Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Buy Fruit Saplings

Chapter 39 Buying Fruit Saplings

After Wei Shi finished her and Zhen Shi’s embroidery work, she and a few others took a carriage to the traditional Chinese medicine shop that Su Wanfeng said.

There are not many beggars outside the Chinese Pharmacy, and there is a resting place inside. After Yin Bo Wu gave the herbal formula to the man in the store, the man took a few people to a resting place and asked them to wait for a while. on.

“You go, we’ll be waiting here.”

Wei held Brother Han with his left hand and Yin He with his right.

“Uncle, don’t worry, I will be optimistic about my brother and not let him run around.” Yin He thought that Yin Bowu was worried, so he also said.

“That’s it, we’ll be back as soon as possible.”

Yin Bowu explained a few more words to the young man in the Chinese pharmacy and left with Yin Miao.

The price of grain in the grain shop has risen to one or two nine per stone. Yin Miao found that the people who came to buy the grain were people who only bought a bucket of grain. Most of the people on the road were sallow, and even the business stalls on both sides of the road were bleak.

Chen Zhuang of the pork shop still remembered Yin Miao. Seeing that Yin Miao and Yin Bowu came to the pork shop again, they quickly dropped their business and greeted them.

“Who are you today?”

Chen Zhuang looked at the two of them expectantly. If possible, he would like to use pork for some grain. After all, he can’t buy half a bucket of grain with the money he earns from selling pork a day after the cost.

“The shopkeeper, see if we can change some pork?”

Yin Bowu asked uncertainly.

“Yes, yes, yes, it doesn’t matter how much you change.”

Chen Zhuang was immediately excited, they really came to exchange food!

“Uncle, we still have some old grain in our family. I wonder if I can sell you some grain?”

Yin Miao also tried to ask when she saw this.

It is too troublesome to change food for each family, and it is easy to cause suspicion. She looks at the appearance of the pork shop shopkeeper, seems to be very short of food?

Selling grain?

Chen Zhuang asked with a gleam in his eyes, “If you sell grain, how will you charge it?”

“It’s all old grain from the past. We don’t dare to sell it at the same price as the grain store. It’s 50 cents a bucket.”

Yin Bowu said.

50 wen a bucket of grain? !

If it wasn’t for the transaction last time, Chen Zhuang almost suspected that the father and daughter were liars. If it had been put on hold three months ago, 50 cents a bucket was still a low price for normal grain, but now the price of grain has risen nearly four times. In other words, this is simply impossible.

Chen grain is also grain!

“Collect, I can collect as much grain as you have!”

Chen Zhuang is a businessman, and he immediately sensed business opportunities.

The father and daughter looked at each other and saw Yin Miao nodding, Yin Bowu added, “We can’t be sure how much food we have. Let me pull the carriage in and let the shopkeeper weigh it in person.”

Chen Zhuang was overjoyed and immediately called his daughter-in-law to open the back door. After seeing the five packets of grain in the carriage, the two immediately became excited.

This has at least five stones of grain!

Chen Zhuang opened the bag at will, and found that the food inside was clean and not even stones were mixed in.

“Yes! We want all of these.” Chen Zhuang said excitedly.

“My dear, where did you get so much food?”

Chen Zhuang’s daughter-in-law had a big shoulder and a round waist, she asked while carrying a large bag of grain.

“Rural people, they always want to stock up. Now that the family is in urgent need of money, they can only sell food.”

Yin Bowu smiled with a simple and honest face.

Two two and a half silver coins were soon in hand, Yin Miao did not expect them to go so well this time. Besides, Chen Zhuang sent an additional 30 catties of meat and 5 catties of fat.

“If only our food could be sold to the poor people who are in dire need of food.”

Yin Miao was a little helpless. For exiles like them who could not protect themselves, the extra food could only be the last resort.

“Yeah, I don’t know when this food price will come down.”

Yin Bowu also sighed, but Yin Miao knew that the price of this food would only get higher and higher in the future, not only that, but the food would become more and more scarce…

Wei didn’t expect the father and daughter to come back so soon, and the carriage was filled with all kinds of things that could be used at home, and even a few rattan chairs.

“Candied haws!”

Yin Han saw the red and big bunch of candied haws in front of him, and immediately danced with joy.

“He’er also has one.”

Yin Miao took out another one.

“I’m not a child anymore.”

Yin He blushed a little, but he still took the candied haws.

“Miao’er also bought a lot of peach cakes for you, and I will eat them in the car for you later.”

Yin Bowu also said with a smile.

“Miao’er, you spent all the money, how will you give it to the old gentleman next time?”

Seeing that the two of them had bought so many things, he quickly pulled Yin Miao aside and asked.

“Mother, the old gentleman said that jade pendants can also be bought. These are bought with the silver we just exchanged.”

Yin Miao said in Wei’s ear.

Wei Shi was relieved when he heard it, but he still felt a little distressed when he saw the car full of things.

When the carriage was about to leave the county, Yin Miao looked through the car window at various things sold by hawkers outside. When she saw a row of stalls selling Xiaomiao, she asked Yin Bowu to stop.

“Let’s take a look, girl, authentic fruit seedlings, you can eat good fruit when you plant a bag.”

A middle-aged man with tanned skin quickly introduced.

“What kind of fruit tree is this?” Yin Miao asked curiously, God knows how long she hadn’t eaten fruit.

“This is an apple tree. We have an orchard in our family, specializing in apples and saplings. It is absolutely innocent.”

The middle-aged man strongly assured.

“The girl came to see our family, we have pear saplings, and the pear trees look good when they bloom!”

The vendors at the stalls next to it also began to introduce them one after another.

“Uncle, our family also came out of the village to buy it. We have just used up all the money. Can we exchange food for saplings?”

When Yin Miao said the previous sentence, the middle-aged merchant showed a disappointed expression, but when Yin Miao finished speaking, several merchants around her gathered around.

In exchange for food? They sell the seedlings to make money to buy food, but they don’t know how to change this little girl.

“How much is this apple seedling, uncle?”

Yin Miao asked.

“20 coins per piece, buy more or less.” The middle-aged man replied.

“I’ll exchange a bucket of sorghum rice for Uncle’s three seedlings, do you think it’s okay?”

Yin Miao asked again, they seldom eat sorghum rice at home, and they put a little on it when they cook porridge on weekdays.

“Are you sure? It’s a bucket of sorghum rice?”

The middle-aged man didn’t believe it. Could this kid be a fool?

“You heard right, the child likes it, let her change it.”

Yin Bowu also came down and said.

The middle-aged man didn’t believe Yin Miao’s words until Yin Miao ran into the carriage and raised a bucket of sorghum rice with a rice bucket.

Several other vendors came over to see this. In the end, Yin Miao exchanged three buckets of sorghum rice for apple seedlings, pear tree seedlings, some herb seedlings that Yin He knew, and even a small ginseng.

“I’m sorry, we only have so much food left now, and all the money has been spent. If there is a chance next time, we will come again.”

Yin Bowu carried all kinds of seedlings and finished speaking, and the others dispersed in disappointment.

(end of this chapter)

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