Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 26: America – Land of Main-Character Syndrome

Well - looking at the holoscreen that showed both the code & various charts extrapolated from the performance of the holo light-shield - the results were not very promising.

I was a little glad that the issue wasn’t fully due to me not checking that my work was up to standard, however at the same time it made things more problematic to fix. There were still some small errors in the code that I discovered due to combing through it. That was all they were though; small little mistakes that just proved I should really utilise my checking-based skills more.

From what I managed to pull out of the charts, as well as opening it up with what I learned through surgery procedures, the entire thing was basically a mess. I thought the worst case scenario would be the power source was not able to keep up with what was needed. Certainly a tough situation to be in but not one I cannot think of a few situations to solve.

It would not be easy but there would be some fixes like reducing the portability a bit by increasing the size to incorporate something a little higher grade. Otherwise I could make something akin to a backpack to make it easier to carry around - at least for my paramilitary group.

Unfortunately that hope of portability was completely hopeless for now; a realisation which got me to just the holopad & useless ball across the room.

“Maybe I should just release some Neoschluss gas on this shitty country…” A not terrible idea I voiced out was met by one of my various guards clearing their throat from behind their helmet. Our parents saw it fit that we buff up security around all of them, which included myself, in hopes to prevent any more risks.

As such I had been watched around the clock by a group of heavily armoured individuals who had been equipped with the best gear I can supply. This included high-tech rifles that had blue lines that hummed with electricity with a matte black finish upon the body; those puppies easily being able to shoot through an entire block to hit their target.

Best part was the limited damage in entry as well as exit - of course they also needed a fitting scope to go with that ability. Just some simple electronic sensory pulse sight. Their armour was also not any less advanced as they were top of the line as far as power armour went (just one step below being mech if I was being humble) with a fine plastic chassis that had a polygonal structure just like their weapons.

After last night I finally convinced my mother to let me out of the hospital room; I was still located in the hospital but they had at least offered me some unused office on the top floor.

It was actually the commander of the group who interrupted me as I sat at the desk facing the window due to liking a view as I worked. To denote his rank, he had red stripes on his chest piece with every extra stripe essentially meaning one rank higher, a simple system I liked. Additionally they also had the logo of their particular squad upon the helmet; specially they had a bob-cat making them bob-cat squad.

Reason for putting it on the helmet & chest?

If you lose those armour parts you have already lost your life so not really much point in bothering identifying the particulars.

He crouched down to retrieve the two items I had chucked behind myself - also resulting in him shoving off the 4 stripes upon his chest. Heading over to me furthermore he began to speak up. “Boss, we haven’t sweeped the room for bugs, please treat any information as being classified in case we have some people who do not care about risking their lives.”

Not that he was the only person who spoke up.

“I thought she would be feeling better after a night out.”

“You know the boss, she is feeling way better, else she would have thrown that out the window.”

“Think you mean she would throw it at the window and it would bounce back at her.”

“Her physical abilities do not exactly match up with her mental or shooting abilities…”

Even if mother & daddy planned to use these people to keep me under watch, clearly, they had overlooked one very obvious fact. I very much meant “I can supply”. These elite paramilitaries were from Furstin thus their payslip technically came from my pocket not daddy or mother’s. That also meant they were more aware of my goings on; even as brilliant as I was it was best not to risk hiding 24/7.

Especially when these paramilitaries were the ones watching over the sites where I had my various instruments of war in development. Many of those instruments end in their hands. Although they hadn’t said anything about it - they likely had a good idea where I went when they let me leave. Especially in the manner that I left.

This team was also the one I brought with me when I first took part in a tournament; they did such a good job tackling that kid that I just had to bring them to America.

“Well you should have checked, captains, afterall I am currently looking into one of our more important items to try to discover the problems with it!” So I complained with an exaggerated sigh; aggressively taking the two devices back from the captain. “Where is that overzealous scientist?”

From what I understood - the wires meant to deliver power had been completely overloaded to the point steam came out when I opened it up - it likely broke due to its compact size. My previously believed “worst case” was also seemingly true from the black box data. This meant that the portability point could be thrown out the window despite how useful it could have been for me. I may be able to incorporate it into the Silver Knight project, though… I couldn’t be sure.

