Lucifer Quirk

2 – Exodus

"Well I'm done. So unless you have any further questions we can move onto the whole reincarnation part of this deal." it responded.

"I don't think there is much to discuss if you can't tell me where I'm going, who or what I'll be or anything else about what comes next." he responded dryly.

"Perfect. Then goodbye to you." it clapped its hands. Suddenly either everything else was shrinking or he was moving up away from the island at a rapid speed without being able to feel it because everything else in his view shrunk and shrunk until it was gone and all that was left was the white void surrounding him. That didn't last long though before everything simply went black.

After an unknown amount of time he woke up feeling cold. He opened his eyes and though everything was kind of blurry he seemed to be in some kind of hospital in a world of giants.

One of the doctors was holding him and after cleaning him up some wrapped him up and handed him to a beautiful giantess.

‘Ok so probably not giants it seems I really did reincarnate and regained consciousness right after going through the birth. I guess I should count myself lucky I wasn’t conscious for that part.’ He thought to himself.

Unfortunately though they were talking a bunch he couldn’t really make out what they were saying though. It sounded like Japanese and everyone except who he guessed was his mom at least seemed somewhat Asian. It was hard to tell since his eyesight was still rather blurry being a newborn and all.

His mom he guessed was some kind of westerner given her pale skin colour and blonde hair. Even with his blurry eyesight considering she was holding him close she could tell she was rather beautiful.

A few minutes later they let in another man. He was taller than the others there though he also seemed to be Asian. His best guess from when he arrived and everyone’s body language was that he was probably his father in this life.

The next few days were spent in the hospital with his mother recovering and fawning over him. His father must have been busy because he could only be there for a short period each day. He also assumed they must be pretty secure financially because upon closer inspection his mother and his private hospital room was rather luxurious by hospital standards he was familiar with and he knew most hospitals were pretty pricy to stay in so most people checked out asap unlike his family.

When they finally left the hospital he realised he definitely wasn’t in his original universe anymore because he could see some people that either weren’t human or had some serious deformities unlike any he had ever seen before. People also seemed to have crazier hair styles and colors that he was t sure about whether they were natural or if dying and styling your hair in extreme ways was just way more common here.

Their home seemed to be closer to a mansion than a house confirming that he was correct in guessing they were financially well off and that healthcare wasn’t just that much better and affordable here than his previous world. They even seemed to have staff such as butlers, maids, gardeners and probably kitchen staff though he hadn’t seen any of them yet.

He adjusted rather quickly to his new lifestyle which was mostly made up of sleeping, being fed, trying to get better at moving around and focusing on learning the language whenever he could listen to someone. His mom was thankfully a very involved parents and didn’t just pawn him off on the help now that they were back home which filled him with relief given that wasn’t always a guarantee in wealthy families. Unfortunately, though his father did seem loving he also seemed to be quite absent. His best guess based on their wealth was that he probably worked a lot.

Without even realizing a year had already passed. He had gained at least basic fluency in the language which did indeed appear to be Japanese. It had been surprisingly easy to learn, but perhaps it was just the plasticity of his newborn brain. Another surprise was after he learned enough of the basics to understand people and follow along with the TV too he figured out he actually knew where he probably was. The news was talking about quirks and heroes an awful lot and he even saw a report on All-Might so he was either in the My Hero Academia universe or a variant of it.

Near the end of the year he had started revealing some of his ability to speak by using some names and even quite a few words though he held off on speaking actual sentences. He wanted to be perceived as a smart kid not some monster even if this was a world full of quirks those weren’t supposed to awaken until kids were at least around 4. He was curious though what kind of quirk he would awaken and a tiny portion of him worried he wouldn’t though he doubted it. He suspected his wish for luck was why he was human, healthy and part of a loving wealthy family. This was also a world that he knew which was lucky and though not the safest world it was definitely not among the most dangerous worlds he knew and one that offered him a possibility for wealth and/or power if he got a decent quirk. If that was indeed the case how could his luck not reincarnate him into a body with a quirk in a world where almost everyone had a quirk no matter how basic.

Today happened to be his birthday and the servants were already running around the house getting everything prepared for the celebration. Though he didn’t get out too much it seemed his family was excited about celebrating his very first birthday and we’re pulling out all the stops so everyone was decorating, baking the cake and more.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

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