Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in dice 1

Shane had enough. Ever since he came to this country, although it wasn't that long, he hadn't done anything useful. His current post was that of a sex toy for the sadistic prince, which was really not in his preferences. However, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn´t find an opportunity to fulfill his own duties. He knew that Nielle wasn't going to let him do anything under his surveillance and Shane tried to think about a way to get rid of it. On the one hand, because Nielle was really holding him back, on the other hand, because he was getting really exhausted.

He wasn't mentally weak, and he wasn't going to submit after a few rapes like he saw on the Lacrisans in the upper room. However, it didn´t change the fact that he was still only a human, and his body was beginning to feel its own limits. Especially because of the loss of blood, which he hadn´t had time to replenish since the ambush.

He was trying to think of the best way to change his situation, and although he had been trying to do so all along, right now, when Nielle was fucking him with a weird vibrating toy, he was trying even harder. He had a feeling that he would go crazy otherwise. He needed something to focus on, but no matter how much effort he put in, in the end he still felt the sensations from his stuffed ass shooting into all his nerves.

Nielle didn't seem to be disappointed that he didn't say a word about his goal in Rinsel. He was still having fun with his body and Shane without knowing how long it would last, at times felt like he was losing consciousness.

After his first orgasm into prince's mouth, Nielle didn't let him come again. Although Shane hated the feeling of his luck being transferred in this disgusting way, torture with pleasure with preventing orgasm was enough to make his self-control disappear...literally. Especially when he was fucked by something he had never experienced before.

"Nghaaah! Ahh! Aaaah-ágh!" he gasped, eyes closed, trying to ignore Nielle's taunts as he violently tortured him.

"You won't answer because your masochistic ass likes it?" Nielle joked and amusedly thrust the toy all the way into Shane's ass. Lacrisan only clenched his teeth painfully and when the movement was repeated, he screamed shrill.

"AAAAAH!" he tried to take a deep breath as a wave of heat shot from his prostate to his cock. However, it stopped painfully before it could get any further because of the tightly tied ribbon on the base of his dick.

"Nghá-áágh!" he moaned and jerked his hands cuffed above his head with all his strength. He was shaking all over, despite the amount of saliva in his mouth he felt like he was going to collapse from thirst and was currently putting all his self-control into the effort to resist the urge to squeeze his thighs together and rub them a little to make his cock move at least a bit.

He had no idea how long they were already doing it, but he had the feeling that if Nielle won't let him come, he would forget his mission and really kill him at night. Even if he knew he couldn't.

"Would you like to come?" Nielle teased, gripping his hard cock in his palm. Once the grip tightened, Shane let out a growl through gritted teeth. Nielle smiled as he pressed Shane's tip, running his fingers over his glans and chuckling contentedly as Shane let out a desperate cry. The subsequent pathetic moans he let out made Nielle laugh.

"Do you like it better when it hurts?" the prince massaged his glans with his thumb amused.

"B-bastard…ágh…I will kill…á…ágh...ah-ah!" Shane tried to ignore Nielle's hand on his hard cock. His entire crotch burned incredibly as he felt like his testicles were going to explode. Still, Nielle didn't let go of his cock, but gripped it tighter, until it hurt Shane worse than the vibrator itself in his ass. Even so the prince didn't look like he wanted to show his exhausted Lacrisan any mercy.

"Kill me? I think the more I play with you, the hornier and more daring you are…you little masochist." Nielle laughed, pulling his palm back and slapping him roughly across his cock.

"AAAAgh!" Shane screamed as his hard dick flared with new pain.

"At least you don't object," Nielle was amused.

Shane glared at him, "I'm not-ágh..masochist-ngh!" he growled.

Although it wasn't entirely true, he didn't have to admit it to, his form of masochism wasn't so much associated with pleasure as it was with relief, so he didn't count it as masochism. Not that he sees any form as wrong. Shane believed that anything that can help a person overcome a difficult time is appropriate and beneficial. For example, Nielle's murder would really help him right now.

"I see," Nielle was playing with his body and again clasped his penis in his palm.

Shane had no idea how long he continued in this position, with the vibrator in his ass, the ribbon on his cock, and the prince sadistically playing with his body before Nielle got tired of it and turned the thing off in his ass.

Shane was just breathing heavily, his erection burned wildly with no signs of release and he wondered if they were done. However, Nielle's satisfied expression gave him enough answer that he wasn't. The prince went to the end of the ropes attached to the wall and released them. Shane's knees buckled and he fell to the ground exhausted. 

He just lay there for a while, trying to blink away the fog that appeared before his eyes, and when he managed to do so, he tried to sit up with his wrists tied. A sharp pain immediately hit his ass, after which he just hissed softly and supported himself.

Nielle stopped right in front of him and looked down on him with a smile, "You look adorable when you're tame," he joked.

