Lovely Allergen

Chapter 101

Chapter 100 Rush to the abyss

Le Zhishi was calling Song Yu all the way, the phone was turned off, and many WeChat messages were sent to him.

His hands were shaking when he got out of the car to pay.

There was chaos in the airport lobby, and the lights fell pale, dazzling reflections on the floor. The crowd was surrounded by small groups, as if he was alone. Le Zhishi didn’t remember how he found the counter, and how he explained his situation to the counter. Afterwards, he thought that his condition must be very poor, because the service staff kept repeating “Don’t worry, I’ll help you see.”

He was confused, only remembering that he wanted to go to Xicheng and wanted the fastest class.

After the other party inquired, he politely gave him a bad answer.

There are no direct planes.

He couldn’t find Song Yu directly and in the shortest time.

Le Zhishi’s hand pressed against the cold countertop of the counter, pressing very hard. A person next to him was anxious to buy a ticket. When the suitcase he was pulling over, he knocked on Lezhishi’s knees and calves, so he shook it and squatted down in front of the counter.

He heard the man constantly apologizing to him and asking him if there was anything wrong. Lezhishi could only shake his head, he couldn’t stand up suddenly.

After a minute, the person who bought the ticket left, and Lezhishi finally gained some strength again, holding on to the counter to take a deep breath, standing up slowly, and inquiring about the transit route.

After some setbacks, he bought a ticket to the provincial capital about to take off.

Lezhishi was very fortunate that he brought a wallet with him in order to buy peripherals, which contained a full range of documents.

It was raining outside, the sky was cold and gray, and the glass aisle outside the boarding gate was full of mist. Before he took off, he kept calling Song Yu, but he couldn’t get through. He was angry and scared, but there was no other way.

He once again boarded the plane alone.

At 30,000 feet, the sky was dark and gray, and Lezhishi’s heart was still in the rain.

In just two hours of flying, every second is like a year. It’s hard for him not to think about the worst result, and he even can’t help but attribute the bad luck to himself.

Very pulling. Half of his body was filled with imaginary pain and sorrow, real ruins and wreckage, ghostly lingering pale calling for help, the other half was for Song Yuqiang’s many courageous things that made him try to calm down and let him Reason has the potential to dispel panic.

Song Yu.

Song Yu. Song Yu.

He repeated his name silently in his heart, taking it as a way of healing from stress.

The battery of the mobile phone was not much, so Lezhishi turned it off and turned it on when it was ready to land. The flight attendant passed by, and he stopped her in a panic.

“Hello, is there anything you need?”

“A glass of warm water, thank you.” He added quickly, “I want paper and pens…whatever you want.”

The flight attendant quickly fetched water for him, as well as a signature pen and a blank sheet of paper. Le Zhishi’s chest was tight and painful, his chest was like an air sac that was gradually evacuating, and his heart condensed into a heavy shot, which fell fiercely. The stomach was very uncomfortable, and Lezhi Shi drank all the water, pressing his abdomen with one hand, and writing **** the paper with the other.

He knew that he had a feverish head and got on the plane very unconsciously without notifying his family. Even Jiang Yufan, who was on the spot, was completely ignored by him and was abnormal to the extent that he did not look like an adult at all.

What he has to do now is to calm down and think about a really effective plan to see Song Yu before landing.

Lezhishi tried to recall the advice given by the service staff at the counter on the ground. The transit plane had to wait all night. Seeing that he couldn’t wait at all, the other party immediately gave a suggestion to transfer to a bus.

He wrote the station, and next to him wrote down the things he must prepare after getting off the plane, a lot of medicine, necessary clothing, charger, water, enough cash… No matter what he thinks of, Lezhi Shi is the first. Time was written on it, he was afraid that he would be thrown into a panic after getting off the plane.

Then he had to think about the bad situation, what should he do if he still lost contact. His brain was confused, Lezhi Shi had done his best to calm down, but his eyes were dizzy and vague, short of breath and chest tightness. He thought this was his psychological reaction after imagining the disaster, so he took out the asthma medicine in his pocket. Fog, in case of emergency.

