Love from the Male Protagonist’s Harem

Chapter 169

Chapter 166: God of Fortune (1)

She was a little dizzy, and the human soul was polluting the soul. This was her own choice, so that soon, she would no longer have to carry the shackles of the **** of blessing, in order to make herself a real **** of evil.


Whatever you do, you can’t go wrong.

The man seemed to be smiling, but without any sarcasm, “I found out on the Tiandu file and said that there is a **** of evil locked here… After the gods twilight, you are the only **** left.”

The only **** left…

so what.

“So, you shouldn’t stay here anymore. It’s time to go out and take a look at the outside world.” The man said briskly and touched her head.

Warm hands.

Let her be a little confused for a while.

“Do you still have believers?” The man quickly withdrew his hand and asked her. After a pause, she felt a little strange to ask. She thought about it, and simply changed her way of saying, “Or say… you Is there anything to worry about or care about outside?”


There is not one thing to worry about and care about.

The gods who had been imprisoned for hundreds of years felt embarrassed that they couldn’t do anything.

There is also the confusion of not knowing where to go.

No, it’s not nothing.

She wanted to tell this person that she had thousands of believers, and she used to have many, many believers—she didn’t have nothing.


It’s like a child, desperately talking about how powerful he is, as if only in this way can he be a little proud.

Even though, she can’t speak human language.

Even if, she knew, it was gone.

After all, she has been locked here for so many years. People who once believed in her have already turned into a story a hundred years ago.

Finally, she slowly squeezed the corners of her bright red clothes.

When she was the **** of blessing and misfortune, she liked white clothes.

In the legend of a hundred years ago, there was once a **** of good fortune in white clothes, and there was a **** of disaster in white clothes.

In the end, the white clothes changed into prisoners’ clothes. In the repeated punishments, the white clothes were stained with her hundred years of resentment and blood and tears, turning them into a deep red.

Every inch of blood on this dress is her hatred of the floating world.

Those who abandon the gods will be abandoned by the gods.

She viciously thought that one day, she would make the humans who forget her pay the price!

The man didn’t see her gloomy eyes, but he understood the embarrassment represented by her hand pinching the corner of her clothes.

She said, “If not, I will be your believer.”

——If you don’t have one, I will be your believer.

It’s like saying to a child who has lost the candy and is secretly angry with his clothes, if you don’t have one, I will be your candy.

She was stunned.

All the vicious thoughts disappeared for a while, and replaced by an indescribable feeling.

It felt soft and warm, making her a little uneasy, and some inexplicable expectations.

She said a lot, she listened, every word, listening hard, but in her mind, heart, and even blood, it seemed to be the same sentence–

Let me be your believer.

She was a little nervous, but she didn’t want that person to find that she was nervous. How could a powerful **** be nervous because of an extra believer? It’s too shameful-so I can only try to get back to my senses and listen to what this person is saying.

She heard her say again, “I really didn’t expect you to be so young, you are still a terrible evil god.”


After being locked in for six hundred years, her soul was chaotic and her body shrank. Now she looks like a weak child.

There is no threat.

“The dossier says that you created a plague and cursed children six hundred years ago…”

That person said a lot, and they were all things she had done as a **** of curse.

But the good things she has done are the springs she irrigates the dry fields, the land she shelters, the patients she rescued, and the land of Fuze.

Nothing was mentioned.

-God of curse?

she thinks.

Yes, she is a **** of curse.

This person, who knows all the bad things she has done, knows that she is a **** of curse, and said to be her believer?

She is not… a bad person, only bad people will believe in evil gods.

Is it just to comfort her? How is it possible?

How could there be such a person?

She thought, even if it was comforting, she didn’t want this person to believe in her.

“But I don’t believe it very much.” The man said suddenly, in a shallow voice, “I am your believer, but I don’t believe that you are a **** of evil as written in the book.”

She was stunned again, and for a while, she said to herself, “You… don’t believe it?”

She seemed to have forgotten her hoarse voice and completely incomprehensible language, just murmured and repeated, “How can you not believe it?”

Hundreds of years.

Everyone said she was wrong.

