Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Parrot Auspicious

Chapter 34 Parrot Auspicious


Yin Miao said to the family.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay…”

The blue parrot starts to learn tongue again.

Yin Miao couldn’t help but complained about the system in her heart. They are the exiled working people at the bottom, so what are they doing to raise a cute pet? And also a loud parrot.

“Where did Sister Miao find this?”

Yin He, who had not yet gone to Su Wanfeng’s place, looked at the little parrot with sky blue feathers in surprise.

He has also seen other old men who like to walk birds, especially parrots of various colors. Whenever the parrots say a word, the owner will be very happy and proud. I heard that it is still for the servants to train day and night. out the results. And can this blue parrot learn to speak on the spot?

Brother Han even danced with joy, this little bird was much prettier than his chick.

“I picked it up on the mountain, but I haven’t named it yet.”

Yin Miao put the parrot on the table in the middle, and the family, including Yin Zhenghong and Liu Shi, also gathered around in amazement.

“It’s so pretty, and it can learn to speak.”

Zhang’s first close encounter with a parrot.

“Next time I’ll pick one up for you too.”

Seeing that Mrs Zhang likes this parrot so much, Yin Chengyun said.

“How can you be lucky, I can’t find anything when I go up the mountain with you.”

Mr. Zhang said with disgust.

Yin Chengyun choked, as if it were indeed the case.

“But that was just now?” Yin Bowen still didn’t know what happened.

“It’s just a small matter, he wants to rob me of this bird.” Yin Miao told the whole family the cause and effect.

“Miao’er played well, she deserves to be my father’s daughter!”

Yin Bowu feels that women should be like this, it is better than being bullied and always crying.

“Yes, good fights, good people are bullied.”

Yin Chengyun also agrees very much.

“Okay, don’t bully the kids, you can have breakfast.”

Zhen Shi saw that Yin Miao was fine, so she brought over the prepared breakfast.

Yin Miao wanted to give the parrot a random name, but the family seemed to be interested in this matter and finally named it “auspicious”.

This is the name that Yin Zhenghong came up with. He thinks that it is not good for the family to be in a short time, and it is something that should be auspicious.

Xiao Xiangrui was not afraid of life at all, Yin Bowen was worried that it would run away, but soon everyone found that this bird had been standing obediently on Yin Miao’s shoulders after being admired once, and had no intention of running away.

“Shouldn’t he be a fool?”

Yin Chengyun said casually.

“Silly bird, stupid bird, stupid bird…”

Xiangrui narrowed his eyes and kept yelling at Yin Chengyun, while Mrs. Zhang was smiling while covering her stomach. It was obviously a parrot, but being called by this little parrot, it seemed like she was scolding her husband, which was so funny.

Even Liu Shi and Yin Zhenghong laughed.

Yin Miao originally wanted to ask the system if there was any way to make Xiangrui talk less, but seeing that the whole family liked it so much, she dismissed the idea.

At the end of the mud-tiled house, Yun Jiang straightened Xiao Xuan’s hair bun expressionlessly, and the laughter from outside made the corners of his mouth curl up involuntarily.

It would be nice if it was like this all the time.

It’s a pity… He can keenly perceive the changes in his master.

Was it because of that battle that didn’t happen? But the two soldiers did not fight, and what happened to the senior killers who were sent?

Yunjiang couldn’t think of a reason at all.

“Has there been any outsiders in the village?” Xiao Xuan continued to ask.

“Except for the exiled Yin Guogong family and Su Taiyi, all those who were exiled before have died. According to our inquiries, the current Changling Village is all the original villagers.”

“I see.” Xiao Xuan sneered softly, are they all the original villagers…

He didn’t know why he would come back to life again, and he was reborn the day before the war between Nanxiao Kingdom and Beirou Kingdom was about to begin.

As the chief general, he had already made all kinds of preparations, even if Ma leather was buried in a foreign country, but he never imagined that what he was waiting for was the slaughter of 60,000 soldiers by the enemy country. And he was imprisoned in the North Rou country prison for three whole months, but before he died, he found that he and his father were just pawns.

After   ’s rebirth, he successfully repatriated 60,000 soldiers, even if he betrayed the name of treason, all of this was just to return to Beijing to find out the truth. But obviously, this game is much bigger than he expected.

Do you play chess?

Xiao Xuan’s eyes were deep and cold, and he was not afraid of piercing the intestines and bones. This time, he would have a good fight with the person behind the scenes…

Yunjiang and Yunhe felt the strong hostility emanating from the person by the window, they looked at each other and both saw the worry in the other’s eyes.

“I don’t need others to judge, but I came anyway.”

Hearing their master recite a sentence, Yun Jiang and Yun He soon discovered that there was another group of villagers standing outside the courtyard.

seems to be looking for the Yin family girl.

Yin Miao was squatting in the yard to bury cassava. After hearing the noise outside the yard, she clapped the dirt on her hands and stood up.

is still here.

“Miao’er, you are here, I’ll go and reason with them.”

Mr. Wei dropped the embroidery work in his hand and ran out and said, Yin Bowu and Yin Chengyun, who were grinding flour in the backyard, also came out.

“Don’t worry, mother.” Yin Miao walked out of the courtyard.

Wei Lizheng was surrounded by a few people, all expressions were not very good-looking, Sun Heshun felt a toothache when he looked at Yin Miao.

“Lizheng, it’s this little girl, I just want to buy her stuff, she’s so cruel, I still need some money to see the injury.”

Sun Heshun said immediately.

“It’s too much, Wei Lizheng must give us a review.”

Sun Lian is Sun Heshun’s younger sister. Although she has an average relationship with Sun Heshun, she immediately followed her when she heard that she was bullied by the Yin family.

“Yin girl, are you still busy?”

Wei Lizheng had received the benefits of the Yin family, and Fang Tianhai and several villagers had confirmed the truth to him, so he didn’t plan to invite his teachers to ask for guilt at all.

At this moment, the girl from the Yin family was walking in the forefront, followed by a neat and tidy family, all looking at him with alert eyes, so he could only try to put on a gentler expression.

“Grandpa Lizheng, I’m busy burying cassava. I just found it on the mountain this morning.”

After Yin Miao finished speaking, the surrounding villagers who were watching the fun were immediately led astray.

Cassava? They still have cassava in Changling Mountain?

“What is cassava? Is it sweet potato?” Someone asked curiously.

Yin Miao smiled and said, “No, cassava is much better to support than sweet potatoes, it is drought-resistant and barren, and can be propagated by cuttings, but cassava has two types, bitter and sweet, bitter cassava is poisonous, and sweet cassava is non-toxic, I found it. Some sweet cassava, ready to try it out!”

Lizheng Wei Xingchang became more and more excited the more he listened, drought tolerance and barren tolerance? Isn’t that just right for their dry weather this year?

“Quick, do you have any spare girl Yin? Show it to everyone.”

Wei Xingchang has completely forgotten the purpose of being pulled.

(end of this chapter)

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