Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 015, Rebirth

Chapter 15 015, Rebirth

“What do you mean by that?”

Qin Tianru was stunned, and then asked the other party with a calm expression.

She understands that in this situation now, her cunning and quibbling are useless.

If the world is in the fifties, then her own existence is the biggest doubt.

Just look at her outfit, and look at the appearance of the medicine box she is carrying, as long as her eyes are not blind, anyone can see that there is something wrong with her.

What woman would go out without any luggage, carrying a medicine box and wearing slippers and shorts?

Obviously, there is no stranger than her, even if it is her, she feels suspicious.

It’s not that she was unprepared, but that this time-travel came suddenly, and there were no items from other eras in her carry-on storage space that could be used to dress up. Second, she didn’t know which era this time and space was, and it was a different era. What kind of situation, how does this prevent her from disguising?

The only thing she can do is go with the flow and act accordingly.

Qi Han slightly curled his lips, his eyes pointed, “It’s the 1950s, do you think this suit is suitable for you?”

Although Qin Tianru is not a person who is keen on interpersonal relationships, he is not a stupid person, and he has grasped the key points in the other party’s words keenly.

“Oh? How do you know about my suitability? What do you use as a reference? That’s the way we dress over there, isn’t it?”

Qin Tianru knew that she would be a bit messy, but she also wanted to know what this man knew? Is her crossing related to him?

Since men also see their own problems, there is no need to keep things secret. Rather than guessing about each other, it is better to talk openly and honestly.

What’s more, this man may still have a close relationship with him, and if they are suspicious of each other, it will be completely detrimental to their relationship.

Thinking of this, Qin Tianru took the lead in raising the topic.

“Let’s have a good talk. First of all, I can tell you with great certainty that I have no ill intentions towards you, and I even have something to do with you when I came here, so do you know why I came here? ”

Qi Han was slightly surprised, obviously not expecting the other party to say this, and her words were beyond his expectations.

She came for herself?

Wasn’t he reborn because of her?

That’s right, he’s reborn!

In his last life, he lived to be thirty-five years old. He suffered a lot of hardships when he was young, and his body fell into a serious illness, and eventually died of the pain.

The moment before he opened his eyes, he was in the hospital ward. Because of multiple illnesses and complications, he had reached the point where there was no cure for medicine.

Before he lost consciousness, he fell ill again. This time, the pain was so severe that he lost consciousness due to shortness of breath before he could receive timely medical treatment from the doctor.

He understands that he has died!

His body is very clear to him and cannot be saved, because all the functions of his body have been exhausted, and it can be dragged on for so long, just relying on the hospital equipment to breathe.

What he didn’t expect was that after falling into the vortex of darkness for a moment, he suddenly felt again, even if his consciousness was vague, he did indeed have self-consciousness.

But this kind of experience is too mysterious and amazing, so it will make him feel confused for a while, and can’t tell whether it is a dream or reality.

(end of this chapter)

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