Lovely Allergen

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 Fleeting unfavorable

The air after the rain smelled like a piece of camphor leaf stained with mud.

Le Zhishi was stepped on by the orange cat who jumped into bed, opened his eyes in confusion, and felt shocked that he had overslept.

Obviously, I won’t be late a few times a year, but it happened on the first day of school, which is really unlucky. Hearing Aunt Rong downstairs calling him, Lezhishi hurriedly responded a few times. The cat stepped on his stomach again and fluttered to the bed. He quickly washed and changed clothes, grabbed his schoolbag and ran out.

“The alarm clock didn’t go off?” Lin Rong calmly poured out the milk cup, “Hurry up for breakfast. Yesterday, the sauce of braised beef was mixed with rice noodles. It was delicious.”

Le Zhishi had already rushed to the hallway at this time, where he could still care for breakfast.

“If I don’t study early before the opening ceremony, I forgot to set a new alarm clock. Aunt Rong, where is Song Yu?”

The little Pomeranian at home followed his **** with a patter, and sat obediently on the ground watching him change his shoes.

“Your brother has left early. Isn’t it the opening ceremony today? It seems that he is here on duty today. Is he still on duty in the senior year?” Lin Rong put the cup in place, wiped off the water on her hand and turned around, “You guys The opening ceremony of the junior high school should go with the high school…”

Le Zhishi opened the door as soon as he turned his head, and Hiromi frantically scratched his leg to prevent him from leaving.

Lin Rong called him anxiously: “Lele! I can’t skip breakfast!”

Le Zhishi knelt down and rubbed a dog’s head, kissed again, and left in a hurry, “I’m going to buy rice cakes, Aunt Rong, bye ”

“Don’t eat indiscriminately!”

After leaving the house, Le Zhishi rode straight to the breakfast stall outside the community. The mother-in-law who had been selling rice cakes did not go out today. Before Lezhishi, I heard her talk about back pain, I guess I have to rest for a few days, and I must buy more next time I see it. The soup noodle shop next door is fragrant, and you can smell the stewed beef offal from far away.

“Lele, is it too early? Come and eat the noodles.” The owner of the beef noodle shop pulled out the colander with rice noodles from the big soup pot, and the hot soup under the spoon was like white silk and fell again.

“I’m going to be late, Uncle Chen, eat tomorrow!” Lezhishi stopped the car and ran into the convenience store. Before he had time to make a choice, he directly took a bag of rice bread and paid to leave. This is what Lezhishi can buy at the convenience store. The few snacks that you can eat.

It rained all night last night. The rain in this city is always not gentle, always accompanied by lightning and thunder, making him unable to sleep all night. I remember the first night when I arrived at Song Yu’s house, there was also such a heavy rain, and lightning tore the night sky. As soon as the thunder rang, he cried out of fright, ran straight to Song Yu’s room, and climbed onto his bed.

From then on, he instinctively began to rely on this brother who was not related to him by blood.

Le Zhishi’s father Le Yi and Song Yu’s father Song Jin were close friends who grew up together.

The old Lejia passed away early. Before living in the UK, Le Yi was almost a non-staff member of the Song family. He ate and lived together. Le Yi likes extreme sports. He met British girl Olivia during a rock climbing. The two fell in love with each other and gave birth to the lovely Le Zhishi. But the happy time was too short. Eleven years ago, the couple were skiing in the Alps and suffered an avalanche accidentally, and both were killed.

Overnight, Lezhishi lost his parents. Even Song Jin, who flew to the UK to fetch him back, didn’t know how to explain all this to a three-year-old child.

At that time, Le Zhishi was holding onto Song Jin’s sleeves, only sweetly called uncle, and didn’t know what death was and what was foster care. He was taken back to the Song family and took root in Jiangcheng from then on.

The red light at the intersection forced Lezhishi to stop his bicycle. Waking up too vigorously in the morning, people are still a little fluttering, staring at the light spot on the red light, thoughts jumped and scattered, and scattered. Last night’s dream only left broken silhouettes in my mind, as if I had become a small ball, spinning around behind Song Yu’s buttocks, even speaking in Chinese was not good, and it would only be annoying.

