Lucius, The False Angel

A Chat About The Past

For those who are interested, I added Lucius' character sheet at the start of the novel

[The Throne Room - Third Person POV]

“Rise, guardians”

Inside the magnificent throne room deep inside the 10th and final floor of the great tomb of Nazarick, the overlord and undead king that's said to possess all the majesty and intellect in the world, sat down in the throne of kings and tiredly ordered his subordinates to rise.

His subordinates of course being the floor guardians, along with the Pleiades and Sibas. as they are the only ones who are currently capable enough to stand on their own, due to…what happened a few hours ago.

“Albedo, report the damages”

Standing besides the overlord's throne was, of course, the guardian overseer Albedo, who unlike usual, didn't respond to her master and beloved immediately.

She appeared as beautiful as ever, the succubus looked like there was never a time when she was injured at all, and while that was largely due to the sheer amount of healers and healing magic items that Nazarick possess, some wounds are just not physical, and thus cannot be healed as such.


The overlord, noticing Albedo's inner turmoil, reminded her softly, and that seemed to get her out of her inner thoughts. So after regaining the smile that she was so synonymous for, her melodic voice sounded out as usual.

“There were no lives lost my lord, the only damage that Nazarick sustained was done to the 1st floor itself, along with Shalltear's and my armor. In addition to Rubedo, but she's being re-assembled as we speak”

The overlord just stayed silent, and while it looked to the guardians that he was extremely enraged, it was in fact the exact opposite, he was actually sighing in relief internally.

Despite what he may have looked like to the denizens of Nazarick at the time, Suzuki Satoru didn't consider himself particularly smart or powerful, it was in fact the opposite actually, from the moment he arrived in this world a few hours ago, he didn't deserve all the worship that the gaurdians were drowning him in, he didn't deserve the residents’ absolute loyalty and obedience…he didn't deserve this.

But despite all his shortcomings, he still cared for all of them, he didn't want to leave them to rot alone, and abdomen them like they seemed to believe their creators did to them before.

He wanted to explain, he wanted to gather all of Nazarick and defend his friends in front of all their creations…but he couldn't.

Call it selfishness, call it foolery, call it whatever you will. But he just didn't have it in him to explain to his creations that the gods they worshipped with their all, were actually a bunch of bored humans who had a little too many fantasies that they decided to fulfil on a whim.

To have their entire existence denied and invalidated was a huge blow, and while it may not hurt at first to some of them, it'll undoubtedly leave some impact that'll only grow as the fact further sinks in.

So after deciding that he wouldn't tell them the truth, and wouldn't abandon them, then maybe he should step down? He surely wasn't going to pretend to be the god they believe him to be, so he thought to just play the role for a little bit while slowly stepping down and handing the position to Albedo, she'll surely do a better job than him, right?

The answer was obviously a yes, and at about the time that Shalltear was fighting with Aura at the Amphitheatre a few hours ago, he was fully set on stepping down from being overlord after playing the role for a little bit…but the thought didn't stay there for long…because he arrived.

This in fact, wasn't the first time time that Momonga fought Lucius, he fought him countless times in YGGDRASIL, be it solo, in a team, or in a guild.

But everytime they fought, Momonga lost, it didn't matter if he fought on the front lines, it didn't matter when he spent days preparing a plan, it didn't matter when the entirety of Ainz Ooal Gown teamed up together to attack him…because every single time, Momonga would end up defeated.

That's why he was so furious when he first learned of his existence in the new world, because he instinctively knew that this wasn't a game, he only had one life, and if he didn't act fast…he, along with his friends' beloved creations will cease to exist a mere hours after they surfaced in this new world.

'I will not step down…I can't step down, because without me here, who's going to deal with that thing'

“Guardians. Listen to my words very carefully”

‘Knowledge is power, they have to atleast know what they're dealing with. But, before that'

“Before anything else. Please, let me apologize to all of you”

Momonga said softly while bowing ever so slightly at his subordinates’ direction, but instead of being flattered or happy, the NPCs looked terrified, and every single on of them, including Albedo, immediately knelt on the ground in unison.