Song Yu. Song Yu…

Le Zhishi meditated silently, and his emotions calmed down a lot. He closed his eyes and searched for clues in the dark. He regretted that he hadn’t visited Song Yuxin’s laboratory, and he didn’t have any contact information of the same group. But it suddenly occurred to him that he knew Song Yu’s former senior in the laboratory, so he wrote her name, and next to her name, he wrote “make a voice call after getting off the plane”.

Soon, he thought of Professor He again. Although there is no phone number, he thinks that the school website must have an email address. In any case, it is good to find an email address at this time. Many ideas and methods poured into Lezhishi’s mind in an instant.

Song Yu must be found.

With such a thought, the anxiety of Lezhishi gradually faded away.

Finally, he took the paper full of plans and got off the plane. It was only half past two in the afternoon, but it was like a gloomy evening and the sky was gloomy. Lezhishi was alone, not even a piece of luggage.

He turned on the phone as soon as he landed and received a lot of messages and calls from Jiang Yufan. It was difficult for him to be distracted, and he responded briefly to tell him not to worry, and immediately called Song Yu.

It is still shut down.

He has never hated Song Yu so much. Hate his disappearance and non-response, but after a second, his eyes were covered with water vapor. The heart was so soft that he couldn’t blame Song Yu for a minute and a second. He only hoped that he could get through his phone sooner.

If he did meet, Le Zhishi thought, he would still lose his temper severely, scold him and beat him, and ask him why he didn’t answer the phone and why he didn’t contact him.

With such a firm idea, I walked to the pick-up gate. There were many people outside, and everyone’s faces were full of joy of reunion. When they saw the person they were about to pick up, they waved their palms and called out the other party’s name.

But Lezhishi’s ears only have electronic voices that cannot be connected.

He lowered his eyes, hung up the phone and hurried out. I grabbed the paper full of plans and put it on a taxi. The driver was an enthusiastic person. I heard that he was in a hurry and drove very fast.

“Are you playing alone? Why don’t you even have luggage?”

Le Zhishi was in a bad mood, but it seemed rude not to respond, so he simply said: “I want to find someone, and I want to go to Xicheng.”

The other party also noticed something and saw him frowning, so he screamed, drove for a while in silence, and couldn’t help saying, “Don’t worry, little handsome guy.”

Lezhi’s nose suddenly sore, but he still held back.


The driver drove him to a large supermarket, and Le Zhishi thanked him and left.

Usually he is a personality that can wander aimlessly all day long, but at this time, Lezhishi suddenly becomes an efficient and mature adult, holding the list that he planned in advance, and putting his own needs one by one. He bought all his stuff, and went straight to the bathroom after the checkout, and put on the thick assault down and warm clothes. He didn’t want to get sick before he found Song Yu. It was useless.

The bus station is more chaotic than he thought, perhaps because Lezhi was nervous, and the voice of anyone speaking was magnified countless times in his ears. It was very noisy and messy. He was carrying a heavy bag and found the ticket booth. .

When the conductor heard his destination, his expression was not very good. Through the microphone, his voice became a little harsh.

“There was an earthquake, don’t you know?”

Le Zhishi was a little unresponsive and nodded, fearing that his meaning would be misunderstood, so he hurriedly said, “I know.”

The other party seemed to think that something was wrong with him, and repeated it again, “I said there was an earthquake in Xicheng, and you have to go there? Many people are applying for refunds.”

“I know about the earthquake.” Le Zhishi frowned and wanted to say one more thing, but he was suddenly dumb and hurriedly glanced in other directions, but finally he couldn’t hold his emotions.

He didn’t cry when he heard the news for the first time. He didn’t cry when he was flying alone on the plane, and he didn’t even shed a tear during the long time he lost contact with Song Yu.

In this unfamiliar ticket office, more than 300 kilometers away, I heard the news of the earthquake again. The string that Le Zhishi had been tight seems to break suddenly.

He frowned, his stubborn eyes filled with tears, and he couldn’t bear to fall.

But he can’t collapse, it’s not the time yet.

Le Zhishi wiped away the tears with his sleeves, and repeated with red eyes, “How much is it for me to go?”

