Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Wake

Chapter 31 Awakening

Grinding noodles is a manual job. Yin Bowu and Yin Chengyun took the initiative to take over the job. Behind the backyard is Changling Mountain, which is blocked by a brick house, so even if someone comes to the house, they will not be seen.

Since Yin Miao found a series of food and herbs on the mountain, villagers would come every day to see if Yin Miao had any new discoveries. Yin Zhenghong and Liu Shi simply moved a small bench and sat at the gate of the courtyard to deal with those who came to inquire.

“Miaotou won’t go up the mountain today?”

Ma Cuihua stuck her head out and asked, if Yin Miao went up the mountain, she also wanted to follow her to get lucky.

“I didn’t go today, but I was tired from running around the county yesterday.”

Liu replied.

“That’s a pity. Every time I meet her, I’m sure to come across something good. I don’t know why. I can’t dig anything when I go up alone.”

Ma Cuihua left in disappointment. Now many people in the village think Yin Miao is a lucky person, and Yin Miao is not secretive. There are many things on the mountain that the villagers dared not touch before. Yin Miao has tried them.

At this time, Yin Miao was watching Yunhe plucking chicken feathers in the kitchen. She took advantage of Yunhe to change the water in the pot to the water of the space lotus pond. Since this water can strengthen the body and is inexhaustible, she I also want to use it for my family.

The freshly killed chicken was added with fresh small mushrooms, and the aroma quickly wafted out from the gap of the pot lid. Yunhe took advantage of the fire to fry some of the fatty meat that Yin Bowu brought back the day before and turned it into lard. .

The two scents were mixed together, and Mrs. Zhang smelled it as soon as he walked outside the gate with Brother Han who had just descended from the mountain.

“Miao’er, there is nothing left on the mountain, I only found these.”

Mrs. Zhang walked into the kitchen and put down the bamboo basket on her back. She said that the gorse and all kinds of mountain products on the mountain were almost all picked by the villagers, and she only found a few small seedlings of medicinal herbs in one morning.

Brother Han was lying by the stove and greedily inhaling a few sips of the fragrance, only then did he remember the bugs he had caught for the chicks, so he ran to the yard to feed again.

“If you can’t find it, you can’t find it. We can also grow it in our own home.”

Yin Miao comforted that Mrs. Zhang supervises Brother Han’s climbing and exercising every day, and would also look for something to eat while going up the mountain, but recently there is nothing to dig.

“It’s better to grow at home. When I went up the mountain today, I heard people say that the crops in the fields are not growing very well this year. There has only been a drizzle recently, and I have to carry water to water it. It’s very tiring.”

Mrs. Zhang said, unlike the field in their yard, Yin Bowen, the second room, would sit by the well every morning to fill up the water that the family used for a day, while his father-in-law Yin Zhenghong cooperated in watering the vegetable field.

Other people in the village also grow some vegetables, but she thinks they are not as good as theirs.

“Yes, it seems like it hasn’t rained here for a long time.”

After listening to Zhang’s words, Yin Miao remembered something.

She remembered that there was a mention of the drought in the north in the original story, and there was even a large riot of victims. At that time, the affectionate man No. 2 in the book was about to give birth regardless of his pregnant wife, just because of a suggestion from Queen Qi Bai Yueguang. to suppress the uprising victims, although the riot was successfully stopped, but the soulful second male still lost his life.

And she didn’t think the victims were successfully suppressed, because the court officers and soldiers led by the second male slaughtered almost a city of people, and the leader of the rebel army finally couldn’t bear to surrender himself…

So can this plot be any more irritating?

“Miss Yin, the fire is about to go out.” Yunhe reminded.

“Oh, okay.” Yin Miao hurriedly put the remaining firewood in. So, is Changling Village in the north also a drought-stricken area?

Thinking of Yin Miao here, she suddenly felt a little irritable. The reason why the drought is a disaster is that the people are finally suffering from famine. Once the famine occurs, it will be troublesome…

“It’s ready to eat.” Yun He lifted the lid of the pot, and the aroma came out immediately.

“It’s amazing!”

Mr. Zhang looked at the dishes next to the stove that were not inferior to the restaurant’s dishes. The chicken soup had been boiled to a golden yellow color, with the spring onions just sprinkled on it, and the red dates and wolfberry next to each other against each other. The green vegetables stir-fried in lard are verdant, and the fat part of the pork belly has been fried to a charred yellow color. It is packed into a plate with lettuce and chili peppers, and a plate of steamed green onion fried eggs…

“Yunhe is a good craftsman.”

Yin Bowu and Yin Chengyun also appeared in the stove at some point, followed by the family following the scent.

“So much rice.”

Mr. Zhen said while looking at a large pot of white rice that had already been stuffed with water.

“Well, Daddy said we can’t let any of us go hungry, so I put more.”

Yin Miao said with a smile, the water used to cook the rice is also the lotus pond water.

No matter how much Liu’s distressed about food, she would listen to Yin Bowu’s words.

“This rice is really fragrant and much better than the one I bought before.” Mrs. Zhang felt that she had never eaten such delicious rice before, and she wondered if it was because she was hungry.

Yun Jiang and Yun He both ate on the wooden table in the back room in order to take care of the sick. Yin Miao specifically instructed Yun He to give their master an extra bowl of chicken soup. And when she was about to go to the yard to secretly bury a few small taro after eating, Yunjiang approached her with a pleading expression:

“Miss Yin, Yunhe and I have both tried it, and the master of this soup doesn’t seem to like it… Can you trouble Miss Yin again?”

Does Uncle Beard only like to drink water?

Yin Miao did not hesitate, took the still warm chicken soup and walked towards the back room.

“Miaoer she…”

Wei found that his daughter seemed to have some affection for Xuan Wang in the back room for the past two days.

“Don’t worry ma’am.” Yin Bowu told Wei Shi with a smile.

“Only Miao’er can feed in?” Wei Shi also felt amused after hearing this, their family Miao’er had never fed anyone, only the big yellow dog in the former residence.

But at this time, even Yin Miao failed to feed successfully, and the man did not respond at all.

Isn’t he dead? Brain dead or something? Yin Miao thought to herself.

“Yunjiang, I’ve heard of Beirou Kingdom before. Most of the people there are cruel and even eat people. Is it true?”

Yin Miao remembered that the King Xuan in the plot was killed in the battle of Beirou, so she tried to ask.

“Yes, the Northern Rou country once annexed some small tribes. If there is no food and grass on the march, they will feed on the women and children of those small tribes, and call those food ‘two-legged sheep’.”

Yunjiang did not know why Yin Miao asked about this, but what he said was true.

“Although father and third uncle failed in the expedition this time, I think as long as people are still alive, it is not a complete failure. By the way, what is the surname of the king of Beirou country? It seems to be Huting…”

Yin Miao’s words just fell, and her wrist was grabbed by a strong force. She looked over in surprise and found that the person on the bed had woken up at some point.

The man’s brows were like ink, he propped up half of his body with one elbow, and held Yin Miao’s wrist tightly with the other hand. After seeing the person in front of him, the hostility around him gradually disappeared He hid it, but his eyes were still cold.

“Where am I now?” the man asked.

(end of this chapter)

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