“What are you saying Momonga-sama!! It's us who have greatly shamed you with our inability to defend you!! A fate far worse than death to insignificant beings such as us!!”

Albedo spoke with great difficulty, choking a little from the sheer amount of self hatred she had for herself, which further saddened the overlord, but luckily, his skelton face didn't show his inner feelings.

“... It's my job as the ruler of Nazarick to care for all of you, and by not giving you all the necessary information, and falling to deal with situation myself, I have not only failed you, but myself as well”

The overlord's vocie contained deep regret, it was so powerful and apparent that it forces the gaurdians to do nothing and stay silent.

They wanted to speak up to their lord, it was THEM to blame, the great ruler of Nazarick executed his task flawlessly. He was the first to assess the situation, the one who made the plan, personally followed it through to the end, negotiated with the unknown threat into nonaggression, and despite the slip up on the gaurdian overseer's part, he still got out of the situation with absolutely no casualties.

He was truly the absolute best to handle the situation, because anyone other than him would've gotten the entirety of Nazarick wiped out.

But, nobody had it in him to tell the overlord that to his face…well, except for one.

“May I have a word, Momonga-sama”

Amid the absolute silence in the throne room whose loudest sound heard yet was that of clenching teeth, it was the dragonoid butler who spoke out, Sebas Tian.

“...Go ahead Sebas, you may speak”

Momonga softly gave permission to the butler to speak, and while part of him was afraid of what the butler would say, after all, it was himself who was to blame in his mind after all.

But, there was another part of him who was deeply curios about what Sebas would say, Sebas wasn't talktive by nature after all, Momonga knew it because he was there when Touch-Me made the butler. So by extension, when he did in fact have something to say…its bound to be quite important, wouldn't it?

“...After I contacted Momonga-sama, and upon discovering that the man called ‘Lucius’ was deemed a threat to Nazarick as a whole. I was fully prepared to fight him, even if it meant my own death”

His words resounded coldly, as if saying an absolute truth that demanded no compromises. He spoke with a firm conviction while remaining knelt on the ground. But even that didn't do anything to diminish the weight of the words he spoke.

“When Touch-Me-sama created me, he imbued me with knowledge from all over YGGDRASIL, and from all the knowledge granted to me, there were none who would've done what you did, my Lord”

The butler stared into the ground, his face reminded emotionless and unmoving, but everyone present could feel the sheer depth of his emotions, which were so intense that they manifested in the shape of an aura that surrounded him.

“Any king faced with such a situation wouldn't hesitate for a second to sacrifice his servant to buy time, and I was unconsciously fully prepared to die for the glory of Nazarick…but, my lord…you didn't abandon me”

“After immediately devising a plan for my escape, and successfully bringing me to safety, you immediately started a plan to deal with the situation…I'm sorry my lord, but I'll have to disagree with your decree…because I couldn't find a flaw in your design even if I wanted too”

And after saying that, Sebas stayed silent. Not saying a single word more, and remaining to stare straight at the ground, and the silence soon continued, but didn't last much longer. And was interrupted by the quiet sounds of Albedo's soft voice.

“...M-Momonga-sama. If I hadn't been so foolish…You wouldn't have t-”

“Leave it. Albedo”

The overlord's powerful booming voice quickly shutdown Albedo, which further filled her with horror and disgust. How could she be the source for the supreme being's annoyance and disdain, and still remain alive and well…she doesn't deserve to live.

As she sat there, kneeling a few inches from the throne. Albedo was filled with hatred, it wasn't hatred for her beloved, or hatred for that…thing, but hatred for herself.

If only she hadn't been so foolish, if only she was a little bit stronger, if only she had assisted her beloved better in his plans…but she didn't.

