Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 016: Seven Days Later

No chapters next week; birtdhay


Taking a deep breath, I quickly tilted my head to let a tennis ball fly past, moving my left hand to aim towards the rabbit who was darting through the brush before confidently pulling the trigger.



I didn’t let myself get content as I took a step back just in time for another ball to buy enough time to pivot on my heel so it was only able to skim my clothing. In addition - I didn’t forget about my revolver - moving my right hand to pull back that hammer once more with an ever so satisfying *clink*. No time to remain idle as I aimed once more; not taking my time as I pulled the trigger toward a drone shaped target that was ‘hovering above’.





There was no break this time, as I quickly noticed a bird flying overhead using the blazing sun to unsuccessfully escape the corner of my eye, quickly fanning the hammer. Following through with another shot that rang through the forest. Unfortunately I only managed to hit the wing - thus not an actual mortal wound. Regardless I managed to deal a debilitating wound hence I managed a high score.

Just in time for me to hear the whirling of the ball behind my head; instantly lowering down in an attempt to dodge it yet still feeling it skid off the top of my scalp due to my mistake.

On top of that - my foot was caught due to the uneven ground & dangers hidden just below the green horizon. Falling forward while needing to use one arm to not only defend myself but try to reorient myself into a forward roll instead of ungracefully face planting. Thankfully I was quite successful in making my stumble appear more like a well timed combat dive into a roll.


All the more reason to make any more blunders though. Continuing to use my forward momentum to roll back onto my feet - jumping to the side in one fluid motion to precisely dodge another ball aiming directly for my chest. Turning my attention to what seemed like some kind of weasel to return the favour as it proceeded to peek its head up through the grass.




A lot could be said about my improvements in my bodily control, managing to shoot that weasel right through the heart despite the target being head on, as I rolled to the side. That made four shots so I only have two more to go however I couldn’t get caught up in my success as another ball came whizzing toward me once again.

Hopping backward let it fly barely past my chest before I turned my gaze to see another target in the distance - not bothering to play around as I just shot it right between the eyes.



One more.

Deciding to lower my profile by ducking (just in time as well) as one last ball tried to remove my head from my shoulders again. It was successful last time - so I can understand… It still annoys me a little to have a sore spot literally poked again.

I didn’t dwell on that though, tilting my head to see a target that looked something akin to a little human with equally little horns on its head, another small target keeking through the brush. An angry little bastard that wasn’t even 2 feet tall; a species that was famous even before LHO thus many could likely guess what it was. This was clearly a male imp due to the lack of spines across its vertebrae yet those around now would most likely not even know the difference.


That didn’t matter to me.



So the weakest demon collapsed before scattering into light like all the other targets.

<>Final Total: 147xp 1.5 =221xp<>

Soon after finishing up with my last shot, just long enough to ensure I wasn’t going to continue, the entirety of the forest around seemed to scatter into motes of light. When all that finally faded I found myself in a considerably colossal white ‘cube’ that had various moving parts along the walls & roof - from sensors & hard light projectors to the very tennis cannons that made my life a hell for the last 5 days.

It wasn’t all bad as I had found out a lot about myself during this time. Such as different small targets will increase my efficiency - with seemingly none of the demerits mentioned by Big B. Of course, there was not exactly any mention of when the lower efficiency would occur, yet I intended to milk such a discovery as much as I possibly could. There was also the fact that I was able to practise more than simply shooting at a stationary target with this revolutionary hardlight training facility.

“Test 005 complete; take a 5 minute break before reviewing our data again everyone and thank you again young miss Porshi!” Through a tannoy the rather elated voice echoed throughout this part of my underground facility. Marking an end to this practice session of mine.

Shortly afterward I holstered; the door opened up to reveal the branch head stood there nervously with a fresh towel in one hand and an expensive bottle of mineral water in the other. Having spent seven days watching me he seemed to have realised something about me - the fact that I wasn’t doing things from a childish interest nor adolescent intrigue. “Good job inside there, young master Furstin.”

A subtle difference in how he talked to me however it was certainly one I could approve of.

Immediately I reached up to grab the bottle of water - taking a gulp of water before - sprinkling my head with the chilling water before swapping that for the warm towel which I used to wipe myself down.

Finishing off by throwing that towel around my shoulders to slowly walk towards the door. Once more where some medical personnel came in. After a quick check on my forehead (as well as checking for any bruises that I may have received on my crash) seconds later I was back into the main complex.

