Lowly Ascent

Chapter 339 – Binding Flesh

"It's time it's time! The others have descended, it is time for God to join!" 

In a massive ancient city, droves of humans held torches above their heads, and each was soaking in oil. 

"Light yourselves, with our burning souls we can bring down God into our charred flesh and bind him to this plane! With God, the world will burn, everything will be freed in God's embrace!" 

The priest chanted and was the first to light himself. His screams flooded the city, as the other cultists cheered and joined. 

In less than a minute, the entire city was on fire, with millions of screams drowning out all other noises. 

The clouds grew a dark orange, and the sky parted, a blazing inferno blotted out all color, it funneled down into the city like water and absorbed the mortal flames brought about by the cultists. 

Those still alive chanted: 

"Oh, Cosmic Flame, Firestorm of Loss! We have lost too, we give ourselves to you so you may not lose, so you may burn the world and show it our hate! Oh, Cosmic Firestorm, God of Flame and Hate, bring us our wish, acknowledge our pleas, and destroy the world!" 

The flames bunched together; the charred flesh was collected in the center. Everything formed into a mountain. The fire never stopped, and neither did the chants. 

Finally, once everyone was on the mound, its form shook and molded into the body of a flaming abomination. 

"AWOOO!" Flames burst and the city was melted beyond human means, everything in a mile radius destroyed and burned away into nothingness. 

The giant stood up and roared, its head piercing the clouds in the sky. 

Then it began to move out of the city limits in a single step. The earth melted below its feet, and it walked onward, towards its enemies. 


On an open platform surrounded by ancient columns, the Chancellor gazed at the night sky above him, studying the stars. 

In the center of the platform, there was a massive throne that could fit three adult humans. Sitting on the throne was a figure clad in armor made of starlight, its visor closed, and the condition of the body inside unknown. 

"Kaiser of the Stars, Champion of Man! The time has come and in this sanctum beneath the sky hidden from the world, in this fractured space made from your sacrifice, I bring you back! To your body, and your home. Oh God of Stars, Pathfinder of Man, descend! Descend upon your home, and free us from the lies of the false gods! Free us from the prison of all lies and bring about a new age, a new order!" 

The Chancellor spoke incantations, spreading stardust around the platform. When he covered the ground in a thin layer, he walked over to the corpse of the Ancient Kaiser and slotted a glowing gem into the chest. 

"You are of the stars, and so be reborn through it! Come, my God! Set upon this Earth at long last in the body that is wholly yours!" 

The columns around the platform glowed, and began to rotate, creating a suction force pulling at the sky. 

A bizarre scene took place, as the platform continued to buzz alive, the countless lights in the sky grew brighter and larger. 

"Yes! YES! Descend, come home!" 

Shooting stars lined the sky as they were pulled to the earth, funneling to a secretive broken world left from a bygone age. 

The platform heated up, and the columns rotated so fast it looked as if there was a constant wall surrounding the Chancellor. One by one, the stars entered the platform and were sucked into the suit of armor that sits on the throne. 

Time passed, thousands of stars went through the platform and empowered the body, awakening it. 

"This is it! Your plan to descend with everything is working! We will be the final winners now!" 

The final stars came, entering the body. 


There was only silence. 


An incomprehensible presence came forth, forcing the Chancellor to the ground, his body breaking the tiles below him, his skin cutting and bruising from the invisible force. 

Sitting on the throne, the Kaiser's hand moved, then it wiggled, and finally its knuckles clenched as God slowly rose from his seat. 

The columns shattered, they crumbled with their use over. Standing up once more, after thousands and thousands of years, the Ancient Kaiser who saved the world looked at himself, lifting his visor. 

His eyes were full of stars, he peered at his hands with an unknowable gaze. 

The voice of God was chillingly human, "So...I've returned at last..." 


"Priestess! What do we do?! All the gods are descending, the readings show at least three have already touched the planet! When will God come and save us?!" 

Even the gods could not hide their presence, their sheer strength causing energy to go haywire, for electricity to spark, and the earth to shake. 

The woman known as the priestess hushed her scared lamb. "Do not fret, God is here, he has always been. The Veil around the Planet will collapse, it is part of the game. When that time comes, God will not need to descend, but simply come down to the earth. When that happens, we will win no matter what." 

The believer lowered his head. 


"No! Stop, please stop this!" The young woman known as the arbiter pleaded. 

Cromwell laughed, "I cannot, your tongue must be of God's if you wish to be their vessel. 

"No! No!" She fought with all her might but was powerless. 

Cromwell forced open her mouth and pulled out her tongue for as long as it could go, he then took rusty scissors and cut. 

"Ahh! No....stop!" The Arbiter’s words were hard to make out without her tongue helping out. She could only scream and cry as the rusted scissors tore her tongue's flesh and watched as it bled onto her face. 

Snip! Snip! Snip! 

She could taste the rust; she could smell it. It was all so horrible, so painful. 

Cromwell from frantic, laughing incessantly. "God, with this you can come to us!" 

With a few more cuts and more tears, the arbitrator's tongue was messily severed, her blood filling her mouth, causing her to choke. 

Cromwell didn't care. He opened a box beside him and took out a long gray tongue that gave off an evil aura. 

Taking no time, he stuck the tongue where the Arbiters was cut and it immediately seeped in and took over, latching on and overgrowing the old flesh. This process was somehow even more painful, and the young woman wailed and cried, her tears bringing crimson from the sheer agony. 

"Done, all done! Now, we must call God's spirit! At last, God will walk the earth, God can sing his song and spread his truths!" 


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