The conductor’s voice became softer and gave him a number. Le Zhishi hurriedly took out his wallet and looked out for his ID card, but he somewhat forgot which compartment he had placed in. When he found out in a panic, he also pulled out a folded piece of paper.

It was a response that Song Yu wrote on his supplementary materials before.

A certain part of Le Zhishi’s heart seemed to collapse, and a lot of sorrowful juices poured out. But he didn’t have time to be sad, so he could only put the paper back into his wallet, and accepted the ticket and certificate from the conductor.

“This is the last one, and all the following ones are out of service.”

He suffers from motion sickness, so he never rides a bus. This time the journey was seven hours, which was almost unbearable for Lezhishi in the past. What’s more, this time his destination was the disaster that he feared and panicked the most.

But he thought that he might see Song Yu in seven hours, and the process didn’t seem to be so tormented.

For Song Yu, he could seize every slim opportunity that might be with him, he could give up the happy life in the second half of his life for a period of time to try with him, and he could also work hard to repair his flaws that he could not be loved.

He is not so brave, but if Song Yu is trapped in the abyss where he fears most, Le Zhishi will jump in without hesitation.

In the car, the thick coat and schoolbag squeezed Lezhishi’s body on the seat with little space. The car was filled with a dizzying smell, and the dry air seemed to be wandering with countless dust particles.

He was wearing a headset, and the mobile phone that was always plugged into the power bank remained in the state of making a call. He would not call again until the opposite proposal sound passed and the beep was cut off.

Listening to the prompt tone, Lezhishi unscrewed a bottle of water with some effort, flipped through the anti-altitude sickness medicine, poured many pills in the palm of his hand, and ate it all. One seemed to be large and stuck in the throat.

The call is still not connected.

Le Zhishi took a few more sips of water, coughed for a while, reopened the paper that was almost crumpled by himself, read the items on it again, used a pen to mark out the completed part, and then tried to contact Song Yu’s senior sister After twelve minutes, she gave a reply, but she didn’t know much, but she enthusiastically asked other students when she offered to help Lezhi.

He started searching the web again, looking for Professor He’s contact information, and finally only got an office phone number and email address. Le Zhishi tried to make an office call, but no one answered. He spent ten minutes editing an email and sent it to Professor He using the campus mailbox.

But he didn’t expect much of the reply, because he knew that under such conditions, no one had time to check the email.

Hope is faint again.

Looking at the gray sky outside the window, Le Zhishi took out the piece of paper again, with Song Yu’s name written all over it, and Song Yu finally replied one word.

He very much hoped that Song Yu could respond to him as he did at the time, even with a single word.

The car was swaying forward. Lezhishi’s head was dizzy and he wanted to vomit. He didn’t know whether the anti-altitude sickness medicine had worked, or whether he was really tired and tired. He closed his eyes in the mist, fell asleep leaning against the window of the car, and had a dream. In his dream, he once again got in a taxi and came to the airport, going through security and boarding alone. It seemed to pass his chaotic day all over again.

But in the end he dreamed that the car he was riding in hit another truck, and was awakened by the sharp brakes and crashes.

The windows of the car were condensed by the fog, and the outside was white. Lezhi, who woke up from his sleep, stretched out his hand in confusion and wiped off the mist from a small piece of glass.

The passengers next to him said in a dialect that Lezhishi could understand part of them: “It’s been a lot of snow, what should I do? There’s still a disaster there… I have to rush back to see my mother, she’s alone At my hometown.”

Le Zhishi’s heart sank a little bit. He turned on the phone and realized that he was sleeping too hard. Lin Rong called him but didn’t receive it.

She seemed to be busy taking care of the elderly, without knowing the news of the earthquake. She also sent a text message asking him if he would return home for dinner at night.

Lezhishi thought for a while, and told her that she would not go home at night. He didn’t want to tell Lin Rong about this. She has been working so hard recently. It would be hard to accept if Song Yu was out there, and maybe it would collapse.

One minute later, he received Lin Rong’s reply.

[Aunt Rong: Then you have to eat well, be careful, and take care of yourself. ]

The snow outside the window was really big, so big that the speed of the car dropped significantly, making Lezhishi flustered.

Someone asked if it would be late, and the driver could not give a clear reply, so it was like a vicious circle. The less clear answer was, the more uncontrollable people’s emotions would be.

