Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in the red torture chamber 1

Warning: This 3-part chapter contains descriptions of rape and physical violence between two men. Those of you who don't like to read that sort of thing shouldn't be reading this. I am in no way a supporter of rape. Consent is the basis of a healthy relationship and this story is just fiction with an example of a toxic relationship (at least for now). I hope you will enjoy the story anyway and wish you a pleasant reading.

When they arrived at the palace, he was completely drained. Not only did he not have the energy to admire the capital city they sped through, he barely even registered Nielle's voice. Only when the prince got off his horse and patted his leg did he notice.

"We have to introduce you today...get moving," He said.

Lacrisan, whose lack of luck in this country and blood loss was wearing him down, slowly dismounted and handed the prince the gift packs. Nielle just looked at it and laughed softly,

"Why are you giving it to me? Carry it," He declared, and turned to leave. It took Shane a moment to realize that he was supposed to follow.

He finally caught up to the prince and looked at a pair of guards at the entrance who only glanced at Nielle, bowed and opened the door. Nielle ignored them and walked inside without saying a word.

"Where are we going?" Shane wondered.

"To the king, he wanted to see you...and since you won't be in the best condition tomorrow, we're going today," He clarified.

Shane looked at him blankly, not wanting to think about how he was going to be tomorrow as he wasn't feeling his best right now either. It wasn't in his nature to preoccupy himself with the problems of the future, so he pushed the unnecessary things out of his mind and followed the prince through the halls of the palace. It didn't take long before they arrived at a large door with another pair of guards standing in front of it.

"Your Highness," they greeted.

"I came with a new Lacrisan, the king wanted to see him,"He wanted to get it done.

One of the guards nodded, went inside and left them waiting in the hall. It took a while for him to return and clear the path for the prince to the king.

Nielle went inside without a word, Shane following him, wondering if he really meant to take him to the king with his tattered clothes and blood stains all over his body. Shane didn't think his appearance was appropriate, but since it wasn't his decision, he didn't object. After entering the room, his eyes looked through the large study.

Like every evening, the king spent his time managing all the boring paperwork and government affairs that Nielle was incredibly uninterested in.

"Good evening father," Nielle knelt down as Shane followed suit, "I've brought a new Lacrisan." He informed.

The king looked at him from the table and nodded: "About time," he said, "and the bandits?"

"Wiped in custody," Nielle clarified.

"All right," the king said, "get up."

Nielle stood up, but Shane made no mistake and stayed on his knees. He had no idea what the king was like in this country, so he wasn't going to underestimate anything. And he did the right thing.

"Have you decided where you will allocate him?" the king asked.

"I like him," Nielle declared, "I'll keep him with me...I want to make him one of the executioners."

The king nodded as he didn't care as long as he didn't cause trouble, "Stand up," He ordered Shane who complied.

"What is your name?" the king asked.

"Shane," he thought it was a miracle that anyone actually wanted to call him by his name.

"Shane," the king began, "Rinsel will become your new home today. In case you need anything, don't hesitate to ask Nielle, I believe he will introduce you to the palace and the local customs tomorrow so you can adapt to the country," he said, though his words sounded more like a learned phrase than something truly understandable.

"Thank you," Lacrisan only looked up at him gently, trying to see what the king looked like.

"Father," Nielle said, "I brought you coffee from the journey," he nodded at Shane, who handed him the things, "you liked it last time," he clarified and placed it next to the papers.

The king only glanced at the package of coffee on the table: "Anything else?"

"Nothing," Nielle informed.

"In that case you can leave, I have a lot of work," he said.

Nielle nodded, followed by Shane. As they walked out into the corridor, he looked at the prince, who seemed rather pleased. Shane didn't know how a king should relate to his sons, but his experience told him that this ruler didn't have Prince Nielle in his favor. Even his Prince Darwin wasn't the king's favorite, but his father's treatment bothered him. While Nielle looked like he couldn't care less.

