Lucifer Quirk

21 – John 4:18

John 4:18

for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true.”

James woke up feeling something warm and soft pressed up against his side. No it wasn't the cute Himiko. It was one of the cute new young maids that recently joined their household who had gone above and beyond the call of duty. She was still sleeping in his arms a sheen of sweat covering her body after a long late night spent with her young master. When he looked at the other side he saw Himiko curled up at the bottom of the mattress, she must have snuck in at some point after him and the maid had exhausted each other enough to fall asleep.

Four years had passed since helping Himiko escape and James was already 14 years old now and excited to be getting close to attending to UA already in just over another year. Why was he so sure he would be attending?

His academics were flawless. He still had a flawless record and with his personal studying and tutors he was already so far ahead he could get an university degree in multiple fields if he tried. He had studied advanced mathematics, physics, chemistry and business up to that degree on top of the basics.

As for his powers those were even more impressive though even those in his organisation didn't know just how impressive. Let alone anyone else. He was sure he could block a punch from One For All Midoriya at least the punch he used at the beginning on the large robot during the  entrance exams and not come out looking like ground beef like Midoriya's arm had. His other aspects were still equally as boosted as his strength was making him rather ridiculous. He didn't know if he could tie with All-Might, but he knew he could definitely compete with the top 10 of heroes in the country.

That was just considering the capability of his physique and not his abilities for strategising and scheming which combined his enhanced brain with the things he had learned over the years from trainers and tutors and seemed to be something he excelled at for some reason. It wasn't something he was particularly great at in his previous life so he guessed it was a perk of the current body. People might judge someone for being good at scheming, but they just hate it isn't them on the winning side of the scheme.

When the two were combined he was probably much scarier than All-Might could ever dream to be with his straightforward righteous attitude. He had already noticed while breaking Himiko out that he did not really have qualms harming or killing other humans if they were in his way. He didn't enjoy it, but he didn't mind it. It was like exterminating a pest that happened to be causing you trouble, nothing more nothing less.

He had also figured out more ways of utilising his soul contracts as he called them for a lack of a better name. He could use them as a rudimentary lie detector by having the person he was interrogating sign a contract that would would speak the truth and having a portion of their soul as the punishment. This meant every time they lied they would lose a piece of soul to him which he could sense indicating they were lying and when he was done interrogating them he had their soul too. Not very useful in daily life, but when dealing with dangerous or nefarious individuals quite useful. He had long stopped caring about the morality of taking people's souls to empower himself as long as it was part of an agreement.

His dalliances had started about about a year ago. His body had already gained the appearance of a 15 year old by that point and after years of dealing with the hormones and lust he had given up. Given his appearance and charm it wasn't all that hard to convince the young ladies in the household and one of the teacher at school to join him in the bedroom on occasion... or the broom closet... or the pool... or the sauna... or out in the wooded area behind the mansion. Good times. Well let's just say it wasn't hard to convince them of much of anything. Thankfully between his status as the heir of the Busujima family and his ridiculous amount of charms none of the ladies were expecting more than a good time as expecting that would be rather inappropriate.

Himiko and Momo might still be too young for his tastes, but those maids that were in their late teens and early twenties definitely weren't and he made sure to let them know about this. Although he made sure his parents were none the wiser most of the young maids were well aware because they either gladly participated or were sad they hadn't had the chance to yet, even those that were already in relationships or married. He wouldn't judge.

Momo had taken a lot longer than Himiko, but given 8 years of free reign he was sure he had managed to become her number one priority by a country mile. He had managed to keep her away from the other classmates, which wasn't too hard because she had already been somewhat unapproachable due to her family background and his own added to that along with the vibe he put out which made him seem amicable, but also as if there was something that separated him from people only made it worse. This isolation had only made her grow more attached to him as her only outlet.

Himiko had become sort of a friend to her though rival might be more accurate of a description towards their relationship. Playing them off each other while making sure they didn't go too far had only helped him. Both were constantly trying to appeal to him and seduce him unfortunately even Himiko who was a year older than him was still too young for his tastes so despite their regular attempts the best they got was hugs, cuddles, pats or sleeping in his bed while the pyjamas remained on. It was getting harder to rebuff Himiko's more daring advances though which only grew more daring now that she was already 15 and having becoming more forceful in her approach. She was not the type to accept no for an answer.

She had being doing ok at school. The other classmates still thought she was strange, but with James letting her feed on his blood to curb those tendencies and also making sure to control her other more extreme behaviours she managed to have a somewhat normal school life at least as far as others were aware.

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