Lovely Allergen

Chapter 7

Chapter 6 Sudden showers

of course I remember.

Le Zhishi came to Song Yu with a torrential rain without warning.

He remembers clearly that he went to open the door that night. Unexpected rain swarmed in on the summer night, wet his hair, his father wrapped a child in his arms, wrapped tightly in a jacket, and knelt down and hugged Song Yu after entering the door.

Song Yu stretched out a bit of clothes in a puzzled way, “Who is this?”

A pair of eyes appeared under the unfolded coat, like glass beads.

“This is the younger brother.”

Six-year-old Song Yu had a younger brother overnight. He was soft and beautiful. He looked like a little angel in a fairy tale picture book. He had light brown hair curled up, and he only spoke English and was milky.

Contrary to this little guy, Song Yu was not born with a lively personality. He didn’t like to be noisy and didn’t talk much. The elder relatives always said that his personality was not good and that he wanted to change. But Lin Rong always argued for reasons and said that he was separated. The generation inherited the grandfather, so that Song Yu could be himself since he was a child.

He is very smart, and his mind is much more mature than other children, but no matter how mature he is, he will be at a loss when facing a strange child who will part with his pet. Song Yu didn’t like him at first, but he didn’t hate him either.

He was observing in silence most of the time.

It’s strange that his eyelashes are too curly.

Why does this little thing speak so hard? It looks dumb.

Was it that I was so stupid when I was young?

But Le Zhishi is really cute, and every elder will praise him a few words when he meets it. These compliments shaken the impression in Xiao Song Yu’s heart. He also has to admit that Le Zhishi is a little cuter than the Pomeranian he really wants to buy. .

On the third day of coming to his house, Lezhi suddenly kept crying, crying for his parents, but for his own parents, no one can coax him.

“Don’t cry.” As soon as Song Yu approached, he stretched out his arms to hug him when Lezhi, but Song Yu couldn’t hold him, so he wrapped it up by himself, like a glutinous rice cake, he couldn’t tear it off.

“Your crying makes me have a headache.” Song Yu was desperate and said to Lin Rong, “Mom, let’s send him back to find his parents and let him go home.”

Lin Rong looked at him, but couldn’t say what he wanted to say, and finally coaxed Le Zhishi upstairs. Only Song Yu and Song Father were left in the living room.

“Xiaoyu.” Father Song pulled him over and told him very seriously, “My brother has no mom and dad anymore.”

Song Yu frowned and did not answer. He only thought about the meaning of this sentence in his heart, and soon Father Song gave him a more precise answer.

“His parents are gone, he has no home to go back.”

He understands what “absent” means.

Song Yu’s brows furrowed deeper, he looked up at the upstairs, then looked back at his father.

“Then will he leave in the future?”

Father Song shook his head, “Here will be his home in the future.”

Adults will always subconsciously judge children and feel that children don’t understand anything. But in fact, children have more empathy than adults, and they will hold an umbrella for a little stray dog ​​on the way home.

So is Song Yu, even if he hasn’t been a sympathetic child since he was a child.

After returning to his room, he hugged his pillow and slumped on the small sofa, with what Song said in his mind.

Lezhishi looks so cute, but there is no mom and dad anymore.

This sentence stuck in his heart, so he felt more and more pitiful when he was happy to know. Stray dogs are stray dogs no matter how beautiful they are. They have nowhere to go when it rains. They can only hide in tunnels, shivering, cold and hungry.

The door suddenly opened with a creak, which interrupted Song Yu’s mind about the adventures of stray dogs. He looked up and saw Lezhi when the little one was shrunk by the door, half of his head was exposed, looking in pitifully, and he let out a silly cry.

Song Yu glanced at him with a gesture of a small master, “Why are you hiding?” Seeing no movement from the little thing, he couldn’t bear it, so he raised his hand and beckoned to let him in. Only then did Le Zhishi slowly walk towards him. The child’s feet were unstable, and he staggered every step, as if he was about to fall down in the next second, making Song Yu frightened.

Finally came to him, Lezhishi looked at him with big eyes blinking like this, his face turned red from crying, and the whole figure looked like a little peach that was about to break his skin.

The eyes are swollen. Song Yu thought of what his father had said again, so he gave him a seat so that he would also shrink on the small lazy couch with himself.

It has rained for several days, and it seems that the rain hasn’t stopped since Lezhi came.

When he asked Lezhi why he came to his room, a white light flashed outside the window. Before Le Zhishi could answer, he was cut off by a huge thunder. He was so scared that he hugged Song Yu and his whole body was shaking.

Although Song Yu was also frightened by the thunder, Le Zhishi was much more scared than him, not only trembling, but also crying.

Song Yu was most afraid of him crying, thinking of asking his mother to take him back to the room, Cole just clung to him when she knew it, and desperately drilled into his arms. No way, Song Yu just coaxed him like a real brother, but he didn’t like to talk, so he could only cover his ears and pat his back with his hands.

Lei won’t disappear easily. It always reappears after Lezhishi’s fright has recovered a little bit. If you hack it, it will be wasted.

He decided to find a way to divert little poor attention.

After thinking for a while, Song Yu took out a large box of Madeleine cakes. The chocolate was hearty, which was brought to him by his father when he went abroad. He has not been willing to take it apart.

It’s cheaper for you.

With the sweet cake and Song Yu covering his ears, Lezhi Shi was not so scared. He looks cute when he eats. Two little meaty hands are holding the cake and biting one bite at a time. When a sudden thunder strikes, the whole body will shake, and the little cakes fall off. After a second, he picks it up again, and continues to eat with tears.