Therefore, she cursed them, she opened the twilight of the gods, and caused all the gods to die. She let the tyrant ascend to the throne and bring troubles to the world. She is the real **** of evil.

Therefore, it has been a long, long time, no one believes in her another identity.

She slowly raised her head to look at her. She wanted to see this person clearly. After a long, long time, the eyes blurred because of the darkness finally began to become clear.

What catches the eye is a girl wearing wooden clogs with round toes and lazy black hair tied up. She looks at her, her eyes are as bright as stars.

The corners of her lips were smiling, and the curvature of the lips seemed to condense all the sunshine and tenderness in this world.

……A particularly nice smile.

“I heard that you are still the **** of blessing.” The girl said, “the **** of misfortune can do bad things, but the **** of blessing can also do good things. Human historians always like to take things out of context. I’m used to it.”

She said she was the **** of good fortune.

But no one believed it.

She herself almost didn’t believe it.

“If no one believes that you are the **** of blessing, then be my **** of blessing.” The girl saw her expression and said, “I will believe you.”

“I teach you to speak human language, so you can tell me what you have done before.”

“If no one remembers, I will remember for you.”

“I will always remember.”

She actually couldn’t hear what she was saying, but she felt that the smile was bright and dazzling, like a beam of light.

It shone into the depths of a muddy, lonely soul.

It doesn’t matter if you remember it or not.

She… just wanted to stay by this person suddenly.

She had never met such a warm person.

She wanted to catch her.

——She also wanted to be like this person, smiling so beautifully and so beautifully.

If you become the **** of good fortune, you can.

“…I… haven’t been a **** of blessing for a long time.” She said in a bewildered voice, the pollution of human souls to the souls has not stopped, she suddenly panicked, and she was suddenly afraid that she would never go again. The soul is contaminated, can she still be the good fortune of this person?

She used God’s words to find excuses that this person could not understand, “I can’t do well, I…”

Strange, strange.

Obviously this person could not understand her, but she looked into her eyes, but she seemed to be able to see her heart.

She couldn’t go on. For the first time, she stammered, but promised, “I…”

“Aren’t you confident?” Xia Wushuang sat down and looked at her with her chin on. She blinked, “What are you afraid of, I won’t blame you anyway.”

“You are just my **** of good fortune now.” She said, “just as an intern, tell me your story, and I will make another cult… No, I will compile a booklet for people to read. After graduation, You will definitely become the **** of good fortune for many, many people, just like the one posted on the gate.”

System: “The one on the door is the door god.”

“…It is the **** of blessing. It will be the **** of blessing in the future.” Xia Wushuang ignored the system and said to the shrunken **** of curse, “you have to try to stick yourself to the door, you know?”

She nodded and quietly grabbed the corner of her clothes.

The darkness brought by the human soul disappeared, and the soul was pure and innocent. It seemed that she had become the original self again before she knew it.

Su Chan thought.

She is the **** of good fortune for her alone, and always has been.

If she is not there, then she is a **** of curse.

She should have done evil, and caused a misfortune.

Just because she is the only one who tells her, I will believe you.

Therefore, she is the only one who can receive her blessing and…love.

Su Chan slowly touched the Mogu flute, and some of the excited soul slowly calmed down.

She put away the map, lowered her eyelashes, looked at Gu Peijiu and others walking underneath, and chuckled lightly.

“…Gu Peijiu.”

She said the name softly, every word, enchanting and cold.

“Reunion after a long absence, I should naturally give you a big gift.”


As if to confirm what she thought, the next moment when she calmed her soul into a clothing charm, the sky trembled! !

The entire mountain range is shaking, as if there is something, ready to run out, damaging everything! The strange bird was roaring, the unknown beast was roaring, Xia Ge stepped on the ground lightly, the ghost and shadow started, and the whole body flew out like an arrow in the next moment!

For the first time, Xia Ge realized what it was like to walk into the air.

But the good times didn’t last long.

At first, Xia Ge still felt as light as a swallow, not cool, she could fall from one mountain to another mountain two kilometers away in a flash, almost flashing out afterimages, but just when she planned to go outside. when–

Suddenly the body couldn’t move.

Xia Ge: “???”

The next moment, a turn around, Xia Ge himself experienced what it means to be joyful and sorrowful.

