Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 021: An Eye For Things

Today was the day I would finally achieve gold in front of the entire world… Once again; the Olympics wasn’t the only international competition, just the most famous, after all. Just glancing around my little Washington DC office showed that I had little to worry about. Across all the walls were countless accolades from the various contests from around the globe in addition to some PHD & masters.

I honestly had too many of both - I may need to make more offices to store them all at this point.

Although it had only been 2 years since I awoke in this body, there hadn’t really been much of a challenge as I hurriedly climbed up the professional sports ladder. The time gap between the locals, provincials, nationals & internationals was more than enough to improve my skills.

If I had to give my opinion; it was nothing short of disappointing at how easy it actually was to win all of these trophies. It was to the point that - not only did I win everything I took part in - I didn’t even have anyone close to being called my “enemy”. They were nowhere near my level. especially when the first year rolled over and I officially became six years old.

I wasn’t alone with that feeling as Alexis also experienced the woes of being so talented. Of course, in her case, it was within the martial arts scene rather than the firearm divisions. Second year she somehow managed to convince daddy to let her take part in the weapons-based tournament yet she still continued to blitz through.

At least it gave me more time to work towards other preparations - there was more than just practicing aiming that would show promise in the future - part of that being with my Silver-knight project.

This actually includes the fact that I’m officially working on a proposal to directly have our various subsidiaries of Porshi invest into LHO (both the game world & company). It would massively improve what I can do inside the game if I have the entire weight of Porshi behind me - not to mention it’ll likely give me a one up on Klaus if we keep this under the table for now. If I formulate this wrong, this could lead to daddy losing faith in me, it would be akin to throwing away a lot of what I’ve earned over these years.

Not to mention that I was still (very much) a growing girl.

Looking at my status kind of made it obvious why normal humans didn’t stand a chance; even when one considers that I’ll be going up against adults today onwards.



<< Displaying Information On {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

Name: Armor-Cordis Mantis/Porshi
Age: 7
Race: Dark Matter Spirit.{Mythical} ([REDACTED] + [REDACTED])
God/Pantheon: N/A
Element: Dark Matter.{-}
Level: 22 (45k131.6Pxp)
Status: Healthy
Inventory: 15/500

Class: Baby Gunslinger.{Baby} Lvl 50 (23.3M637.6Mxp)
Job 1: Adept Linguist.{Expert} Lvl 5 (2.3k3.4Mxp)
Job 2: Researcher Resident.{Adept} Lvl 12 (200531kxp)
Job 3: N/A

-[Baby’s Erste Schusswaffe].{Rare} (Unequipped):
Weapon Type: Revolver
Damage: 2
Projectile Speed: 120
Skill: [Baby Growth].{B} (When equipped the player gains a bonus of xp 1.5)
Bio: Even a prinzessin’s trash is a magd’s treasure,

Health Points: ERROR 404
Spirit Points:  410410

<< Average For Adult Human Is 5 With 7 For Some Athletes  >>

Vit: 2
Str: 2
Def: 2
Dex: 12 +50+12
Agi: 5
Int: 12 +15+12 

Remaining Attribute Points: 315

-[Ameliorating Gun (Talent)].{SSS}: Experience gained for Level & related Skills based on practice with Firearm type weapons
-[Dark Matter Body (Physique)].{Ex}: Mana Points along with Health Points converted into superior Spirit Points with the usual 10 modifier to both Vit & Int while body is made from [Dark Matter] Element although also makes physical exercise useless since there is no muscle.

-[Block Resistance Lvl 1 (178250xp)].{B}: Increases players' resistance against blocks in thought.
-[Expert Range Finder Lvl 2 (8931.1kxp)].{B}: Player gains information useful for their purpose.
-[Grandmaster Draft Lvl 3 (31.4M210Txp)].{B}: Allows the player to quickly ‘draft’ concepts they have thought up using any medium they have available  (eg. pen+paper, computer, chalk+blackboard).
-[Steady Hands Lvl 5 (198.2k4.5Pxp)].{A}: Will help the player keep steady hands no matter the situation.

-[Expert Incision Lvl 7 (209k27.8Yxp)].{B}: Grants the player the ability to expertly make an incision.
-[Copy Lvl 4 (57280kxp)].{C}: The player will instantly be able to remember any document they have read with some room for error..
-[Grammar Check Lvl 2 (191.1kxp)].{B}: Notifies the player of any major grammatical errors.
-[Grasp Soul Lvl 2 (262.9kxp)].{S}: Allows the player to directly interact with the soul.
-[Health Check Lvl 9 (18.2k99.5Mxp)].{D}: Player can check their “patients” bodily status.
-[Spell Check Lvl 5 (7624.2kxp)].{C}: Notifies the player of any obvious spelling errors.
-[Master Suture Lvl 5 (170M1.2Rxp)].{A}: Quickly stitch up given material with threads in addition to making threads from mana (or fitting substitute) as a plausible alternative.
-[Translate Lvl 5 (78396.7kxp)].{D}: Roughly translates text.



Even if I always knew I was a genius, it is certainly nice to see it being formerly noted down.

These numbers are really ridiculously large and I’m not even in the game.



<< Suggest {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] Doesn’t Get Attached >>



What is that meant to mean?

*sigh*, never mind, I can guess what your answer would be.”

Moving on.