She didn't because she was incapable. Unfit to be by the Leader of Supreme Being's side. A wretched excuse for a guardian overseer, who's only redeeming quality was her looks, and even that was just an illusion, a ploy to lure the unfortunate victims that fate had been so unkind for and put them in her way.

Albedo remained kneeling on the ground, her beautiful face carved into a sad and hateful scowl, her gorgeous white dress now stained from the prolonged kneeling and her hands nearly drawing blood from the sheer force with which she's clenching her fists.

And amidst all the suffering and hatred, she felt a gentle touch on her shoulders, and heard a soft voice in her ears.

“Albedo…My guardians. I understand your plea, and while I don't fully agree with it. I still understand either way. So for now, rise”

A large bony hand suddenly laid gently on Albedo's shoulders, and suddenly. All negative thoughts vanished without a trace, all self hatred and loathing went as fast as the wind does. And as she rose again from the ground, the scowl on her face vanished like it was a lie, her beautiful face suddenly regained it's radiant smile…but that's just a mask, and what's behind it…that was a different story.

‘My beloved……..MY beloved Momonga…...Lucius…Lucius…that worm…because of him…my beloved’

Albedo lowered her head in a show of revere to the overlord, but that was just an excuse…for the move was truly meant to hide her face…her true face. The ugly truth that hides behind a beautiful lie…and like all that all ugly truths…it shall be hidden, for now.

“There shall be some changes concerning the great tomb of Nazarick due to the nature of our…guest. But before that, there's some things that you should know about”

The overlord said as he walked back into his throne and sat calmly, and after fully adjusting and facing the guardians, along with the Pleiades. The overlord internally put on a somber face, and decided to speak up a bit about the past.

“Long ago, before me and my friends ever banded together and formed the clan known as Nines Ooal Gown which later expanded into our guild as we know it today, back when I was still nothing but a newly birthed undead. There was a being that went by the name of Lucius Von Lucifer”

The throne room was filled with silence, only echoing the sounds of the overlord as he talked and nothing else, not even the breath of any of those present was heard, simply because they were holding it in.

“He was like my friends and I. All of us were of the same species, we came from the same world after all. But at the same time, he was different”

“We were known as the ‘Players’, it was an acronym given to us by the world tree YGGDRASIL when we came to be in her world. It helped us flourish and reach our full potential in its vast realms, and in return we were to defend it from the world eater, the vile beast that gnawed at its roots since the beginning of time. And we agreed’’

“Time passed, and the players transformed from a group of weaklings of no renoun, into a group of unimaginable might. Individually, we had weaknesses, but together, we were capable of slaying even the mightiest of gods. And despite all players not being united under a single flag, we still banded together and defended YGGDRASIL at the face of any threat, but as time passed, the threats became harder and harder, their numbers increasing by leaps and bounds. And we as the players, were faced with the embedding and inescapable reality…Despite all our capabilities and grandeur, we were limited”

The guardians looked greatly shocked, they couldn't understand how their lord was referring to himself and his comrades as weak. They were the direct creation of their lords, they knew of the unimaginable might that the Supreme Begins held, and imagining the combined might of the supreme beings and their kin not being enough to face a threat, it was simply unthinkable.

Demiurge in particular, looked quite shook. His mind wandered at lighting speeds to help him futher understand the thoughts of his lord, and after a few seconds, a long buried memory resurfaced back into his mind. A memory from the time of his creation.

“...The levels”

The arch demon whispered to himself, but due to the silence of every one around him, his words were clearly heard by everyone present, including Momonga, who was greatly shocked by this.

“Oh? Demiurge, how do you know about the leveling system?”

Suppressing his increasing amazement about the situation, the overlord put in an extra amount of effort to not appear as greatly shook as he actually was. And inquired in a calm and collected voice.

The demon bowed to his master in an elegant manner, then after adjusting his glasses, he spoke his thoughts, in hope of appealing to his lord, or at least being of use in any way.

