Lovely Allergen

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 Red bean rice cake

The climate of this city is like field instability experiment. The heat that is hard to fade suddenly disappeared one day, and it only takes a night of cold wind.

When Lezhi got up early, he heard the wind humming outside and was stunned. He thought it was just the low temperature in the early morning, so he hurried to school without much thought. Unexpectedly, after the two classes, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn’t resist the power of cooling down, and he sneezed again and again. During the break, the whole class walked out with a large group of troops, clasping their arms as cold as they were happy to know.

“My body is too weak, brother.” Jiang Yufan touched his arm, “It’s so cold, you can go back and add some clothes at noon.”

Le Zhishi nodded, but suddenly thought of something, and shook his head, “This Friday, the senior sister has something to do. This time it is my temporary partner with another newcomer. I have to go to the radio station to check the manuscript at noon.”

“Then you are too miserable, or I will bring you some of my clothes this afternoon.”

Le Zhishi sneezed and rubbed his nose, “Forget it, it’s okay if you don’t go out, anyway, tomorrow is a holiday, it’s okay to carry one day.”

Having said that, Jiang Yufan remembered something, “By the way, Zhang Yameng just said that she is going to have her birthday tomorrow, so please go to KTV with the whole class. You go.”

Zhang Yameng is the most popular girl in their class. His father is in the food business. Although his personality is a bit coquettish but enthusiastic, he is always the center of the group. Le Zhishi was dazzling in the class. Many classmates liked to joke about them. Zhang Yameng seemed to enjoy it. Once or twice, it’s okay, the more times, when Lezhi is a bit subconsciously hiding.

“I…” Lezhishi sneezed again, but couldn’t finish her words.

Coincidentally, Zhang Yameng just came over, and took a small leap to Lezhishi’s side, “Lezhishi! You must come tomorrow, I ordered a particularly delicious restaurant.” She put her hands behind her, smiling. Sweet, “They all agreed, we can’t have one less in our class.”

Before Le Zhishi had time to say anything, Zhang Yameng reported all Saturday’s itinerary in one breath, full of confidence and no room for interruption. In the end, he was half coquettish and half requesting, and told him to go.

Refusal directly in person is a bit too much to prevent the other party from coming to Taiwan, not to mention that she invited the whole class. Le Zhishi didn’t want to go and didn’t accept it. Hearing the arrangement of the sports committee, he reached the end of the boys’ team.

Tomorrow, let’s just drop the text message on the excuse of being seriously ill.

With the sound of music, all the students began to do exercises between classes.

The high school team was in front of the junior high school. His sight was separated from the entire class, and he unconsciously glanced diagonally forward. Seeing Song Yu who was also standing at the end of the class, Le Zhishi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, at least his brother was wearing a fall school uniform.

But he didn’t wear a suit-style uniform, but the black and white sportswear that was always complained about. It was loose and big, making him look thinner and taller.

Peiya’s school uniforms have always been envied by other schools. There are four sets of shirts and ties, summer uniforms, spring and autumn uniforms with knitted vests and suit jackets, a set of sportswear and a set of thick winter clothes. The colors of the two schools are also different. But it is precisely because of this that there are often chaotic scenes of different people and different seasons on Pei Ya’s campus.

But even if the loose sportswear is put on Song Yu, who is long and tall, it is far more outdated than other students.

After the last move is completed, the large force is disbanded. Le Zhishi thought that he hadn’t reported to the stationmaster Qin Yan about the shift of his partner at night, so he headed toward the high school, planning to hurry up and go back as soon as he was notified.

When Qin Yanda saw Lezhi running over from afar, he stood there waiting for him, and also grabbed Song Yu.

Since the last substitute class, discord and rumors have been broken, but the fact that Lezhi was caught eating self-heated rice while studying at night has spread like wildfire. In everyone’s minds, people like Song Yu who are difficult to get along with can still cover up such ridiculous things as a substitute, which is also a touching brotherhood.

Afraid of delaying their time, Lezhishi explained the matter in the shortest possible terms. The cold wind blew, messing up his slightly curly hair, hairy, and shrank up like a weak little mouse.

“Okay. I see.” Qin Yan pointed his eyes and glanced at a colorful snack bag protruding from his trouser pocket. He stretched out his hand to draw it, “What is this?”

“Rainbow candy, bought in a small supermarket.” Lezhishi said, “Do you want to eat it, Brother Qin Yan, let it be for you, it happened to be that yogurt last time…ahhh-”

Qin Yan focused on the rainbow candy, “So good. Then I will try two…” Before tearing it open, Song Yu snatched the bag in his hand. There was a sharp parabola in the sky, and Lezhishi reached out his hand subconsciously. , Ignorant to catch it.

“What are you going to taste, it’s class.” Song Yu dragged Qin Yan away.

“Huo Hitachi! You can’t see that others treat me well!” Qin Yan, who was dragged away, was very unconvinced, but suddenly thought of something, “Oh no, what yogurt did he say just now…”

“You are so noisy.” Song Yu frowned.

The sugar was not given, so Lezhishi had to put it back in his pants pocket and rubbed the sour nose.