She was taken by the soul of the town and ran away!

The direction is unknown, the purpose is unknown, and it’s not an exaggeration to take a ten-mile step.

“Hey hey hey… can’t play like this, hey-aren’t you my **** clothes?!”

The face hurt by the cold wind, Xia Ge was stunned when she started pulling her sleeves frantically, trying to take off her clothes. The consequence of the inconsistency between people and clothes was that she staggered along the way, and Xia Ge slipped and fell a big somersault.

“Where are you taking me? Hey! How do you take off this clothes! Little puppet, help!”

The system has nothing to do with oneself and hangs up high, and deeply said on the side: “The power that does not belong to oneself often also means that it is difficult to control.”

Xia Ge was running wild with her clothes, and for the first time she felt desperate and suffocating in her life: “So you **** talk about how to take it off?!”

System: “If Yimei is unwilling, you can’t take it off.”

After a pause, he added heartily: “After all, it is better than you.”

“No, aren’t you cheating?! This quest item! How can you not be obedient and wipe it!” Xia Ge: “This is strong buying and selling! I want to complain!!”

The system agrees, but the tone is not too big to watch the excitement: “Yeah, yeah, it’s too much, it’s too much. Sorry, the complaint channel was closed three years ago. I thought I told you.”

Xia Ge: “…” No, it never existed.

Staggering, Xia Ge was taken to a mountain by the soul of the town. After coming here, the control of the body was immediately returned.

Xia Ge, who had fallen several somersaults along the way, was blinded and lost his mind.

Where is this? What did Jin Hun bring her here?

She looked around. It was still the area of the basin. It was just different from the gravel everywhere when she first came from the river of time. It was barren. The land here was covered with tender grass. From a distance, the blue sky and green grass. , Lush and lush, looking far away, the first thing that catches the eye is the high upright cliff not far from the opposite side, the cliff is extremely smooth, like someone holding a sharp sword straight down from the sky.

The scenery is pretty good.

For some reason, Xia Ge looked at the cliff, vaguely familiar, she looked at it carefully and thought for a while.

This is……

Here, it’s a bit like the place of the mural on the ceiling of the ancestor’s tomb…?

Xia Ge struggled to recall. Three years later, the content of the mural was a bit unclear, but she still vaguely remembered that it was a mountain, and a woman who was suspected to be the ancestor of Lingxi once knelt in front of it, crying and confessing.

The second mural shows her standing on the top of the mountain, playing the flute.

Although I can’t remember it, that mountain seems to be this mountain.

For some reason, Xia Ge suddenly remembered that when Zhen Hun first met her, he said to her that he was a “guide”.

Could it be that… the so-called guide is to bring himself to the front of the mountain where the ancestor Lingxi once kneeled?

But what’s the meaning? You can’t bring yourself to sightseeing, right? Or is it that the mountain where the ancestors knelt wanted her disciple to kneel again? Not so ghostly, right?

After Xia Ge’s belly defamation, he began to look around, and found that there were so many high mountains on the Evil Mountain, only here was a smooth cliff.

She couldn’t help but start to think, the soul of the town claimed to be a guide, and it was said that someone tried to release the million evil spirits of the evil spirit mountain, and then brought herself to this mountain.

Is there anything to do with this?

Xia Ge thought about walking towards the cliff, but after not taking a few steps, she felt that something was wrong.

There is a soft and tender grass under the feet, and in some places in front, the grass creeps on the ground, vaguely traces of being stepped on.

Xia Ge paused, staring at the trace like a footprint for a while.

Some people are brilliant, but occasionally they still have to tap the ground to take advantage of their strength to fly, unless the clothing charm on their body is good at flying, or there are other magical weapons that can fly.

This is not the palm print of a beast, it is more like a footprint left by something with light work.

——Someone wants to release the millions of evil spirits from the evil spirit mountain.

——I am your guide.

Well, the trace of the suspect has been found.

Xia Ge looked at the cliff mountain in front of her, with a gleam in her hand, and the sickle returned to her hand. She was ready to be more cautious. Who knew that the moment when she held the sickle, the cloud pattern on the soul of the soul was slightly The light lit up, and in the next instant, dense cloud patterns instantly covered the surface of the sickle!

