Lowly Ascent

Chapter 327 – Metamorphosis

Deep beneath the crust of the earth, in a pitch-black sea, Cain answered the question of a being beyond his understanding. A concept named Doom.

'No, not really.' He responded.

The voice laughed, its ripples causing Cain's body to convulse.

"Of course not! What was I thinking, it took me millennia before I could become a concept. Well, I was quite pitiful before. I wasn't the most powerful in my universe like most are when they ascend to concept-hood. But I was smart, I saw the potential of becoming a concept, unlike the others. Their inaction led me to become what I am. As thanks, my home universe was the first universe I ever consumed. Good times..."

It paused, adding, "Though, for you to get into the running, I will have to help. I like you, so this is no big deal for me. I would rather have the one I'm backing win the game anyway!" It said laughing.

'Then why don't you just let me win?' Cain asked. 

Doom was insulted. "Do you think I'm stupid? You already know why."

Cain lowered his head, 'I apologize, getting an easy win would just ruin the point of the game. The gains would be like fattening an already fat sheep, I would not be ready.'

"Well, in a sense. You got it half right. Never mind, to get you ready, you need to advance further in the Path of Soul, but you don't know how right? You need to wait?"

'Yes, from what I know only time will tell.' He confirmed.

"Well...we won't be doing that. I specifically picked this Path and used it because it defies even the system, evolving the soul to a point where it can ascend humanhood if used a certain way. It was one of the first Territories targeted by the System, a Middle Territory close to becoming an Inner one. But that was during a time when Rulers didn't exist yet. Back then the System was running on its Version 1 OS."

Cain didn't ask any questions, he already put together what the Version 1 OS might've meant.

The voice continued, "Using the Path of Soul, you can transform into a half-god. Well, a half-human, half-becoming something more. We can use that to help you deal with the Lower Gods, and with your status as a Gatherer, you can reach their level of power, so even when the time comes for them to descend, you have a good chance of plucking the fruit."

'You have plans to let the gods descend?!'

"What? That's the only way for the game to conclude and bring birth to a being that has the potential to annoy the System and further weaken the Universe Will. Anyway, ready to start?"

'What? No! I have questions! First off, do you know about the people who used to live above the well? And secondly, what even is this prize?!'

Cain wasn't going to be hasty with his life. In the presence of Doom, his will to live only grew. The entire time, he could feel true death creeping around him, if he didn't focus he might even succumb to that feeling.

"Oh? Well, I did play with some early humans, I'm guessing that's what you meant. They were batshit crazy near the end, pity none of them were powerful enough to reach here, I would've blessed them.

"As for the prize, it's a very special one. You may already know this place is filled with pure energy, and that the paths are methods to turn this pure energy into specialized energy without a core. A secret the System would like to keep a secret. Well, the prize is an enormous amount of pure energy in the form of an object. Though, I just call it the black core."

Cain was fully focused, 'What can I gain with this black core?'

"You don't seem to understand, that amount of pure energy is a supplement even to me, although on the lower quality side. It's all the excess energy I collected over the years, it's what powers this false planet of mine and what all the Lowers Gods thirst for, because if they get it they can transform into an Outer God."

'An Outer God?' Curiosity bubbled once more, causing Cain to get lost in his imagination.

"Yes, the weakest of them would be as strong as those Middle Territory Rulers, but they can become far stronger, even reaching the strength of a Universe's Will, but that would require so much energy that even I cannot calculate it. They are beings similar to Concepts in terms of power. Even I don't wish to meet the named ones."

'Noted...' Cain pulled himself out of his curiosity.

Doom was starting to get bored, "Done? Please no more questions, let's get on with it."

Cain had no reason to refuse, 'Sure. What do I do?'

"First, go back and settle everything with your cult. They should be good on their own yes? After we complete this, you can contact them whenever anyway. But it will be a few years before you can reach the next stage. There is much to prepare for, and I will need to pull some strings to fasten this process."


After Cain returned to the surface, he told his followers there was no Devil in the well but a great boon that would let him bring the Raven of Limitless into the world. His lies were well received and celebrations were held.

In the meantime, he ordered his cult to lay low and make the ancient city their main base. There was nothing much for him to say or do besides that.

However, before he returned to Doom, he also made sure to spend some time with Darla, she was family to him, and he couldn't stop himself from spending time with her. She was like a daughter to him.

After a day or two, Cain returned and was met with a dark glowing portal.

"Ah, you returned, I'm about to complete a deal. With this, you should immediately know what to do to advance your soul further."

Murmurs came from the portal and the mysterious deal was at some point concluded.

Immediately after the portal closed, Cain felt his being deepen and he quickly had an idea for another ritual.

"So, what is your next step to Ascension, the Final Stage of the Path of Soul and the way beyond Humanity and into the realm of beyond?" Doom was curious. 

Cain silently started at the abyss, he grinned.

'Simple, I will need to be reborn. To become something new. Should be easy, I'm used to taking on identities.'

The voice was surprised, "Oh? That's good, really good. You are already a Herald are you not? All you have to do now is transform from the Herald to God, give yourself a new name, etc. Plus, this is right before a step many have to take for true power."

'What's that?' Cain had never heard of such a thing.

"It's simple, severing your tie to fate. Otherwise, you will ultimately always be weak, bending to that being's will."


"Kain! Wait up, the Chancellor has an additional mission!" A young man ran down a decorated hallway of distinct style. Gold lined the ceiling, with gems embedded in it, making it almost look like stars were there.

Kain turned around and met the young man. "What is it? Did the Emperor need help expanding again? We already control three regions don't we?"

The man shook his head, "No, he needs you, a General of the Army and Apostle of our God, to find the organization called Raven's Nest. The chancellor said our God "Lost sight of the Raven." and that "They have given up their humanity and have become a wild card." The chancellor wants you to find the group and exterminate them."

Kain's eyes widened, "If that's the case, I would more than be happy to. Politics has become the main scene since we've become a small country. I needed something to do while we make deals with the Bureau." He smiled and turned around, heading out of the Palace.

Little did he know, that even if he could find Raven's Nest, he wouldn't be able to touch the thief who took his origin. Even more than that, he didn't know that the next time he would meet Cain, he would be put in his place.

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