Love The Psycho

Chapter 124: Story of the cat and the mouse 5

Josh Saint looked at Mai as she walked away never taking his eyes off her. She was clearly arrogant but why did he find her so sexy just now? Her arrogance was so suave and elegant.

''Ali, you heard her, right? Let the kitchen prepare everything that psycho needs and deliver it to her room. Remove the shackles and apply medicine to her bruises''. Lorca said while removing his phone to make a call.


Mai sat on the bed and threw the envelope on the bed. The picture fell down and she bent down to take it and saw the shackles and hissed angrily. Her screamed could be heard outside the hall but since everyone was used to her, no one paid attention to her.

Outside the door, Ali waited till the scream died down before knocking on the door. He didn't hear any response and opened the door and saw Mai unbuttoning her blouse and he quickly turned away apologising ''I'm sorry Miss. I didn't know you were changing just now''.

Mai smiled and left her button, it was the first two upper ones she undid so she left them like that and sat on the bed saying ''don't worry, I know you won't look at me even if I were to naked myself. What do you want, Ali?''

''Miss, the big boss asked me to attend to your bruises and also remove the shackles so that you can prepare for your task''. Ali said still with his back turned.

''Okay, you can come and do your thing. Don't mind me''. Mai said and Ali turned slowly and walked to her. He put the first aid kit down and removed the keys kneeling in front of Mai. Mai watched him interestingly as he unlocked the lock and carefully removed the shackles while been careful to not come in contact with her skin.

Mai's gaze softened and her lips curved into a subtle smile.

Ali finished removing the shackles on her feet and lifted his eyes and met with Mai's deep brownish eyes. He was startled for a moment because he didn't expect that Mai would be looking at him. They stared into each other's eyes before he quickly looked away and started to unlock the shackles on her hands. His actions showed he was shy and not used to been stared at but Mai didn't care about his feelings. She was one person that would never look away once she gets curious about something. Ali was her subject of interest at that moment. Without caring about their surroundings and image, Mai blurted out.

''Do you want to sleep with me?''

Her voice was next to him, close to his ears and the way she spoke was very seductive but to Ali it was like been thrown into fire. His body started sweating and he hiccupped.

''If you don't want to then don't'' Mai said again nonchalantly and leaned back to lay flat on the bed and as she did, her upper body that was let lose because of the buttons she undid shifted a bit exposing her cleavage. Mai laid flat on the bed and closed her eyes.

Ali's hands shook as he pushed the shackles away and opened the first aid box. He removed the disinfectant and ointment and looked at Mai. Her chest rose up and down as she breathed in and out. Ali looked away not wanting to think of any wild thoughts. He didn't deserve someone like the Miss and he knew it. besides, Lorca would kill him if he came to find out that he was a spy planted by the Miss' mother to look after and take care of the Miss in secret.

He knelt down and started disinfecting Mai's bruised legs that were as a result of the shackles and her constant movement. As Ali did that, his heart hurt for the state of the Miss. She was a bright kid who followed her parents around. That time, he was one of her mother's people. It was the Miss' mother who saved him when he almost starved to death in his village and she brought him to her place. She would talk and boast about her daughter anytime she came to bring him food and clothes and he wanted to meet her. Only that he didn't meet her earlier and only got to know her the time she was captured by Lorca's men. He was there in the house that day Lorca brought his men. He had first captured the Miss' parents and he was lucky to have escaped but later on when the Miss arrived he had wanted to save her but found out he was locked up in the room by the Miss parents.

When the Miss first arrived, she had called for her parents and he had heard her and spoke to her while standing by the locked door. He had told her everything that happened and had warned her to run away, but she had refused back then and angrily kicked the door but after trying for so long she couldn't and had to blast the door in order to bring him out. He was 16 years then and the Miss was 13 years too.

After she saved him, they picked some things they would need and planned to escape but Lorca came back with 100 of his men and tried to capture the young Miss.

That night was a memorable night he could never forget because it was the night the Miss killed 50 of the men right in front of him. She had pushed him into the laboratory and locked it before fighting with the men outside. She fought and killed those men brutally and even he was scared by what he saw. The Miss who was fighting looked like a different person. She took no mercy on the men and stabbed them. But at the end, she couldn't hold on any longer after Lorca sneaked behind her and injected something into her shoulder. He and the Miss were brought the Lorca's place since then and he had stayed by the Miss' side.

Mai felt that the room had turned silently and spoke ''are you done, Ali?''

''Yes, miss. You have to sit up so that I can attend to your hands''. Ali said standing up. Mai sighed and sat up on the bed stretching her hands towards him. Ali bent down and looked at her hands before disinfecting them.

''Do you think they are even still alive by now? My parents?'' Mai suddenly asked.

''I don't know, Miss. No one can tell what Lorca does or thinks. But, he wouldn't kill them, right? He is your uncle after all?'' Ali said.

''You are so innocent and naïve, our Ali. No wonder my mother adorned you''. Mai said and chuckled.

''You are the one she adorned the most, Miss''. Ali replied.

''She thought of you as her son. I always told her I wouldn't acknowledge you as my brother if she ever brought you home''. Mai said.

''Why? Did you hate me then for sharing some of the love your mother had for you?'' Ali asked.

''No, that wasn't because of that. When she showed me your picture I thought you were handsome and didn't want you to be my adopted brother because I wanted to sleep with you''. Mai said with a smirk. She was flirting with him again.

''I am not worthy to be admired by you, Miss''. Ali said as he put the cotton stick away.

''Why? You are handsome. I don't have a type, you know. As long as the man is handsome and cute, I am in for the ride''. Mai said adding ''and if is someone my parents adore, even better''.

''Miss, I am not worthy of you and I only see you as a sibling. I would never dare to see you otherwise''. Ali said as he opened the ointment container.

''Really? Is a shame then. I would have loved to sleep with you, but is alright''. Mai said.

''Miss, is dangerous. The task Lorca gave you this time. Is different from the other ones you have done before''. Ali said worriedly.

''I know, and I also know that it is not just my last assignment but also my last chance of survival''. Mai told him.

''Then, why did you accept to do it? I did some research on the man you are supposed to kill a while ago. he is a dangerous man, Miss. He is a rich man who has a lot of power not just in D-City alone but almost in the whole Country B. He has connections with the City's military base and government officials. He is the heir and son of five generations of the Saint Group''. Ali said in one breathe.

''Wowww, looks like you really did your homework, Ali. As expected. You are the only one who cares about me in this whole house'". Mai said.

''I am serious Miss. You might die before you even get to touch his hair''. Ali added.

''I know, but you know Lorca, right? He is only using this assignment as disguise. Truth is that, even if I get to kill this man, Lorca won't let me off that easily. The men he asked to go with me are just cover ups. In reality, those men will only be there to kill me after I am done with the assignment''. Mai said.

''Miss, you know all that and you're still going along with him?'' Ali asked as he closed the lid of the ointment container and sat on the floor.

''Which one is better, Ali. Dying under Lorca's hands or been caught by a powerful man? I think the latter is better. At least been caught by the powerful man, my death will be justified but with Lorca's men. You know they hate me right? Especially his second in command. He really wants me death because of what I did to his men that year''.

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