Shane gave him an irritated look, but since he didn't have much energy to react, he just took a deep breath. At least he calmed down his pounding heart a little and slowly looked at Nielle.

"I'm had your fun. How about you let me go to sleep? In exchange, I won't cause you any trouble for the next few days," he promised.

Nielle looked at him in disbelief for a moment before laughing out loud, "Trouble? You won´t cause any trouble for me?" he was amused, "What trouble do you think some Lacrisan can cause that it would hurt me?" he bent down and roughly grabbed his hair.

Shane raised his arms in defence and tried to soften Nielle's grip, but it wasn't the best try with his wrists. Nielle gripped his hair even more harshly. Shane clenched his eyelids, but just then, a piercing pain hit his crotch as Nielle's foot pushed hard into his erection. Shane screamed in pain as his hard cock pressed against his belly. He could just clench his teeth shakily and try to stop the prince.

Nielle, however, only intensified the pressure of his foot on Shane's crotch, "I'm really in your situation are you able you think that you can threaten me somehow...and impose conditions," he pushed harder, causing Shane to let go his hand in his hair and try to shake his leg off his cock.

"AAAAAAGH!" he screamed, to which Nielle only responded with an amused laugh and a rougher movement of his foot on his cock. 

"Don't you like it? I get the impression that this makes you even harder? Are you teasing me because you want more?" Nielle knew that wasn't true, but he was thoroughly enjoying the idea.

Shane endured his sadistic amusement for a while longer before the prince finally removed his foot from his erection.

"You're not going to sleep...but I'm very curious about the ingenuity you'll come up with creating trouble," he laughed and roughly grabbed Shane's handcuffed arms. He began dragging him to the narrow iron table that only one person could be chained to. Shane didn't even resist when Nielle already pulled him on top of it positioned on his back. At least he knew that nothing was going to be shoved up his ass again, which was a relief for him. So he didn't object.

He knew that it would only prolong his time in this disgusting room, and he clearly didn´t want that. His penis was still hard, drops of pre-ejaculate were running down its length, and he had the impression that if Nielle had loosened the ribbon, he would have come even without stimulation.

However, he knew that he was about to get too much stimulation. Looking at Nielle who had slowly removed his clothes and placed them on the bed next to him, he sighed inwardly.

"You should thank me, your ass will get a chance to regenerate for a moment." Nielle laughed and lightly ran his cock with his hand before moving closer to Shane and straddling his whipped thighs.

"All Rinselans can talk so superior when they're about to stuff a cock up their asses or is that your specialty?" Shane asked.

Nielle laughed, "Who knows, no one else will get your luck, until I think that you will need a similar re-education, so you won't find out...but I don't think you are stupid enough to think that the position in sex determines superiority," he laughed and strongly gripped Shane's cock in his palm, getting a pained grunt from him, "whatever position we're in...I own you...not the other way around." he declared. 

Shane didn't answer as his cock was in NieIle's palm and he didn't want more torture when he didn't have to.

Shane gently closed his eyes for a moment and tried to get somewhere in his mind where he wasn't waiting for a long night in a hideous red room. However, the clear touch on his tip was enough to tell him that he couldn't. He only looked again at Nielle, who with a satisfied expression on his face, lightly positioned his ass over his cock. Shane had no idea how he got prepared, when...if at all, but his entrance wasn't unbearably tight or dry, so he figured that his cock really wasn't going to cause Nielle any pain.

"NGH!" Shane gritted his teeth as his gland penetrated Nielle's hole into the prince's hot insides, wrapping around his dick and making him gasp painfully at how sensitive his erection was.

"I know, first class, right?" Nielle laughed and slowly lowered himself down Shane´s length.

He smiled softly as Shane's cock slipped deeper inside him. He moved forward lightly, trying to give himself some pleasure on that side as well. He lowered himself even more accompanied by the Shane´s moans beneath him as his entire member burned. But his hurt voice only excited Nielle more and more, so he gradually lowered himself onto Shane´s cock almost entirely. Shane's nature hit his prostate, Nielle slightly opened his mouth and sat on Shane's thighs. He stayed like that for a moment, slowly circling his hips.

Although Nielle was enjoying the pleasant filling of his insides, Shane underneath him was the greatest satisfaction, as his shivers showed how uncomfortable he was.

However, Nielle wasn´t going to mess with the gentle approach for long, so after a while he pushed himself up and sat down back sharply.

"Agh-ágh!" Shane screamed, the burning pleasure that shot through his body with each of Nielle's movements, as if a hot palm was pumping his cock. But it wasn't a palm, it was Nielle's ass, which, although he didn't want to admit it, were really perfect. Not too tight, not too loose...Nielle obviously knew just what to do to drive him insane in no time while also bringing himself the pleasure that Shane could see in his satisfied half-smile.

