Lucifer Quirk

68 – John 1:51

John 1:51

And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

“Yes, my family has been heroes for generations. I’m the second son." Tenya said hesitantly. He had hoped U.A. would be a new start.

“What?! Wow!” Ochaco and Izuku exclaimed.

The rest of the class was leaning in closer to listen in. James pulled Himiko, Momo, Toru, Mina and Tsuyu closer to him though, prepared for what was about to happen.

“Do you know the Turbo hero, Ingenium?” Tenya asked.

“Of course! He’s a really popular hero who has 65 sidekicks working at his Tokyo agency!” Izuku shouted.

“Don’t tell me…!” Izuku said.

“He is my elder brother!” Tenya said proudly.

“He is telling us straight out!” Ochaco said.

“That’s amazing!” Izuku said.

“He is a likeable hero who honours the rules and leads people. I set my sights on being a hero because I want to be like my brother. However, I think it is still too soon for me to lead others,” Tenya said.

James leaned down closer to Himiko and Momo. "Stick close to me," he whispered to them.

They both looked at him, but nodded in agreement. They were already to the point where they would do almost anything he told them.

The three other girls watched them closer curious what was going on.

“Unlike me, Midoriya realised the point of the practical portion of the entrance exam, so he is more suitable for the job,” Tenya said with a warm smile.

“This might be the first time I’ve seen you smile, Ida,” Ochaco said in amazement.

“What, really? I smile!” Tenya tried to defend himself.

“About the entrance exam…" Izuku started saying, but was interrupted.

Suddenly a loud alarm sounded throughout the cafeteria causing the students to panic.

“There has been a Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly,” a woman’s voice coming from the speakers said.

“What’s ‘Level 3 security’?” Tenya asked.

“I repeat…" the speakers started repeating the warning.

“It means someone is trespassing on school grounds! I’ve never seen anything like this in the three years I’ve been here! You should hurry too!” an upperclassman sitting near them said before rushing off.

Everyone started panicking including their class.

James stood up. "Everyone listen! First calm down," he ordered.

The only ones that actually were calm were Himiko and Momo, but at least the rest of the class stopped trying to run to listen to what he was saying.

"There's no need to rush. There isn't a fire so there isn't an immediate emergency. Rushing will only cause more danger," he told them.

A few of his classmates nodded unsurely, but seemed to agree. Either because they could see the logic or simply because he was the class representative.

They could see people pushing each other out of the way to escape, some falling and even getting hurt while rushing down the hall out of the cafeteria.

James gave Himiko and Momo a kiss on the cheek each. "Stay here and watch for any troublemakers," he told them. Both of them nodded with a wide smile.

Mina and Toru seemed to pout instead though.

He then unfurled his wings and flew over the crowd to the front. Unfortunately he wasn't wearing his costume so his wings ripped his expensive shirt in the process.

"All of you stay here," he told his classmates before flapping his wings causing a squall as he took off. 

“Don’t push!” Random guy B yelled.

“Wait, I’m falling!” Random girl A screamed. James swooped down picking the girl up in a princess carry  which caused her to blush while the surrounding guys were forced back by his large wingspan.

“I said, don’t push!” Random guy C yelled.

Eventually he passed the entire crowd landing by the door at the end of the hallway. He gently put the girl down who wasn't sure how to react to what had happened. It had all been too sudden. He shot her a playful wink that deepened her blush before turning back towards the panicking crowd.

"Quiet!" he yelled loudly stunning the crowd. The pressure he was giving off along with the large intimidating black wings were enough to temporarily stop the stampede.

"It's just the reporters," he shouted pointing out the window.

Everyone turned to stare to the ones standing by the windows.

Feeling the pressure they looked outside seeing the reporters that had stormed through the front gate and were harassing Shota and Present Mic.

"He's right," a few of them exclaimed.

It didn't take long for the confirmation to spread through the crowd, but once it did even the last few calmed down and started helping those that had been knocked over and almost trampled.

James let out a light chuckle. "Ok, let's get back to our seats and enjoy the last of our lunch while the teachers take care of the problem," he said.

The hallways slowly emptied out as everyone made their way back to the cafeteria.

The only ones that had made it out completely unscathed was class 1-A who hadn't moved from their table.

When James landed next to their table Toru took advantage of her invisibility to sneak a hug in before the others. Unfortunately, this time she was wearing her school uniform, but James didn't mind too much as her chest pressed up against his naked chest.

"That was amazing," she said excitedly.

He smiled back at her. "Thanks, aren't you getting a little friendly though?" he teased her.

She blushed noticing his bare chest she was hugging on to and quickly let go in embarrassment. "T-that was an accident," she stuttered.

James was enjoying her flustered look. His wings retracted back into his back as if they were never there in the first place.

"That was amazing!" Izuku said.

"Right? Right?" Mina said jumping in to get a hug of her own.

Momo was annoyed that not one, but two girls hugged her man. She glared at Mina, but Mina wasn't bothered. She would get what she wanted after all and she didn't mind being a little forceful if she had to.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Traitors To The Crown - Various Tracks

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