When Lin Rong teased Lezhi with a jealous tone, he said that the first Chinese vocabulary he learned was his brother.

However, Song Yu was very reluctant to speak, and was not lukewarm to anyone. Fortunately, even though he didn’t talk about Lezhi very much, he wouldn’t drive him away and leave him alone. Only when they got older and started to go to elementary school, Lezhishi’s mixed-race looks became more eye-catching.

Song Yu was out there, and then dragged the oil bottle with a doll brand, and had to deal with gossip inquiries about his family affairs almost every day. After a long time, Song Yu really had no patience. Later, he moved to a new home and left his former school district and elementary school classmates. After he entered junior high school, he made three major treaties:

You are not allowed to call you brother outside.

Not allowed to go to school or go home together.

Can’t let others know that you live in my house.

At first it was unacceptable when Lezhi. Song Yusheng’s separation from him in junior high school was enough to hit him, not to mention the fact that he couldn’t be called a brother. But he has always been a child with only Song Yu and Zhan, and he is the first to follow the rules. After all, it’s still acceptable to keep a distance outside and enjoy knowledge rather than being ignored.

In Le Zhishi’s heart, Song Yu is like a benchmark that always stands in the front, he has been chasing after him since he was a toddler. When Song Yu was six years old, he was three years old, and he stumbled out with his brother to see the moving ants; Song Yu was ten years old, he was seven years old, and he went to elementary school with his brother for the first time. He was so happy on the bus that he sang but was covered. Shut up; Song Yu is fifteen years old, he is twelve, and he is holding a small electric fan under the big sun. The old man selling ice cream gave him a bench so that he can sit and wait for his brother to leave the examination room. He still remembered that he ate three popsicles that day, Song Yu didn’t find it, and because he gave up taking the school bus, they took a taxi to eat crayfish.

The crayfish were very big that day. He ate 23 of them, 15 of which were peeled by Song Yu because they were too slow to move. He remembered himself retorting: “Although I don’t know how to peel shrimp, I am good at hiding, right, none of your classmates saw me.”

Song Yu disagreed, “But I saw it at a glance, so you didn’t hide well at all.”

Le Zhishi always insisted that he was good at hiding, including his relationship with Song Yu outside. Later, he had to admit that Song Yu was right.

“The green light, let’s go.”

The sound on the road interrupted his thoughts, glanced at the time, Lezhi Shi stepped on the pedal to accelerate, arched his thin body, and pedaled hard. At the beginning of September, the wind was still warm, drying the whole body, blowing the summer school uniform shirt to the bulge, and Lezhishi’s slightly curly brown hair glowed a little golden in the sun, and was fluffy and soft.

He rushed all the way to the school, just stopped his bicycle, and saw the large army at the gate, he felt as if he had forgotten something.

“Le Le!” The shoulder was slapped suddenly, and Le Zhishi turned his head in fright. It was his iron buddy and tablemate Jiang Yufan.

Le Zhishi’s surname is special, and many people will pronounce it as happy music rather than musical music at first glance. The high frequency of errors made him directly add a nickname-Lele. Not only family members, but also classmates and friends who are close to each other call this.

After he succeeded, Jiang Yufan looked smug and touched his small flat head that was just pushed clean by his mother. “Why are you stepping on a point to come to school today?”

“I’ve slept.” Le Zhishi pulled Jiang Yufan to the school gate, “There are so many people at the gate.”

The old **** Jiang Yufan was there, “The less you go to study early, the more people will be late.” Seeing the day student wearing an armband from a distance, he checked the school uniform and glanced at Lezhi Shi by the way.

“Hey wait,” Jiang Yufan grabbed him, “Le, where’s your nameplate?”

The fast-footed Le Zhishi suddenly woke up, touched his chest, and it was really empty.

“That’s bad. Aunt Rong removes the nameplate every time she washes clothes. I walked away in a hurry today and forgot about it.”

“What should I do then?” Jiang Yufan padded his feet and looked at the door, “I rely on, the compasses are also there.”

Compasses is the nickname of the dean of their junior high school, because they are thin, tall, and meticulous. Everyone calls it that way.

