Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 314

Chapter 314: Chaomagou Town

Chapter 314 Chaomagou Town

The dead soldiers arrived at the bottom of the thatched hut, and the hut suddenly became a little crowded.

“Why don’t we retreat to the gazebo over there.”

Yin Miao pointed to several promenades and pavilions across the road. The promenades and pavilions were covered, which could block the heavy rain.

“You don’t move the place, those of us who are full will go over there to build ships.”

Feng Liangji, who had had enough to eat and drink, carried a few wooden boards and was about to move. This place was originally where people came first.

The two did not refuse, which saved them from moving charcoal fire and pots.

Yunjiang Yunhe was also very happy when he saw that all his people had arrived. One started a fire and the other started cooking.

“Master, I kept you waiting for a long time.”

Zhou Kexu said that they also encountered a broken bridge on the road. Although they went to find another route, the road was too long, and the road was muddy, so they walked much slower.

“No problem, no one was hurt, right?”

Xiao Xuan is most concerned about everyone’s body.

“Returning to the master, except for the fall injury caused by the horse slipping, no one was injured or sick.”

Li Tianyang also quickly replied that he hadn’t seen Xiao Xuan for two days, and he had to strive for more opportunities to perform.

“That’s good, let’s rest and wait for dinner. There will be a tough battle to fight later.”

Xiao Xuan seems to be relieved after this, Li Tianyang looked at the two, a tough battle to fight? Is there another enemy?

After figuring out the problems they were going to face, Li Tianyang wanted to say that it was not a problem at all. He was an excellent swimmer in his previous life, and he was not afraid of falling into the water at all.

“Knowing water is the basic quality of the dead. Your later task is to ensure that you are not injured, and that you can safely take your horses out of Magou Town.”

After    Xiao Xuan finished speaking, he held up his umbrella and walked towards the pavilion opposite. He still had some ideas for the simple boat in the future.

Yin Miao took out a few bags of grass from the carriage and poured only a small amount in front of the horses.

“Not enough grass?”

Li Tianyang asked suspiciously, in the past, when Yin Miao and Xiao Xuan fed the horses, they usually poured out nearly ten bags of green grass in one head and let the horses enjoy it to the fullest.

“Enough, but don’t let them eat too much right now.”

Yin Miao said with a smile.

“Why?” Li Tianyang asked again when he saw that everyone was attracted by the lunch that was about to be made, and no one noticed it.

“You’ll find out later.”

Yin Miao sold out. She and Xiao Xuan didn’t know if the method she thought together would work, but it couldn’t be explained in a few words.

Li Tianyang didn’t dare to stay by Yin Miao’s side for too long, it would be bad if he angered Xiao Xuan again, so he picked up a large pot of fried chicken that Yin Miao took out and walked towards his colleagues who were waiting for the meal to be cooked. go.

Big bowl of wide noodles with crispy fried chicken, this is simply divine deliciousness!

The eyes of the nine people opposite Xiao Xuan also changed at this moment. The people they waited for were obviously not ordinary people. They even seemed to be strong in martial arts, and they were more likely to be the secret guards of a big family.

Could it be that the big families in the capital have so much food?

Xiao Xuan did not explain, because at this moment he was also involved in the shipbuilding work, and even refitted a simple boat made by Miao Ansheng…

The time passed, and the two sides were fully prepared, and the six large and simple boats had been placed in front of the shallow water area by everyone.

“The water is getting deeper again.”

Fang Liangji tried the water level in front of him. Even in the shallow water, it was much deeper than when they came in the morning.

“Use these instead of paddles.”

Miao Ansheng brought a pile of long and thin wooden boards, but Xiao Xuan said that he did not need a oars.

“Without oars? How do you go forward?”

Miao Ansheng was stunned. This is not a river that flows all the time. If there is no paddle, it will float on the water randomly like those wooden boards.

“Go in two batches, our boat is pulling ahead.”

Xiao Xuan replied.

Their ship?

“And the boat? Where?”

The bald head looked around and didn’t see any boats. At this time, Yunjiang Yunhe skillfully untied the saddles of the two Qianli horses, leaving only one carriage on the spot.

Xiao Xuan walked into the carriage. I don’t know what kind of mechanism he touched, and the carriage actually moved automatically? !

“what is this?!”

Fang Liangji was shocked, but his eyes were full of surprise. He had never seen such an exciting scene in his life-the carriage turned into a ship? !

“Try it.”

Xiao Xuan only pushed it lightly, and the boat that the carriage turned into entered the water and floated steadily on the water.

The simple boat is actually made of wooden boards, but Miao Ansheng has made a hollow pointed bow in front to reduce resistance, and there are wooden boards on both sides to prevent people from accidentally stepping into the water.

When several bags of grass were poured into the large pot fixed in the middle of the simple boat, Li Tianyang also immediately understood why Yin Miao only fed a little grass.

“It’s more than that, there are sleeping grasses in the forage just now, and I may have to aggravate them.”

Yin Miao is not naive enough to think that using green grass can make the horses eat grass quietly and stay on the boat. Sleeping Herbs is a medicinal herb planted for Su Wanfeng. After eating it, it only has the effect of sleeping and calming, and there are no adverse reactions.

“Miss Yin, how long will the medicinal effect of this sleeping herb last?”

asked with a bald head, they didn’t suspect anything when Yin Miao brought the sleeping grass, and now a few of their horses are obviously starting to go limp.

“There may be half a day. Today we passed through Magou Town and will rest overnight on the other side before setting off.”

Yin Miao replied that it was already the afternoon of that day, and it would be good to be able to spend this Magou Town before dark.

“That’s right, okay, then we’ll rely on this son and this girl.”

The bald head saw that the two of them had a perfect plan, so they began to look forward to it.

The horses that had the first onset of the drug were brought to three simple clothes first. Those horses were half-recumbent on the boat and eating grass, and their owners were beside them to comfort and restrain them.

There were several dead soldiers on the periphery of each boat to protect the safety of the boats, and the three boats were led by the ropes attached to the airbag boats and slowly floated forward.


Yin Miao looked at the three boats that were successfully floated, although she really wanted to pack all the horses into the space and take them out of the town, but that was not realistic.

“Well, at this rate, it only takes about three back and forth.”

Xiao Xuan, who was controlling the direction of the airbag boat, stared straight ahead, and after a while, the area on the water surface became wider, and everyone on the boat could feel that the water under them was deeper.

When a few swollen and rotten floating corpses floated past, Li Tianyang, who was sitting on the boat behind, almost didn’t spit out his midday meal, and the further he went, the more such floating corpses.

(end of this chapter)

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