Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 011, What Happened?

Chapter 11 011, what happened?

This scene, even if he dies, he will not forget it.

Because his life took a major turning point from here, and this place is also the beginning of his tragic life.

The memory of this place has long been engraved into his bones and blood, can it be forgotten by the years?

Just, isn’t he going to die?

How come here?

Could it be that the obsession in his heart was too deep, so before he died, he dreamed of the place that changed his destiny again?

is not right!

In his memory, he had never killed a wild wolf at all that night, and he had never met a young girl. Even though his memory was a long time ago, he still remembered his experience very clearly.

Qi Han lowered his head and glanced at it. That’s right, this outfit is very consistent with the picture in his memory.

Then why are there two different things that are obviously the same experience?

Qi Han felt that this dream was extremely strange.

Do people experience a dream that is completely opposite to the result in the real world before dying?

“Are you okay? Did you get hurt somewhere? Don’t scare me~”

Seeing that the man was dumbfounded and did not speak, as if he was frightened, Qin Tianru hurriedly stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

Qi Han suddenly shuddered and looked at Qin Tianru in disbelief.

what happened?

He actually felt the body temperature just now. Can people feel normal body temperature after death or when they are dreaming?

At this moment, Qi Han felt that his head was about to explode, and his whole mind was a mess.

He remembered that the moment before, he fell ill again, his breathing became short and his consciousness was also scattered, and in his confusion, he heard a comfortable female voice ringing in his ear.

At first, he thought it was the voice of the hospital nurse, but then he felt someone touching his body, and he also thought it was the doctor and nurse rescuing him.

Although he didn’t know what happened to his body, he still had a little sense of awareness.

Followed, he suddenly felt a warm current slowly flowing in his body, this feeling made him extremely comfortable, as if a vigorous vitality was injected into his body.

In an instant, he felt the heavy feeling of powerlessness in his body, which gradually eased.

Just before he could feel the power carefully, the comfortable voice sounded in his ears again, but this time it sounded anxious, eager, and even a little scared?

Although he couldn’t fully hear the words in his ears, for some reason, his heart also became anxious.

What exactly happened? Why make her uneasy?

He wanted to wake up, to open his eyes and take a look.

So he struggled hard and finally broke free from the shackles of darkness.

However, when he opened his eyes and saw the scene, he didn’t have time to think, his body reacted instinctively, grabbed the knife in the woman’s hand, and rushed up to fight the wolf.

Frankly speaking, during the whole beating process, his brain was completely blank, he didn’t notice the surrounding situation at all, he just wanted to deal with the danger in front of him.

Before that, he thought that he was either in a dream, or that he was dead and was going through the trials of eighteen layers of hell.

(end of this chapter)

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