“Yes Momonga-sama. I remember one time when I was in the presence of my creator Ulbert Alain Odle-sama, he was conversing with Peroroncino-sama about how his level still hadn't hit the cap of a 100 yet. It left an impact on me because of how greatly in infuriated him”

The guardians listened with perked ears, it concerned their gods after all. But when it came to the overlord, his thoughts were that of amazement instead.

'So they were conscious at the time as well, but unlike me who remembers everything, they seem to only remember moments that left a significant impact of their psychic…How fascinating’

After taking a few mental notes to do some research on the subject in another time, Momonga looked back at the archdemon and after praising him for his insight, he continued recalling the past once more.

“It is as Demiurge said, we the ‘Players’ were limited. Our powers were forever capped at a certain level, which was collectively dubbed as level 100”

“But despite our shortcomings, we prevailed. Despite the world eater spawning world enemies of various shapes and sizes, despite their significant advantage…we still won”

His voice carried a great sense of pride, the memories flooding back into his mind like a waterfall brought him great happiness.

“Me and my friends made Ainz Ooal Gown. We rose in power so much, we became the single most powerful group in the entirety of YGGDRASIL. We plundered and destroyed a great deal of guilds, be it Human or Heteromorphic. We spared no-one”

His words were followed by a series of hollow laughs, a self mocking reminder of how full of themselves they were, because as the saying goes…there's always a sky above the sky.

“And naturally, due to being faced with our tyranny, a group of major guilds banded together and invaded Nazarick. More than 1500 Max level Players came into Nazarick as one, everyone was sure of our loss. And who would blame them. What could a group of 41 players do against 1500? Nothing right?”

“But despite all the odds being stacked against us…we still won, and the event known as the ‘Great Nazarick Invasion’ became a global phenomenon. And everyone around the globe knew not to miss with Ainz Ooal Gown or you'll face Despair…They even accused us of colliding with the world eater and tried to get YGGDRASIL to expel us from her world, but that wasn't the truth…we were simply just better”

The overlord's skeletal bony face didn't have any expressions. But everyone felt that he was smiling, but who wouldn't be? Overcoming the odds and grasping victory from the jaws of deafeat were always the pride of the entirety of Ainz Ooal Gown, including Momonga himself, who enjoyed the victory more than most, due to him being the leading figure during the heat of battle.

But sadly, as everything in life. Their victory didn't last very long.

“At the time, the player known as Lucius Von Lucifer was well known. Crowned as the first world disaster and champion. He was granted the two titles by YGGDRASIL itself, because of his significant contributions to defending the world from the world eater, along with slaying the players that betrayed the alliance. He was a force to be reckoned with, and despite being known for operating solo, he was feared by guilds and clans alike. But he was still just one player, so when he challenged Ainz Ooal Gown by himself…we ridiculed him, and scoffed at his presumed to be empty threats”

“After all, he was like us. A player, and we knew the limitations of ourselves the best, so we disregard his threats and resumed in our folly ways, not knowing that his threats weren't empty, until exactly a year after we were invaded, when we found him standing in front of our tomb. Alone and in his armour”

Momonga's tone quieted down significantly, he looked downcast, like an old man recalling his greatest regret, but after steeling himself internally, his tone gradually shot up again, and he spoke with his usual calm and unwavering voice.

“You…can assume what happened next. After all, you just experienced it first hand. And while I didn't seem shook this time around, I was greatly so when it happened the first time…I even accused him of treason, not just me, but my entire guild as well…but we were wrong, because YGGDRASIL herself, came out and spoke about the player Lucius Von Lucifer, he has earned the title ‘World Enemy’ , but not because he was colliding with the world eater, but because he was just that powerful…his power was so vast that even the world eater was defeated by his hands a few years later…which earned him the title ‘Bringer of Calamity’ by all the players, including us. Because he well and truly deserved it”

“So I ask of you my guardians, and by extension, every single being inside of Nazarick…No, I command you. Address Lucius Von Lucifer as you address me, or you shall be faced with the consequences”

His voice boomed strongly as if expecting absolute obedience, compined with his despair aura that was leaking and washing over the guardians forcing them to kneel in revere…they were the true signs of the overlord, whose words were not to be questioned.