Funny and pathetic.

“You are so young, how can you eat so much.” Song Yu looked at the empty box, only the last cake was left. He picked it up and took a bite for himself, and the sweet chocolate flowed out of it.

Le Zhishi stretched out his hand to him again, and said softly that he still wanted it. Song Yu had no choice but to give him half of his hand again, “Nothing.”

In the end, this half was eaten clean by him in the same posture, and the corners of his mouth were full of chocolate. Song Yu thought he was dirty, so he took a piece of paper and wiped the corners of his mouth.

He feels like he really looks like a big brother.

This kind of brother-like identity that suddenly emerged gave Song Yu a very complicated emotion, a little burden, and a little joy and pride. He was more convinced than a hundred people said to him, “You have grown up.”

Le Zhishi didn’t want to leave when she slept at night, crying and clamoring to sleep with Song Yu, Lin Rong had no choice but to hold him into his son’s room. As soon as I got into Song Yu’s bed, I stopped crying or making trouble when I knew it. He was obedient and quiet, sleeping next to Song Yu’s arm, like a little doll, and still crying and obediently saying goodnight to him.

He seems to have had a fledgling plot for this boy who is three years older than him, because he will cover his ears and eat cakes for him when it thunders.

After Lin Rong left, when Song Yu turned to look at Lezhi with his eyes closed, he thought to himself that multiple younger brothers might also be fine. Even if he was a little slimy and kept next to him, he didn’t hate him. He can take him to fly a kite in Jiangtan Park, watch the reeds, and take him to the Mathematical Olympiad class with him, but this little thing must not understand a word.

Song Yu’s mind was already filled with the situation of being stuck by Lezhishi.

Children are always full of curiosity, but Song Yu is not. He has been extra sensible since he was a child. But when he realized that he would become an older brother, he had a naive novelty for the first time.

But that night, Song Yu realized for the first time that being a brother is not that simple.

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by the sound of Lezhishi’s breathing, his small hands clasped his arms tightly, as if he couldn’t breathe every breath. Song Yu was terrified, and his first reaction was to run out of bed and smash his parents’ door.

The sound of the ambulance is more frightening than thunder. Song Yu fell into it all night, as if tinnitus. He didn’t listen to persuasion and insisted on following, so he ran behind the adult, and was held by his father when he looked at Lezhi. He was so small, his eyes closed, and his lips were not pretty pink anymore.

Everything in the emergency department was flustered. In the memory, it was like a chaotic shot of fast editing. The eyes were all gray, and the sound of heartbeat and sad breathing when Lezhi was the background sound.

It was not until the doctor came out and told them that it was all right, the tearful mother stood up all of a sudden, and his father pinched out the cigarette, Song Yu’s heart fell.

“Our preliminary judgment is food allergic asthma. After checking the allergens, this child has a very serious wheat allergy. In theory, he cannot eat any food containing wheat. The mild clinical reaction may be diarrhea and urticaria, which is more serious. It will induce asthma like this time. How can you parents not pay attention?”

Lin Rong wiped away her tears and didn’t speak. Lezhi Shi hadn’t eaten anything made of flour these days. It was basically vegetables, fruits and rice cereal. The parents of the child left suddenly and they didn’t even know.

“We must be careful next time.” Father Song said in a dumb voice.

“Allergies can be big or small, and the child is only three years old. It’s no joke.” The doctor then asked, “Did he eat something he shouldn’t eat today?”

“It shouldn’t be…” Lin Rong also felt puzzled, but she couldn’t think of any wheat products no matter how she recalled.

A string in Song Yu’s mind broke. He suddenly understood that he was the most terrible criminal in the world, and he almost killed the brother who was so dependent on him. I thought I was just using my favorite cake to coax him, but what was fed was poison.

“He…he ate the cake, and I ate it for him.” Song Yu had never been so worried when he grew up so old, but he still truthfully confessed his “crime”, even if he was really unintentional.

The doctor sighed, “This situation is also common, kids, isn’t it also the kind of thing that feeds little goldfish, and the fish die the next day after feeding too much? It’s not intentional.”

This example did not alleviate Song Yu’s burden, on the contrary, it became more and more serious.

“According to the symptoms of this disease, I think I have eaten a lot.” The doctor reassured, “You may also like your brother too much, so you fed so many cakes. Remember next time, don’t do this. .”

The children’s self-blame and burden let Song Yu understand for the first time that it turns out that liking can cause harm.

He thought that he was taking in a poor stray dog ​​and giving it an umbrella during heavy rains, but in fact, he stretched out his hand that spread fish food uncontrollably, full of joy, and the last thing he waited for might be a lost one. Little fish floating up in life.

Although the parents did not blame, they comforted him like the doctor and told him it was nothing. But since that day, Song Yu still consciously distanced him from this younger brother, not too close. He also couldn’t tell the reason. It may be that the fear and self-blame that night was still unresolved, or he understood what restraint was.

Know it earlier than many adults.

After growing up, Song Yu often felt that he was born with a distance from the world, holding a few lines in his hand, connecting him with some people necessary in his life, everything is set in black, white and gray. .

Only Lezhishi was an unexpected visit outside of fate, a sudden shower. Some people say that this is the unending brotherhood of the previous life, and this life has also collided with each other, so he has a special thread in his hand, a thin red, as if it will disperse when blown. In the final analysis, this does not belong to him, so He not only clenched, but also tried to hold on.

I just chose the dumbest but safest way.

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