Lowly Ascent

Chapter 305 – Human Lives

"I must say, Sir Raven, your help has been invaluable. I'll be sure to get the Bureau to hire you after this. We could use another mind like yours." Doctor Braun was praiseful of Cain, making a full turnaround from their first meeting.

(Although what your organization, the Bureau, is doing is admirable. I am a bird, I won't join an organization for humans.) Cain rejected the offer.

"On the contrary Great One, the Bureau employs a variety of races. Some high-level members are even monsters themselves. I know a head researcher at another facility that's an intelligent werewolf, they gained intelligence through a sacrifice and became obsessed with the path. Humanity is advanced in that path thanks to him." Ivan replied.

(Oh? Interesting, I'll have to learn more about the Bureau then. I hope you'll be able to tell me during our time here.)

Both Scientists responded at the same time. "Of course sir!" 


"Is this the kid?"

A scratchy voice excitedly responded, "Yep! He was tuff to catch, even if you sent him to us. I think 10% more is fair."


The Gremlin took the offer, "5% it is! Thank you as always! Come again!"

A dark-suited man equipped to the teeth with armor grabbed Isaac by the collar and dragged him along. The goods were already knocked out before the buyer came to pick them up.

Gremlins were greedy, the Bureau paid them for every transaction and happily did so. The money would go back into the Bureau's pockets anyway, they were the only ones who could protect the Gremlins. The creatures would give tributes every month to keep the relationship with their owners going.

Unlike the Bureau, the cults were prejudiced and many had commandments that were biased against magical creatures and even had bylaws to exterminate them on sight.

Vrmm Vrmm!

A black Hummer came to life as its engine purred. Isaac was inside, lying on the back seats while the man in a dark suit and armor drove off, the facility gates opening for him.

"Hehe, that kid won't last a week." The Gremlin laughed as he got back to work.

Among those who worked for or in the Bureau, those who knew the facility Isaac was heading to were not many. All of them that did know however knew how much of a death sentence it was to be sent there, what went on in the walls was the first thing they got told, and it was enough to cause some squeamish people to puke.

The Facility wasn't the leading research base for nothing, ethics and morals were against the rules when expanding the Bureau's knowledge, and all of the Doctors and Scientists approved such a rule.


Deep into the wilderness, near the edge of the Country and bordering an abandoned region of the world, a hummer droved down the only road in sight. In the car, the driver turned a hidden nob beneath their seat, and a signal was sent out.

Beep Boop Beep

At some point down the road, the ground lifted and revealed a ramp going down. The hummer went down, the exit closing behind it. The car continued to head deeper for what seemed like hours.

Eventually, the vehicle entered a loading dock full of trucks loading and offloading supplies and submarines bringing out tens of humans.

There was an underground flood ravine that connected to one of the planet's oceans, allowing for such a secretive transport method. 

One of the stationed soldiers walked up to the car and waited for the man in black to roll down their window.

"This is the special subject correct?" The Guard peered at the back seat, seeing Isaac.

"Yes, are you going to take him now or do I have to bring him into the building?"

The Guard waved his hands dismissingly, "No no, we got it. There was a new shipment from the subs anyway, perfect timing. Thanks for bringing it here."

Isaac was offloaded from the hummer and placed on a stretcher.

"All set, you can head back now." The Guard and man in black saluted one another and the hummer took a one-eighty, leaving the facility.

"Alright, let me see your file." The Guard picked up a clipboard with Isaac's files attached to it. "Ah, a talented one. You're going to be a great help in us learning about the Path of Sacrifice, aren't you. Too bad your talent will never bloom, hehe."

The Guard put the clipboard back and pushed the stretcher over to where the other subjects were being checked and brought in.

There was a man in a lab coat, checking each of the "subjects" being brought off the submarine. He would check for wounds, the condition of their teeth and eyes, and the state of their chains.

It was easiest to tell what a "subject" had gone through by the condition of their chains since they were seldom switched out.

The Bureau bought from the best and had their supply from the Gremlins.

Two subjects who didn't pass the doctor's standards were brought back onto the sub, their fates unknown. The rest were perfect experiment materials.

"Doctor Huskins, this is the guy the Higher Ups wanted to be tested."

Huskins took a good look at Isaac, nodding.

"We were informed ahead of time. His second sacrifice was phenomenal, or so the data says. I'm sure Doctor Lyns will appreciate this."

Isaac was taken in no time, two armed guards came out and especially took him through a different route from the rest.

"So, this is the guy. He's been making waves, but not any he would know or even understand." One of the guards started up a conversation.

"Yeah, poor bastard, must not even know what's going on. Can't imagine how he'll act once he's up. Honestly, I feel bad, Doctor Lyns will probably want to use him for a long time, he'll be in hell for a few years at least." The other guard replied, he gazed at Isaac with pity.

The first guard laughed, "Oh yeah, most get out in a body back by the 6th month. Poor bastard's not gonna have that luck."

"You're awfully cruel. He's a person is he not? Now I don't have an opinion in what we do since it betters us all, but I mean, can't you at least feel bad?"

"Feel bad? This guy got lucky! He survived two sacrifices, and both gave him amazing rewards! My brother died trying to make a hasty sacrifice to save a family against a ghost, no one spoke about him. But this kid? He makes a sacrifice, not following procedure or for any reason besides his feelings hurt, and he gets to live? Not only that, he's praised for being a talent and then succeeds a second time!? What has he done!? Completed a few missions? Don't you know he got in scot-free, do you even know his profile as I do? Bastard didn't even do the time working for the local police, just straight into the Bureau. How is any of that fair? But look at him now. I say, the scales finally found balance."

The guard's monologue left his compatriot in silence. The two entered a state of avoidance, neither speaking as they brought Isaac to his destination.

A door slid open, leading into a highly advanced room full of devices and machines whirling and whizzing. The two guards pushed Isaac inside and placed him in the cage at the center of the room.

"Enjoy the checkup, bastard." The guard spat on Isaac before leaving.

The other guard followed behind, much more hesitant and conflicted than his counterpart. But he too left in swift succession.

Isaac was left in his cage, unconscious with spit on his face.

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