Xia Ge’s pupils shrank slightly, and an indescribable powerful feeling instantly irrigated from the sickle into the soul. On the dark sickle, the white clouds lined up with mysterious symbols, and the vaguely sharp aura radiated from the sickle. The terrible power is deep and restrained, and Xia Ge has a feeling that she is not holding a sickle, but a living **** of death.

Controlling the life and death of souls, standing at the highest point of life, despising everything… God.

As if with a light wave, you can borrow the power of the gods to split the icy mountains and set off huge waves, causing the stars to shift and the clouds to turn.

Start prompt of system machinery:

[Soul Soul·Return: Turn the host’s weapon into a part of Yimei, so that it can tear invisible ghosts while possessing powerful things that can attack the magic. 】

[This part of the power can be fully delegated to the host. 】

Only then did Xia Ge understand that this is the power to calm the soul.


She understood very well that she hadn’t been truly recognized by Zhen Hun. What Zhen Hun said at the beginning was just “help”, and the relationship between Senior Sister and Tianzhu Ling was essentially different.

Xia Ge actually didn’t know the relationship between Sister Sister and Tian Zhuling, but vaguely felt that it was a kind of close partnership, a kind of heart and soul without words.

The relationship between Yimei and people has always been that the strong dominate, and the weak are vassals.

Generally speaking, she can’t fight the soul-suppression and will naturally be controlled by the soul-suppression, but because she has reached a “help agreement” before, she can coexist peacefully.

All in all… Zhen Hun’s attitude towards her is probably—Although I “will not” control you, I will not be controlled by you. I can help you when necessary and protect you from death. It depends on the mood to go all out to fight for you.

Cold agreement relationship.

“It’s really unforgettable.” Xia Ge silently slandered inwardly, worrying about the previous promise of destroying the acquiescence of the soul of the soul to control himself to come to this place.

But the most urgent thing is to see what is going wrong here.

And… why doesn’t someone come in and the soul is not blocked?

Xia Ge couldn’t help but slander.

It’s weird to bully her. How can you wilt when you block an intruder?

As soon as the thought came out, the scythe in his hand flickered, the moiré on the blade disappeared, and the powerful force disappeared in an instant.

Xia Ge: “…”

Xia Ge: “???”

The system’s compassionate explanation: “In order to keep the heart alive, once you put on the charm, it will know what you think.”

Xia Ge: “…”

What kind of **** is it? The relationship between the plastic sisters is a shit. Is it not good to be Party A and Party B well? !

Xia Ge tried to maintain a reserved smile: “…Then why can’t I know its thoughts?”

The system is euphemistic: “Hasn’t its idea been expressed.”

Xia Ge glanced at the bald black sickle blankly.

Oh, I see.

So it probably just wanted to say–

Anyway, I will only bully you, so you can just clean up and do it alone, **** father.

Can’t help her infighting at such a critical time! !

Xia Ge thought of the somersault that was forced to bring over by the soul of the town before – falling somersault at a speed of ten miles, the sourness is no less than jumping off the fourteenth floor of the rooftop – it is really quite unforgettable. .

The soul of the town is as pitted as the system, and the identification is completed.

Forget it, isn’t it just to draw a pattern on the sickle? In the past, the master did not live as smart as anything, who is rare.

Xia Ge curled his mouth, held the sickle, continued to observe the direction of the footprint, and then cautiously came to the cliff.

There was nothing on the stone wall at first, and it was so smooth that Xia Ge felt it strange. She beat it with a sickle, and she knocked out several pits on the smooth stone wall.

System: “…Do you want to visit here again?”

Xia Ge was really serious: “It’s really smart, it’s a good idea.”

System: “…”

Of course Xia Ge did not intend to engrave anything to visit here. She felt that there must be something strange on the stone wall. The person’s footprints were in the direction of the stone wall. Naturally, he came here, and there was no sign of leaving. He could not. It just disappears inexplicably, unless–

Unless there is something on the cliff that she hasn’t seen.

It seemed to be responding to her witty speculation.


The sickle seemed to hit something different, dull, with a subtle touch.

