Loving the Most Handsome Man in the Capital

Chapter 383 - Adults need to talk and count

Su Lun shed tears and said, “I only have one relative, that is my brother. After my parents died, the uncles robbed my parents of the compensation and left me and my brother here regardless. It’s my brother’s stealing someone’s food for me, and it didn’t make me hungry, and my brother learned to make money from pancakes and bought me something to eat. My brother is my only loved one. I can’t lose him. You send him. Elsewhere, I don’t know if he will be bullied there. Will he be hungry if he has anything to eat?”

“Okay, I promise you.” Luo Feng suddenly interrupted.

When Su Lun heard it, he immediately grinned and said, “Adult wants to talk and count.”

Let me go, will this kid change his face too soon?

Mu Yun and Luo Feng were completely speechless.

Knowing that he was put on by this kid, Luo Feng didn’t take back what he just said. He stretched out his finger and hooked up with Su Lun’s finger and said, “I’m talking, but I don’t know if it’s still the case at that time. Go to your brother firmly.”

“Relax, no matter how long, my determination to go to my brother will never change.” After that, Sulun returned to the room.

Soon Su Lun came out with a box. He handed the box to Mu Yun and said, “I have already spoken and counted. You adults can’t even be a child.”

Okay, can’t refute it at all?

“Thank you for your peace of mind. I will supervise your brother Feng. If he doesn’t keep his promise, I will beat you up until he agrees.” Mu Yun raised his hand and touched Su Lun’s head.

“En.” So Lun was satisfied and invited Mu Yun and Nao Feng to eat the pancake he made.

After eating pancakes at Surun’s house, the two left and returned to Central City.

Just back home, I learned from Fang Quan that Lan Yu’s Lan Yu was suddenly looking for death. Mu Yun just sneered at the news, and then swept the news with his mobile phone.

Now all the headlines are about the blue family and blue feathers. It is said that blue feathers don’t know what to do and suddenly commit suicide. Even if the blue city hasn’t awakened yet, it is said that he was scared.

Now the entire Central City knows that Blue City is afraid of chickens, and those rivals of the Blue Family must not take this opportunity to step on the Blue Family.

As a result, the situation intensified, and the image of your son in the blue city collapsed instantly.

Mu Yun looked at the news and smiled constantly. Luo Feng asked: “You didn’t swap the blue witch and the witch soul in Liu Na’s mother, isn’t the witch in the blue feather now?”

“How could the witch look for death? I originally exchanged their souls, but when I pulled the blue feather soul out, I changed my mind again. Lan Yu is still in her own body and now shares a body with the witch.” Mu Yun said.

“Oh, no wonder Lan Yu is dying or alive, seeing his body grow old with the naked eye, this feeling is really collapsed.” Luo Feng knew, he thought that now in Lan Yu’s body is only a witch I didn’t expect that both souls were in Lan Yu’s body, which was interesting.

“Hum me to fight you.”

“A Feng, let’s go to the Blue City at night.” Mu Yun asked, turning his head to look at Xuan Mingfeng

Luo Feng nodded and said: “Yes, just study how to use the fish scales in your hand to wake up the fish scales in the blue city.”

“You don’t know how to wake up?” Mu Yun asked.

“You study, and it is meaningful to you to be able to take your mother’s fish scales back,” Luo Feng said.

“Yes.” Mu Yun nodded decisively.

“Eh, don’t forget to bring me.” Fang Quan said aside.

Blue home

At this time in Blue Feather’s room, he shouted hysterically: “You come here, you come out, I will find another body for you, a very young body.”

Then Lan Yu changed his expression again, and said with a flustered expression: “I really can’t come out. Mu Yun put down my soul after putting it in your body. I suppressed it. After I lost my soul, I was powerless. He was right.”

“Aren’t you a witch? Why is there no way? That’s what we said! You come out!”

Lan Yu collapsed!

She looked at her skin in the mirror and began to wrinkle, and the whole person almost fainted.

No, she is only 25 years old, she is still very young!

Obviously they planned to let the witch dominate Mu Yun’s body. Mu Yun could only retreat from the position of the main god. After all, the main **** is a **** and not a demon. How can he continue to sit in the position of the main god.

But they never imagined that her brother was in trouble at the critical moment, and it was clearly the poison for Mu Yun, but it was eaten by himself, but the magic potion that strengthened the skill was given to Mu Yun. His brother was poisoned, and she also became Now this ghost looks.

“Yes, the old man must have moved his hands and feet on the spirit pill and poison.” Lan Yu immediately rushed out of the room and went to the old man’s laboratory, summoning her weapon to the old man who is making the spirit pill. Slashed, Cao’s old man raised his hand and waved her weapon off.

