Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: Late Night Adventure

Chapter 211 Late Night Adventure

In the same night, as usual in Luoyan Pagoda, sins breed in the dark and die in the dark. Several guards walked along the passage in the tower, and the moonlight outside sprinkled in the passage, and the passage soon returned to tranquility.

After a while, a figure in clothes and trousers appeared in the passage out of thin air. Even though it was late at night, Yin Miao felt as if she had been beaten with blood, and she was full of energy.

She walked down layer by layer, and whenever she heard the sound of someone passing by, she would hide in the space in advance. When Xiangrui was sure that there was no one outside, she would reappear. The clothes on her body also made Chuncao follow her. The idea of transformation.

There is no wide skirt and sleeves, even if it is just a simple black dress and black pants, it makes her very comfortable to wear.

Although the fifth floor was where she had been, she still circled around quickly. The stove is really on this floor, but she didn’t come to poison tonight. The place she was going was the first basement, and stepping on the stove was just a matter of convenience.

“Finally the **** can go back to sleep.”

Yin Miao was about to leave the fifth floor when a voice suddenly came from below the stairs.

Seeing a pile of debris in the corner of the wall, she simply hid behind the pile of debris.

“Master Wuma asked us to complete so many projects within this month, and the boss has already gone to report to get more people in.”

said another voice.

“Instead of bringing in some newbies, it’s better to feed the pros. Today, both of them starved to death. They have been pros for more than half a month.”

“No way, now food is more expensive than human life.”

“Hahaha, at this time, we are blessed with Beirou’s holy favor. There are always big living people who can’t finish eating.”

“We haven’t found the person who burned the holy pet last time. In the past few days, we have started to kill our own people in the city. I heard that Lord Wuma was looking for the murderer outside all night.”


A few voices gradually disappeared along with a few figures, and then Yin Miao got out from the pile of debris.

In a hurry?

What are they rushing for?

With a doubt, Yin Miao continued to walk down the shadow of the stairs.

When passing by the third-floor torture chamber, she saw several corpses lying in the corridor before they could be removed. The door of the torture chamber was half-open, and there were bursts of painful groans.

“Save, save me.”

When Yin Miao walked past several corpses, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the leg of her trousers.

Yin Miao frowned and squatted down, she couldn’t see what the situation of the person on the ground was, but she could only hear that it was a man with a hoarse voice.

“I’m just passing by, how can I save you?”

“Water…I want water…”

The man made a faint sound again, like a fish stranded on the shore.

Yin Miao hesitated for a while, but still took out a bamboo tube from her bosom and slowly fed it to the man.

“Cough cough…”

The man probably hadn’t drank water for a long time, and he couldn’t help coughing after drinking too much, but he also knew the current situation, so he endured the cough again and continued to drink.

Yin Miao gave space water. Seeing how pitiful the man was, she simply put the whole bamboo tube beside him.

“These are all for you, I still have something to do, I’ll go first.”

Yin Miao said. Her time should not be delayed. Now Wuma Kui has not returned from the outside. If she comes back and finds that she is not in the room, it will be bad.

“Thank you, what’s your name?”

asked the man who drank water.

“You’re welcome, it’s just a little effort, come on.”

Although Yin Miao didn’t know who this person was, the people who have fallen since then were all poor people, and she still hoped that the other person would survive.

The man could only see the outline of Yin Miao in the dark. She got up and left silently after she finished speaking. He tightly held the bamboo tube in his hand, and his heart was both sour and grateful.

Yin Miao finally reached the basement level without any risk. After walking through a long narrow passage, a burst of hot air suddenly came over.

Probably to dissipate heat, the iron door at the connection between the basement floor and the upper floor was always open, and it was late at night, so she could walk in smoothly.

The sound of    ping-pong was also faintly heard, Yin Miao was walking against the wall in the dark, and an open area appeared in front of it, like a warehouse where something was kept.

Directly in front of the warehouse was a wall facing her, and the windows on the wall shone with flickering light. Yin Miao was curious about the contents of the boxes in the warehouse, but she heard someone The sound came from the stairway above.

She hid behind a few boxes of goods, the voice gradually approached, and she found that it was Wumakui who came back? !

“Master Wuma, this month’s iron ore raw materials have not been delivered, perhaps because of the tension of the carriages and horses. I heard that the latest batch of raw materials was delayed in Liangxi County because the horses ran out of food and drink on the road. nearby.”

said in a slightly older voice, Yin Miao squinted her eyes, and under the light of the fire in the window, she found that the man was wearing the local official uniform of Nanxiao Kingdom.

“If the horse doesn’t move, let someone pull it. The iron ore won’t arrive again within three days. Bring your head up and see me.”

Wu Ma Kui said in a cold voice.


The official replied hesitantly, and at this time Wuma Kui had already walked straight into the warehouse.

Yin Miao was a little nervous, it was really too hot inside the warehouse, I saw Wuma Kui pulled out a long thing, Yin Miao looked over with the light and found that it was actually an arrow?

After Wu Makui instructed the people behind him a few more words, he walked towards the wall that was glowing with fire.

Yin Miao stroked the wooden boxes at hand, and then put one of the boxes into the space.

“Who’s there?”

Wu Makui’s voice suddenly sounded, Yin Miao did not dare to let out another sound, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, Yin Miao did not know who was walking towards her, so she flashed into the space decisively.

The bright space and fresh air made Yin Miao heave a sigh of relief. And she found that Xiao Xuan was also in the space, looking at the contents next to the wooden box she had just put in.

“Where is A Miao now?”

Seeing Yin Miao’s neat and strange dress and her relieved expression, Xiao Xuan concluded that Yin Miao must be taking risks at this time.

“Falling Wild Goose Pagoda, one basement floor.”

Yin Miao only felt that the space had become extremely magical. Even though she and Xiao Xuan were in different places, they could communicate with each other.

“If A Miao had informed me in advance, there would be no need to take this risk. Wu Ma Kui should be making a lot of weapons.”

Xiao Xuan took out a long knife in the wooden box and said, this is what Yin Miao just brought in.

“Weapon? Could it be used to…”

Yin Miao thought of something, Xiao Xuan also put down the long knife with a solemn expression.

These weapons that are being mass-produced are most likely to be used in warfare, and the target is Nanxiao.

(end of this chapter)

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