Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 238

Chapter 238: Three Meals A Day

Chapter 238 Three meals a day

The training of the moat team in Anmu City is carried out in a state of secret training. Although the initial recruitment was open, many people do not know how the subsequent development will be.

Ba Chengtian also saw the matter of the moat in the secret report he received, but he did not take it to heart.

What can an army of weak people and refugees do?

The warriors of their Northern Rou country will surely be able to kill them without leaving behind.

It’s just that they have been looking for the secret path for the past few days. Apart from finding nothing, people who went to the secret path have been killed frequently. Either they found a poisonous snake nest and were bitten to death, or they accidentally fell into the forest and appeared inexplicably. died in the trap.

Liu Shangyi did a rough calculation before realizing that they had lost more than 300 people in just four days!

As if someone did it on purpose.

“Ba Tong, instead of looking for a secret passage here, it is better to attack the city directly.”

Wu Makui said that although a direct siege would cause some casualties, he always felt that things were not that simple.

Ba all day long ignored Wu Makui, instead glanced at Wuyou and asked, “What do you think?”

Wuyou was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted: “Since this secret report has finally come out, we should make use of it. If we can find the secret passage and the materials inside, this Anmucheng will definitely fall! ”

Wuma Kui will definitely be punished when he returns to Beirou. He originally had the right to deploy troops by relying on his family’s mastiff dogs. Now not only has he lost thousands of soldiers, but even the mastiff dogs that have been transported with great difficulty have been wiped out. .

His position in Beirou may not be preserved in the future.

In comparison, he still listened to the commander-in-chief of Ba and kept abreast of current affairs.

After Wuyou finished speaking, Wumakui really didn’t say anything anymore, but the atmosphere in the tent was sluggish. Fortunately, Ba Chengtian continued to arrange people to find the secret way.

Food and water are far more attractive to people than anything else. Not only is he active all day, but people who go to find the secret path are also expecting that they will find the secret path that day, and maybe they will be able to find a large area of farmland along the secret path. In the vegetable garden, there is no need to eat grass cakes and drink muddy water every day to satisfy hunger.

If they can find another chicken farm, they might not be short of food and water in the future…

The 23rd day of the siege of Anmucheng.

The daily porridge in the city has changed from two meals to three meals, and gradually changed from white porridge to thick eight-treasure porridge. The Luoyan Pagoda began to recruit chefs, and many people rushed to sign up.

The reason why    became three meals is also because Xiao Xuanyun brought a large amount of unhulled millet and beans with pods. The people in the city came to help unhull the corn, peel the pods and dry the beans.

And the clean food that has been processed will be collected again by Xiao Xuan, which not only allows the idle people to have something to do, but also increases the ready-made food in the space.

Xiao Xuan would go into the space to pick grain ears when he was done working. After returning from the training ground, Xiao Xuan who was full of blood came in and went to shower first.

Not long after, Xiao Xuan came out refreshed and refreshed. He saw that Yin Miao was still on the farm, so he also took a kitchen knife and walked over.

Yin Miao was using scissors to cut off the grain ears on the millet. She chatted and laughed with Li Li while she was cutting. Every time a basket was full, those grain ears would be carried away by Li Li and replaced with an empty one. bamboo basket.

“A Miao take a rest, I’ll come.”

Xiao Xuan said that there were more than a dozen bales of corn that were newly beaten by the people, and those were basically harvested by Yin Miao and him. Of course, Yin Miao did the most.

“I’m not tired, you’re here.”

Yin Miao didn’t stop because she was really busy these days except to help with training.

Xiao Xuan was helpless, but also helped: “The food and water of the Beirou soldiers outside may not last too long.”


Yin Miao asked in surprise, but then she came to understand that all the food and drink of Beirou soldiers came from looting, and now the area around Anmu City has been looted by them, so it is normal to have no food.

“Xu is too short of supplies, and too obsessed with the secret passage. They have searched the outside of the city, but they have not found anything.”

Xiao Xuan smiled slightly when he said it. Today, Chen Wuliang and the others used traps to kill dozens of people, but the other party seemed to believe that they were blocking them. Instead, they believed that they were already approaching the secret passage, and sent a lot more. People dug up there.

“Are you worried that they will attack because of the supplies?”

Yin Miao asked.

Xiao Xuan nodded and said, “After all, they don’t take the people in this city seriously, and according to the news from Wuchen, Ba Chengtian seems to want to make a contribution before the Beirou army in the rear comes.”

“How are the preparations in the city?”

Yin Miao knew that Xiao Xuan had spent a lot of time preparing, just to make up for the weak combat power in the city.

“Everything I want in the arsenal has already been built, and I’m just waiting to put it on.”

Xiao Xuan gently cut off a few clusters of rice ears and threw them into the bamboo basket. The people in the city seemed to be idle on the surface, but few people knew that the arsenal under the Falling Wild Goose Pagoda had been in full swing for more than half a month. .

“But then again, your mechanism technique is really powerful.”

Yin Miao praised it. When Xiao Xuan first tested the organ technique, she went to observe it. Who can resist the power, even a modern person like her doesn’t know the mystery. And according to Xiao Xuan, those were all he learned from the books that Li Tianyang picked up.

“Fortunately, with the cooperation of those blacksmiths, they worked tirelessly to build a mechanism for me.”

Xiao Xuan said.

In the arsenal below the Falling Wild Goose Pagoda, hundreds of blacksmiths who were rescued gathered together again, for no other reason, just because Xiao Xuan said that he would build several organs to kill the savage soldiers. Therefore, the men who hated the arsenal to the bone did it without hesitation, just to be able to kill a few more Beirou soldiers.

However, Xiao Xuan also brought a lot of well-being to the people in the arsenal. Every day, every meal consists of three dishes and one meal, and every person can receive a bucket of food and water for every day they work. It can be received in unlimited quantities.

Therefore, there is a lively scene in the arsenal now. Song Sheng’s eldest brother Song Rushan was originally a famous blacksmith in Anmu City.


A strong man in the arsenal ate all the food in front of him, stood up and returned to the fire.

“Hey, you didn’t watch yesterday’s first test. The things we made were amazing, and the straw man was smashed into pieces!”

The man opposite the strong man said happily dancing.

“The brute is not a straw man, so we should not take it lightly.”

Strong man Peng Yichun started beating again seriously.

He fought extremely hard, his eyes were slightly red in the light of the fire, his expression seemed to be holding back a breath, he wanted to make the sharp blade in his hand extremely sharp, just to avenge his dead wife and children with his own hands …

(end of this chapter)

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