Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 028: The Frux Situation

“In the end my birthday bash went quite swimmingly; I may need to treat myself by inviting some of ‘the finer things in life’ under my quilts in order to help me keep it warm.” Licking my lips at the thoughts of eating up some beautiful high quality girls. It hasn’t been difficult for me to gain a long list of “contacts” who will happily get on their hands & knees or let me get on my own. A lot I do not need to pay for however I certainly 



<< {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] Is Being Creepy >>



“Well it is a good thing I do not care about your [REDACTED] so shush.” So I said while scrolling through a list of pictures on my holopad as I walked through the hallways of our Atlantic facing beach house. Of course these were images of the sweet lillies I had been collecting over this last year of fun before things got hectic with the release of LHO. Many of them had such cute faces as they either stood proudly or with vacuous expressions as they blue bubbles with fluids from our fun.

I was currently even on my way to daddies office to discuss that very matter (or one linked to it) as we decided to try to hedge our bets by trying to gain connections with Frux. Already I have shared my knowledge of the future with this new family of mine so mother, daddy & brother had already begun their own preparations. While also helping some of my actions to be ‘overlooked’ by the wider community.

It would look bad for business if they learned about some of the projects I have not only approved but even succeeded in.

Sadly one of those is not the silver knight project.

Regardless of that, we made the obvious choice, no matter what happened we would become enemies of whatever powerbase Klaus and those of Vagen managed to build. At the same time we are aware Frux also will not be seeing eye to eye when the future events come to take place. It only made sense to seek them out as possible allies; with our advanced knowledge we could perhaps make them indebted or even do more than simply make an ally.

That was precisely what today's meeting was all about; daddy had apparently received some news on our attempts to make such a connection with the completely independent island. As for how we were planning to make that connection? Well, the most obvious way, we would just have to send people to join.

Unfortunately no amount of money & lobbying could help us get into such an academy - a task made more difficult by the lack of any sort of school history from both brother and the other one. On the other hand I was obviously overqualified (as ironic as that is) due to already having more doctorates than I do gold medals from the olympics. Daddies' supposed joke about my medals was very much not a joke.

Regardless, there was not absolutely zero chance of getting in, we were still trying our luck with brother’s business acumen & sister’s martial arts achievements.

Uncle Thompson had already made me fully aware that we did receive a correspondence from the island city state nevertheless I had no idea whether it was something to celebrate or rue. Sister had already achieved a similar success to me, after all, which left my brother having the highest chance of getting in…

Although that was actually preferred over Alicia.

It would be a dreadful turn of events if I was unable to meet my future woman (Jesse Harper) due to being too good for the best school in this world. Truly my genius is both a blessing as well as a cruel curse for which I have to bear. Still I will make her mine whether she ends up desiring my body or I take her in as a briefly unwilling participant of my love making.

Just a matter of time… I have tried finding her before however I cannot obtain any information about a girl that matches her description within the Americas. Not that I am particularly surprised by that - there is a lot which will change about the world and the people within it. If I cannot find her now I just need to await our fated mission within one of the worlds available in Love Heart Online.

“Hm~ what are you looking at nerd?” My excitement about finally procuring a chance meeting with my dearly beloved was cut short by the impertinent voice of my little sister. She practically jumped on my back to look at the holo in front of her; quickly scrunching her face up in distaste despite the splendour.

Quickly fumbling to get her own out before she practically shoved various photos of men, although none were as sexual as mine, moments before clicking on a folder called “dick pics”. Now being my turn to show disgust as I saw an endless series of male genitals being shoved into my face. “Look, look, don’t these look way more tasty than any of those silly women!.”

She was even about to click on a gallery called “my money shots” if I didn’t subtly use my gifts to cause the screen to distort before turning off completely. A result that got her to quickly pout. Despite having grown older… Well she had not gone through much metaphysical character growth to say the least.

Not to mention her bust being barely existent and non-existent in the public's mind due to always being compared to me. I have a lot to be proud of with my body definitely being one of those things - a large pair of breasts as well as butt did wonders for gaining attention. Only accentuated by my slender waist in addition to my body being very well toned thanks to constantly working out… Well, really, just because I desired my body to match my lifestyle so as to not raise any unneeded questions but I certainly did not plan to be quite so voluptuous.

“I have no interest in men; maybe if you showed me a pack of rock hard she-bulls I would care yet you’ll never convince me to appreciate a man.” I had more than enough to deal with men horny men  having their way with me during my last life. Plus it wasn’t as if I was even attracted to men during that life - I just so happened to be beautiful enough to lust after.

Alicia obviously couldn’t care less about all that, though, as she quickly crossed her arms over her average at best chest. “I don’t get the difference between riding a man and a few dozen women who just so happen to have a penis dangling between their legs! It's not even like you are shy about how many you bring over at once; you go through partners like toilet paper you lose hypocrite!”

It was certainly true that I lived by a “more the merrier” policy when it came to women but which young master didn’t like enjoying in excess?

“Well I just can’t get behind a male doing it, no deeper meaning, I would not be able to get in the mood if I had to look back at a guy.” To annoy her a little I turned around to press my chest against her far more meagre one - a twitch occurring under that designer skirt of hers. Not that I cared about that or the fact she seemed like she was about to blow an artery with how much I was obviously teasing her.

Compared to her dress I was far more casual - wearing a pair of jean shorts that I paired with a white top that hid essentially none of my curves. Why would I ever bother hiding them? There is no doubt that my body is a work of art thus I can hardly hide it away from the world. I never hid away during my last life and I had no intentions to do so during this one.

Even if there was a disconnect between what I showed.

If I wasn’t family there is no doubt she would have already begun swinging; sadly even she had a set of principles for who was punch-worthy. I was half tempted to tease her more yet we really had to be going if we wanted to avoid being grounded over our nonsense.

We were both seventeen, the party being several months late, with a lot of independence due to even her having some passive income outside our parents. At the same time we knew not to push our luck. Parents were entities unimpeded by logic thus we would be begging for trouble if we dared cause trouble during such an important time.

She also seemingly caught on so just snorted when I turned to head down the corridor toward daddies room where we ran into brother. Compared to me and Alicia (who some may struggle to connect with how we looked especially with my now black hair on all but the tips) he really did just look like a grown up version of how he did before. Just like a cross between daddy & mother’s best points.

He glanced at the grumpy Alicia, raising a brow, before nodding towards both of us as he opened the door and headed in with us soon following behind him. Even now he wasn’t much of a talker. Preferring to only speak when his input was required rather than making pointless small talk like Klaus’s group loved to do.

Entering we were welcomed by the glorious and unaging Porshi patriarch (our father) who was sitting down at a desk waiting for us to line up in front of him. This wasn’t the first time we’ve had this kind of informal meeting so we did just that - wasting no time going on either side of brother. Partly because he was the other head… And partly to stop our bickering according to daddy.

“Hm… You’re all here, that’s good, well lets get to the point…” After saying that short piece he threw opened (previously sealed) documents onto the desk in front of him. Letting the paper spill out to reveal that it was indeed from the academy/city/nation of Flux that we were trying to ‘invade’. “Surprisingly you were all accepted into their fold so you will need to prepare to head off to the island as soon as possible since we aren’t aware of when exactly that game will come out.”

I could already feel their glares but chose to ignore them.

“Although for Armor it is a little different; they want you to be a professor.”

Now that is unexpected.

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