Lucifer Quirk

18 – Genesis 19:17

Genesis 19:17

And as they brought them out, one said, “Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.”

Himiko wrapped her arms tightly around his back as she continued to suck his blood vigorously while pressing and rubbed her body into his making him a bit awkward. If he had been an actual 10 year old boy he might have suddenly awakened to something new however as cute as she was that was all she was at her current age. He made sure to not let on regarding his thoughts though and wrapped his free arm around her lower back as he continued to pet her while hold her as tightly as she was holding him to mirror her own behaviour.

"Sir, you need to move soon. You are already halfway through the shift." James heard Mio finally say in his earpiece.

"Ok we, need to head out my dear." James said while gently patting the back of Himiko's head indicating for her to stop.

Himiko after a few more moments slowly extracted her fangs from his neck and gently lapped the remaining blood from puncture marks she left which clotted at a speed visible to the naked eye. She didn't let go of him right away though as she looked up at him her eyes shining with a new fervour rather than the dead look they had when he first walked in.

James grabbed her hand leading her out of her "room" then quickly spun her around and lifted her into a princess carry which startled her. His wings burst from his back and he deftly rushed through the hallways while flying narrowly avoiding the walls and obstacles while making sharp turns midair to make it to the exit in record time making up for the time they lost getting acquainted.

While he was very focused making sure they didn't hit anything on their way out Himiko's eyes were glued to him while making sure her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck. She barely even noticed the dangerous manoeuvres he was making to get them through the hallways due to her distraction as she was etching his visage into her memories. When she finally feels like she won't be able to forget him she pulls herself closer bringing her back into his neck making sure to inhale his scent.

She wasn't sure how long she would be able to stay with him, but she was going to imprint as much of him in her memories as she could while she was able to. She wasn't sure what she was feeling since she had never felt this way before, but her heart was racing and her stomach was feeling strange. He seemed to make it all worse, yet it felt so right. He couldn't leave her, she was a good girl after all. He couldn't leave her... never...

Eventually after many twists and turns they burst out of the entrance he used to get in and immediately soared high into the sky. The guards other than those that bled out onto the hallways from his entry were none the wiser that anyone had broken in our out yet and wouldn't for at least another 15 minutes. More than enough time to get far away and not be traced. James had noticed Himiko's growing obsessive behaviour.

His senses had long grown strong enough to where he didn't need to be focused on her to still notice, but he was going to let her. Why would he ever stop her growing obsessions? As long as he made sure to discipline her well if she went too far into the possessive realm he didn't care how obsessed she became with him, rather the more the better. So he ignored her nuzzling into his neck while repeatedly sniffing him like she was some kind of animal.

It didn't take him long to land in his room. His touch down was gentle before letting Himiko down from his embrace which she let go reluctantly.

"Good work Mio. You performed perfectly, go get some well deserved rest and I mean it. No anime or games til 6 in the morning." he said.

"O..of..of course sir. I never do that." Mio stammered from the other end.

"You looked amazing." she murmured having watched and recorded the entire ordeal from the security cameras she had intercepted.

"Oh before you go. First thing tomorrow please start entering the files we prepared for Himiko's new identity." he said ignoring the murmer he was definitely able to hear.

"Yes Sir!" she said before disconnecting.

James took off the the earpiece and throat mic before storing it and started stripping out of his body suit leaving him in just a pair of spandex underwear showing off his body that looked more like a 12-13 year old model with a swimmer's physique than what a 10 year old should look like causing Himiko's blush to spread even further and her breathing to hitch unsure what she was supposed to do or where she was supposed to look.

"Hey Himiko, we'll figure the living situation out tomorrow, ok?" he said turning to look at her. However rather than waiting for her to answer he simply took her hand and pulled her into his large bed forcing her to lie down with her as her blush now turned from pink to completely red as she was unable to keep up with what was happening.

However against her expectations he simply pulled her close to him and snuggled before falling asleep. Something she wasn't able to do as easily as now her mind was racing a mile a minute trying to figure out what exactly was supposed to be happening, who he was and what was going to become of her life. Eventually all she could make up her mind about was that it would be hard for it to be worse than her life had been and as long as she could be with her saviour then everything else would be fine.

She looked at his closed eyes before her gaze ventured to his lips. Slowly she was inching closer and closer to them her own eyes shuddering, but just before she reached them she lost her nerve and changed directions snuggling her face firmly into his chest listening to his steady heartbeat and breaths while her own heartbeat refused to calm.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

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