Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: The Current Situation Of The Yin Family

Chapter 23 The current situation of the Yin family

That night, Su Wanfeng stayed up all night to diagnose and treat the injured, and the whole family hardly rested. The warm water in the kitchen was brought out by Yunjiang and Yunhe until the sky was bright and the pale face of Su Wanfeng Just came out of the innermost room:

“The wounds on his body have been treated, and it is up to him to see if he can survive it.”

“Many thanks to Doctor Su for his willingness to help. As long as I can save my master, I will definitely reward him with money in the future.”

Yunjiang was a little embarrassed. This time they were chased and killed, and they hardly brought any money with them. Now the medical fee can only be borrowed first.

“No, you are friends of Duke Yin, and I am willing to help you.”

Su Wanfeng said.

“The consultation fee must be paid, otherwise if Old Man Su knew about it, he would probably laugh at me for bullying the younger generation.”

Yin Bowu took out an empty purse while speaking, and the smile gradually solidified on his face.

Yin Chengyun cleared his throat and whispered in his ear: “Brother, our entanglement has been spent on the road.”


Yin Bowu only realized what it was at this time, they are now “desperate” and have no family at all.

Yin Miao didn’t want to see her father’s predicament, and she didn’t want to default on Su Wanfeng’s consultation fee, so she immediately took out a few pieces of silver from her purse and handed it to Su Wanfeng.

“You really don’t have to…”

“Since that person saved the lives of my father and third uncle, the money should be paid by us, you should accept it, or I won’t accept your money next time I go to deliver herbs.”

Yin Miao took out three taels of silver, neither too much nor too little. Su Wanfeng saw that a group of people insisted on letting him collect the money, so she accepted it with disbelief.

Mrs. Zhang saw that everyone was tired and sleepy, so she went to the kitchen to cook porridge. After Yin Miao had taught her for a few days, she was washing rice and cooking the pot every day.

And when she opened the rice jar, she was stunned. Why did she feel that there was more rice in the rice jar than the day before?

“Third aunt, there are a lot of people today, and Daddy and the others must be hungry. We need to put more rice.”

Yin Miao’s voice came from behind, and Mrs. Zhang began to count the number of people, thinking about how many rice to put in, and for a while, she didn’t care about the rice in the rice jar.

Yunhe walked into the dark kitchen, looked around and said, “I’ll come.”

Yin Miao scooped a few more spoons of rice into the basin. She knew that Yun He was the person next to King Xuan. He looked about 20 years old, tall and strong, and at first glance he was a martial artist.

Such a person can also cook?

“Can you cook?” Yin Miao asked innocently.

“Will do.”

Yunhe nodded, strode over to take the rice bowl in Zhang’s hand, and began to operate like a tiger. Yin Miao and Mrs Zhang glanced at each other, and the shock of “this is a master” appeared in their eyes.

“Can there be other materials?” Yunhe asked.

“Yes, we have lettuce, greens, gorse… and some small taro!”

Yin Miao introduced the things in the bamboo basket to Yunhe one by one.

“okay, I get it.”

Yunhe stopped talking after speaking, seeing that he didn’t seem to need help, Yin Miao and Mrs Zhang also temporarily left the kitchen.

“Miao’er, that person looks amazing.”

Mrs. Zhang said that people who can cook are amazing in her eyes.

“Well, I just don’t know if there are any dishes made by Grandma Hua that are delicious.”

Yin Miao learned from Yin Bowu that Granny Hua was the one who showed them the way at the entrance of the village the night before yesterday, otherwise they would not have found their home so smoothly.

Breakfast was ready soon, and even Su Wanfeng in the house could smell the fragrance.

Yin Miao had never cooked such a crystal clear porridge with moderate softness and hardness, and her eyes lit up immediately after tasting it.

“This is even more delicious than the food made by Mother-in-law Hua.” Su Wanfeng also praised.

“Although Yunhe doesn’t talk much, he knows a lot of skills, especially in cooking, so King Xuan loves to take him wherever he goes.”

Yin Bowu explained that Yunjiang and Yunhe did not immediately start eating at this time, but went to the back room to feed their masters with porridge.

“Can the patient eat anything if he is unconscious?” Yin He with a pair of panda eyes asked inexplicably. He stayed beside Su Wanfeng all night the night before, and even Su Wanfeng praised him for his good health. will.

“Even if he can’t eat it, it’s very good to moisten his throat. If he can swallow his food, he will be able to survive this disaster.”

Su Wanfeng explained patiently.

At the dinner table, the family hadn’t had a meal together like this for a long time, but after sending Su Wanfeng away, the family began to worry a little about their surplus food.

“I heard that the price of rice in the county has risen to one or two and a half silver per stone, isn’t this grain seller crazy?”

Zhen said with a frown.

“Do we have any money left in our family?” Yin Bowu was already feeling sad for a while. The night before yesterday night, he could not see clearly, but this morning, he and Yin Chengyun could see clearly the living environment of the family.

The exiled family lived in the most dilapidated and remote courtyard in the village. There was not even a complete door, there were many holes in the roof, and the room was even more empty without any furnishings. The clothes she wears now are not as good as those of the servants in the mansion.

And the two of them didn’t know anything about the family’s financial situation.

Yin Zhenghong sighed, and slowly told the two of them everything that had happened at home this month.

“What?! You also met mountain bandits?”

Yin Chengyun felt more guilty when he looked at his sweet wife who was in his hands before.

“Fortunately, Miao’er is here, Miao’er is amazing.”

Mr. Zhang praised with pride.

“I don’t know that Miao’er has learned kung fu, it’s daddy’s dereliction of duty.” Yin Bowu said ashamed.

Up to now, the two of them are not only ashamed, but they are the ones who have implicated the whole family and even put them in danger many times.

“As long as Daddy and Third Uncle can come back, it doesn’t matter if we endure hardship.” Yin Miao smiled.

“When did Miao’er know so much, and the third uncle didn’t know it at all?” Yin Chengyun only felt strange that Miao’er was still a tender girl in his heart the day before.

“It’s not because the third uncle always said I was stupid, I always wanted to learn something useful.”

Yin Miao’s words dispelled the slightest doubts in Yin Chengyun’s heart. He had a close relationship with this niece and would often make jokes about her. Sister Miao’er hated people saying she was stupid.

“Now this capital is not going to go back for a while. Don’t worry, Chengyun and I will go back and find a way to make money.”

Yin Bowu’s idea is very simple, but the family who has been living here for a month thinks it is not an easy thing…

The villagers of Changling Village soon noticed that there seemed to be people coming from the house at the west end, and that there were three horses and a carriage parked in their courtyard.

Lizheng Wei Xingchang did not know the reason for the exile of the family, but when he learned that someone had come to look for this family, he was still worried about whether to report the news to the county.


Kneeling for a recommendation ticket ⊙﹏⊙

(end of this chapter)

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