Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Gobi

Chapter 157 Gobi

A group of people successfully passed the roadblock, and Yin Zhenghong and Liu Shi in the carriage were relieved.

At this moment, someone wanted to stop the villagers from both sides.

Luo Dazhi, whose wound was still wrapped in cloth, knocked down a man who was trying to rush in. The other villagers were not to be outdone and did not intend to let anyone rush into their team.


The displaced people who were knocked down and pushed down kept screaming.

Where do these people come from? Why do they all run into each other like a lunatic?

The refugees who were starving continuously were the opponents of the villagers who were already full. Seeing that those who wanted to beg for food were mercilessly pushed away by the team, no one dared to go forward for a while, but Yin Miao found out that they were behind. Also followed a lot of people.

“A bunch of bastards, if they dare to come over, the old lady will fight with you all!”

Although Luo Suying was in the team, he was standing on a carriage with a kitchen knife and pointed at the refugees behind him and cursed.

Thinking of the wotou that she worked so hard to bring all the way the day before yesterday and was robbed by the refugees, her heart hurts to the point of bleeding. She has always taken advantage of others, how can she allow others to rob her?

“Further ahead is the exit, everyone hold on!”

Wu Lifu also shouted at this time.

are you crazy…

The surrounding refugees couldn’t help but cursed in their hearts.

A road in Pingtong County was abruptly taken out of the fighting spirit by the villagers. They were guarding it strictly. Even Yin Bowu and Yin Chengyun in the front did not expect that only one day’s training would produce such an effect.

“Thanks to the good man who gave porridge to the refugees, otherwise we would never have been able to get through here.”

Mr. Zhang looked at the exit ahead and said.

The Great Good Man is here.

Yin Miao wanted to raise her hand to ask for credit, but she only dared to go along with what Zhang said.

“By the way, who were those people just now? How could they help us?”

Weiss asked while knocking on the front of the carriage.

“I don’t know, this is the first time I’ve walked here.”

Yin Bowu was equally puzzled, but when he saw the exit that was about to arrive in front of him, he instantly forgot what had just happened, and followed a group of people to be happy.

The group walked for nearly an hour before they dared to stop. Those who walked were all out of breath, and those with carriages did not feel relieved.

They have now reached a deserted Gobi desert, not to mention dead trees that can shade them, and there is not even a single grass in the surrounding area.

“Going forward for a few days, I’m afraid it’s a place like this, hey!”

Wei Lizheng didn’t dare to escape easily at first because of this.

This is the most common scenery in the Northwest, which is a deserted place.

“At least no refugee looting.”

Wu Lifu said with a wry smile.

“Let’s save some water for everyone. I used to help people deliver goods in the county town, and it was difficult to find water sources within a radius of dozens of miles. Now it’s a drought, and it’s even more impossible to find it.”

said a sturdy man named Wu Xiangming in the Wu family village. The reason why they did not run out of water in Pingtong County was because they found a deep well with some water beside the woods.

Fortunately, everyone’s water is still sufficient for the time being.

“Daddy, what do our horses eat?”

Brother Han said what worries Yin Bowu the most. In those dry woods, they could still find some young leaves emerging from trees or half-dry grass by the well, but now they can see nothing at a glance.

Yin Miao thought for a while, then carefully took out a bag from the dark compartment behind the carriage and said, “When I went to the county town with Young Master Xiao, I dug a piece of turf in the garden where his friend lives. Maybe Can give our horses an emergency.”


What it is?

A car of people all looked at the things in Yin Miao’s hands.

I saw Yin Miao opened the cloth bag and carefully took out a mud layer like animal skin. The mud layer was covered with green grass. Although the green grass had been squashed, it still seemed alive.

“Miao’er, are you so powerful that you even dug up grass?”

This was the first time Mr. Zhang saw someone dig up a whole piece of grass like this.

“Does this mean it can be kept?” Yin Chengyun was also stunned, although the mud under the turf would fall down when touched, but this was indeed a new thing.

“Can it be raised? I’m not sure, why don’t we try?”

Yin Miao was really not sure, because this was a piece of turf dug out of her space ranch, she just wanted to take it out to hide it.

“This is baby.”

Yin Chengyun squatted in the middle of the carriage, took out a piece of animal fur about the size from under the carriage, and then carefully spread the turf on top of the fur.

I just don’t know how long it will take for the horses to take turns to eat this turf before new grass grows.

Talking is better than nothing, Yin Chengyun still put the turf on the driver’s seat in front, intending to try to raise it.

“There is a dirt **** in front. Let’s rest there. I think the people in the back are too tired.”

Yin Bowu said.

However, when they got to the slope, they found that someone had rested here. Apart from a few fires built with rocks, there were a few empty bamboo tubes and dirty cloth scattered around.

“It seems that we are not the only ones fleeing.” Wu Lifu sat on the ground and drank two sips of water before he dared to drink more.

“So we have to hurry as soon as possible. I heard that Pingtong County also intends to transfer refugees.”

Xiao Xuan stepped down from the carriage, his words made Wu Lifu look sideways.

“Pingtong County to transfer refugees?”

Wei Lizheng also heard for the first time, how do so many refugees move?

“Grandpa Lizheng, we also heard that there are still several officials in Pingtong County who are in charge. They want to use the porridge to lead the refugees to the south.”

Yin Miao also said at the right time.

“What? Then we have to hurry up, I have a headache when I see them.”

Luo Dazhi said while covering his head.

“How can it be so simple, just this way is not easy to go?”

Yin Bowu said, pointing to the Gobi, which was still blowing with sand.

Yin Miao glanced at Xiao Xuan, Yin Bowu was right, she was also worried that Xiao Xuan’s plan would fall short.

“Yes, yes, I think we shouldn’t rest too long, we can go out as soon as possible, there are jackals in this place at night.”

After Wu Xiangming finished speaking, the children in the team were so frightened that they fell into the arms of the adults on the side.

“The jackal? The one that eats people?”

Ma Cuihua asked.

Seeing Wu Xiangming nodding, everyone became worried. They had been living in the village for many years, where have they seen any jackals.

“Sister Miao I’m afraid.”

Brother Han hugged Yin Miao’s thigh tightly.

“What are you afraid of? Didn’t we walk this way when we were exiled, and the jackal didn’t dare to approach the bonfire at night.”

Yin Zhenghong said

(end of this chapter)

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