Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in the caress 3

It was slowly getting dark when they stopped at a village. The guy took several bags from the back and began to carry the ordered goods to the future owners, while Rue and Ylre waited by the cart.

They were standing near a rather nice meadow, only a narrow path between the flowers showed that people usually walk here. Ylre stood by the carriage and watched as Rue excitedly walked among the flowers, bending down, stroking them enthusiastically, sometimes speaking to them as if they could answer, and then smiling contentedly, as if he had really received an answer. And maybe he did.

Ylre honestly didn't know what all the abilities of the highest Infeys were and therefore he had no idea if Rue could really talk to all living beings, even flowers. Anyway, he looked happy and Ylre couldn't help but smiled softly.

Despite the late hour, the sun was still warm so after a while he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was enjoying the fresh air, the peaceful silence with only Rue's pleasant voice in the background, before a call woke him from his calming half-sleep.

"Ylre…look," he sounded excited. Ylre opened his blue eyes and watched as Rue ran up to him, showing him a tiny ladybug that had landed on his finger.

Ylre didn't have as strong relationship with natural things as Rue, but he still smiled softly, "Pretty...where did you find it?"

"I didn't, she came alone... isn't she beautiful, isn't the world beautiful?" he looked enthusiastically at the surrounding flowers.

"It depends when and with whom," Ylre pointed out, "right now with you, it really is beautiful."

"That's what I meant. I hope it will stay beautiful forever." Rue laughed and gently placed the ladybug next to Ylre who was giving it a look.

He stared at little bug for a moment before it moved closer to him. He slowly extended his finger, letting it climb up his nail and slowly lifted it. He watched the bug for a few seconds before looking at a contented Rue and smiling softly.

He extended his finger to Rue, who hesitated before letting Ylre touch him.

"I hope you can smile like this forever…then the world really will be beautiful." Ylre let the ladybug climb up Rue's shoulder, which was enough to make Rue's face light up with a warm smile.

"How about we take a walk surrounded by flowers. You will feel comfortable." he said.

"No need, I feel comfortable even now," Ylre smiled.

"You don´t want to?" Rue asked, as if he couldn't believe anyone would turn down a walk among the flowers.

Ylre stared at him for a moment before moving his gaze to the flowers and adding, "I do, let´s go."

As Rue smiled contentedly and made his way among the flowerbeds that grew too freely to be called a manicured meadow, Ylre followed him slowly. He himself didn´t like flowers the most, but in this situation, it filled his heart with warm pleasure. They walked along a smaller path that made their way through the colorful meadow plants that Rue was so fascinated by. Ylre was just walking without saying a word when Rue handed him some fallen flower, he picked up. Ylre looked at it surprised but as they walked, he considered the flower rather lonely so he picked another one for it…and then another one.

"Beautiful, isn't it? They are all different and yet they don't grow in groups, but randomly, all have all the colours everywhere, as if they like each other, don't you think? I haven't been in the meadow for a long time, I don't remember them being so beautiful," Rue commented enthusiastically.

Ylre bent to the ground again and took one of the freshly fallen flowers in his hand, where he was already clutching several. After listening to Rue's excited words for a while, he bent down again and added a few other flowers to them.

"I haven't been on the meadow for a long time either," he said.

"Really? You don't look like you can't go for a walk." he didn't understand.

"I just had no reason," Ylre clarified, bowing again.

"There is always a reason to visit the meadow," he smiled.

"I'm grateful you gave me one," Ylre laughed and gently wrapped the bouquet of meadow flowers in thicker grass, binding it together. As Rue looked his way, Ylre beckoned him closer and handed him the bouquet with a hesitant smile.

"When did you make it?" Rue took the flowers and looked at them happily, "You didn't pluck them," he noted, "you're a good person with a good sense of detail." he looked at the nicely arranged flowers, in appearance, as if they were bought in a flower shop.

Ylre laughed softly, "Thank you...I thought they would please you," he tried.

"Flowers are always a pleasure," Rue gave him a smile, "Thank you." He said, pulling the flower close to him.

Ylre smiled softly and continued walking with Rue, who, with the flowers in his hand, excitedly started chatting about other flowers. The sun was slowly setting, the man didn´t return from the village, and when they were almost at the carriage, Ylre noticed that something was weird.

"Stop," he said to Rue, who didn't understand what was going on.


"Someone is by the carriage," he said and slowly moved on, whereupon he finally saw a group of about twenty people rummaging in the goods.

"Where?" Rue leaned in when he saw the group of thieves, but he didn´t hesitate and ran out of the meadow, "Who are you?" he walked to them and caught their attention, which was exactly what Ylre didn't want.

Sighing, Ylre caught up with Rue and stopped by him. He looked at the many bandits who didn't seem frightened by their arrival. They just lauhed amusedly, made a few remarks about them, and then pulled out all sorts of their weird weapons.

"When you see a group of guys robbing you and you're not outnumbered, don´t show yourself," one of them laughed.

"Give everything you took back. It's not yours...or ours." Rue stated calmly. With the bouquet in hand, he looked quite comical to the thieves, so the group of guys just laughed in amusement and went about their business.

"Idiots...guys, take their valuables and tie them up, we'll feast on them," he stated, to which the bandits listened and excitedly charged at them. The pair of Infeys couldn't believe how easy it was to be targeted by blades twice a day in this country.

"Ylre." Rue looked at the redhead who didn't look excited.

"Don't worry, I'll get rid of them," he said, but he didn't have time to say anything else when a group of guys rushed at them.

Ylre was mildly surprised when, instead of a civilized fight, the guys ran at him randomly with feet, fists, and weapons in a disorganized group that he would have preferred to cut down with a single swing.