The guardians will of course follow the will of their lord, but the thought of the world eater, a being powerful enough to end the entire world, being defeated by another who now resides amidst their home…was quite unnerving, because even the greatest of monsters have those who even they are afraid of.

“Momonga Sama…May I Ask A Question”

The Ruler of the Frozen Rivers, Cocytus, suddenly spoke in a reverend voice. He wasn't one to think or speak much, he only admired martial honour and strength first and foremost. So, being faced with a being that even the Leader Of Supreme Beings admired. He couldn't help but be filled with fascination.

“You may ask, Cocytus”

“Thank You My Lord. Then…If The Capped Power Of All The Supreme Beings Is At Level 100, Then What's Lord Lucius Current Level?”

Momonga was about to answer that he doesn't know, no one knows in fact. But suddenly, he was interrupted, and the one who dared to interrupt him was none other than Lucius himself.

<I am currently at level 306, Cocytus. Two times as powerful as the world eater at his prime>

A shiver ran down the spine of all the NPCs present, and they each of them looked frantically around searching for the owner of the voice, but they didn't find anything, meaning that he wasn't here, so was he invisible?

But that was soon proved wrong by Lucius himself.

<Don't bother searching for me gaurdians. I'm still inside my chambers at the 9th floor>

Another shiver ran down their spines…to be able of projecting his voice inside the deepest confines of the Great Tomb of Nazarick…despite the presence of the throne of kings, which was a world item whose power was thought to be unquestionabe…It was safe to say that the gaurdians views and beliefs were being shattered to bits and pieces at the moment.

“306 huh…How jarring, you're a monster beyond belief Lucius. Do you know that?”

The overlord's humor filled voice suddenly rang out, snapping the guardians attention back to him, and helping them process what they just heard.

It was well known to players and now NPCs that a difference of as low as 5 levels was quite significant, and could tilt the tides of battle with the greatest of ease…now imagine the difference of three times as much the amount of levels. It was inconceivable, incomprehensible, Eldritch knowledge that should not be spoken about or even thought of.

Demiurge in particular was quite awestruck…he knew that his creator aspired to bring terror and chaos as he sees fit…to bring despair and regret was his and his creator's greatest wishes…and seeing a being that's capable of bringing the greatest of despair and suffering…it filled him with awe.

<You flatter me Momonga, but that wasn't why I decided to interrupt your time with the NPCs. I did so because I felt divine energy approaching a human village near Nazarick>

The moment the overlord heard the word ‘divine energy', he grew instantly alarmed. It was a well known fact that most of Nazarick's residents carry Karama values in the negatives, in addition to most of their races being that of beings made from darkness made them naturally susceptible to angels and divine energy as a whole.

So the matter naturally attracted the interest of the ruler of Nazarick, but before immediately asking about their whereabouts, he decided to first satisfy his curiosity.

“Interesting…then, I'll be there. But what truly interests me is another matter…specifically the reason behind you informing us of this”

Instead hearing a reply, they were instead met with a gate that suddenly opened in the middle of the throne room.

<As you said before, we're the only two players here, fighting is unnecessary. So, meet me there when you're ready>

“I see, then please wake up the other residents…Nazarick can't function without them after all”

Silence soon followed, until suddenly, a huge magical surge was felt scanning the entirety of Nazarick, it was so strong that it didn't even diminish in intensity when it reached into the 10th floor. And after it hit Momonga in the face and he felt his bones tingle due to the sheer amount on mana in the spell, the cold emotionless voice of lucius brought him back to reality.


And after saying his piece, Lucius’ vocie ceased to exist, which partially helped the gaurdians shake off the sense of dread they felt upon hearing his voice.

But when their eyes fell back on the portal, they were forced to think about what the being just said, torn between whether to trust him or risk drawing his ire.

