Love The Psycho

Chapter 127: The mouse is coming for the cat 2

"Really? Then, I have you to thank. Continue to take care of me in the future''. Lorca said feeling happy.

As they were chatting happily the head of security ran into the hall panting with sweat saying ''Big boss, there is trouble''. The man said.

''What is wrong?'' Lorca asked.

''Big boss, you should see things for yourself''. The man said and Lorca stood up and followed him.

Security room.

Lorca's face changed from cheerfulness to terror as he watched the footage. Many of his men were lined up presumably dead. Mandy Myers frowned as she looked at the footage. Towards the end of the footage they saw Maijune waving her hand at them and saying something. Lorca shakenly pressed the volume to amplify the voice and heard her saying ''Uncle, this is a welcome gift from me. Do you like it? Your face must be priceless right now. Is a shame I don't get to see it''.

Lorca banged his fist on the table and screamed ''send 50 men out and catch that psycho. How dare she come here?''

''Yes, sir''. The captain said and went out.

Mandy Myers pointed at the screen saying in a broken tone ''did your niece kill all those men?''

''Yes, she is in the house right now. I need to catch her. first, I will get my men to send you somewhere safe''.

'She is really a psychopath. How did that tiny girl kill all those people?'' Mandy Myers said. She still couldn't believe it. ''She shouldn't be out in the world. She should be in the prison''

''That is not August Maijune right there. that is one of the personalities. The dangerous one I talked about'' Lorca said unsure of his own words. He wasn't really sure which one of the characters they were dealing with at the moment.

''Wait, if that is one of the dangerous characters, shouldn't you call the police? Wait, I will call the governor to bring some men here'' Mandy Myers said nervously.

''No, it will complicate things. I am the one she wants. She doesn't know you are in this house. First, I will have my men to send you to a safe place. Let me handle this, okay?'' Lorca said.

''Whatever, I don't want to come face to face with that monster anyway''


Maijune sat on the roof watching the men running around searching for her. She smirked and looked at the explosive in her hand and started counting the number of men coming out ''5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 18, 20 and 30. 30 + the other 30 people that will be 60. Interesting''.

Maijune jumped down from the roof and stood in front of them smiling. She waved her hand at them saying ''hello, long time no see''.

The captain who recognised Maijune couldn't believe his eyes and called her name ''August Maijune?''

''Oh, so, you remember me? Then, for the sake of old times sake, why don't you move back? I really don't want to hurt you''. Maijune said with her hands crossed behind her. she was hiding the explosive.

''You…I am going to kill you today. Catch that bitch''. The captain roared and the men rushed towards Maijune. Maijune threw the explosive at them and jumped holding unto a robe she had tied earlier on and the explosive exploded killing most of the men and leaving some wounded. The captain who didn't run along was shocked and looked at Maijune as she sat on the rooftop again.

''Tsk, tsk, tsk. I told you didn't I? You should really learn to listen to people''. Maijune said.

More men ran out when the heard the sound of the explosive and the captain pointed at the rooftop saying ''get her down here right now''.

Maijune laughed and stood up as the men started climbing the roof one by one and she jumped down running away joyously.

Meanwhile inside.

When Mandy Myers heard the sound of the explosive she hid under the table together with the two men and the ladies. She really wasn't used to such danger. She looked at Lorca with displeased saying ''look at what is happening outside? One would think we are having a third world war here. How did you train your men? They can't even fight against a mere girl''.

"I promise to keep you safe. Don't come out of this room, Ma'am. This room is bullet proofed and she won't be able to get inside here. My men will soon catch her. I will personally kill her in front of you''.

''If you hadn't gone to provoke her, all of this wouldn't have happened. I bet she regained her memories after seeing you. That is why you shouldn't have done anything?''

Mandy Myers continued to blame and berate Lorca making him displeased. He picked his phone and made a call to the captain saying ''why haven't you still got that psycho? I don't care whether she is carrying explosives of bombs, I want you to catch her. Call the gang at the South to get here immediately and some men should block all the roads and not let her escape. They can all go and drown if they are not able to bring that monster in front of me within the next 30 minutes''. Lorca finished and hung up angrily.


The captain was now infuriated as he looked at the number of dead men in front of him. He was gnashing his teeth angrily when more men came into the compound in their truck cars. The men got down from the trucks and ran to him.

''Remember that psycho from 7 years ago? She had reappeared. I want her dead or alive. She must not leave this place or escape''. The Captain said.

''Yes, captain''. The men responded and started dispersing to look for Maijune.

Meanwhile, Maijune was already inside the house and seated at the laboratory. She opened the shelves bringing out all the materials and powders in the bottles. She was going to make a bomb and blow up the house.

She worked her way out swiftly and immediately finished making the bomb she desired. Afterwards, she planted one in the laboratory and went out. By the time one of the thugs saw the dead guard in front of the laboratory, Maijune was long gone.

After successfully planting six bombs in six rooms including their security room it was left with Lorca's room which she knew he was hiding there but there wasn't much she could do since it was a bulletproof room. Maijune walked out of the security room and saw five men running towards her. the also saw her and shouted ''she is the one, don't lose her. She is running south''.

''Oops'' Maijune laughed and started running.

Maijune jumped over the wall to the outside and realised she was being surrounded by 10 men. The men looked at Maijune and grinned. They have finally gotten the bitch.

''Little girl, why don't you stop playing now and surrender to us, now? Are you done playing yet?'' One of the men said to Maijune.

Maijune looked at them, studying them. She looked at their foot and studied them carefully. Then she looked at their hands and the way they moved their bodies. Normally, when people are ready to fight, one could easily know their next step by studying their hands and legs. The whole body moved along with the hands and the feet.

Maijune studied them and tried to cage their weak spots. The man who spoke first lounged forward and Maijune bent down and quickly turned giving him a back kick hitting straight at his spinal cord and he fell and fainted. When the other men showed that they rushed forwards to gang up on her but because she studied them and knew their movements, it didn't take less than 2 minutes for Maijune to finish them before she ran towards the motorbike she rode there.

Maijune rode the bike crazily on the road like a mad man while the men gave chase in their trucks. The road was especially quiet since it was an underworld coveted area, so one came out during the night time.

Maijune rode towards the D-City's police station. She had an aim and that was to deliver those thugs to the police. It will make the headlines and at the same time make Lorca realise not to mess with her. Her goal tonight wasn't to kill him but to scare him. After taking down more than half of his men, he was bound to go crazy.

She had spent two nights, going in and out of the house secretly to know the details and module of the house. This was the third day and she had promised Aaron Saint she would be back on the third day. She was racing against time now.

Maijune saw the rode blocked ahead of her and knew they were Lorca's men who had blocked the road in order to catch her, but they were really underestimating her. Maijune smirked and she rode nearer them. The men both behind her and in front of her thought she would definitely stop now she was blocked and had no way out. Only that they didn't know the girl was beyond crazy and was capable of anything.

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