Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 007: A Slice of The Galette

That awkward silence didn’t remain  for long - brother stepped up at the same time as slamming on the table to get everyone's attention before he vociferated in an incensed fashion. “What are you saying, you can’t give her such power, she’s just a little girl who can’t even remember to bring along her own books nevermind learn to run a company!”

“Arthur!” Mother shrieked out in warning to brother, causing the little boy to freeze up heretofore sit down quietly with a set of clenched fists.Though she did turn back to daddy. “But it is true that she’s rather young to learn such things…”

Meanwhile I found myself quite confused, after all as an adopted daughter, I would find myself lucky to even be supported without finding myself being sold off to some other family for gains later.

If I was particularly lucky - I may have my abilities recognised - allowing me to use my talents to help out those ‘true’ descendents as a servant. No matter how nice the Porshi family were; I would never have expected them to willingly give me an actual share of their wealth.

Yet even the complaints of Arthur (who would be the most infuriated as the heir being groomed) had more to do with my capabilities due to my age as well as his own childish chauvinism. Sister looked like she wanted to say something - yet had already been bribed into silence due to the desert being placed down in front of her.

“The boy is only a year older than her so that is hardly a concern, plus, the next olympics takes place in two years so there is little time to waste.” Daddy’s voice brought my attention back from him and away from Alexis’ now stuffed & crumb covered cheeks.

Soon mother raised her worries once more with an unsure look written clearly across her face. “It’s just something she picked up so how can you be sure she has talent or even finds it enjoyable enough to learn about guns and how to run a company all about it.. Not to mention it’ll be a lot of work to do both as compared to Arthur who only has to focus on the business side of things.”

“Hm… While it is certainly an issue about if it’s what she really wants,though,  I can assure you that talent is more than monstrous enough for it to hardly be considered hard work.” So daddy said with a rare smile on his face as he began to use his holopad once more.

In a matter of moments a hologram-formed screen appeared from above  - about halfway down the long table’s length - to begin to play the scene of my recent practice with my father’s gift. Silence once more filled the room (though this time with the mastication noises from my busy & obnoxious little sister) as the two raising complaints found themselves stifled.

“If one takes into account that the model gifted had a lower maximum velocity, even if we were to assume it has riffling, the precision would be far below tournament standard. Although she’s not up to gold medal winning level yet… I think she will be soon and so the junior competition I plan to apply for will be an easy victory on her record-”

From there he flicked to another document upon his holopad; bringing up what appeared to be a website for a children's competition with the age bracket making it generous to even call ‘junior. “-her opponents being under 12 years of age shouldn’t stand a chance. I’ve even heard that ‘Klaus’ brat will be showing up to take part in hopes of winning for the second year in a row to brag.”

“Lemmi beat ‘im!” I cheered out - arms up in the air - with an excited look that I didn’t even need to pretend to have. Afterall, there were few people I wanted to upset more than those in Vagen, so this was a perfect chance to upstage their young master with ease.

From my memories he should only be six or seven years old just like brother - although unlike brother and myself he would likely be attending school to show off rather than being groomed as a successor.

Despite how successful he ended up being in ‘the future’, he wasn’t an only child nor even the eldest child in the family, Klaus only got lucky in the fact he ended up joining the game. At first he was nothing special within or outside the family since he wasn’t born to the genius levels now possible in heirs. His only valuable feature was that he was a possible heir to a massive conglomerate family.

See, in the past, there was an issue of increased concentration of lead in the atmosphere thanks to the heavy use of leaded fuels. This ended up causing the population as a whole to slowly have lower intellect with each generation. That just being the start of the long term issues. Those with worries about their future generations did the exact thing anyone with power would do; use money in an attempt to solve all their problems.

Where else to put it but in the field of genetics?

Through that many children born from ‘rich backgrounds’ ended up being far more mentally developed than their physical ages would imply. As such it wasn’t that unusual to see a rich child focusing on studying business - rather than learning how to tell the time or basic mathematics.

Among those who shined, there would always be those to shine brighter, brother Arthur being a perfect example of a genius born to surpass even his peers. People would also assume this was the case for myself thanks to having him as a comparison; thus I didn’t need to worry as much about people being suspicious of me not being human.

Now to enjoy that galette at last.

“Dewicious~!” I squealed in full understanding of why Alexis had been successfully bribed.






<>Final Total: 67xp 1.5 =101xp<>

<>{class}.[Baby Gunslinger] Leveled Up: Baby Gunslinger Lvl 3 (31/338xp)<>

Just like that I hit the last shot, if only on the wing of the bird target, while remembering to not get over eager & forget the remaining ammunition in my revolver this time.

