Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 235

Chapter 235: The Secret Message Sent

Chapter 235 The Secret Message Sent

Not far from the city of Anmu, Wuyou could still vaguely see the long line of guards on the city wall.

He took a bite of the dried hay cake. Due to the lack of water, even though the hay cake had a sore throat, he did not dare to drink more water from the water bag.

In fact, the famine that broke out in Northern Rou is much more serious than that in Southern Xiao. Not only the famine, but the drought has already starved a large number of cattle and sheep to death. People’s lives were not guaranteed, which eventually threatened the interests of the nobles, so Beirou began to turn its attention to neighboring countries.

That’s why they ransack the village first.

Originally, Anmucheng belonged to them.

“What are those soldiers doing?”

Someone asked, only a few figures could be vaguely seen from their position.

“Looks like he’s getting something.” Wuyou decided to take a closer look when no one was paying attention.

At this time, neither Ba Chengtian nor Wuma Kui were there, so it was not a big problem for him to investigate alone.

However, Wuyou’s every move has already fallen into Yin Bowu’s eyes, and Wuyou’s expression can even be clearly seen from the telescope.

“Look who can’t spend it first, it seems that they have run out of patience.”

Yin Bowu smiled and decided to tell Xiao Xuan about this. Because Xiao Xuan seems to be waiting for this moment too.

“It’s only the eighth day, it will take them a while.”

Xiao Xuan at the pawnshop said with a half-smile after hearing it.

Han Liangyu and others who followed to get supplies found it very interesting, so the current situation has changed from Beirou people besieging them to they are consuming each other?

“What exactly is Young Master Xiao waiting for?”

Chen Yingguang asked inexplicably after leaving the pawnshop.

“I don’t know, it should have something to do with the Beirou soldiers outside.”

Han Liangyu thought so.

“By the way, today’s roast chicken is so delicious, I even swallowed the chicken bones.”

Chen Yingguang licked his lips after saying that, each of them got a quarter of a chicken, and the roast chickens were so big that he had already eaten porridge at noon.

I feel so happy when I’m full.

“Just like before…”

Song Sheng looked at the street where people came and went, everyone’s face was relaxed, as if nothing happened before, if it wasn’t for the closed shop doors on both sides of the street to remind him, he would really think that this is Anmucheng, where he lives and works in peace and contentment. .

“It will recover in the future, Master Xiao said.”

Han Liangyu comforted Song Sheng and said that although peace and relief were still far away, he inexplicably believed in Xiao Xuan.

“Hope it.”

Song Sheng passed by an empty restaurant, where three or five of their former friends often met, and even the story of the storyteller seemed to be left in yesterday, and now it is a different person.

If he can return to the past, he will surely cherish the hard-won peace.

Yin Bowen’s legs treatment started two days after Chen Rushi got the herbs, and Chen Rushi moved to the same house at the warm invitation of the family.

This incident made him excited for two days, because he could come to eat in a grand manner.

“Hey hey, I heard that you have found the Beirou fine work of Anmucheng, is it true?”

After dinner, Chen Rushi saw that no one in the courtyard noticed them, so he approached Xiao Xuan and asked.

Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile, “I found it, are you interested?”

“No, no, I’m just wondering if I can be of help. If the meticulous work is not obedient, I will imitate his face and make an identical face, so that you can use it.”

Chen Ru was afraid that Xiao Xuan would forget his most proud craftsmanship, so he emphasized it here.

Clinker Xiao Xuan has no such plans: “He doesn’t need to be at our command. On the contrary, I will deliberately release water and let him pass the news in these two days.”

“Why?! If the people of Beirou knew that we had a secret way to transport food and water, wouldn’t they have to search for the secret way, what if they were found!”

Chen Rushi asked worriedly, is Xiao Xuan stupid?

“They have to find it too.”

Yin Miao appeared behind Xiao Xuan with a smile.

They could clearly see that those Beirou soldiers who were short of food and drink knew that their city was rich in resources, and they would definitely seek the secret road leading to the outside of the city at all costs.

And their ‘secret way” is something that no one can find.

It’s a waste of time to be idle every day, so it’s better to have fun with them.

So that night, Wuyou, who had been wandering under the city, found a token of Beirou that belonged to them not far away from the city – a grass ball wrapped in fluorite.

Fluorite is produced in Beirou. It looks like a small ordinary stone during the day, but it can emit a faint light at night. The weaving method of the grass ball is also their method of Beirou.

That’s right, this is a secret report from the spies in the city!

Wuyou picked it up with great joy, no wonder he didn’t find anything during the day, it turned out that he had to come at night to see it.

It was indeed a secret report sent by a secret agent in the city. Ba Chengtian saw it and confirmed it, but after reading the secret report, he suddenly became angry.

Is there a secret passage in the city?

And the people inside are not short of supplies at all?

To what extent is    not lacking? For example, there are egg flowers and pieces of meat in the daily porridge, for example, there is a supply of vegetables and meat in the city, as long as there is jade, you can get it, or for example, the defenders eat roast chicken on the city wall and drink spring water…

“Is there a secret passage in Anmu City?”

Ba all day long asked Wuma Kui, who had been frowning and thinking.


Wu Ma Kui confirmed that he had already understood the layout and information of various parties around Anmu City in detail, and he had not heard of a secret passage in the past few months.

“That’s because you don’t have information! Now people are watching our jokes, but we have been here for nearly ten days!”

Ba all day long angrily tore up the secret message.

“Commander Ba, since there is a secret road leading to the outside of the city, and we are outside the city, why don’t we find this secret road, and by the way, ask Xiao Xuan’s source of materials…”

Liu Shangping persuaded.

“Look, you must find it! Dig three feet in the ground and find out where the secret passage is for me!”

Ba couldn’t bear it for a moment all day long, and secretly searched the vicinity of Anmu City with people overnight.

Wuma Kui frowned and looked at the torn pieces on the ground.

Vegetables and live chicken?

How on earth did he do it?

The movements of the Beirou soldiers have already fallen into Xiao Xuan’s eyes. Beside him is the old city lord who was fixed on a wooden wheelchair. Due to Su Wanfeng’s recent efforts in conditioning, as well as the food and space water provided by Xiao Xuan, the old city lord The situation has gotten much better.

“As we expected, they can’t wait.”

Xiao Xuanrang handed the telescope in his hand to Ah Zheng, and Ah Zheng placed it in front of the old city lord…

(end of this chapter)

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