There was a child in the front seat next to him crying, crying loudly, making the whole carriage more noisy. When Lezhi, he lowered his head and took out a packet of sugar from his bag. He was afraid that he would not have time to eat, low blood sugar and dizziness before buying it. He took them apart, grabbed a few, reached out through the gap between the two seats in front, and handed them to the young mother who was coaxing the children.

The other party was very surprised, and continued to express gratitude after reacting. The child stopped crying, grabbing the red candy that Lezhishi gave him, and under the guidance of his mother, he cried and said thank you brother.

Le Zhishi shook his head, and peeled a piece of it into his mouth. Then he continued to send WeChat to Song Yu. After sending it, he saw the call option, and couldn’t help but made a video call to him.

Knowing that no one picked it up.

He suddenly found that he was not so panicked anymore, and his hands no longer tremble uncontrollably.

But he was caught in a kind of boundless empty emotions, and his consciousness was like slowly flowing ice water, soaking his body little by little, and finally conveying it to his heart.

All the thoughts and thoughts, the plans he had worked hard to write down, were abandoned in the slow-flowing consciousness, and in the end, only Song Yu’s name fell into the heart.

Finally, the car arrived at the destination. This was the second thing Lezhishi felt lucky in this long day, although it was three hours longer than expected.

There are very few people at the station in the early hours of the morning and it is extremely cold. Lezhishi put on a hat with a down jacket and got out of the car. The anti-altitude sickness medicine did not seem to have a great effect. Lezhishi had difficulty breathing and had a very painful head. All of these were in line with the altitude sickness he retrieved, so Lezhi At that time, he was not very worried.

He used the mouth breathing method suggested on the webpage to try to alleviate the symptoms, breathing and inhaling in small mouthfuls, but it was not effective for the time being.

There are many people in fire-fighting uniforms outside. They seem to be checking every incoming passenger and partially restricting the passage.

Lined up to go out, there were also volunteers wearing thick black down jackets on duty late at night. They asked all the outbound passengers about the purpose of the trip, and registered their names and contact information, constantly emphasizing that there may be aftershocks afterwards.

With heavy snowfall, the station will soon be temporarily closed. Lezhishi is very glad that he has caught up with the last chance.

A volunteer wearing a red armband collected his identity information, while another handed him a first aid kit and emergency guide. When asked about the purpose of this trip, Le Zhishi quickly replied, “I’m looking for my boyfriend.”

It’s no better than a college here, and some people around him cast a strange look at him.

But the young female volunteer just paused and asked more, “Where is your boyfriend now? Is he a local? Can I be contacted now?”

Le Zhishi shook his head, “I am not a local, he is lost, he is here for surveying and mapping tasks, now…”

She pulled Le Zhishi aside, “It’s okay, you say slowly, what is the surveying task?”

Le Zhishi thought that she might be able to help, so he quickly explained Song Yu’s work and emphasized, “If there is no accident, he should also be involved in emergency rescue work, but I can’t contact him now.”

What did Le Zhishi think of, “Do you have a phone number for the local earthquake rescue command center?”

“It seems that there is.” The female volunteer frowned, pulled out an old notebook from her body, flipped through it, and found a similar phone, but the line was always busy. She called a friend who was volunteering at the epicenter command center, but the other party was not connected yet.

“In this situation, it’s difficult to get through the command center phone.” Another volunteer approached them, “It’s so busy now.”

“Is the disaster serious?” Le Zhishi asked.

The man explained, “We’re not the epicenter. The car won’t be able to drive further west. Many houses have collapsed over there.” He pointed to a lighted bus parked on the side of the road, “You see that Already? The rescue medical team that just came from the provincial capital is going to pass now. I advise you not to go now, it is very messy, there is nothing to care about over there, no food.”

He took out a cigarette, touched it for a long time without finding the lighter, then put it back, “Forget it, you guys, just wait for one night in a nearby hotel, and see how it will be during the day tomorrow.”

Le Zhishi’s attention was completely attracted by the bus. He walked two steps in that direction and was pulled by the female volunteer, “Hey, where are you going? That car does not carry outsiders.”