Spinning the revolver like in that cowboy movie we watched last night (after daddy taught me how to properly clean the gun); helping it land perfectly in the new holster at my waist. A cute little strawberry was imprinted on the side of the pink tinted leather - to ensure it was both proper yet girlish enough to appeal to a girl in my age range.

Still, upon seeing my score, I couldn’t help being slightly curious about the mechanics behind how much experience I got from the targets. More specifically; now that I’ve got Big B to inform me of the experience I get I can tell that the distance between me and the target seemingly isn’t relevant for what I get.

So how does [Ameliorating Gun (Talent)] work - afterall the greater the distance the better it would be for training.



<< Answer to {query}.[How does [Ameliorating Gun (Talent)] work] From
{user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

<< {user} Seems To Have Fundamental Misunderstanding About {skill}.[Ameliorating Gun (Talent)] As It Is Not A Skill That Rewards The User For Training But Instead For Practice >>

<< When This Seemingly Minute Difference In Terminology Is Put Into Application It Makes It So That If One Shoots At The Exact Same Target - Even Should It Be Pushing Your Capabilities Towards Greater Heights - One Will Get Diminishing Returns In Comparison To Firing A Lot Of Closer Targets Since It Focuses On Ensuring Your Foundation Is Solid Rather Than Pushing It Further >>

<< To Maximize Returns The {user} Must Keep Doing Exactly What They Are Doing While Mixing Up Precision & Speed Shooting From Now On >>



I see…This was enlightening yet I would need to ponder on it more later.

There was still a lot of work to be done - with my rather subpar accuracy when fanning the hammer to only achieve 67 ‘points’ total. Still, it was firing as fast as possible plus it wasn’t as if I was only firing at a single target, in that aspect it can be said to be impressive that I didn’t miss even if I only skimmed some.

Taking into consideration the age of those taking part in the tournament… This should be more than enough to win easily since my accuracy for precise shots should be close to being rounded to 100%.

I would need to actually look into how previous years (especially last year with Klaus) went - yet I assume this tournament was more of a gathering than actual competition since it was on invite. That being the case , there was no way I would lose, even if I took my time with each shot just like I did with my first three ever shots.

Although, I wasn’t firing at the targets at 6am just because I wanted to be ready for the tournament but instead to maximize my profits. By practicing with my gun daily, I would steadily rack up more & more levels, allowing me to become so strong no one player would be my match.

This wasn’t to say I would be untouchable; there were certainly many very strong npc’s that existed across the different immediately accessible & inaccessible worlds. As long as I knew my way around I wouldn’t need to worry about those as they would obviously follow the laws for the most part. Most would at least.

There would be some, for example those who followed the unholy path, who wouldn’t care for the laws yet they could essentially just be called event bosses since they always had some story behind them.

I shouldn’t be thinking about the game right now as I had a different boss to face; as if hearing my thoughts daddy walked over with my brother and called out to me. “Are you ready to head off to my office in the city - I’ll be taking you into a meeting with the board and I trust you'll stay awake throughout?”

“Of couwse!” I nodded in ebullience to his question.

At the moment I was dressed in something similar to a horse-rider attire - fitted with both a tailcoat as well as that unique style of female pants which were always seen on girls who were going riding. Obviously I didn’t intend to ride a horse to and from the city.

Daddy just nodded along - bringing us around to the front of the manor - in order to leave through a beautiful archway made from a plethora of flora. It went on for as far as I could see, thankfully a limousine from our company was already hovering on their blue-tinged repulsion tech, by a marble fountain that was used as a temporary parking spot for situations such as this. So we wouldn’t need to walk the entire way.

A varlet in full black finery bowed his head while opening the door - enabling us to enter the back of the limousine - since we were clearly too rich to drive ourselves when concerning business.

As usual, daddy didn’t say an extra word when unneeded while brother (who clearly well on his way in becoming a miniature version of daddy with mothers good looks) was no better. The elder of the two heading the the front end of the vehicle to sit down - just under the plate that would open up to allow vision into the front cabin.

This automobile had been fitted to be worked inside of there were tinted windows to avoid distractions with desks that would come out of the walls with ‘spaces’ for drinks & laptops. Of course, they were fitted for our company's own manufactured laptops. Whose would we be confident in using, if not our own?

Brother sat down on the left side of father; pressing a wall to get a ‘desk’ to slide out with a laptop already placed in its ‘slot’ for him to use. Meanwhile dad just lifted his knuckle to rap on the divider - without turning to look - though what it did was unknown to me.

“Now, I have some things to hand to you before we arrive.” Daddy suddenly exclaimed.

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