It annoyed me now but at the end of the day I was not an engineer. I had a lot of understanding nevertheless I could hardly compare to people who had gone through all the unnecessary training like that excitable labrat. He seemed so eager when I woke up however I had been unable to find him ever since he got kicked out of my room.

“... He got kicked out, boss…”

That made me tilt my head in confusion. Turning to the armoured helm of the captain. “I know he got kicked out of the hospital but he can’t have just vanished from the city.”

“No… He apparently didn’t get his visa or bring any identification so he got deported back to Germany as soon as he stepped outside of the hospital. America has this massive focus on having their civs constantly identify themselves and our… Friendly doctor didn’t take too kindly to it.” Even without his face visible I could tell he was feeling extremely nervous and for good reason as well.

I was pissed.

“I’m leaving.” Saying so, voice absolutely calm as if to not reveal any of my inner turmoil, I stood up from the table while throwing what I had in my hands into a shopping bag I used to bring them earlier. My guards were surprised at my sudden exclamation. Quickly following behind me as I went towards the elevator that relied on some simple vacuum tube technology.

What they were surprised at was that I clicked the button for the vehicle garage on floor 25th instead of where my room was supposed to be. Captain of course being the one to voice his confusion. “Boss, I think you accidentally pressed the wrong button. your room is on the 42nd floor if you forgot.”

“I told you I’m leaving, I don’t mean the office, I mean from this godforsaken country!” Stopping my little foot on the ground while beginning to gnash my teeth together - a set of actions that got my guards to tense up within their power-armour. Looking amongst themselves due to clearly not knowing how to deal with my tantrum but I didn’t care about that.

Looking in the mirror upon the roof of the elevator revealed my cute little face with a pair of bright pink eyes that scrunched up cutely due to my anger.

A picture that got me to calm down slightly. Turning my gaze, instead, down to my little palms that I could not help inspecting as if to find some trace of blood dying  them. Yet I found nothing. Thinking about how easy it was to take a life with these little pairs of hands - how I felt no regret at taking away a person from this mortal coil - I felt… Not an ounce of shame nor anything that could be called ‘bad’.

The only thing I felt is the same immense satisfaction that could easily make ending someone's existence more addicting than any drug I was made to traffic during my last life. I was never hesitant about using death to further my goals - my first kill was on that fat bastard which was followed up shortly after by my own pathetic end.

This was different though.

“B-boss?” That frightened, questioning, tone brought me from my musing to look toward the mirror adorned ceiling once more. I found myself quite surprised with what I saw - I thought I was better at keeping my expression but I suppose some of my mommy had indeed rubbed off on me.

Readjusting my expression only took a second and with that I looked back toward my guards with a far calmer mind than before. “It is overly suspicious that a police force just so happened to run into one particular man, connected to us directly as an employee, as soon as he left our preview. To me it stinks as they were trying to find some dirt they can use to try to get themselves out of trouble only to find themselves with a bigger problem due to the massive breach that happened last night in the FBI.”

“So they decided to try to avoid making another enemy by using his lack of paper as the issue and send him off with a pat on the back…” Thankfully it seemed that I did not waste my money on idiots.

They were also smart enough to not mention their thoughts on who caused the supposed “massive breach” that happened to the Americans last night. As such, I began to continue, a mocking smirk appearing on my cute face. “This country - as can be seen from briefly looking at their history and actions within it - has always had some form of main-character syndrome. Having the obviously false notion ingrained in them from young that as long as something benefits them it is ‘for the greater good’ even when they kill hundreds of thousands of on foreign soil for some sticky black fluid.”

Lifting my hands in a shrug.

“There is nothing this country can even offer us since I trust my own doctors more than the quacks who said ‘everything looks normal’ when looking at my lack of a heart.” Getting somewhat of a chuckle from the guards who followed behind me. Having access to top-grade medical equipment allowed me to understand that my body was more akin to a balloon made to look like a human than a human.

“Let’s just get to the car… I’ll call mother & daddy to convince them to bring me to a German hospital at the very least.” Plus I should move up the proposal of project “new world” with the supernatural all but confirmed in this world.

Plus I have some interesting ideas for my newest findings…

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