Love The Psycho

Chapter 177: AI Alice Vs August Maijune 15

A month soon past by quickly and the University entrance exams was fast approaching. Professor Adia aka Miss Nimoh still tutored August Maijune and Julieta. She had the patience to also answer all the questions that they asked her.

What August Maijune didn't know was that during the one month of being with Miss Nimoh, the latter had come to know of all her personalities except for Mai and had even gauged the times they appeared, the triggers that brought them, their moods and significant difference.

On the last day of their classes together, Miss Nimoh intentionally came earlier than scheduled to have a chat with her before Julieta or any one came. She was here to trigger the appearance of the volatile personality that hadn't appeared throughout her time with August Maijune.

It was still early when Mai opened her eyes and found herself inside their bedroom. She frowned and murmured ''why did I suddenly come back?'' she said and sat up. she found the space beside her empty and saw a note Aaron Saint had left for her and read it. she smiled and went into to do her business. She took her bath and went to the hall.

Mai saw the breakfast that Aaron Saint had prepared for her and smiled. She pulled out the chair and sat down to eat. She rolled the black blouse sleeves before she opened the breakfast and ate heartily.

Mai went into the library to check what she had missed and indeed it was much more than she had expected. There were a lot of books to be read and a lot of post-it notes inside the books, obviously left by Maijune and June about how they couldn't solve some of the chemistry potential exam questions.

Mai sighed and sat down ready to solve all the left over exercises and difficult questions that her sisters couldn't do. she was consumed with the work that she forgot to pick her phone from the kitchen table. She was on the last question when the pen in her hand fell down. Mai bent down to pick it and heard the phone ringing nonstop. Mai picked the pen and placed it back on the table before she left to go and answer the call.

Mai took the phone and saw the name and realised that was the teacher. She didn't answer but instead when straight to the door to open it.

Miss Nimoh placed her phone back when she heard the sound of the door opening. She looked up with a smile but her body stiffened the moment she saw Mai. Her gut feeling coupled with her expertise told her this was the one she had always wanted to meet. She had met August Maijune, Maijune and June but this was the first time she was meeting Mai. Though technically, they looked the same but they had different auras and that was what she felt right now. The overbearing and dangerous aura that emitted from Mai's gaze made her body stiffen but she remained her poised demeanour and put up a straight face.

''Miss Maijune, good morning'' Miss Nimoh said.

''Come in'' Mai said and waited for the former to go in before she closed the door. ''You are early today'' Mai asked as they reached the hall.

''Yes. Today is our last day. Next week will be the start of your exams, so I figured I should come earlier than schedule so that if you had any questions, we can solve them together'' Miss Nimoh said and smiled.

''Water or juice?'' Mai asked straight away puzzling Miss Nimoh.

''Pardon?'' Miss Nimoh asked confused.

''I mean what would you take? Water or juice?'' Mai asked again and looked at her face.

''The usual'' Miss Nimoh answered and looked at Mai, meeting her eyes. Mai smiled and nodded her head saying.

'Sure'' Mai squirted her eyes and looked at her amusingly before going to get her a glass of water. Miss Nimoh turned and watched Mai as she poured the water she removed from the fridge into a glass. It seemed like they were both guarded against each other subconsciously.

Miss Nimoh looked at Mai, never taking her eyes off her as she poured the water into the glass. It was like she was watching and making sure that the former wouldn't drug her or put something inside the glass of water.

''Your glass of water'' Mai said and handed the glass to her after getting to her.

''Thank you'' Miss Nimoh said.

''I will be in the library. I forgot to do the assignment you gave us yesterday, I was just doing it when you came'' Mai said and walked slowly back to the library. When she was out of sight Professor Adia put her hand into her bag and touched the small bottle she brought in case anything was to happen. It was a bottle of liquid that could make one lose consciousness for 3-4 hours.

Mai sat on her chair and watched as Miss Nimoh walked inside. Miss Nimoh placed her bag closely by her side as she stood in front of Mai and asked.

'Where don't you understand? I can explain it for you?''

''The last time, you asked me and Julieta what we thought of people with DID and the possibility of a DID person having an AI as a clone? I am really interested in knowing your findings'' Mai said remembering the first question that Miss Nimoh asked Maijune that day of their first meeting.

''Didn't we conclude that it was best to leave that to those in that field to solve their own problems?'' Miss Nimoh said pretentiously.

''Miss Nimoh, I was really curious about your views on AIs with DID disorder. I recently stumbled upon some piece of news about some AI called AI Alice. Have you heard about her before?'' Mai asked and looked at Miss Nimoh innocently.

''Well, I am not really one who follows the news regularly, so I don't think I have heard about it before. Let's just concentrate on our main business for the day'' Miss Nimoh said suddenly feeling nervously. She leaned closer to Mai and casted her eyes down at the under of the table. She saw the camera still blinking and calmed down. Mai couldn't have seen it if not, she wouldn't remain so calm.

With that thought in mind, Miss Nimoh relaxed her body and dropped the small bottle that was clutched unto her hand in the bag down.

''I didn't understand the topic about quantum physics that you last spoke about'' Mai said and opened the book Physics book on the table.

''Quantum Physics simply explains how everything works, it is also one of the best description humans can have of the nature of the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they interact. It is also a fundamental theory in physics that defines the physical properties of nature at small scales. The study of matter and energy at its fundamental level. Energy comes in indivisible packets called quanta and behave differently to macroscopic matter in which particles can behave like waves and waves behave as though they are particles''

Mai smiled and looked at Miss Nimoh as she talked about quantum physics. It was good she knew and had a lot of knowledge in it because she was going to use the knowledge against her sooner than she could imagine.

''Miss Maijune, do you understand the relevance of quantum physics in our daily lives?'' Miss Nimoh asked and Mai nodded her head with a smile.

''Mis Nimoh, do you know my favourite example of the existence of quantum physics?'' Mai asked.

''Huh? You have a favourite example of the existence of quantum physics?'' Miss Nimoh asked quite surprised.

''A rather interesting one by Max Planck''

''But, Max Planck has more than one proof of the existence of quantum physics?''

''Yes, I know but among them I personally love the one he used the toaster to prove quantum hypothesis''

''That's really a rather interesting one there. Care to share with me?'' Miss Nimoh asked and Mai stood up from the chair. She leaned her body against the table turning her back to Miss Nimoh as she spoke.

''The red glow of heating elements as you toast a slice of bread is very familiar, right? Even though Max Planck explained it well using different examples, I sometimes think that I relate more to the toaster than any of the rest. You see the toaster; it only hurts you when you touch it while is hot. We know it will hurt when we touch it, but we still do. Why? Because we are curious to the extent that we forget of the danger lurking behind the scenes'' Mai spoke solemnly, because her back was facing Professor Adia, she couldn't tell the kind of emotions that were in Mai's eyes but still, the chilling sound of her solemn voice was enough to make her wonder just what her eyes looked like at that moment.

''Miss Maijune is really eloquent'' she told Mai.

''Should I tell you a story, Miss Nimoh?'' Mai asked.

''What kind of story?''

''A story about the cat and the mouse'' Mai answered.

''A cat and a mouse? Aren't they like mortal enemies?''

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