Lowly Ascent

Chapter 323 – City Wrapped in Bone

"What is this information?" Cain inquired.

"Our information brokers have heard from some monster hunters that a big excursion into a cave led to a wall collapsing and revealing a whole city on the other side. The cave is naturally formed and is one of the oldest in the region, so the city is believed to be ancient, since the beginning of days as some hunters said. I think we should check it out before anyone else does."

"Did you keep the information from getting out?"

The man grinned, "Of course."


Standing before a large cave, Cain watched as his subordinates set up camp.

Everyone was dressed in civilian attire to appear like normal campers and cave explorers. As long as no one looked too deeply at the large group, everything would go well.

'Raven's Nest, oh how you grew in the palm of my hand. This reminds me of the old days, those far-away memories...how long has it been? In this time I've learned so much, and I'll continue to learn more.' Cain took a moment to reflect as people got ready to cave dive.

Most of Raven's Nest had weak soldiers in Fullness and another random Minor Path. Then there were Captains and Leaders above them and then the two Apostles above that. Cain was at the top, he held the title of Herald with Darla beside him with the title of Princess.

There were also secret agents that Cain put some higher trust in, they used the Dream World to communicate and barely met the others in person. One of these agents was the plaid man who regularly gave Cain information. He told Cain about the cave long before one of his Apostles did, and helped lock down any information leakage.

The common factor between the known group and the hidden group was that they both had access to the Dream World, but because Cain was in control of it, the normal cult members were restricted in its use, and they would have to rise in rank for more privileges.

Cain didn't subject Darla to the Dream World, she wasn't interested in it anyway.

'Any organization should have two or more sides. If one begins to fall, the other can swoop in and save it. This way survivability rises. Though having a side with more power isn't smart, since I have everything in control it's fine. Only when an organization needs to outlive its founder does balance need to exist.'

Cain's thoughts on growing an organization came from his strong foundation. He not only had experience but knowledge, and the most important factor to him was balance.

Once one faction or person had too much power, once someone's mind was filled with greed, it was only a matter of time before an organization collapsed. Balance was needed, and a constant watch was too, but even those watching could be corrupted, even the leader.

The truth was, all organizations fell, Cain either needed to make an organization that he could be detached from or destroy the organization himself before it collapsed to reap everything.

Everything wears, everything ends. Constant care is needed to maintain anything, or else it will slowly be lost.

"Sir, we are ready, should we depart into the cave system now?" The male Apostle asked.

"Yes, begin. I will be right behind you, so take the lead."

"Of course sir."

Rocks rolled down the slope of the cave entrance as flashlights flicked on one by one, flooding the dark abode with light.

Cain followed behind his two Apostles, Darla at his side. Behind him was the rest of the group, members of his cult of all ranks. They were there for convenience, carrying the supplies and acting as meat shields if the need arose.

The cave was dry, located in the middle of the heartland, surrounded by grasslands and forests. Bugs lived in its walls and sediments lined its body.

Going deeper into the caves was easy, like a walk in the park for cave explorers. The danger would be later on, when they found the so called ancient city.

Tunnels unwound into themselves, and there were vertical drops that needed equipment for some of the weaker members.

Following the map gained from the monster hunters, Cain's group was able to find and see the ancient city that was spoken about.

Rocks that have recently collapsed led the way to a domain of shadow. Not even the flashlights could melt through that abyss.

There was no light, but in the darkness was something that gave contrast to it. A massive milky white skeleton filled the space above and around the city, made from....some being.

Through the reflections of the spotless bones, city structures could be made out but not entirely. Nonetheless, it was obvious there was a great city in the dark expanse.

"A world protected by a the corpse of a giant...this place could only exist because of the bones in place..." Darla's eyes shined with interest.

Cain too took great interest, he was the first to step through the destroyed wall and slide down the side to the edge of the city.

He found himself in a wilted garden of some manor. A building made from mud and stone before his face, rotted garden tools, and dry earth cracking under his feet.

"I wonder what this place was like..." His curiosity bloomed.

The others joined Cain, the Apostles were only focused on Cain and Darla's protection, and they didn't bat an eye at the city.

Drifting from place to place, everyone took in the ancient and strange structures that the city took on. Many of the homes started in geometric shapes but as their height increased they became more organic in nature.

One floor of a house looked like a melting cube, there were even warped tunnels going from one building to another.

"A completely different way of living...what influenced all of this I wonder..."

As the group continued, they found the center of the ancient city.

"What's that?!" One of the cultists pointed forward.

In the shadows, gold shined through as the outline of stairs rose into a golden structure that glinted from the flashlights

'It's built like a pantheon...why?' Cain was bewildered.

The choice of structure in what looked to be the centerpiece of the city was strange to him. The building called a pantheon wasn't known in this world either, Cain knew it from learning in the Dream Realm. For a pantheon to exist was odd.

"Let's go." Cain gave the command and began his ascent up the stairs.

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