Love The Psycho

Chapter 83: Seeing him again after so long 2

'Will you like to sleep here tonight?'

'Oh my dear god! Did I just say that out loud?' Liyah asked herself internally and flushed and her heartbeat increased.

The seven words seemed like a million stars shot into space. The moment Liyah spoke them out she immediately slapped and covered her mouth in shock. She thought she said that in her head and only after the words came out did she realise she had actually spoken those words out and that they were no longer in her head but, out.

Leo closed the door again and turned looking at her. His gaze was deep and unfailingly dark. She couldn't tell exactly what was on his mind. Her own mind was back to square zero.

Liyah stepped back and spoke 'no, that's not what I mean. I am not that kind of person. I have no dirty thoughts. I really have nothing in mind by saying that. Really!! Believe me. I am not the kind of person who invites men to stay the night. I…'

Liyah paused as she realised she was just rambling on and sighed adding 'what exactly am I doing'.

Liyah felt the more she tried to explain herself the more she was likely going to make things worse so she decided to just keep quiet and look at Leo.

Liyah berated herself. Now Leo will not only see her a weird person but he was going to think she was a cheap woman who always invited men into her home after a meal. Liyah clasped her hands together and said 'good night Mr. Martins'.

Liyah turned to go and Leo held her hand making her stop in her tracks. She stiffened and turned slowly to look at him.

Leo seemed to have read her thoughts as he said to her 'don't go and think about nonsense all by yourself, Liyah'.

'Huh?' Liyah was confused. Leo pinched her cheeks and said 'what is wrong with asking your boyfriend to stay the night. Is late and you're worried about me driving back to my place this late. Isn't it?' Leo said and removed his shoes and changed into the slippers he usually used when he came there.

Liyah felt better after hearing those words. She was really scared and had a lot of thoughts going on in her head. She thought Leo might breakup with her because of that.

Leo held her hand and pulled her to the hall sitting her down. 'I will bring you a glass of water'. Liyah nodded and Leo smiled and went to get the water. He noticed how nervous she looked after asking him to stay the night. He reckoned she must have gathered a lot of courage to say those words to him.

Why did it seem like they had just switched roles? This was her house but why did it feel like she was the guest now and he was the host? Liyah thought as she looked at clasped hands and shook her head a bit flustered. Leo brought her the water and sat beside her.

He knew she was feeling shy now and wanted to tease her a little bit more so when Liyah put the glass to her mouth he said 'what was with that 'good night Mr. martins?' You just said right now?'. Liyah coughed and glared at him.

He clearly knew she was nervous and yet he is teasing her. She put the glass down and stood up saying before going to the bedroom 'you can sleep in the hall'.

Leo looked at her and laughed so hard.

Liyah ran into the bedroom and shut the door, she could still hear Leo's voice. Leo looked at the door and shook his head before removing his phone to send a message to his old man.

Liyah freshened up and changed into her blue pyjamas. Usually, she would wear a light nightwear with no undergarments when sleeping because she felt comfortable that way, but now that someone was going to sleep on the same bed with her, she didn't want to be so exposed least he says she was a wolf pouncing on a sheep so she picked the pyjamas to wear. It was less revealing and covered all her body parts accurately.

Still, Liyah felt her nerves acting up. This was the first time she was going to be sleeping under the same roof and maybe on the same bed with Leo and she felt that it was weird yet good. Only that she didn't know Leo's thoughts and he was so good at been spontaneous and unpredictable in a good way.

Every day with him was a different experience and she had become accustomed to his unpredictable way of showing her that he loved her. Take tonight for instance, he knew she was feeling down after that encounter with Josh, so he followed her home, and cooked her a meal. He even exercised with her and yet he didn't even ask her anything. He didn't also seem curious about what she and Josh spoke about.

Wasn't he even jealous that she met with her ex without telling him? If he was jealous and still acted this normal, then he really knew how to act. But, if he wasn't jealous then she really didn't know how that made her feel. Was she that trustworthy or did he simply not like her enough to be jealous about the fact that she met with her ex? Liyah frowned after the thought crossed her mind.

Only that, Liyah didn't know that Leo was jealous but decided to remain calm and not talk about it. only that Liyah didn't know that as at that time, Josh Saint was being beaten to pulp by Leo's men at their torture room at the moment.

Leo had ordered his men to look for Josh Saint and when they did, he told them to lock him up and torture him till he returned.

Liyah immediately jumped into the bed the moment she heard and saw the doorknob turning. She closed her eyes and laid sideways pretending to be asleep.

Leo entered the room and saw Liyah sleeping and smiled. He knew she was probably pretending to be asleep. He looked at the table and saw a pair of men's pyjamas. He picked it up and spoke 'is this mine?' Leo asked looking at Liyah.

Liyah didn't say anything and turned laying on her back with her eyes still shut. Leo shook his head and went into the bathroom. Liyah opened her eyes the moment she heard the shower water flowing and sighed.

She touched her beating heart and murmured 'calm down, Liyah. He is just going to sleep. He is not going to touch you. Wait, will he really not touch me? Am I that unattractive? Why won't he want to touch me? What is wrong with you, Liyah? Have you suddenly become a wild wolf? Off course not'. Liyah suddenly looked up and saw two mini Liyahs flying in front of her speaking as she looked with her mouth opened listening to them. They were all in her head but she was seeing them as real.

'Which man would sleep with a woman without touching her? Is not like he is a piece of wood?' the first mini Liyah said.

'The question is this, does she want to be touched or not? She needs to want it for it to happen' second mini Liyah said.

'She wants to be touched. I mean, she is a woman, right? Which woman would just want to sleep holding hands?' first mini Liyah spoke and Liyah nodded her head enthusiastically. She agreed with what the first mini Liyah said.

'That is it. If she doesn't want to be touched by him, then, she wouldn't be normal. A beautiful man sleeping next to you. Would you be satisfied with just holding hands?' mini Liyah asked and Liyah shook her head.

'Is not like I am a virgin. How can I be satisfied with just simply holding hands and sleeping? Liyah said and looked at the two mini creatures flying in front of her. One wore a pink dress and the other wore a black dress.

'So the conclusion is this, she wants to be touched but she doesn't want to take the lead and look cheap, right?' second mini Liyah asked and Liyah nodded her head.

'Exactly, I mean what would he think of me if I were to take the lead and just pounced on him? Won't that make him think I am frivolous and lustful? No, I can't do that. I must act and behave like a pure and dignified woman'

Liyah said proudly and looked at the two mini creatures and after thinking for a while the two mini creatures also nodded their heads before one of them frowned.

'Why are you suddenly frowning? Don't you agree with what Liyah said?' the one in black asked.

'No, I don't agree' said the one in pink dress.

'What don't you agree? Tell me immediately. Why? Is there a flaw in my thinking?' Liyah asked.

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