Xia Ge paused slightly, not knowing why, and suddenly had an unknown premonition.

Facts proved that her hunch was right.


The violent explosion caused a loud noise, and the terrible heat rolled up the billowing airflow. There was no doubt that Xia Ge was blown into the air. The whole person rolled in embarrassment in mid-air, and then landed steadily. It’s a kilometer away.

Except for feeling the hot air of the explosion for a second at first, then there was no feeling anymore, Xia Ge touched his face and took a look at the gray in his hand. She raised her eyes and found that she was surrounded by complicated moirés. The moirés were floating and twisting, like a protective circle, the corners of the dark clothes fluttered, and the complex moiré symbols that appeared next to her would burst everything. Danger swallows the invisible.

That’s why she was safe and sound under such a violent explosion.

Xia Ge: “…Thanks.”

Of course, Zhen Hun will not reply.

But Xia Ge could vaguely feel that it seemed a bit proud.

It was an unspeakable mood, very subtle, two different souls, but they were held together by a strange bond.

Cannot communicate with words, but can talk with emotions.

Xia Ge, who was in a mood to talk, blankly put the arrogant guide who he met at the beginning and the now a little proud Yimei into the seat, no matter how he thought it was a bit contradictory.

In order to determine whether it was really ‘smart in heart”, Xia Ge decided to experiment.

Xia Ge patted the dust that didn’t exist on her body, and the dust wiped from her face naturally patted Zhenxun’s body.

Yes, very subtle, except for her face, the clothes on her body are really spotless.

It’s almost intentional.

What a stingy charm, what kind of vengeance to make her look gray, can it not be so cute.

“Thank you so much.” Xia Ge said pretentiously, “Thank you very much.”

I felt that ‘satisfaction” mood was gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Putting the ashes on others, the stingy calm soul really became angry.

Feeling that emotion, Xia Ge thought silently, it was really eloquent.

Then quickly played stupid: “Ah, I forgot to have ash on my hands!”

System: “…”

It’s said that you have a good heart, you are acting for the blind…

In short, the brilliant Xia Ge girl walked back from the place where she fell three somersaults all the way, nothing to mention.

Back to the original place, the originally smooth cliff had been blasted into a big hole by the previous explosion. The dust was flying and the dark corridor inside was also exposed.

Obviously the place where it exploded was the corner of the tunnel, not the main entrance of the passage.

What Xia Ge knocked with a sickle before was the mechanism that exploded, not the mechanism that opened the door. Then, the power is not small, and Xia Ge, who was blown a thousand meters away, touched her nose. If it wasn’t for her body, could she? Surviving, whether it is missing an arm or a leg after surviving, is really unknown.

But fortunately, it blew her away, instead of blowing up the mountain, only a hole was blown up. Think about it, this mountain is really strong.

She was as strong as she fell peacefully.

Xia Ge stared at the tunnel where the hole was broken.

She vaguely felt the excitement of Zhen Hun.

…It seems to be right here.

Xia Ge squeezed the sickle tightly and entered the tunnel. Who knew he hadn’t walked a few steps inside, the next moment, the whole mountain began to vibrate!

The mountain was shaking very violently, and Xia Ge could hardly stand on her feet without supporting the stone wall. At the same time, she clearly felt that Zhenhun’s original excitement became anxious!

Xia Ge’s pupils shrank slightly, what happened? !

She soon knew what had happened.


Howls of pain.

Xia Ge squeezed the sickle’s hand, his knuckles turned pale.

——This is an extremely familiar wailing, a long, long time ago, it made her die better than life.

That’s the howl of evil spirits!



After Xia Ge was blown up by the wrong mechanism.

The corridor in the cliff, the puppets in red cleverly arrived at the destination. At the end of the corridor is a circular stone hall. The floor of the stone hall is carved with a huge ancient gathering spirit formation. There is a small stone round table in the middle of the stone hall. The round table was engraved with a bright golden array, and a red talisman that seemed to have been soaked in blood was spinning quietly on it.

The ancient spirit gathering array absorbed the billowing spiritual energy from the mountains, and then poured it into the golden array on the round table. The golden array gleamed, the requisite spirit radiated, and the red talisman revolved, everything seemed to be stable.