"What about the remaining bags?" Shane asked, still carrying them.

"We'll use them tomorrow," Nielle stated as he walked contentedly to the end of the corridor where he turned, then made it to the end of another corridor until he stopped at a staircase leading down to the red iron door.

Shane, who didn't like the whole trip, just looked at it doubtfully: "Where are we going?"

"Why? Afraid?" Nielle laughed and opened the door giving Shane a view of a spacious room with wide furnishings.

Lacrisan fell silent and looked around more carefully. He put the bags on the ground. He didn't think it was important to carry them anymore, as he knew he wouldn´t be giving them to anyone anytime soon.

Nielle stepped deeper into the room while Shane stayed by the door. It was a really big room. The stone walls draped with red curtains gave a strangely energetic impression, although the instruments hanging behind them didn't look tempting at all. Their semi-translucent appearance allowed one to see what the room was full of, and Shane sighed inwardly as he realized he had only entered a redly decorated torture chamber.

In the center of the room was a round hole that would have given a terrifying impression if it hadn't been filled with water. The gentle steam rising from the filled tub would normally look inviting, but Shane wasn't in the mood for a nice bath at all.

Right next to it was a bed that could easily fit ten people. Red sheets with the same curtains that covered the walls of the instruments would have looked solemn if it weren't for the whips hanging from the head of the bed, giving the color a menacing touch.

Shane looked through the curtains, the bath, the bed and the other fixtures in the room when he began to consider whether he should back out. He saw something like a vise, some chains and a set of thick shackles hanging from the edges of the walls, he saw wooden benches and all kinds of equipment used for other torture methods. However, he didn't have time to look through all the parts of the room when Nielle simply dragged one of the wooden benches to the tub and sat down on it.

"Take off your clothes and get in," He said.

Shane didn't even speak in startle.

"Didn't you hear?" Laughed Nielle, "Take off your clothes and get in." Nodded to the bathtub.

Shane looked at him suspiciously and took a few steps closer, "Where are we?" he asked.

Knowing people like Nielle very well, he didn't feel like following his orders and being tortured here all night. If he was in Lacris, if he was at home...he would defend himself. However, he wasn't at home and couldn't afford to risk Nielle locking him up for a month in a dungeon for his disobedience.

He had no idea what kind of character his prince was, so he didn't know what kind of behavior was most appropriate. Therefore, after a while, he willingly began to untie parts of his tattered clothes. He didn't plan to run away or whimper like this sadistic prince probably wanted. He didn't come here to escape or get locked up on day one. Moreover, he knew that whatever Nielle wanted to do to him, it wouldn't be worse than the things he had experienced in his life.

"I bet Prince Darwin has one too," Nielle laughed.

"If he has, he didn't take me to it," he clarified.

"Waste," Nielle pointed out and watched with satisfaction as Shane threw off the top layer of his robe, laid it on the floor next to the Nielle, even though it was torn, and then slowly took off the lower part as well. Nielle then caught a glimpse of his injured chest and when he remained only in short underpants, he declared.

"Turn around,"

Shane raised his eyebrows slightly, but after a moment he complied. He allowed himself to be looked at by Nielle for a while, before he began to have the disgusting feeling that he sees him as an animal in the cattle market: "If you want to do something to me, do it right now, I'm not a commodity, I don't like such tricks," he said.

"Aren't you?" Nielle chuckled in amusement and stood up. He walked over to a half-naked Shane and lightly touched his bloody chest, "Don't think much about yourself, Lacrisan," he stated as he dug his nails into one deep wound, causing Shane to wince in pain.

"For me, you are less than a commodity and you will never be anything more. It's not up to you what I do to you and I don't care in the least what you hate." he clarified and pulled his fingers off of him.

Shane took a disgruntled breath, "My name is Shane."

