seen a beast with Yan Jing before: “…”

The mother-in-law said that the animal form of salt was a beast they had never seen before, and they believed it, but… even if it became bigger, the animal form of salt was not at all mighty or powerful!

Everyone was talking, and suddenly they found…the earth didn’t tremble anymore.

“What’s the matter?” Someone was surprised and climbed up the tree to look.

At this sight, he was stunned: “I saw salt lying on the head of the giant dinosaur! Then the giant dinosaur dared not move!”

Another person who climbed the tree also said: “Yes, I also saw…that should be salt, right? His animal shape is really so big?!”

Those who could climb the tree went up to the tree one after another, and those who couldn’t climb the tree also went to a place that was not covered by a big tree and looked far away.

Then I saw a big brown-black hairy beast lying on the head of the dinosaur, and the dinosaur stood blankly.

After standing for a while, the dinosaur suddenly… fell to the ground.

It collapsed like a mountain, and the earth trembled. Many of them who hadn’t grasped the branches firmly were directly shook from the tree.

That giant dinosaur died?

If there is no accident, it should be killed by salt!

Salt is really… terrible, too powerful!

Everyone in the tribe has lingering fears.

Huchun was the first to speak: “Will he remember to hate me? I have beaten him before…” She was very scared now.

Another person also said: “I laughed at him.”

There is also humanity: “Before he exchanged meat with me, I gave a little bit.”

They regret it!

They knew that salt was so powerful, they must have treated salt well in the first place!

However, no matter how regretful they are, now this is the situation… they want to go back!

The food they store is in the tribe! There is also their tree hole, what they saved…

Everyone walked back, and even cheered up.

In addition to Hu Xiu in their tribe, there is another powerful salt. The life of the people in their tribe will definitely pass the better!

Primitive people generally don’t think too much, entangled with one another.

However, the people in the tribe saw Yan Jing “killing” the giant dinosaur from a distance, but Hu Xiu did not see it.

At that time, Hu Xiu just entered the giant forest.

The giant tree blocked his sight, and he was busy looking for salt, and he didn’t even care about the situation of the giant dinosaur.

There was a mess in their tribe, and the small house Salt built at the entrance of his cave had broken down. It was obviously trampled by the dinosaurs.

And the dinosaur died beside him, showing traces of being trampled on.

In addition to this dinosaur, there are many other dead animals in their tribe, and the strong smell of blood makes Hu Xiu a little uncomfortable.

The most important thing is… this will make him invisible to the smell of salt.

Salt… Will something happen?

Hu Xiu rummaged around the tribe, but did not find salt.

The earth stopped moving after a violent tremor, but Hu Xiu didn’t have time to take care of this… Where about the salt?

Why can’t he smell the salt?

Where is the salt?

“Xiu?” A voice sounded, and Hu Xiu turned his head and saw Yan running towards him, without clothes.

The salt is okay!

Hu Xiu was so happy that he could not tell, he hugged Yan Jingze, “Where have you been?”

“I didn’t go anywhere…” Yan Jing began to think about how to explain to Hu Xiu.

These days he was very degraded, and when he became a beast, he also became very small so that he could be cute to Tiger Xiu.

Then… he didn’t tell Hu Xiu about his strength growth and becoming very powerful.

Does Hu Xiu think he is not honest enough?

While Yan Jing was thinking about it, Hu Xiu heard some movement-the people in their tribe have returned!

“You are about to become a beast!” Hu Xiu hurriedly said, and found a piece of animal skins around his waist.

Yan Jingze: “…”

Yan Jing turned into a little Teddy with a “Wow”.

Hu Xiu held Yan Jing in his arms, and looked dissatisfiedly at the people in the tribe running here.

These people actually left the salt behind in a crisis!

Salt was okay and not injured, which meant that those people didn’t intentionally hurt Salt, but even so, Hu Xiu was still not happy.

When the people of the tribe returned to the tribe happily, they saw Hu Xiu’s face cold.

But they have no time to talk to Tiger Repair at the moment.

Everyone’s eyes fell on the puppy in Hu Xiu’s arms.

“Salt, you are too good!”

“Salt, how can you be so strong?”

“Salt, what exactly is your animal form?”

Everyone asked, and there were even women who said, “Salt, I just had a baby with you, would you like it?”

Hu Xiu was stunned.

He thought these people had dropped the salt and were angry, but these people… are all around the salt?

Also, why would anyone want to give birth to a child for salt?

These people gave him meat before and wanted to have a baby with him!

Yan Jing didn’t speak, and said “Wang”.

He didn’t know what he could say now.

He just has some clues… Thinking like this, Yan Jing licked Hu Xiu’s chest.

When everyone saw this scene, they all looked at Hu Xiu with envy.

The patriarch is worthy of being the patriarch, who can have such a powerful companion!

However, only the patriarch who received the beast god’s gift is worthy of salt!

“Patriarch, you have a good vision.”

“Patriarch, you are right! Salt is the best!”

“Patriarch, will you still be the patriarch in the future?”

Hu Xiu: “???” When he used to praise salt, these people didn’t take it seriously. Why do you suddenly talk to him like this now?

Someone asked him whether he would be a patriarch in the future…Do they want to be?

People in the tribe: They really didn’t want to be the patriarch, but…their tribe has always been the strongest person as the patriarch, and now…the strongest person seems to have become salt.

“What the **** is going on with you? And, how did you come back?” Hu Xiu asked. The giant dinosaur is walking here. It’s dangerous here. What are these people doing when they come back?

Wait, that giant dinosaur… why isn’t it moving?

Other people in the tribe didn’t understand why Hu Xiu asked them, but Hu Xiu asked them why they were coming back, but it made them think of something: “Yes, that giant dinosaur died… a lot of meat! Are we? Want to move it back?”

“Such a big dinosaur, have we finished eating?”

“It would be a pity if you can’t finish it!”

“Yeah, what a pity.”

“That giant dinosaur is dead?” Hu Xiu caught the point at this time and felt relieved.

After the tremor of the earthquake subsided, he had thought that the giant dinosaur might have died, but he was not sure.

Now he is relieved.

Even if the giant dinosaur comes, he is sure to escape with salt, but it is the best for him if the giant dinosaur does not come!

“Ah? Patriarch, don’t you know? That giant dinosaur was killed by salt.” Hu Chun said.

Hu Xiu looked at the little Teddy in his arms, suspecting Hu Chun was lying to him.

How could that huge dinosaur be killed by salt!

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