“It’s been a week uncle, give me some numbers, where are we at for the different projects.” Although I told him that the Silver Knight project didn't stop me from keeping the pressure upon him as well as the team in charge of it. I also didn’t intend to invest my pocket money (pretty literally) in one new toy so had invested in a few other things that I saw some potential in.

Obviously there was the usual research into improving my bullets as well as my firearm but I also was invested in some things that would be considered a war crime if used against humans. Those who were on the projects could explain my grants as a kid trying to help with a man power shortage, a girl who was investing in her favourite hobby or a thoughtful child who wanted to help.

That wasn’t the case for the branch head and anyone could tell with a glance that he was obviously cautious while around me. Most who came across him - handing me the file that no doubt contained my answers - likely believed him just to be nervous around the ‘brat’ who could fire him. I could tell that wasn’t the case though; maybe it was when we first met however now he acted in a form that befitted morbid curiosity more than being on a tether.

As the only person who had the whole picture, however, the branch head clearly realised there was a startling connection between these projects. When one looked at them together; it showed the signs of someone who wanted to prepare for a brutal war of a grand scale. “The teams on firearm improvements have many ideas they are putting into practice and we are just waiting for the materials to come in before we begin seeing what works.”

“Well I’ll be the judge of that; ideally I want for our boys to make sure they won’t blow up on me or I may need to discuss a bit of reshuffling.” After saying that I took a swig of my water.

“I’ll make sure that I remind them nevertheless they are making significant milestones. As for those who were working on the Neoschluss Gas, they seem to have some small issues with the isotopes not properly binding as they envisioned but they have assured me that…” So we continued to talk shop - with him seemingly forgetting any nerves or reservations he had - making me quite pleased I had such an easily available yet competent resource as soon as I took over this branch.

I Honestly could see him making for a great secretary in the coming years but I’ll have to breach that topic after ascertaining what truly makes his loyalty tick.

“Everything looks good. Although, I have to ask, where has grandpa Thompson gone?” Turning my head back to hand him back the file (which he took with an obvious look of relief) before seemingly being startled at my ‘although’.

He was rather cute when one got to know him - like a hamster in front of a cat - constantly shivering with those grubby little hands huddling in front. Fortunately he quickly calmed down when it turned out to be a question about Thompson instead of something about his facility. “I believe he was sorting out the details for your latest competition; from what I’ve inferred it seems to be one with prospects of advancement so he took it upon himself to ensure all the details are perfect.”

“How exciting~.” So I said; alongside a bubbly bright smile that melted the hearts of those who were walking with us due to it corresponding with their five minute break.

They soon found themselves pushed aside as a rather messily brown haired man in a dishevelled lab coat barreled through to approach me. Soon a voice identical to that of the tannoy cascaded out to completely halt my steps - just so that I could keep up with him. “That was absolutely amazing as always, boss lady, as expected of someone looking to go gold. I can hardly compare you to our last tester!”

“Eh, ah, yes no problem at all mister!” Giving him my signature smile as well with hopes that he would be stunned enough that I could make a break for it. Unfortunately he wasn’t so easy of a target - as he held my now free hand while squatting down - seemingly forgetting he’s dealing with a literal child.

“With your suggestions to include those fantasy models into the rotation pool we have an even larger pool of targets which has greatly helped us; though having a professional take part is a huge extra benefit!”

I wonder how long until those working with Neoschluss need a test subject.

Still, with a big and cute smile, I tilted my head to let out a happy giggle at him calling me a professional due to definitely being worth the effort I was putting in. Even if talking to someone so hyperactive was exhausting -  being that energetic was supposed to be my job. I am the “bubbly girl”…

At the very least; I have made a lot of progress over the last week thanks to his revolutionary usage of a tech simply referred to as “hardlight”. Utilising light to develop temporary & artificial structures for a multitude of possible purposes. My proposal was of course training related. Surprisingly he was more excited about that then any of the prior utilisation such as to help with remote board meetings.

Well, I suppose, not that surprising.

What shocked me most about him is that he managed to make the entire test chamber that I was just inside of within 2 days. From there, each day has just been me suggesting adding new possible targets to help push the tech, the first day only being circular targets. Ironically it was also me that suggested firing projectiles at the user in hopes to improve their awareness.

There had been some issues with letting the machine handle physical to hardlight collisions, my guns not actually firing physical bullets, in addition to mapping the imaging to the moving targets. As such we were left with a few packs of tennis balls that our resident mad genius had picked up from the nearest sport-themed store.

With these two working for me… I was quite interested to see what I could accomplish.

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