Le Zhishi is even more anxious. Compasses is very famous, and even the girls change their school uniforms and skirts to be notified. Today, I ran into the opening ceremony again, and maybe he will be on the notification list later.

He pulled the strap of his schoolbag in an attempt to block it, “Jiang Yufan, help me cover it.”

“Okay, maybe I can fool it.”

Jiang Yufan blocked half of his body, and the two moved quickly to the school gate like a Siamese baby, trying to get past a group of students under examination.

Compass’s voice is very sharp, “Turn out the collar of the school uniform, that classmate, there will be a video of the opening ceremony later, and it will be uploaded to the school’s official website. Your image is the image of our Peiya, you know?”

Le Zhishi clenched the strap of his schoolbag tightly and moved forward against Jiang Yufan.

“What’s the matter with your pants?”

“Teacher, my school uniform and pants are not dry, I wear a pair of similar…”

“Are two school pants not enough for you to change?!”

Le Zhishi buried her head lower and was ready to apologize.


He was so frightened as a rabbit with a pricked hole, he stopped, but he still didn’t dare to look up.

Not me, it must not be me.

“I am talking about you.”

Compasses came closer, and there was a student on duty who followed him to check, “The girl with short hair, what’s your nameplate? Which class?”

Le Zhishi just breathed a sigh of relief, and heard the compasses say, “I have said countless times that you must wear a student nameplate when you go to school. Is it difficult to do it? Who else hasn’t worn it?”

And I.

Le Zhishi’s body was stiff, as if a weird big hand suddenly appeared and pulled him out of the crowd, slipped to the compass, and pointed out that there was no other nameplate cloth on his chest.

At the moment when the nerves were most tense, the arm was really caught. My heart suddenly mentioned, Lezhishi subconsciously apologized: “I’m sorry…”

But in the next second, the hand moved down the line of the arm, grabbed his hand, and spread his fingers among the closely-knitting students. A metal piece with warm body temperature was stuffed in.

It sounds mysterious, but you can recognize who it is when you know it by hand. He raised his head and saw a cold and familiar face as expected.

The other party was wearing a high school uniform with a red armband in his arm, and his brows were slightly frowned under the direct sunlight.

No one else, but the “brother” who lives under the same roof with him.

Le Zhishi’s eyes widened slightly, and his light-colored pupils were as transparent as amber beads in the sun. Seeing Song Yu, he got a layer of electricity all over his body, and subconsciously wanted to speak, but the next second he conditioned his reflex to swallow the “brother” who had reached his mouth.

When his eyes touched, Song Yu let go, his eyes aside, his gaze was indifferent, as if the relationship between them was really just the relationship between the on-duty senior and the offending student. He glanced at his watch and took out a pen from his pocket to make a list of late arrivals.

The attention of the people around is still on the compass and the girl being trained, and no one has noticed this secret handover. Le Zhishi looked down at the nameplate in his hand, which was engraved with the words [Peiya Junior High School Le Zhishi]. Before the compass was discovered, Lezhishi quickly pinned the nameplate on the front of his shirt.

As soon as he lowered his hand, he saw a pair of shrewd eyes scanning him. Le Zhishi raised his face and smiled at the compass. He was born innocent, with a pair of extremely pure dog eyes. Although the appearance of the bonus is not everything, but this beautiful face is really hard to be cruel and harsh.

“I was almost late.” Even so, the compass still let go, “Go in.”

“Yeah.” Le Zhishi nodded obediently, “Thank you, Director.”

The school clock tower just struck the bell. He couldn’t help turning his head, Song Yu Metasequoia in the crowd was as long as he was, just like the kind of person who would shine when he appeared in comics.

There is not much time, the whole class must gather in the classroom before the opening ceremony. Lezhishi didn’t want to be too late, and ran to the classroom desperately, but Jiang Yufan felt strange, “No, stop when Lezhishi! I saw it all!”

“It’s going to be late, it’s going to be late.” Lezhishi hurried forward, his heart beating fast.

Jiang Yufan was out of breath, “Don’t…don’t interrupt, tell me honestly, why is your nameplate in Song Yu’s hands?”

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