Hearing Song Yu’s voice, he raised his head and saw that the other party swiped his jacket and pulled the zipper off, taking off his clothes. Before Lezhi could react, the sportswear had been thrown over, covering him like a rattrap.

“Put it on.”

Le Zhishi was busy pulling off his clothes, and only Song Yu’s back was left in the line of sight. He looked down at the sportswear in his hand, took a long look, and finally put it on his body, pulling the zipper to the top.

The sleeves are so long.

Only half of the palm was exposed.

He flicked his sleeves all the way back to the classroom, like a little chicken with flapping wings. The black and white of the high school uniform is too dazzling in a pile of blue. When I was in the class, I was teased in turn, all saying things like “I’m so envious.”

But he enjoys this inexplicably.

The demon wind outside was still blowing fiercely, drilling through the gap in the edge of the aluminum hinged window, making a weird whining sound. Le Zhishi held his face in his hands covered by long sleeves, and listened silently. He felt that the sound was cute, like the cry of a little monster.

In order to correct the manuscript, he ate a bowl of rice noodles in clear soup without adding anything in the cafeteria at noon, and returned to the classroom for lunch after discussing with his friends. Lying on the table, Le Zhishi buried his head on his arm, and the whole person was enveloped in the faint smell of laundry detergent on Song Yu’s clothes.

Obviously they use the same washing powder, but there is always something different.

Song Yu is different from anyone else.

He was not in good spirits all day, and he almost sneezed into the microphone during the broadcast, but somehow he stayed out of school. At the end of get out of class, Zhang Yameng stopped him by asking questions, and after asking, he proposed to go together, “Are you uncomfortable? You will definitely get sick if you ride a bicycle and blow the wind all the way. My driver is waiting for me outside, asking No, I will take you back.”

Le Zhishi shook his head and pulled away, “It’s not the way, my home is very close, and I will arrive in a short ride.”

Zhang Yameng still insisted, and took his arm, “Don’t be polite to me, it will be faster if you get closer.”

After coughing twice, Le Zhishi took out his hand in time.

“I heard that it will rain on weekends. I don’t want to leave my bike at school for two days. Next time.” After saying that, he walked quickly.

Cycling in cold weather is indeed uncomfortable, the wind blows his sportswear, and the cold air mixed with the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus flows through his body. When I got home, Lezhi was dizzy and made a lot of noise when I changed shoes. Father Song was sitting in the kitchen in front of the island doing work, and he turned his head back when he heard the voice, “Lele?”

“Uncle.” Le Zhishi’s voice was muffled.

Song Jin immediately heard that something was wrong, “Have you caught a cold?”

Seeing the little guy coming in, wearing his son’s school uniform, Song Jin smiled, then turned to look at the notebook, and said to himself: “Song Yu looks like an older brother.”

“Come here and have some sweet soup, your Aunt Rong has cooked tangerine peel and red bean paste all night.”

Le Zhishi took the hot-blooded young man from the shelf and sat down with Song Jin. The red bean paste is boiled soft and delicate, the amount of rock sugar is just right, it is warm, and the whole body warms up after drinking it. The glutinous rice cake is roasted slightly fluffy, with a little charred shell, soaked in sweet red bean paste, and can be pulled out in a bite. It is sticky and sticky. It is full of happiness while eating and reading comics.

Seeing Father Song was busy, he didn’t say a word when Lezhi, so he ate silently beside him. After eating, one bowl was served again. There is a roasting pan on the counter, which is neatly lined with spicy dried pork, which seems to have just been roasted. Le Zhishi took two yuan and returned to Nakajima with his bowl.

Song Jin finished dealing with what he was doing and turned off the computer, “What are you going to do this weekend? Would you like to go fishing with me in Liangzi Lake? Your Aunt Rongrong will also go.”

Le Zhishi licked the red bean paste on his lips, “Brother, are you going?”

“He doesn’t have time. Tomorrow he is going to participate in the election speech of the city’s three good students.” Lin Rong came down from the stairs.

The best of the city, Song Yu really is the best of the city. Lezhishi chewed the pork simmer carefully, and his heart was full of admiration. Song Jin didn’t even know about this. “Now the process of evaluating the market is so complicated?”

“Yeah, I was surprised at first. Later, I heard from my friends that it seemed that during the assessment last year, an award-winning child walked another way and took up the spot.” Lin Rong held the bowl and sat opposite them. “They The child who lost the school had better grades. If the parents were not convinced, they went to the Education Bureau to make trouble. So this year, the review materials have become stricter, and election links have been added, perhaps just in case.”

After listening to Le Zhishi, he said for the first time, “Brother Song Yu must be fine.”

“That is.” Lin Rong smiled and touched his head, “but it doesn’t matter whether you take it or not. The pressure will be great if you lose your mind or gain.”

“Then I won’t go fishing tomorrow.” Song Jin closed his notebook.

Lin Rong pressed Song Jin’s shoulder, “No, your son has confessed that we are not allowed to follow. Let’s not worry too much.” After she said that, she looked at Lezhi again, “What will Lele do tomorrow?”