The red puppet passed through the ancient spirit gathering array, came to the stone table, and reached out to touch the red talisman.

The brilliant golden light illuminates the puppet’s face. On the smooth puppet’s cheeks, as if being graffitied by the master, his mouth laughed big, brilliant, but his eyes were weeping.

It seems very happy, and it seems very sad, which makes people guess whether it is crying with joy or joy with sadness.

The puppet stretched out the hand of the wooden joint, and the moment his fingertips touched the red spell, it stopped.

The fingertips of the wood can’t feel the temperature of a minute.

Far away from the Evil Mountain Basin, Su Chan, who was sitting on a high mountain peak, played the flute like an electric shock, and the sound of the flute stopped abruptly.

The sound of the flute stopped, and the movement of the puppets who had lost their command stopped, like a doll whose clockwork had run out, motionless.


The sky is blue.

The thing that the puppet’s fingertips touched, there was that person’s… painstaking effort.

It’s the person who used to be hot, the beating heart.

It was repeated over and over again, entangled by her, and cherished the hard work of the people in my heart.

The corners of Su Chan’s lips bend a thin arc, and then the arc slowly flattened.

But what about people.

She looked at the bone flute in her hand.

Bone mourns.


In the sky, a few blazing mysterious birds hovered past and approached her. After feeling that it was not easy to provoke them, they quickly evacuated and searched for new targets.

You see, the beasts are so smart, they know that she is not easy to provoke.

Why… why bother to provoke her? After you provoke, you are… provoke to the end?

What is it to leave like this? A joke?

The next moment, the blazing mysterious bird that flew away in midair let out a scream, and then the whole body burst open. The blue sky exploded the scarlet blood mist, and it fluttered down with the black feathers, just like a day in the sky. A brilliant scarlet firework.

With red clothes like blood, Su Chuang lowered his eyes, and covered the last softness and unbearableness of his eyes. The flute sounded leisurely again, and the tearful puppet’s eyes changed, and the red talisman was suddenly torn apart!




The blue sky is gloomy, and the evil spirits who have lifted the seal are like prisoners in their cages who have seen the sky again, and they are extremely excited for a time!

They roared, cried, roared, angrily rushed out of the mountains that imprison them, rushed to the sky, and embraced freedom.

The people below panic.

“Did you hear anything?”

“Someone…someone is crying!”

“Who is crying?!”


Su Chuang received the bones of mourning, and the blood-stained Spring and Autumn changed her body, and she was again dressed in black. The outline of the girl’s face changed slightly, and she looked like Xia Ge!

“Xia Ge” twisted the red “Lovesickness”, the thin red silk shook with the wind, and the girl’s cat eyes faintly passed a ruthless smile.

She slowly tied “Acacia” to her black hair. Amidst the roar of the ghosts, Su Chan murmured, “It’s a good show, it’s about to begin.”

are you ready?

Amidst the mountains and forests, Gu Peijiu’s heart jumped slightly, a familiar breath emanated, her footsteps suddenly stopped, there was no expression on her face, but a faint trace of anxiety slipped through her eyes.

“What’s the matter, Senior Sister?” Lu Qi saw Gu Peijiu stop and asked curiously, “Why did you stop? Is there any danger ahead?”

The crying was getting closer and closer, and Gu Peijiu knew that the evil spirits of Evil Mountain had begun to show off.

The danger ahead is far away.

Gu Peijiu stopped, and many of the disciples who followed also stopped, looking at the backbone of the team anxiously, worried about the unexpected situation ahead.

Gu Peijiu paused for a while, then shook his head and continued walking forward, “It’s nothing.”

Maybe it’s an illusion.

Just for an instant, she felt the breath of…lovesickness.

But that kid has no reason to come here.

There is no reason for…

She clenched her hand slightly.

Do not come.

Ten million–

…After all, so afraid of ghosts.

I can cry.


The whole world seems to be surrounded by women’s crying, men’s weird laughter, and babies’ crying, which is confusing, and it seems to be in the ear, deafening.

Xia Ge instinctively covered her ears! !

It seemed that in an instant, the laws governing something suddenly shattered, and everything that was unknown was rushed out!