But their worries were proven unnecessary, because it was the overlord whose words shall be followed after all.

“Demiurge, you're in charge of briefing the residents of Nazarick about our conversation here today. And after that, raise Nazarick's defence to its maximum level. And remain here to guard the tomb if necessary”

The archdemon bowed to his master in acknowledgment, silently planning on the best course of action that'll help him in fully achieving his lord's wishes.

“Albedo, your armour should be repaired by now. Put it on and accompany me. That also includes you Sebas”

“By your will, my lord”

“Of course, Momonga-sama”

Albedo and Sebas naturally didn't question their lord, but unbeknownst to Momonga, Albedo was certainly less than thrilled about the prospect of meeting Lucius face to face once again.

The thought filled her with a baffling amount of negative feelings, she wished to strangle him, to skin him alive and wear his remains as a cloak, she wished to burn him alive and then collect his ashes and burn them as well…but at the same time, she was also scared of him, terrified at the mere prospect of seeing him again, only hearing his voice just now was enough to bring her to despair….but as this was the direct order of her beloved, she shall follow with it to the grave.

“The rest of you shall remain here, and assist Demiurge if he requires assistance”

““Yes, lord Momonga!!””

The overlord commanded, and they shall follow. And so they swore to do, as they watched him walk toward the portal, and enter inside.


[Carne Village]

The screams of despair and agony were loudly echoing not very far behind them.

The once peaceful and relaxing Carne Village was in the midst of a slaughter. Soldiers bearing the crest of the lion were ending the lives of adults and children alike. Some villagers despaired, some tried to fight it, but some weren't about to lay down and wait for death, so they fled.

To the north of the village, there was a young girl in her mid teens with blonde hair, she was holding the hands of a younger girl with reddish brown hair as they both ran through the trees.

Their movements were frantic, their breath was haggard, the older girl in particular looked especially terrified. Her face looked pained, her body was wounded, she fled with all her might, but that didn't amount to much at the end of the day.

“She’s there!!”

“Quick! Get her!”

Behind the two retreating girls, the sounds of the clancking of metal was like death incarnate to the older girl, all she wished for was for her little sister to live. But fate wasn't so kind after all.

She stumbled, fell to the ground in her haste to rush to safety with her only family left. She was about to die from her blunder, the soldiers chasing her were finally able to catch up to the stranglers.

“P-Please…at least let Nemu live!”

She pleaded and begged, craving nothing but the chance to grant her little sister, her only family left, a semblance of a life, for she had lost it all a few hours prior.

But again, fate wasn't so kind for the older girl, and the soldiers bearing the crest of the lion, the sign of the Baharuth Empire, had no mercy to give, and as the one closest to the two girls held up his sword, the older girl closed her eyes. Silently hoping for a miracle to occur, despite fully believing that no such thing as miracles truly existed.

A moment passed, then the second, then the third. And as the older girl thought herself dead, she heard the cruel and merciless soldiers gasp, their cold voices sounded terrified, they were clearly afraid of something. But the older girl blamed it all on her delusion. After all, what did someone who mercilessly slaughtered helpless humans have to be afraid of?

“W-What the hell?”

The man's voice trembled, his rough voice was no more…instead, it sounded like the squeal of a dying animal, he was terrified.

She opened her eyes slowly, peeking at the soldiers from the embrace of her sister. ‘Maybe reinforcements finally arrived?’ She suddenly thought to herself, when she saw the man who was about to split her into two pieces drop his sword with his hands trembling, she hurriedly turned around to call for help. But her voice never came out.

A giant starry portal was glowing a few inches away from her face, it was something the older girl never saw before in her life.

She didn't know what that thing was, but she knew it was magic. She grew up hearing the tales of mages and sorcerers after all, she wasn't unfamiliar with mana, but this was the first time she saw such strange magic.

'Maybe the magic caster is here to save us?’

She silently hoped, finally seeing a shard of light in this world of dark. But soon, all her hope was converted into despair when she saw the one who had casted the magic step out of the portal.

