Lucky Girl: Take the Space To Escape From the Famine

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Tool Man Yin Miao

Chapter 53 Tool Man Yin Miao

Toolman Yin Miao was forced to change into a soft gauze skirt in an unmanned carriage. After she came out, she could see what she was wearing by the moonlight.

That is a set of pink and tender mopping smoke cage Baishui skirt, which was worn by the original body when he was in Beijing.

“What am I going to do?”

Yin Miao asked the man in black who answered Xiang Fangcai, she was brought here after she knew she was a tool man, and then the man threw her a set of clothes and said nothing.

“Don’t be nervous, your task is very simple, just pretend to be a weak little white flower and knock on the door, saying that you are lost and a person is afraid, let them take you for a night, and when they open the door, your task will be It’s done.”

That person’s tone was brisk, and he was completely different from the conversation with Xiao Xuan just now.

“Then you can knock on the door? Why do you have to wait for me?” Yin Miao felt very strange.

“Stupid, you think mountain bandits don’t have brains. We are all big men. If we knock on the door in the middle of the night, they will definitely suspect that they won’t open the door. Do you understand Seling Zhihui? It must be a beautiful young lady. .”

The other party urged Yin Miao to hurry and explained.

“Can’t you open a door?”

Yin Miao asked again.

“You’ll see what the cottage looks like later. As long as the door is not opened, Sun Monkey may not be able to enter.”

The man’s words finally made Yin Miao feel that she is an indispensable and important link, but wait, is there a grand monkey in this era?

Soon she was attracted by the sight not far away.

A towering irregular building appeared in front of her in the night. The reason why she thought it was a building was because there were many flickering firelights on it. Looking more closely, I found that it was simply a rocky mountain that was not too high, but there were only people living in it.

And the entrance to the stone mountain was also in the shape of a cave, blocked by a thick glowing iron gate.

Her task is to find a way to get the people inside to open the iron gate.

“These mountain bandits are too shrewd. There is only one entrance to the mountain. Even if the enemy family comes to seek revenge, there is no way to start. Don’t be afraid later. If they want to harm you, we will definitely find a way to save them. Yours, by the way, my name is Li Tianyang, from Team E.”

Li Tianyang, the man in black said.

“I see, just open that door.”

Yin Miao knew that these people were waiting for her to make a good start, so she no longer bothered about the word tool person, and without hesitation, she jumped down the high **** they were standing on.

“You are very courageous, as expected of the person found by the master.”

Yin Miao also heard Li Tianyang say behind.

The long skirt that was mopping the floor made Yin Miao extremely uncomfortable walking on this uneven road. She almost fell on the corner of the skirt several times, but she still took the time to walk to the heavy iron gate.

Dong Dong Dong!

Seeing that she could not make any sound with her palm, Yin Miao simply picked up a stone on the ground and knocked on the door.

“Who’s out there?!”

Sure enough, someone inside quickly asked.

“This strong man, the little girl went back to her hometown today to save her relatives. She never thought that because she had not returned for a long time, she had forgotten her way home, and walked in this wilderness for most of the day. She was really tired and scared. Seeing the lights here I just came over and asked the strong man to let the little girl stay here for one night, the little girl must be very grateful.”

What Yin Miao said was pitiful. After the people inside were silent for a while, there was a sound of the mechanism turning on the iron door.

Is this about to open the door? Yin Miao was overjoyed, but she soon discovered that it was only a tiny iron window above the iron gate that was opened.

She stabilized her expression, leaning against the iron door with a powerless look and said:

“It doesn’t matter if the strong man is not at ease to open the door. As long as there is fire here, let the little girl rest outside the door for a night, and I am very grateful.”

“You came back to visit relatives, and which village did you go to?”

Inside the iron window, a person stretched out his head and looked at Yin Miao outside. It was indeed a little girl dressed in pink, and it seemed that even her shoes were in tatters.

“I went to Changling County. I used to work as a maid in the palace of the king of the capital. Now that the young lady is about to get married, she specially asked the little girl to come back to see the second elder at home…”

Yin Miao made up and made up, and she couldn’t help but complain about the system again.

Why her current temporary tasks are all circling around this Xiao Xuan.

“How old is the little lady? Raise your head and let brother see?”

A cluster of flames ignited outside the iron gate, and the voice behind the iron gate also became playful, and there seemed to be more than one voice.

“The little girl has six out of ten this year… Big brother, just for the poor girl’s sake, open the door and let the girl in.”

Several people in the door couldn’t help looking out the window, only to see that the girl’s eyes were full of love, her teeth were biting her soft cherry lips, and she was leaning against the wall as if she was boneless. Although it looks young, this appearance really made a few people excited.

“The little lady is really pitiful. Later, the brothers will open the door for you and let you in.”

One of the men said to the bars.

“Really? Thank you so much for this big brother, the little girl will definitely repay you.”

Yin Miao smiled happily, her fists were gradually clenched.

There was another sound of the mechanism turning, and the iron door was slowly pushed for a long time before the light inside showed slightly.

“Big brother is so nice, I’m almost there before I can go in.”

Yin Miao continued.

The heavy iron door was finally opened to a gap that only one person could pass through. A thick and hairy arm suddenly stretched out to pull Yin Miao in, but Yin Miao avoided it without a trace.

“My luggage is still over there, can you help me move it? There’s a lot of money in it, so I don’t worry about putting it outside.”

Yin Miao said again.

“Stop talking nonsense, you come first and talk about it!”

A mountain bandit in his thirties shouted impatiently while standing inside the door.

“OK then…”

Yin Miao looked behind her, then stood up slowly.

A sharp whistle sounded from the back, the bandit at the door just looked out, but suddenly Yin Miao who stood up grabbed one of the heads with one hand, only with a bang, the two heads collided heavily. !

“You goddamn…”

There were still people who wanted to close the door, Yin Miao directly pinched the unconscious two people in the crack of the door, and then pushed open the half iron door forcefully.


Several arrows suddenly appeared from the door, Yin Miao instinctively leaned back and prepared to dodge, but was suddenly tightly wrapped around her waist by a force, and one person quickly brought her to a safe area.

“Well done, just let them go after that.”

Several gray and white feathered arrows were thrown to the ground, Xiao Xuan gently put Yin Miao down.

(end of this chapter)

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