Who actually measures anything, non-theoretically, in the peta (10 to the power of 15) scale? Not even mentioning yotta which is the largest I’ve seen. Leveling may be hard yet one can clearly see how much progress I’ve made. Not to mention the obvious gains I managed to make in deciding two of the ‘routes’ I have embarked on; leaving me with only one more job slot to consider carefully… Or try to convince mother and daddy to let me play with chemistry.

As anyone can see, though, all the skills I have gained during this time have essentially all been what one would refer to as “non-combat” type abilities. A simpler person would argue that it would be more important to gain as many combat skills as possible; thus allowing me to be able to become a metaphorical (and maybe literal) tyrant as far as other players are concerned. Especially now when I am the only one who can actually do such.

I believe that is very short sighted to the point of stupidity.

One can’t solidify their rule through the usage of power alone - this isn’t even bringing up the fact that I am only one person so cannot be everywhere - so I would actually consider the opposite true. When the game comes out, everyone will be vying for more strength so my time will be far more limited if I wish to secure my place at the top.

As such, it only makes sense that I should focus on the more time consuming process of leveling up my skills & classes that won’t advance in such a situation, I should make sure I have options. It will be far easier to keep a lead when it comes to non-combat classes afterall; my intelligence isn’t that high for nothing. In fact I would be able to suppress my enemies and build a monopoly.

Although it may seem that linguists & medical researchers aren’t very important… That is an absolutely stupid thought to have. Especially since there are many different forms of ‘language’ which includes the various programming languages I found - not to mention I won’t need to worry about silly little things like “morality” & “the law” when I get into LHO.

There is no doubt in my mind that I will find a way to utilize these classes in order to make my position within the player base as important to them as a foundation for a building.

Plus it wasn’t as if I wasn’t gaining increased combat potential; one just needs to look at my stats in addition to the 315 points I can still invest. At this point I am no longer a superhuman - I may as well be a demigod who has descended upon this planet to make her name known. My dexterity is so high that I cannot even begin to compare it to any creature on this planet. Until I enter LHO there will be no need to worry about falling behind.

There is the issue of my other physical stats being quite a bit lower than I would have preferred, that made sense though, I was still a child after all.

Enough about that though - it was approaching the time to see how hard it is to achieve gold.



“Well that was easy yet this is hard & boring!” So Alexis complained, not that I could disagree with her, as we both had several gold medals hanging off our necks. Although for me that was actually quite difficult since I wasn’t a monkey girl like she was. I did not have the physical strength to sustain this much metal so was forced to use my hands to cradle them.

Every time I see those medals freely jangle around her neck I can’t help growl in anger

Both of us stood side by side in the closing event - in the middle of a grandstadium with tens of thousands of people cheering from all around. Some famous guy that I didn’t know (likely meaning he wouldn’t be with us for long) was giving a long winded speech about how amazing everything was and the usual malarkey. Thankfully he at least made sure to mention us two being the youngest people, let alone girls, to earn gold in addition to being the youngest to participate in this farce.

I had won gold in the standard target shooting event, clay pigeon shooting and the quicker shooter event with each being exactly as I imagined they would be. Meanwhile Alexis had won gold in the mixed martial arts & mixed weapon event.

Of course, this proves that I’m better than her as I won gold in three events while she only managed two.

“Grrr I’ll complain and make them add another event!” She said due to clearly being unwilling to accept my superiority as the older sister; just like the foolish little girl I knew her to be.

“Don’t be petty plus money can not fix ever-” Just as I was about to teach her a valuable lesson, the world itself seemed to decrease in definition, my vision becoming covered in a blood-like haze. The center of my forehead even began to ache. Before I could make sense of all this my mind got pulled to Alexis I could hardly make out due to the decrease in visual quality.

Abruptly I saw a bullet (my dexterity indeed being fast enough to see bullets mid-flight even if my agility is too low to actually do anything about it) fly towards her. Being who I was, it was easy to understand the bullet being from the barrel of a sniper rifle, I knew fine well there was nothing that could save her. As expected it instantly passed through her skin although resulting in an explosion of golden light rather than the crimson I expected.

Perhaps it was due to my entire world already being bathed in blood?

I didn’t know about that which actually made sense since I didn’t know what to do with this unyielding rage at this sight!

My vision soon returned to normal (although I felt something warm & sticky flow down my forehead) seeing a completely unharmed if shocked Alexis. Her eyes seemingly focused on my forehead however I didn’t care what she was looking at. Deciding to dive onto her in hopes to knock her aside while reaching into my inventory since I knew I had nowhere near enough strength nor weight to push her far enough.

If I was tricked and that was all just an illusion it would just become the scene of a child playing with her little sister - the consequences were far greater if I didn’t act.

Thankfully my genius was well documented; I had already prepared for these kinds of situations even if I wasn’t expecting them. My dexterity being so high I managed to quickly activate a hardlight shield generator that I currently had in development. It couldn’t even be classified as being in beta yet I had to hope that I & my team were just as good as I believed they were.

Turning my head I indeed found a bullet arriving towards us so I activated the alabaster ball which I seemingly pulled out from a rift in space. Activating it just in time to catch the bullet - a good thing as well since it pretty much flickered off soon after it caught the bullet before flickering a few more times… I really should use those spell & grammar check skills more often.

There were screams all around and I even saw a monochrome butterfly fluttering about as the sound of the gun caught up to its bullet. Surprisingly there was a second gunshot - thought it didn’t sound like any modern firearm that I had ever heard.

“Why have you got a th-” She cut herself off before cradling my head into her - as if to hide my face from the crowd - but I felt it more important to review my… My?

I would need to- too… light… headed…

Black… blood… why?

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