Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 318

Chapter 318: I Don’T Want To Make People Feel Better

Chapter 318 I don’t want to make people feel better

“It should be an infectious disease.”

Yin Miao found that the festering wound of the man was surprisingly consistent with the wounds on the people around him, and that the man had been scratching himself hard before he died. It was very likely that some pathogenic bacteria had grown on these floating corpses.

Looking at the exposed skin of the people on the boat, almost everyone has this kind of mild or severe festering injury.

At this time, the next boat was trying to escape from here, and the boat also made a cry for help, and then Yin Miao saw a person falling straight into the water.

Xiao Xuan took Yin Miao away from the blood-filled bow without a word, while the rest of the people looked at the corpse and the injuries on their body, and couldn’t help but panic.

Is this an infectious disease?

“Master, I’m afraid these people will not survive for seven days.”

Zhou Kexu had a little understanding of pharmacology. Judging from the time when the water in Magou Town was rising, the time from infection to onset of the disease was not long.

“Get out of here first.”

Xiao Xuan said.

The people on the boats were already in a panic at this time. They looked at the scars on their bodies, and despair was already in their eyes.

I saw several other boats approaching them again. The people on the boats were all standing on them. Even in the rain, no one was as embarrassed as them.

“I fought with you!”

A man jumped fiercely on one of the improvised boats that was being dragged and drifted forward. Why can’t they survive, but these people can live well? !

“Little Leaf, don’t let him get close!”

Xiang Zijin was the first to react, but he was on another boat and could only loudly remind the few dead soldiers next to him.

The man fell into the water and disappeared. Ye Fan looked at the water with his sword, while the dead men beside him were already full of bows and arrows, ready to shoot the man as soon as he appeared.

There is not only one person who is extremely unbalanced in his heart. Seeing the man’s move, several more people dived into the water with hatred…

The heavy rain continued to fall, and the three simple boats could not see anything out of the ordinary. Suddenly, a wet arm stretched out from behind the water, and Miao Ansheng was grabbed by his ankle, with great strength, and tried to drag him into the water!

“You let go!”

Miao Ansheng shouted, Fang Liangji and others also grabbed Miao Ansheng, otherwise he would have been dragged into the water.

At this time, Miao Ansheng’s leg had been dragged under the boat, and a person actually got out of the water, and then opened his mouth and bit Miao Ansheng’s calf!


Miao Ansheng shouted and kicked indiscriminately, Fang Liangji and the others were furious, and at this moment a figure passed by, Xiang Zijin jumped up from another boat, and easily decapitated the man’s head.

The three boats were shaking extremely unstable, and the people underwater were like crazy, and people kept trying to climb on the boats or drag the people off the boats.

However, there were strong dead men beside each boat, but the horses that had already calmed down were a little flustered, and even tried to stand up. The simple boat in the water looked very likely to tip over.

At this moment, a dark figure emerged from the side of the boat at the farthest side, but the next second he felt a heart-wrenching pain on his underwater body, and he couldn’t help screaming.

The screams became more and more, Fang Liangji and others were surprised to see that the people around them who wanted to climb up were submerged in the water again, and their boat was surrounded by blood.

“What’s the matter?” Fang Liangji finally pressed down his horse, but luckily the ship had calmed down at this time.

“It’s them, that boat!”

The bald head pointed forward excitedly, only to see that the boat that was towing them turned the hull sideways at some point, and the hull actually shot obliquely underwater with a sharp weapon.

The people in the water were hit by those sharp weapons.

“How can the boat still…”

Fang Liangji saw such a scene for the first time in his life, but he immediately remembered that the ship was originally a carriage, and he was unable to express his shock in words.

Who are those two people?

Xiao Xuan in the boat heard Yin Miao’s cheers and knew that his idea was successful, he smiled, then turned the bow of the boat and continued to sail forward.

The second trip finally passed through Magou Town without a hitch. Li Tianyang looked disheartened when he learned that, just when Yin Miao received the task reminder, he also received it, but he had no way to go to do the task.

I knew he would leave in the second batch.

“Perhaps there are still lingering faults, as long as you are not prompted that the mission failed, you might as well try it.”

Yin Miao whispered.

“Makes sense.”

Li Tianyang was eager to try, but fortunately Xiao Xuan insisted that Yin Miao would not go again, so Li Tianyang got on the bow of the ship smoothly.

After Xiao Xuan left, Yin Miao went to check on Miao Ansheng’s condition. The bald head was carefully opening his trouser legs for him, but he was so frightened that he screamed, and even felt that his life was going to die soon.

“This is nothing, are you sure he bit you here?”

The bald head looked at Miao Ansheng’s calf suspiciously, without any bite marks.

Miao Ansheng was stunned, and then he reacted. At that time, he was only concerned about fear, could it be that he didn’t bite?

“It should be the patch on your leg that did the trick.”

Yin Miao pointed at Miao Ansheng’s trouser legs. When everyone saw it, they found that there was indeed a row of teeth marks, but they were not bitten.

“My mother saved me!”

Miao Ansheng burst into tears with excitement. The patch was sewn for him by his mother who passed away.

“Actually, if you clean up in time after being bitten, you shouldn’t be infected.”

Yin Miao said that only a virulent virus like the zombie virus can be so domineering.

“Girl, it’s our fault this time, thanks to you, otherwise…”

Fang Liangji sighed, those six people also had the same symptoms, if it wasn’t for Xiao Xuan and the two who were unwilling to take them, maybe things wouldn’t be so simple.

“Well, there are all kinds of people on the road, and multiple questions can often save lives, right?”

Yin Miao said with a smile, if Fang Liangji hadn’t decided to ask them again before wading into the water, they might have already picked up the corpses by those people.

Fang Liangji was relieved when he saw that the other party didn’t have any intention of blaming him.

Yin Miao saw that there was no obstacle here, so she looked at the temporary foothold that Li Tianyang and others were looking for. This was a dilapidated temple outside the city. Although it was dilapidated, it was fortunate that it could keep out the rain.

There are also kitchen kitchens on both sides of the temple. It was getting late at this time, so she decided to let Yunjiang Yunhe prepare first.

It was not until the sky was dark that Yin Miao heard a roar of horses outside the door. It was Xiao Xuan and the others who came back with the last group of people.

Looking at Li Tianyang who was full of joy, Yin Miao also guessed that his mission had been completed.

“There are also a few stalkers, all of which have been resolved by us.”

Li Tianyang said that some of those people actually returned to the shallow water area on the shore, wanting to sneak attack and bite back when the third group of people didn’t know about it. Fortunately, Xiao Xuan had already explained to them.

(end of this chapter)

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