Xia Ge raised her head, and she saw golden light gleaming deep in the tunnel!

She covered her ears and rushed over without thinking about it!

For an instant, she seemed to be in harmony with the soul, she instinctively knew that the golden light at the end of the tunnel was the key to everything!


Like fungus and mushrooms growing out of the decaying wood, a ferocious head suddenly emerged from the stone wall, his face covered with blood, his eyes bursting, and sharp fangs slowly emerged from the stone wall. Then came the neck, shoulders, and pale arms, one by one, slowly pulled out from the rock wall!


At first glance, Xia Ge was shocked, and fear instinctively rushed into his heart. The pain and suffering he had experienced is vivid, but now it seems to be repeated—

It was this evil spirit that was too hideous, and it evoked the deepest dark memory of Xia Ge!

The endless suffering, the pain of piercing ten thousand arrows, the viciousness and despair that the evil spirit endured during his lifetime, repeated on her over and over again–

Xia Ge’s body was stiff, she took a sickle, subconsciously, instinctively, and took a small step back.

The calming soul on her body shone slightly, and a peaceful breath overflowed, gently and meticulously calming her fear.

Xia Ge’s trembling hands slowly subsided, and she took a breath, only to realize that this one seemed to be different from what she had seen before.

The ghosts she had seen before were mostly invisible ghosts. When she passed through her body, she would suffer the suffering of her life, and this one in front of her–

It can be materialized! !

The evil spirit was still coming out of the tunnel. Seeing Xia Ge retreating, his raised eyes rolled, and then grinned, showing a sharp tooth. With that terrible face, he formed a sullen smile. .

Xia Ge, whose emotions were stabilized by her soul, had a cold look, and her hand fell with a knife!

One fell swoop!

So fast!

At the last moment, the evil spirit had completely drilled out of the stone wall and dodged the knife. It grinned grimly, and its claws were torn away like the wind towards Xia Ge, Xia Ge dodged sideways!

The gust of wind makes a shadow, and the figure is like electricity!

One person and one ghost started a light contest, and Xia Ge was surprised to find that even with the help of her soul, she couldn’t get rid of this evil ghost!

His eyes suddenly turned into forest green beast pupils, but the naked eye couldn’t see the shadow of the opponent at all, and couldn’t observe it at all!

It’s just this dumbfounded effort for less than half a second–


The face of the evil spirit was right in front of him.

It has captured her speed and frequency, and kept it at the same rate as her, just like a cat playing with a mouse. It has been facing her, even showing a perverted and excited smile, with sharp teeth, black and squalid.

Xia Ge flung a sickle instinctively!

The pitch-black mortal blade is without lethality.

The evil spirit sneered, his left hand blocked the knife, his right hand was like electricity, and he pinched Xia Ge’s neck straight!



Xia Ge raised his head, and the claws all over Xia Ge’s neck were scratched with three thin blood marks on Xia Ge’s neck. The moment the claws were about to penetrate into his throat, the dark “Van Blade” was covered with mysterious and delicate clouds. The veins, the introverted aura erupted at the moment of encountering the evil spirit, and the blade instantly turned into a magic weapon that could slay everything, with only one blade!

Before the evil spirits had time to indulge in the wonderful taste of sharp claws breaking their throats and splashing blood, they were torn in half by the “mortal blade” when they were caught off guard!

The moiré patterns on the dark sickle spread and converged. The evil spirit seemed to think it was just an accident. Despite the extreme pain, he still felt that his shattered body could be pieced together at any time. It roared provocatively at Xia Ge, lower body. Also staggered away a few times.

However, it can only be so.

The evil spirit hadn’t been proud for a long time, and found out in a panic, his lower body began to disappear slowly.

Like weathered dust, but also like a purified soul, the power passed away, turning into a little bit of light, floating above the moiré of the sickle.

It was a strange feeling, the whole sickle was slightly hot, Xia Ge could feel the moiré panting, shaking, and very happy.

The power of the evil spirit weakens again, and the power of the sickle grows stronger.


It panicked, snarled and roared unwillingly and fearfully, its body jumped up and down, and finally, it could only meet death feebly.