However, he couldn't draw his sword, he couldn't kill any of them since Rue would see it, and he clearly couldn't grab Rue and stop him from joining the fight. Therefore, only irritated by the interruption of a nice moment, he tackled one of the attackers, sending him to the ground with a kick in the stomach. He knocked him unconscious with the second kick, then took his sword and fought off several guys who rushed towards him.

One slash, one blow, another slash, another blow, blood spattered his face and he just watched as several guys fell to the ground. The burgundy liquid seeped into the dirt by the road, Ylre strode past it and slashed the wrists of several bandits with a sharp swing, forcing them to drop their weapons. He interrupted their screams with a well-aimed slash across the chest and continued.

He didn't realize how far he had walked during the fight. When he finally finished, his hands were dirty with the blood of the ignorant people who had dared to touch them. However, he was standing quite far from Rue, who was still fighting, as his fighting style with humans wasn´t that brutal.

Rue as highest Infey didn't hurt anyone, he regained one sword just like in the capital and sent several guys to the ground while still holding a bouquet of flowers in his other hand. His sword style was well known to Ylre and as he watched his elegante posture filled with light movements, his heart filled with affection. Since his fight wasn't over, Ylre followed him. However, one guy ran at Rue more violently and made the flower fell from his hands, causing him to hesitate in surprise. He looked at the bouquet, automatically sent a guy unconscious and then tried to bend down to pick the flowers.

However, he didn't get the chance to do so. Another guy jumped at him from behind and if Rue hadn't step aside, he would have taken a nasty blow. He didn't look pleased, but after a one harmless blow, he stunned the guy and tried to pick up the flower from the ground a few meters away. But unsuccessfully. In the course of the fight, he struggled to reach it for a moment, before one of the guys stepped on the flowers.

Rue stopped: "Why are you destroying such a beautiful thing?"

But only Ylre noticed Rue´s words from the short distance where he was attacked by other guys a moment ago. None of the bandits paid attention to Rue's question, they just continued to try to catch him, and after Rue dodged a few times, sending several guys to the ground, he again disgruntledly tried to take the trampled flowers from the ground. It took some time before the space near him was cleared and he slowly walked towards the flower, which didn´t look as beautiful as before. He slowly bent down to it, sighed softly and caressed it gently.

At that moment, Ylre finally finished slashing the guys on his side and was finally able to run towards Rue, who was no longer focused on the fight. in fact, Rue never took the fight with humans seriously. He didn´t have to. That's why he didn't notice how one of the guys woke up and irritated by the development of the fight, lunged at him.

"Watch out!" Ylre yelled since he wasn't close enough to intervene. When Rue came to his senses, all he could do was dodge to the side at the last moment before the sword would surely pierce his back.

Instead of his back, the blade pierced through his arm and cut into his shoulder, making him hiss in pain. The guy ran at him again in irritation, but Ylre was already in front of him, slashing the guy's chest a furious lunge. As the man´s sword fell to the ground, Ylre sliced open his stomach in another deep blow. With a murderous look on his face he stabbed him again.

The guy just gasped in shock, splashing blood on Ylre's face with a violent cough, but Ylre didn't hesitate and pulled the sword out of his body only to try to repeat the stab. But before he could complete the movement, an unexpected touch on his arm made him freeze.

"What are you doing, Ylre?" he heard a calm stern sounding voice that gave Ylre chills, "Do you think what you just did was right?" Rue asked after which Ylre let go of the sword.

The weapon fell to the ground, Ylre slowly turned to face Rue, whose golden eyes burned him as if they wanted to stab him from the inside…and Ylre had the feeling that they did exactly that.

"No…" he managed after a while and gently lowered his gaze,, "I-…I am sorry."

"Why did you do it if you are sorry?" Rue's tone remained unchanged.

Ylre didn't answer for a moment before he opened his mouth and asked timidly, "Are you angry?"

"I'm angry," Rue said, stating, "People shouldn't kill, people aren´t to blame for the way they are and shouldn´t be killed because of their lack of knowledge…why did you just do that?"

"I," Ylre looked at Rue's bleeding hand and looked down again, "got mad."

"At whom?" he didn´t understand.

"At him... and at myself," Ylre said.

"Why?" Rue asked.

Ylre remained silent for a moment before looking into Rue's golden irises again, "I'm sorry…it wasn't right. I won´t do it again…don´t be angry at me."

Since Rue didn't expect one of the people to understand his words right away, he smiled softly: "I´m not...don't do things like that again." He reached out his hand and stroked his red hair gently.

Ylre looked down in confusion and let himself be petted while Rue only ran his fingers through his hair before he decided he had explained the situation to Ylre enough for now.

"Did you understand, Ylre?" Rue asked, slowly picking up the flowers.

Ylre just gave a soft nod of how taken aback he was and gently touched his hair. He felt as if he could feel his hair tingling with a strange, tense yet pleasurable sensation that he hadn't experienced in a long time. His heart was pounding more than it had during the fight, and as Rue moved closer to the carriage, he took a step before stopping. It had been a while since his legs were as weak as now…and all it took was a few words from Rue, one of his caresses and a gentle smile.

Ylre took a deep breath, and after Rue called out to him, he walked towards him.

"I'm going," he blinked and went to the carriage.

Despite how strange he felt right now, despite how he blamed himself for letting Rue see his inappropriate behavior, he knew there was something more important than his own feelings. Because even though all the Infeys were doing excellently in healing themselves, even though Rue was in the category that he wouldn't be killed even if someone pierced him through, his injury still needed to be treated as best as possible.

And Ylre wasn't sure he would even let him.

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