Love The Psycho

Chapter 79: Why is your face so red when your fever is down already?

Time seemed to have stopped for August Maijune the moment Aaron Saint touched her face. Her whole body stiffened and she blushed even more making her red turner redder.

Aaron Saint who was unaware of his effect on the girl became worried thinking she was running a fever again. He sighed.

Aaron Saint bit his lips worriedly and picked the towel again about to wipe her face and August Maijune spoke ''please don't, I'm fine'".

Aaron Saint looked at her worriedly saying ''why is your face so red when your fever is down?''

''Can you move away from me? You're too close for comfort''. August Maijune said.

Aaron Saint noticed he was sitting on the bed closer to her and stood up. He put the towel down and turned back to her ''how are you feeling? You had a fever last night''

''I'm fine. I thought you went on a business trip. Why are you here? Where is big sister?'' August Maijune asked as she looked towards the door. Aaron Saint's mood turned gloomy at once and he felt unhappy.

"She will be here soon. Don't worry, I know you don't want to see me, so I will leave once she is here. You won't have to see me and be uncomfortable''.

August Maijune looked at him. He seemed to have misunderstood her just now. Did he think she hates him because of what she said the last time? August Maijune sighed and looked away without saying anything. Let him think whatever he wanted. He is the one who keeps putting those words in her mouth anyway.

As she thought angrily, she felt a strange pain in her heart. It was the same pain she felt the last time Aaron Saint was with her. The pain only came whenever he was around. August Maijune closed her eyes and touched her chest as the pain was still evident as she frowned.

Aaron Saint poured the water in the bowl away and dried the towel. He turned and saw the frown on her face and spoke ''August Maijune, what's wrong? Are you alright?''

The moment he touched her, the pain became unbearable as August Maijune screamed and pushed him away ''stay away from me. Why? Why? Why do I feel a lot of pain in my heart whenever you are near me?''

''What?'' Aaron Saint looked at her shocked and surprised.

''I feel so much pain in my heart anytime you are near me. Tell me, who are you really?''

Tears trimmed down August Maijune's face as she spoke ''I feel weird and confused anytime I think about you. Why don't I remember anything about you if we were close as everyone said? What happened to me? Why is my life in danger?"

Last night, I felt that something was wrong with me. Tell me, did someone try to kill me last night? Is that why you came back? Who is it that wants me dead? I thought it was a dream but the more I think about it, the more it felt real to me. Last night, someone came into this room right?''. August Maijune sat on the bed as she spoke.

''You don't have to worry about such complicated things. Just focus on recovery and let me take care of every other thing, August Maijune''. Aaron Saint told her and picked his phone.

''Liyah should be here any moment. I have to go on a business trip. You won't see me again''. Aaron Saint kissed her on her forehead and went out. He opened the door and met Liyah on the way.

''Oh, leaving already?'' Liyah asked.

''Yes, I still have to go on the trip. Take care of her, Liyah. Call me if anything happens''. Aaron Saint said and left.

Liyah Myers walked inside the room and saw the tears on August Maijune's face. She put the things in her hands on the table and walked to her saying ''August Maijune, what's wrong? Why are you crying?''

August Maijune started weeping more and Liyah hugged her. ''Big sis, he is really a strange man. Why is he like that? He just says and does whatever he wants and never listens to me''.

''Is alright. He is really a little strange but, August Maijune. You have to be a little understanding''. Liyah sat on the bed with her as they chatted.

''I know you are finding it hard to communicate with him, but think about him too. He is also going through a hard time too. You both are having a hard time. You don't remember him while he does. All the memories you two shared are still as clear to him as day while you don't remember a single thing. Do you think he will be happy knowing that he can't help you in anyway?''

''But, I don't understand. Why do I feel so much pain whenever he is near me? I feel strange around him. My heart feels weird around him. He thinks I hate him, big sis but honestly, I don't know how to act around him. Is like all my emotions become disarray whenever he is around me''. August Maijune said as Liyah Myers squeezed her hands gently.

''Is alright. You will be fine. Aaron is going on a business trip. During the time he is not here, I will tell you everything you need to know about him, okay? If you have any question, just feel free to tell me'. Liyah Myers said.

August Maijune nodded her head and her stomach growled. ''Hungry?'' Liyah asked.

''Yes, I think I am"'. August Maijune answered.

''Great, I brought you something tasty and delicious to eat today. You will love it'' Liyah as she stood up to get the food.

''Then, I will eat a lot''. August Maijune's mood became lighter as her appetite increased.

''Eat a lot, and recover fast so that I will take you out to eat something even more delicious'' Liyah told her as she removed the dishes.

''Really? What could that be?'' August Maijune asked as she took a bottle of water on the table to drink.

''Secret"'. Liyah's phone buzzed as they talked.

''Big sis, your phone, it might be Leo Martins'' August Maijune said.

Liyah Myers smiled and removed the phone from her bag and looked at it as she opened the lid of the soup flask. Her hands froze and her body stiffened as she looked at the message from the unknown number. It was an unknown number but she knew who it was because the sender added a picture to him.

August Maijune looked at Liyah and noticed her subtle changes and spoke ''that wasn't from Leo. Who is it? What is it, big sis?''

August Maijune tried to take the phone and Liyah moved her hand away saying ''August, I forgot to buy you warm milk. I will go and buy it from the café immediately. Eat the food while I go to buy it''

Liyah Myers picked her bag and went out in a hurry.

August Maijune turned to the table looking at the paper milk on it. Her instincts told her something was wrong and it had to do with the message on the phone. August Maijune picked her phone on the table and looked for Leo Martins' number.

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