And its power was swallowed by the calming cloud pattern in the end.

Xia Ge’s beast pupil gradually returned to its original appearance, and under scouting skills, he also understood why this ghost was so powerful.

This is an evil spirit with a lifespan of 600 years, devouring the flesh and blood of many people, so powerful that the soul becomes real, it is simply… more than dead.

Xia Ge touched the three thin scratches on his neck, only to feel a slight pain.

She went to the system store to buy three band-aids and put them on herself, and the moiré on the sickle slowly disappeared.

Xia Ge decided to treat her soul better.

After all, if it was not the last moment, she would have died.

For some reason, Xia Ge thought of what it said before.

-The weak have no right to speak.

Although it sounds a bit uncomfortable, but…

She touched her neck again, feeling that this was quite true.

No wonder Zhen Hun looked down on her, and in front of evil spirits who had been cultivated for hundreds of years, she was really not enough.

However, Xia Ge hadn’t rested yet, and rushed toward him a few evil spirits emerging from the rock wall!

Xia Ge sighed and picked up the sickle.

All the way to the end.

There is nothing beautiful at the end, it is a round hall made of stone. The arc-shaped dome is filled with three night pearls. The circular ground is outlined with traces of the formation. There is a small table in the middle, and there is also a small gold on the small table. The formation map, a piece of bright red talisman paper is pasted in the middle of the formation map——

No, it’s not a sheet, it’s a half sheet.

Except for only half of the red talisman on the table and a red puppet who collapsed under the round table, everything seemed normal.

In Xia Ge, she saw the piece of red rune paper that had been torn in half and now only had half of it. For a moment, she felt the emotion of calming the soul.

Xia Ge considered the sentence, “…So, the person who wanted to release the evil spirit succeeded?”

Zhen Hun can’t speak, even if it does, it is estimated that the bad mood will not bother him to answer Xia Ge’s idiot question.

Xia Ge cautiously stepped on the ground and walked over. The red puppets are obviously man-operated puppets-the soul can easily feel the breath of the soul and the taste of humans, but there is no soul, and it is manipulated by people. The puppet, obviously can easily blind its perception.

Xia Ge knows the instigator.

It is because of knowing that I feel even more unbelievable.

Su Zang.

Su Chan, Su Chan.

Xia Ge was chanting this name, and for the first time she felt that a person’s name could be pronounced so many times by her, full of resentment.

So, she did it anyway, just as she saw her burning the library in the river of time, letting out the ghosts of the Evil Mountain, Su Cang, she really did it.

The entanglement in the previous life Xia Ge didn’t want to control and couldn’t control it, but she couldn’t understand what kind of **** feelings it was to pull everyone into the water like this.

Having just fought those hundred-year-old evil spirits, Xia Ge could be sure that he couldn’t hold up even a single move without his soul control.

The cultivators are so, let alone the ordinary people without the power to bind chickens?

Xia Ge picked up the red-clothed puppet on the ground, pinched the corner of its clothes, and her finger bones were slightly blue and white.

The red dress was fluttering, like a wedding gown. After Xia Ge lifted the puppet, he met his face.

Xia Ge was stunned.

The owner of the puppet seems to be scribbling at random, and his mouth is a big arc of laughter, but he drew a pair of crying eyes.

Full of sadness.

Like an electric shock, Xia Ge let go.

Xia Ge was flustered without knowing why.

System: “…That face is so strange, crying and laughing, weeping with joy, right?”

——No, not crying with joy, but sad.

I don’t know why, Xia Ge felt that it was sad.

Full of tears, but still wanting to smile, smiling brightly.

She moved her lips, but in the end she didn’t refute the system.

Because she couldn’t think of Su Chan, who had successfully released millions of evil spirits, why did she draw this puppet with sad eyes.

The red puppet snapped to the ground and turned over, unintentionally opening his clothes, revealing the half of the talisman in his hand.

Xia Ge only noticed that the puppet’s right hand was against his chest.

And in his right hand, he squeezed the half of the red talisman tightly, and the red talisman stuck to his chest, looking extremely precious.

It’s like struggling.

It’s like the love that lasts till the end of the day and starts to be confused and at a loss.

She stood up and suddenly

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