Upon hearing this, Le Zhishi, who was holding the small porcelain bowl, gave a long hum, and then sighed, “I don’t know.”

“The young man seems to be very busy.” Song Jin quipped.

Lin Rong was curious, “What can make us young men feel so sad?”

As they were talking, they heard the sound of opening the door and the familiar sound of releasing the keys, and the three of them all looked around.

“Xiaoyu, come and eat sweet soup.” Lin Rong shouted and continued the topic just now, “Where did you just say it? Tomorrow’s date?”

“It’s not a date,” Le Zhishi decisively denied. “A classmate asked our class to go to her birthday party.”

Song Yu threw his schoolbag on the sofa, walked silently to the kitchen to wash his hands, poured himself a glass of water, and drank quietly with his back on the countertop of the open kitchen, looking at the three people in Nakajima.

Lin Rong didn’t gossip like a mother, “Boys and girls? Just eat?”

“Girl, Zhang Yameng.” Le Zhishi didn’t care too much when he answered, pretending to have other things in his mind. He knew that Song Yu didn’t like sweets. He reached out his hand and pointed at the dried pork on the table. Song Yu looked back, and when he turned his head, he curled his eyebrows when he saw Lezhi, desperately holding back a sneeze.

“…Uncle should have known it.” He added with afterthought.

“Ah, Zhang Pengyuan’s daughter, I met at the Chamber of Commerce some time ago.” Song Jin took a sip of tea with a relaxed tone, “Go, relax on weekends.”

Song Yu ate a thin slice of dried meat slowly, with his head hanging down, his eyes raised occasionally, and they would meet with Le Zhishi’s.

As long as Song Yu is present, Le Zhishi’s sight is almost completely around him, like a revolving planet, the light-colored pupils are always scorching emotions, worship, longing… are all young people’s elder brothers. .

Lin Rong was still joking, “Does Zhang Pengyuan’s daughter look good?”

“Very pretty little girl.” Song Jin said.

“Really?” Lin Rong touched Lezhi’s arm with her elbow. She didn’t have the serious attitude of other parents’ strict grasp of premature love.

“Of course not.” Le Zhishi frowned, got up from the high chair, took his empty bowl and placed it in the pool, and whispered to Song Yu who was leaning next to him, “Brother Song Yu, your clothes… ”

“Just throw it in the washing machine.” After Song Yu finished eating the piece in his hand, he walked out of the gap between Lezhishi and Zhongdao, greeted him and went upstairs.

Song Jin also started joking, “Lele, don’t follow your brother. He is just a saw-mouthed gourd. He doesn’t say anything, and he will suffer a lot when he meets someone he likes. Chasing girls still has to learn from me. …”

“Come on.” Lin Rong also got up, “Don’t listen to him bragging.”

“Why is this bragging? How hard I chased you back then.”

Le Zhishi smiled and said that he didn’t want to eat dog food anymore. He turned around and found that his elder brother hadn’t even picked up the schoolbag. He immediately lit a small lamp in his heart, ran to pick up the schoolbag, and thumped upstairs as if offering a treasure. Song Yu’s door.

If the mood can be concretized into something, a little swaying tail will appear on the back of the buttocks when Lezhi.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door twice, but there was no response, so he knocked twice, and no one opened the door.

Across the door panel, Lezhi Shi faintly heard the sound of water, and it seemed to stop again. He put his ear on the door panel, and he leaned forward, trying to listen carefully to the movement inside, but the door opened in an instant. Le Zhishi, who was out of balance, fell over.

Into a person’s arms.

Just after taking a shower, Song Yu was wrapped in a bath towel, and his hair was wet. A drop of water on the tip of the hair shook and fell on Le Zhishi’s forehead, as if he had awakened him and flicked off Song Yu. open.

“Brother Xiaoyu, your schoolbag…”

He seems to be calm, but he can be called the brother Xiaoyu who has become a conditioned reflex and has become accustomed to childhood, rather than the combined surname when he grows up.

Song Yu took it and said thank you in a low voice. Lezhishi’s thoughts were blocked, and he forgot all the words he had planned before he came, and just wanted to run away. He doesn’t know why. He obviously took a bath together when he was young.

Although it has been a long, long time.

“Goodnight, I’m back to the room.” As soon as he turned his foot up and turned around, Song Yu grabbed the collar of the back of his neck with one hand when Lezhi, like a little chicken.

“Wait a minute.”

Lezhishi was obedient and stood upright facing him.

Song Yu lifted his chin, “My clothes.”

Hearing what he said, Lezhishi subconsciously raised his hand to find the zipper of the school uniform jacket, but he paused, “Didn’t you tell me to throw the washing machine?”

“It’s all at the door, just take it off.” He said calmly.

Le Zhishi let out a cry, took off his school uniform jacket, unfolded it, and hung it on Song Yu’s body. Both shoulders were pulled and hung to cover his upper body.

Song Yu frowned, “…what are you doing?”

“I’m afraid you catch a cold.” Lezhishi sneezed and then slipped away.

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