An impossibly tall undead skeleton creature devoid of skin and flesh. He wore a jet-black academic gown adorned with golden and violet edges and had a dark red orb floating under his ribs that filled the older girl with dread every time she looked at it.

In his hand, there was a staff like no other. It was shining with a golden luster, adorning seven precious jewels of different colors, it was so mesmerizing that it captivated the older girl momentarily, taking her attention away from the undead overlord, or at least until the skeleton moved his free hand towards them.

“[Grasp Heart]” 

A dreadful voice was heard from the skeleton, as it drew out its hand as if grasping something from the air, followed by a bloodcurdling scream that suddenly resounded from behind the older girl, and when she immediately turned around to look, the falling figure of the man that was about to kill her greeted her.

The moments stretched in absolute silence, it was as if time stopped at that same exact moment, with the only one moving being the overlord. Who stared at his blood filled hand with dreadful calmness, not at all concerned at taking the life of a living and breathing human…for he was unconcerned with taking the lives of the insignificant after all.

The other soldier present, one of many who participated in the village’s massacre, suddenly dropped his shield and sword and started running away.

He stumbled into the ground but kept going, nothing but his most primal instincts driving him forward, he truly wanted to survive. But ironically enough, he faced the same fate that he was about to subject another to.

“[Dragon Lightening]”

The overlord's voice resounded again, and a chain of blue lightning suddenly shot out and charred the fleeing soldier in an instant, he dropped in the ground spasming uncontrollably with streaks of blue lightning playfully dancing around his dead body on the ground.

Watching the two men she absolutely despised and feared face death one after the other filled the older girl with a twisted sense of happiness.

Despite the brutal execution by the hands of an unfeeling and unloving undead monster, there was some part of the older girl that was secretly glad that they died. But when the monster finally turned to her, she instinctively hugged her sister tighter, as the color from her face drained bit by bit.

Thankfully, what she most feared didn't end up  happening, the skeleton didn't kill her and her sister like he did to the others. Instead, after looking at her for a moment, he walked past them and looked down at the second knight’s dead body.

“[Create middle tier undead. Death Knight]”

A black slimy substance oozed out of his stretched out hand, and slowly trickled down into the body on the ground, and when it touched it, it started to slowly seep inside, and the body absorbed it like a sponge inside the water.

And suddenly, the body which was dead a few moments ago shot up to life. It looked off, it didn't look like a living human anymore, but more like a puppet being held up by strings.

Slowly, the black substance began to cover the shiny armor, his frame expanded, two glowing red orbs suddenly appeared where his face was, and after a few moments, when the weird substance vanished, the knight vanished with it, and in its place there was another being.

A body more than 2 meters tall, standing crookedly and equipped with a rippled sword half his size along with a huge shield made from dark metal that was unknown to the older girl, its monstrous appearance and hateful aura felt dreadful, it looked like a creature straight out of nightmares.

“Death Knight, kill the knights that are attacking the village”

The undead magic caster looked up at the undead knight, issuing a command while pointing at the second knight's corpse further away from him on the ground. And as if responding, the rotten knight let out an animalistic scream, then bolted with incredible speeds relative to its size in the direction of the village.

Moments later, after the death knight had fully disappeared from sight, a figure was seen going out of the still open portal behind the overlord, which finally closed, but not after allowing the figure to fully pass over.

“I'm sorry for making you wait, my Lord”

“No need to apologize, your timing was perfect”

It was the voice of a woman, the thought that a woman was inside this armor amazed the older girl to no end, the gentle and soft voice that seemed like it belonged to an angel was directly contrasted by her monstrous appearance that was donning the armor she was currently wearing.

It was full plate obsidian black armor, her entire body was fully plated, including her head, which was fully covered in a strangely shaped helmet that only had a single narrow and straight opening, likely to allow her to see and breathe…that's if she even needed to.