Lan Yu roared: “You are a dead old man, it must be your hands and feet. Did you change the poison and the magic pill?”

When the Lan family heard the movement, they all ran and saw the mess in the laboratory. Looking at the sorrow on the face of Old Man Cao again, Lan Wei knew that Lan Yu was fooling around again, and hurried in to pull her sister out of the laboratory. Here comes, “Xiaoyu, Cao Shenyi has been treating the third son for the past few days. You are not thankful to others, who came here to make troubles, what is the eldest brother? It was this old man who developed the poison and the spirit pill. He used to be a master of the world. Who knows if he really turned to our family? Did he make a fake on the poison and the pill?” Lan Yu said angrily.

When Old Man Cao heard it, he dropped his hand, and the lab made a ping-pong voice, “I’ll take refuge with your blue family? Isn’t it your blue family who invited me to join your blue family?” Didn’t you want my help? Now I’m saying I want to trust you?”

“Cao Shenyi, my sister, she”

After Lan Wei finished speaking, Old Man Cao continued: “The poison was made by you, and it was created by me on my own initiative. If it is not for you to ask for poison, I will only give you enhancement. There is no such thing as a poison of power.”

“Now something is wrong, you put the blame on me. Does this mean that what your blue family likes most is to blame the people below? Then, who dares to join your blue family?”

Lan Wei realized the seriousness, and immediately made Lan Yu drag him down. He stood in front of Old Man Cao and apologized: “I’m really sorry, Doctor Cao Shen, my sister-in-law was also indecent because of the blow. Please ask Cao Shenyi not to share her general knowledge.”

“What I don’t like most about this person is the front side and the back side. I like to do things frankly. If the Lan family can’t make me feel like this, I can’t continue to stay at the Lan family.” Old Man Cao said seriously .

“I understand that Cao Shenyi doesn’t have to worry. We sincerely want you to join us. We will handle Cao Shenyu’s affairs with ease,” Lan Wei assured.

“I will believe you again.” After that, Old Man Cao returned to the laboratory and continued to do things that he didn’t finish.

Lan Wei hurried to Lan Yu’s room. When he saw that Lan Yu was still going crazy, she immediately angered: “Xiao Yu, what else do you think you are not as good as you are, and now you blame my dignitaries, you want to Let me finally invite the dignitaries to leave. Do you know that if it were not Cao Shenyi, your nephew Zi Hang would have been dead?”

“But the poison came from his hand,” Lan Yu said angrily.

“That was developed by your third brother.” Lan Wei was also very angry, and red and blue were unclear. Who can blame?

“Then what should I do? The witch’s soul is still in my body now, elder brother, look at me now, am I still like a 25-year-old? I’m almost forty, I’m not married yet, How can older brother grow old.” Lan Yu cried.

“Relax, I’ll find a way.” Lan Wei also knew that his sister was uncomfortable, but what else happened? Blame it on Mu Yun is too cunning, and they are not as good as people.

“Your third brother is like this now, and you should talk to your uncle.” Lan Wei suddenly said after a moment of silence.

As soon as he heard that he was going to find his second uncle, Lan Yu immediately excitedly said: “For second uncle, but Daxian, he must have a way to deal with that stinky kid.”

“I went to find the second uncle in the past two days, you stay at home and don’t go out, especially Mu Yun, you don’t want to go to him privately, otherwise you don’t know how to die.” Lan Wei urged.

“I know, brother, I will not go around, just stay at home.” Lan Yu had already seen Mu Yun’s ability to know that he was not his opponent, so he dared not act again.

Now, all she had to do was wait for the eldest brother to find the second uncle and come back to help them.

“Come down first, Aunt said that people will make you a Pill of Pills, which is very helpful to you now.” Lan Wei said to Lan Yu.

Lan Yu nodded and went downstairs with Lan Wei. After a while, a white-haired old lady came over, followed by a maid, and the old lady looked at Lan Yu and shouted, “Xiao Yu, I just made Developed a magic pill that can suppress the witch’s soul in your body. As long as her soul energy is weakened, her influence on you will become weak.”

Speaking of her, let the maid send Lingdan to him. When the witch in Lan Yu heard that it could weaken her soul, how could Blue Lan swallow it? Immediately grabbed the body’s dominance and said angrily: “If you dare to let me take this medicine, I will now scrap the spirit of Lan Yu.”

The witch was a little surprised to see the old lady in front of her.

Unexpectedly, this old lady turned out to be the grandfather of her grandson, that is, the wife of Old Man Xiao. Now that she has divorced back home, she turned out to be the Lan family.

“Do you dare? If you are not worried about affecting Xiaoyu’s body, do you think I can do nothing about you?”

The witch was a little scared. Now she regrets why she had to damage her soul. If the soul was not damaged, she would not have to fear these people now.

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