He couldn't stand it, he was trembling as Nielle began to mount his cock harder, as he accelerated his riding and when he added soft moans to it, Shane had the impression that his cock was going to explode despite the obstacle. The sight of Nielle's body was exciting, as much as he hated him, as much as he wanted to kill him, the natural reaction to having the handsome young prince ride his cock was excitement.

"Ahh..." Nielle breathed out satisfied, after which Shane only violently shook his handcuffed hands and tried to pull out of Nielle.

But the prince just placed his hands on his abdomen and continued, "Where do you think you go?" he asked and roughly sat down on his hard cock. He tilted his head slightly, how precisely Shane's cock hit him and after a while of repeating the self-pleasuring movements, he decided that he wanted something more.

"Do you want to come, Lacrisan?" Nielle asked.

Shane just gritted his teeth as he didn't want to admit how much he craved it…though at the same time the thought of the pain of giving his luck into Nielle's body terrified him.

"It doesn't really don't decide," Nielle smiled and reached his fingers to the ribbon at the base of Shane's cock. He loosened it in one fell swoop, forcing Lacrisan to gasp loudly and subconsciously thrust upwards.

"Aagh!" Nielle jumped up on his penis in surprise and in a second pushed Shane's body down sharply. He held him tight on the bench and glared at him in anger, "You move on your own one more time and I'll castrate you." he snarled threateningly, causing Shane to blink in surprise.

"I don't understand you," he said after a while, "you want sex... you stuffed it in you by yourself-" he started, but Nielle only put a finger to his lips in irritation.

"Shh...I said... you're going to thrust in me without permission one more time... and you'll lose your balls," he said.

Shane didn't understand at all, but since it was subconscious before and he had no plans to cooperate with Nielle at all, it wasn't a hard thing for him.

When it looked like Shane understood, Nielle pulled his fingers from his lips. He gently leaned against Shane´s body and started moving on his cock again. 

 He circled his hips on his hard penis, enjoying the satisfaction it brought him. While Nielle seemed satisfied again, Shane tried not to come right away. But it wasn't in his power, so after Nielle increased the pace of his riding on his cock, after the massaging of his hard dick deep in Nielle's ass became faster, he didn't even have time to object, when he came into the prince's body with a loud scream.

"AAAAGH!" he cried out after the initial horny moan as the thrill of his orgasm was followed by pain as his luck left his body and went into Nielle.

Nielle sighed in pleasure as he kept moving at the same time. He could feel the rush of energy, the rush of what he needed, and at the same time he was riding Shane's cock to make himself come. He didn't stop even after Shane started to protest, and even after he started shaking his head and verbally objecting to how his cock was despite remaining hard too sensitive. Nielle, however, continued to ride him, staring sadistically into his pain-contorted face and reaching for the climax whit a beautiful sight Shane was offering him.

"ÁGH-stop! AGh-agh!" Shane tried to get out from under Nielle, but he was moving too fast on top of him, so he didn't get a chance.

However, it didn't take long at all for his body to react naturally. Nielle quickens his movements, his ass pressing harder and harder against Shane's hard cock, the sounds of skin slapping against skin getting louder and Nielle's breathing deepening as he nears orgasm. Shane just gritted his teeth as he, looking at a horny Nielle, began to feel excitement again instead of pain.

However, despite Nielle's way of self-fucking with his dick, he didn't have time to do so, as Nielle came before him. At one point, Nielle closed his eyes in delight, fell silent for a few seconds and, as if he could no longer perceive anything else, took his own penis in his palm. He complemented the riding on Shane´s cock with a fast handjob that brought him to orgasm in a matter of seconds, accompanied by a soft sigh full of pleasure.

Shane was looking at him the whole time for some reason, even though he was sick inside of what he was doing here. His chest was covered in cum and after Nielle continued with his slow work for a little while after his ejaculation, he was completely hard again.

"Ah," Nielle looked satisfied, "a bench is always better than a bed." he laughed and slowly git up himself, dislodging Shane's cock.

Shane was still hard, but he didn't say anything...he didn't even know what he would say...he was both physically tired and pissed off at himself for even letting the sight of Nielle excite him...especially when he knew what a jerk Nielle was. 

Nevertheless, he was filled with the desire to break free from the ropes, punch Nielle, send him to the ground and fuck him until he would never sit down voluntarily again, anywhere... not on someone else's cock. Especially when he found out how opposed Nielle is to someone else's initiative in sex. Shane couldn't wait for the moment when their positions will turn in his favor.

"Nghá!" Shane gasped suddenly as he felt the touch on his cock again. Nielle just turned his back to him and positioned himself over his hard member again.

"I'm going to get as much luck out of you as I can today, Lacrisan," Nielle laughed contentedly and sat down again in a new position on Shane's cock.

Shane gritted his teeth and closed his eyelids as he realized he was in for a long night...and he was right.

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