Lowly Ascent

Chapter 319 – Change in Management

Isaac was meditating in his cell. His book to his side. In the last few days, he has made little progress in advancing the Sin of Envy.

'The time is coming soon, the council has been recruiting more prisoners to their cause and the warden beefed up security. With what's happening on the outside, the perfect time to strike would be when the country is in distress, which might likely happen soon.'

On the outside, tension had long caused conflicts between the region contested by three countries. Somehow, the Bureau's country started to lose, and the other two countries joined hands to combat them.

The military got involved and small battles erupted, one of the region's cities being the main conflict area.

Resources were being diverted and to fight external forces, the Bureau would have to give up fighting internal ones. It wouldn't be long before occult resources were sent to the growing warzone.

'Soon, there will be total war, and that's when the fight here will begin at full steam. At that time, I must be strong enough!' Isaac focused back on meditating.

In his soul, a second moon began to shimmer.


In a small region packed with resources, gunfire, and explosions resounded in a vast cityscape. Crumbling buildings and horrifying screams echoed through the tall buildings as if it were a canyon. The smell of ash and sulfur overtook even the horrendous smell of burnt rubber from the nearby car fires.

He was standing on the rebar of a recently collapsed building, a man with a stubbled beard and messy gray hair overlooked a family running from the chaos.

"Oh? When did the sacrifices start coming to me?" He took out a strangely shaped bell and rang it. The sound echoed like a hypnotizing trigger.

When its vibrations touched the family's ears, fireworks went off.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three headless bodies fell apart. The sound waves had crushed their bodies and imploded their heads.

"How fun! Oh God please accept this offering!" The man laughed and clapped like a schoolgirl.

"Trevor Sharp! One of the three thrones! You bastard!" An enraged scream sent the dust in the area flying.

Sharp's mouth curved manically, "So it's the dog of the Bureau, where's your boss, I would like a rematch!"

"All you damn cultists want a rematch with him, but you have to prove you are worthy of it!"

These words seemed to annoy Trevor, "So that weakling Cromwell got one but I can't! He even lost his arm, the fool! I'll kill you, Arbiter!"

The cultist sprang from his spot and charged the women clad in black while ringing his bell.

"Do you think that will work on me?! My soul is as illusive and powerful as darkness itself!" The Arbiter's armor turned darker as it radiated a black smoke that dispelled the sound waves heading for her. She then took out her large sword and charged at the maniac.

After that day, the region where their fight took place would be sealed off from civilians and would become a full war zone. No one went in or out and more resources were poured into the cauldron.

The war had shaken the world and all the countries prepared.

It was a time of chaos.


'There are less guards are in the prison, I guess it's time.'

Isaac had been playing his cards well, gathering resources from both the Council and Warden without breaking ties with either. He was on no one's side until the benefits were there and now he had to choose which player would win the battle.

Isabelle walked into the cell. "How's it going, the council wanted me to tell you to be ready. Tonight we strike."

Recently, Isaac's cellmate was recruited by the council and given a generous amount of things. It didn't bother Isaac and he was somewhat happy for her, but his compassion cut off there, she was just another prisoner in this cage.

'Hmm Isabelle oh Isabelle...you were smart yet now you choose wrong. The Bureau is a massive power, it's been in power for decades and even if it gets shaken it will continue to stand for decades more. What can a bunch of rowdy prisoners do against such a power? This may be a big prison, but it is not the only one.'

With that, Isaac stood up and left the cell. He headed for the Warden's office. Isabelle stood in confusion as he left abruptly, not speaking a word.

'The side I choose is the one with the upper hand. Tonight, I will return to the Bureau, the winning side.' Deep in Isaac's soul, two spheres of light glowed in anticipation.


The prison was quiet, far too quiet. It was by far the quietest it's ever been.

People weren't fools, hushed whispers had already made the rounds of what would happen on this night. No one slept, they instead held their bated breath.

Many cells were left empty, and those that were missing gathered in one of the prison's many armories. There, Cain stood beside five others preparing themselves.

Many female faculty were standing at attention around Lance.

'No wonder we had so many insiders, the Path of Lust seems to deal in cohesion.' Isaac took notes, he would learn the exact abilities of the Council Members in a short period.

Jakov stepped forward, he was layered in bulletproof armor and had a massive machine gun in hand.

"Everyone! Now is our time to free ourselves from the chains around our necks and the experiments plaguing our minds! We will go out there and kill every last one of our captors, and then we will take this place as our own! Purifying it and turning it into something new!"

The prisoners screamed and cheered, they all readied themselves for death and freedom.

"Charge!" Jakov busted down the door to the armory with his bare body. There were a few guards outside waiting in ambush.

"It's the prisoners like we guessed! Kill them!"

Gunshots went off, but Jakov protected those behind him and let most of the bullets hit him. Even after he gunned down the guards, he appeared fine and ready to get shot at again.

"Now is the time, rush the halls and take what's ours! We have already spilled enough of our blood in this place, it's time for us to spill theirs!" The giant of a man ran, his every step shaking the ground around him. He was like a massive lion trying to fit into a small cave.

Isaac walked slower than the rest, he was grinning.

'And so it begins.'

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