In her hands was a giant obsidian black axe that she held with one hand, it hung by her side ominously as she approached the undead skeleton while lowering her head.

“My lord. What would like me to do with these lower life forms”

The woman asked with an ice cold tone as she pointed at the two young girls with her axe. This greatly disturbed the older girl, she was about to plead the undead skeleton for mercy, but suddenly, another voice sounded out behind her.

“Interesting, she's only level 1. And yet she has traces of mana on her”

It was cold, it held no feelings whatsoever, no compassion of any kind, the only true emotion she could feel from the voice was interest…it was like she was nothing but an object of interest, and that terrified the older girl.

“Oh? How truly curious. Tell me little girl, what's your name?”

The skeleton's face didn't change much in expression, likely due to him not being capable of doing so in the first place, what changed was his tone, it became similar to the man that was behind her…a tone of pure interest.

“M-My name is Enri Emmot, a-and t-this is my little sister, h-her name is Nemu”

The older girl spoke with a shaky voice, as she named herself and her sister while doing her best to not disrespect the undead in front of her.

“Then Enri, do you know what magic is?”

Enri didn't know if this was a good thing or not, being viewed not as a living being but as an object of entertainment…It meant that the beings in front of her didn't view her as a human…the sheer thought and its implications made her internally shudder.

But she still steeled herself and replied, because at least to them, she was an object of value, so they wouldn't kill her on sight…or so she hoped.

“Y-Yes, a friend of mine is capable of making potions, he comes here often, so I was able to see his magic mul-”

As she talked, the sound of footsteps was slowly getting louder behind her, but she heeded it no mind.

She assumed it was the man that suddenly spoke a few moments ago, so she wasn't particularly surprised when he started walking in the undead's direction. But the moment he entered her field of vision, her mouth slammed shut.

‘A God!!’ was the first thing that popped up in her mind, his solemn face looked like it was sculpted by the divine, his calm but arrogant demeanor radiated an aura of superiority. He was like a divine being that had graced the poor mortals with his vastly superior presence.

Enri immediately prostrated herself and her sister in a hurry, not out of fear, but out of reverence, because she knew from the bottom of her heart that this man was a deity.

“Oh mighty lord!! I beg you to spare my only sister. I pledge my eternal allegiance to you in return"

But contrary to her belief, her sudden action was met with only silence, and when she started to think that she had disrespected the deity, she felt herself floating in the air slowly, along with her sister.

Her wounded body was suddenly healed, she looked like no harm had ever come to her before, and the large scar on her back suddenly vanished, like it never truly existed before.

“Why do you say that I'm a god, child?”

Enri found herself face to face with the impossibly handsome man, her face started to redden, a crimson blush starting creeping up on her cheeks and her eyes started to water, all from the embarrassment.

“I-I-I d-don't know, G-Great L-Lord. The i-instant my eyes were laid u-upon your majesty, I instantly k-knew you to be a g-god”

She voices out with incredible difficulty, completely unbothered by his cold and unfeeling eyes. Because to her, they were the most beautiful ones she ever gazed upon.

“I see”

He muttered coldly and dropped her gently on the ground, and the moment her body touched the ground again, he vanished, like he was never truly here to begin with.

Enri was immediately alarmed, she frantically looked around in search for her god, but he wasn't there, and instead of him, she found a pair of old and worn out horns laid on her lap, which she deduced were likely being given to her by her god.

She stared absently at them for a while, but  she was soon brought to her bearings when the sounds of footsteps were heard behind her.

“Wait! Please!”

She suddenly called out to the duo of dame and undead mage, hoping to at least know the names of her saviors.

“C-Can you at least tell me your names?”

“Our names, huh…”

The undead overlord paused for a moment, his features ever-unchanging, his thoughts familiarly unknown. And slowly, he fully turned around, now fully facing the two sisters and stated plainly.

“The man who just left is known as Lucius Von Lucifer…As for my name, I'm known as Ainz Ooal Gown”

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving Enri and her sister alone, and heading towards the village.

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