“My boyfriend is there.” Le Zhishi opened his mouth, his voice was very soft and weak. He was afraid that the other party would not be able to hear him, so he repeated a little loudly, “He may be doing emergency rescue. Their work is very important. Save many people.”

“He is very young, only twenty-two years old. He just started to do emergency surveying. This is the second time he has gone out for homework after changing directions… I called him many times, and WeChat…”

There is no blood on Le Zhishi’s face. He speaks slowly and illogically. The bag on his back looks like it can crush him, but he is very stubborn. He clearly has difficulty breathing, but he keeps talking, trying to persuade him. They said, “He is over there, I just want to find him, please, can you help me?”

“You… don’t you also want to count the missing persons?” Lezhishi stood in the cold wind, holding the arm of his left hand with his right hand, “If it is confirmed that he is missing, you… can also…”

He couldn’t say any more, he tried hard.

“Oh, really.” The man who hadn’t even smoked a cigarette just took out the car key. “I’m going to the epicenter in a moment to take you on behalf of someone.”

Lezhishi finally grabbed a glimmer of hope, “Really? Thank you…I’m sorry to trouble you.”

“Don’t thank me, I’m afraid it will hurt you.” The eldest brother opened the car door, “Many of them came to find relatives. You came late, and many people picked them up.”

But he has tried his best.

The female volunteer also got in the car. There was not much space in the car. The trunk and seats were filled with folding tents and boxes of water. When the male volunteer made room for Lezhi, he told him to fasten his seat belt.

The snow stopped, but there was a lot of snow on the road and it was difficult to walk. After driving for one kilometer, Le Zhishi couldn’t help but look out of the window. It was too dark. He was lying next to the car window. He could only vaguely see some broken buildings and collapsed houses. It was not real, but he There was still a fine pain in his heart, and his breathing was hard. The feeling continued to spread, and finally spread to the whole body.

Sitting in the seat, Le Zhishi bent down, curled up his abdomen, and took a small breath. Altitude sickness, stress to disasters, and miss Song Yu, tortured him in a complex and multiple manner.

Fearing that he would get sick, he held the phone in one hand and the asthma medicine in the other.

The female volunteer looked back with concern, and asked him if he had a high antipathy, if he hadn’t eaten, or if he wanted something to eat. Le Zhishi couldn’t say much, so he shook his head, then looked through his bag to find something to eat, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed mechanically, and then swallowed the unfinished water in the car.

Because the original road was slightly cracked, they changed one, and it took longer. Le Zhishi tried to call Song Yu again, but another bell rang in the quiet car.

“My friend called back.” The female volunteer’s voice became louder and quickly connected, “Hello? Yes, I met a boy here. He is looking for a 22-year-old boy who is doing emergency surveying and mapping at the epicenter. , Young man, it is said that he came with a team led by a professor, uh… said it was a boyfriend… anyway, please help me to contact me, okay, trouble…”

She reported her detailed address and the place where she was about to go before she hung up the phone. Turning from the co-pilot, the female volunteer comforted Lezhi, “I have asked my friend to find it, so don’t worry.”

Le Zhishi said many thanks to her, and her voice was weak.

“It doesn’t matter, I was originally responsible for registering the population, and finding someone is also my responsibility.”

The eldest brother sitting in the driver’s seat kept looking at him from the rearview mirror, “Young man, you are a bit serious.”

He thinks that he and his body are about to be separated, and he is also used to the feeling of shortness of breath. He was said to be serious, but he just showed a confused expression.

“It’s almost here.”

The female volunteer also saw something wrong with him. She found a portable oxygen cylinder from her hiking bag and handed it to Lezhi in the swaying carriage, “You take it, and I will teach you how to use it.”

He doesn’t want to pick up, and doesn’t want to waste other people’s oxygen cylinders.

“Get it quickly, I still have it, and my local, the high anti-reverse is not serious.” She took off the dust cover herself, inserted the transparent oxygen mask into the oxygen discharge nozzle, and stuffed it into Lezhishi’s hand. “Face the mask and press the pump head to inhale oxygen.”

The car stopped in the dark and the door was opened. The female volunteer persuaded him not to blindly look for someone or let him go, saying that there may be aftershocks here at any time.