Nielle only smiled lightly, but didn't answer. He slowly walked around Lacrisan and stopped at his back. Shane didn't move as he touched his skin and lightly stroked its surface with his palms as if probing something.

Nielle carefully looked at the many scars that covered Lacrisan's body and moved his hands to his hips with interest. He traced his fingers to the longer, old gash that stretched from his back to his pants and curiously moved up to his arms where he had even more scars.

"Bites?" he asked, "Where did you get the bites?" Laughed Nielle and ran down Shane's biceps to his forearms, "Clean cuts, beautiful," he lightly touched the scars, "shallow...deep...shallow," he said to himself before he moved again to his back, "Iron...leather...leather...leather...someone in Lacris has no imagination as I see," he stated and reached his other shoulder where he moved to his skin again, ,,you have less on this one," He grabbed his right forearm and lightly ran over the small marks, less numerous than the ones on the left, "did you make them yourself?" he wondered.

Shane didn't answer. He was just waiting for Nielle to finish the really unpleasant act, after which he finally lightly shook him off.

Nielle laughed softly, "Palms," he instructed, to which Shane raised his palms to him.

Nielle looked at the small knife scars that didn't look like they were the result of torture, "Do you love pain, Lacrisan?" he wondered.

Shane still didn't answer.

Nielle laughed softly, "Take everything off." He tugged at Shane's pants, causing Lacrisan to give him a displeased look.

"Do you want it in writing?" Nielle was amused, "Or do you want a visit to the dungeons on the first day? I have no problem skipping the first introduction and showing you how it goes when someone doesn't obey."

Shane stared at him for a moment before slowly removing his pants. He let them slide to the ground and looked ahead again, not wanting to make eye contact with Nielle. Not that he was afraid because of his words, but he didn't have time to waste days in a dungeon, and although this Rinsel man irritated him, he didn't intend to be unnecessarily punished.

Nielle let out a contented whistle and ran his hand lightly over Shane's stomach to his crotch where he tried to grab his unexcited cock.

Shane automatically grabbed the prince's palm before he touched it, andNielle lifted his corners in amusement, "Looked like you don't need handcuffs. Was I wrong?"

Acting only subconsciously, Shane glared at him for a moment before letting him go again, "No."

"One more time and I'll handcuff you," Nielle threatened, returning to where he left off, his fingers going down to Shane's rather hefty cock, squeezing it in his palm.

"Nice size," he stated and ran over the undamaged skin, "whoever gave you those beautiful scars avoided the most sensitive areas...shame." He laughed.

Shane didn't respond to the words and waited for Nielle to finish with the humiliating activity.

When he felt fingers on his thighs exploring the scars that covered them, he tried to ignore it, but as the prince's hand moved down to his calves and then moved up to his ass, tension filled him again.

"Virgin?" He wondered.

"No," Shane said.

"I thought," laughed Nielle, "when was the first time you did it?" He was interested.

"I forgot," He wasn't going to answer this question.

"Did you forget or do you want to?" Nielle teased him, tracing the scars on his ass before coming back to him from the front and studying his expression.

"Satisfied?" asked Shane, "What's the point of this?" He didn't understand.

"Information is the key," Nielle stated, "Tell me, were you so disobedient that someone kept punishing you or did you ask for it yourself?" he wondered since the number of injuries on Shane's body was far from normal. Every Lacrisan that came to him was flawless. A few he later bought from the market sometimes had scars, but none was as marked with them as this new Lacrisan.

"Neither,"Shane clarified.

Nielle gently raised his corners: " poor boy," He quipped, as if he was actually pleased with the information.

Shane just looked at him blankly and said, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Isn't that clear?" Nielle wondered, "To test how much you can take."

Shane stared at him silently for a moment, as if wondering if he really meant it. After a while, he laughed softly, "How much can I take?" no matter what Nielle's sentence meant, Shane felt quite annoyed at the beginning of his stay in a new country, "Well, good luck with that."

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