Lucifer Quirk

80 – Luke 18:18-19

Luke 18:18-19

And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.

Inside was another replica of a city, but this one was experiencing a similar environment to a tornado with non-stop rain and wind buffeting everything.

The terrible environment slowed them down, but they refused to let it stop them as they methodically searched the streets for anyone that might have been teleported there.

After some searching they finally found Ibara and Fumikage surrounded by multiple villains attacking them. They seemed a little exhausted, but looked to actually be holding up quite well all things said. The dark empowered Fumikage's shadow and the rain seemed to help Ibara's vines grow. They seemed to be lucky enough to be dropped into the one environment perfectly suited for their quirks giving them an edge most others didn't have.

Ibara was doing her best using her vines to interfere with the villains and tie them up when possible to give Fumikage the chance to finish them off. This way both conserved their energy as much as possible with the least amount of risk. Despite their lack of experience they were actually working together pretty well for first time partners.

They all ran to help them. Their group had grown so large by now that it matched the amount of villains in a single area making the fight rather easy even for the weaker members among them. It was so one-sided for the villains he almost felt bad for the beating they received.

Ibara smiled politely. "Thank you for saving us," she said.

Fumikage nodded. "Thanks," he said.

Izuku laughed awkwardly.

James just shook his head and stepped forward, taking the lead. He gave her his best reassuring smile. "Of course, we can't just abandon each other in the face of these villains," he said.

Ibara looked over everyone that had come. "What's the situation? What about everyone else?" She asked.

"We've already gone through all the USJ sites so anyone not here should still be at either the entrance or the fountain, ribbit. We were planning on returning and joining up with the teachers next," Tsuyu said.

"Don't forget about Bakugo-kun," Izuku said.

She tapped her lip with her index finger. "Oh right, ribbit. He is still in the fire zone. He was doing fine all by himself though," she said.

"Well let's not delay. We don't know how dire the situation of the others is after all," James said.

"Right!" Izuku said.

James looked over at Ibara and Fumikage. "Are you coming with us? If you're too worn out you can go hide," he said.

Ibara firmly shook her head. "No. We need to help them!" She said.

Fumikage nodded in agreement. "Indeed," he said.

They ran up to the large set of stairs that lead down from the entrance to the fountain in the middle of the USJ.

James looked up the stairs thoughtfully. 'Toru should have been able to call on help by now which should be showing up any second now. That means this is the best time to make myself look good with minimal risk,' he thought.

He looked at his classmates. "You guy go up to the entrance and help Thirteen and any of our other classmates that may still be up there. I'm going to go help Shota-sensei," he said.

Momo looked surprised. "You can't that's too dangerous," she said worriedly.

James shook his head. "This isn't the time to argue. I'll just be buying time. The faster you all help Thirteen the faster you can come to help me," he said.

Though some were still reluctant they realised he wasn't going to change his mind and they were better off getting help sooner than trying to convince him otherwise so they ran up the stairs.

"You better be in one piece when we get back," Momo said.

"Don't have too much fun," she said. Out of everyone there she was the only one to have at least a little clue of how much more powerful he was than them even if he had never actually shown her anything close to his maximum.

He just shot them a confident smile while waving them off and turning to face the fountain area.

There he saw the Nomu was already pushing a severely injured Shota into the ground surrounded by incapacitated villains. He was heavily bleeding from both his elbow and head.

Tomura was looking down at him from above. "I'll tell you, Eraser Head. He's the anti-Symbol of Peace, the bioengineered Nomu," he said proudly.

The Nomu opened its mouth letting out a loud bird-like screech.

It grasped

James using his wings to build up even more speed dashed at the Nomu. He kicked it to the side of the head deforming it and sending it flying away from Shota.

He stood in front of Shota, between him and the Nomu, smiling back at him. "In need of a hand teach?" he asked cheekily.

Then he looked at Tomura and chuckled. "Because if you do he has plenty to share," he said.

Shota struggled back to his feet. He was too exhausted to call out James for his inappropriate humour.

Tomura was angrily scratching his cheek. "This isn't supposed to be happening!" He shouted.

The Nomu even more enraged after crawling back to its feet screeched even louder and launched itself back at James. Since Shota was still standing behind him and in no shape to dodge he couldn't dodge himself. At least not if he wanted to come off as the hero that had a part in saving their teacher. His intervention would kind of be a waste if Shota died right that moment.

Instead he folded his wings in front of him and braced for impact.

The moment the Nomu's fist landed on his wings wind blew in all directions from the impact. The ground under his feet cracked and it wasn't the only thing that cracked as he had definitely broken a few bones in his wings by blocking the strike. He grimaced and drew back his wings. Something deep inside of himself felt enraged that this insect managed to injure him.

'An insect like you dares to touch me?! You deserve to burn for eternity," he thought in his rage.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

Writing Soundtrack: Linkin Park - Various Tracks

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