“You are here, my friend is already looking for you.”

Le Zhishi nodded and got out of the car while inhaling oxygen. His footsteps were vacant. He stabilized a little, checked his phone, and found that his phone was turned off. He turned it on in a hurry, but couldn’t open it anyway.

“It’s too cold here, it’s ten to twenty degrees below zero, it’s easy to freeze and shut down.” The female volunteer reminded him, “Don’t freeze your hands, you don’t have gloves on.”

Le Zhishi looked at the thick snow, and finally took the phone back into his pocket, and put the oxygen cylinder in his other hand into the side of the bag, and started to help the volunteer brother carry supplies.

“Hey, don’t move!” The eldest brother stopped his arm and only heard Lezhi whisper in a low voice. Anyway, there is no news, I also want to help a little bit.

“Okay…” Brother sighed, “Be careful, this is heavy.”

Lezhishi didn’t even dare to observe the disaster area carefully, nor to look at the collapsed houses or ruins. There was only a white snow in front of him. He blindly followed the volunteer eldest brother to carry, and then hoped that their friends would have some news.

He has to do more and accumulate a little more good luck. His luck is really bad.

In a daze, he wondered again, is this not pious enough.

But he really hopes to have good luck this time.

After moving all the water in the settlement and setting up the fourth tent with others, Lezhishi couldn’t hold it, and his chest was sore. He quickly squatted on the ground and inhaled oxygen for a few minutes to ease the altitude sickness. From a distance, he seemed to hear someone crying, crying loudly, and a great grief rose in his heart.

Strongly propped up, Lezhishi took out a new folding tent. This time he was a lot more proficient, and finally he could find the gap where the skeleton was inserted at once, so that he could quickly support a point.

I built a top alone, and a little sense of accomplishment surged in my heart when Lezhi. But it didn’t last long. Soon, Lezhishi’s emotions were paralyzed again, and he took out a new one without saying a word.

I thought it could be opened smoothly this time. After opening it, I discovered that the side of the tent was opened with a line, and the wind poured in from the outside, and a knife was scratched on his face. Lezhishi stood alone in the heavy snow, and the sneakers on his feet were almost covered by snow. Some of the melt penetrated into the shoes, and his legs were numb.

The blue big tent blocked all his sight, only one crack showed light. He turned his face and spoke to the busy volunteers behind him, but his voice was too vague and the other party didn’t hear it at all.

“Then I put it away.” Le Zhishi muttered to himself blankly, pulling out the skeleton and accidentally getting his hand, but his fingers were blue with cold, and he no longer felt anymore.

As soon as the skeleton was withdrawn, the tent slowly collapsed. He stood up with difficulty on the cold snow with his palms, Hei Ye and Bai Xue returned to Le Zhishi’s vision.

In addition, there is a tall figure. He was wearing the blue down jacket that Lezhi had praised as good-looking, holding an old vintage mobile phone in his left hand, and the other sleeve floating. There was a white work badge hanging on his body, and it seemed that there was something else hanging around his neck, with a white belt around his neck, and a snorting oxygen tank behind him, with oxygen hoses over his ears, and he ran around and searched with a volunteer.

At a certain moment, the flustered eyes and the confused Lezhishi met their gazes.

Le Zhishi felt that for a moment, he seemed to be dead, and his consciousness had left his stiff body. Until Song Yu really ran towards him and appeared in front of him.

He wanted to confirm if it was his own illusion, but the next moment, Song Yu stretched out his left hand in front of him, took him into his arms, bowed his head and called his name.

“Lezhishi, Lezhishi…”

Rarely, Song Yu’s voice was trembling, saying how you came here and who asked you to come.

Lezhishi had difficulty breathing, and his brain was dull, as if he hadn’t heard him.

“Song Yu…” His voice was very weak, like a piece of snow that was about to melt in his arms. I called out several names and got many responses, but Le Zhishi didn’t answer Song Yu’s question. For a moment, he forgot the purpose of coming here, and even the words he had planned to say when meeting.

He just lowered his head, resisted crying, choked up and wiped away the tears on his face.

“Song Yu, I will set up tents now. I set up all those…”

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