Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 019, Well Aware

Chapter 19 019, well aware

“You, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by a lifetime of experience? Is that what I thought?”

Qin Tianru looked surprised, although he already had guesses in his heart, he was still a little unbelievable.

Qi Han said lightly, “It’s just what you think in your heart.”

Although there are some things that are not clearly stated, as long as they know each other well.

Got the exact answer, Qin Tian’s slightly curled eyelashes were fluttering, and his expression was still a little cute.

She never thought that she would encounter such a surprising thing. She always thought that the situation in their family was magical enough, and she didn’t expect something more mysterious.

Such things are completely beyond the scope of science, and there is no way to explain them with human cognition.

Could this be the reason why he traveled through time and space to come to him? Because of his specialness?


A sudden noise interrupted Qin Tianru’s thoughts. She followed the voice and looked over, but saw Qi Han’s face embarrassed and uncomfortable.

“How long have you not eaten?”

Qin Tianru didn’t feel anything at all, food was the priority for the people, and it was normal to make a gurgling sound when he was hungry. Besides, he must have not eaten normally since he fled along the way.

“There will be more than one day.” Qi Han replied embarrassedly.

He got rid of those people in the dark last night, but he accidentally fell down a steep slope, and when his right leg fell down the hillside, it just hit a big rock.

At the moment of the collision, he even heard the crisp sound of the calf bone, but at that time he couldn’t care to check the injury of his right leg, and managed to escape the pain in his foot all the way to the big tree.

Originally, he wanted to rush to the county seat, but his right foot was so painful, and after running on the mountain for so long, his physical strength had long since been exhausted.

So seeing the thick tree, he hid behind the tree pole. He thought of taking a break for a while, but he didn’t know that he was exhausted and fainted.

Qin Tian was slightly surprised, pursed his lips, and flipped his right hand over, an extra piece of coconut bread appeared in his hand.

“Eat it, I baked it at home.”

“.” Qi Han was startled, looking at the bread that seemed to be steaming in front of him, his calm expression could no longer be maintained, and his face was full of surprise.

His eyes don’t flower, right?

How did this bread come out?

His eyes could not help staring at Qin Tianru, maybe he took it out of his coat pocket?

Apart from the two pockets on her coat, she has no other place to put things, but is there anything in her pockets?

He clearly remembered that when he accidentally swiped his coat pocket before, it was obviously flat.

Seeing that the man didn’t move, Qin Tianru directly took the bread and handed it to Qi Han’s mouth, “Hurry up, what are you stunned for? Are you still hungry?”

Qi Han subconsciously opened his mouth and bit the bread beside his mouth, the sweet breath instantly swept his entire mouth, and he suddenly felt even more hungry.

So Qi Han took the bread and ate it. He had eaten this thing in his last life, but it smelled very good, but when he tasted it, he always felt that the sweetness of the bread was a bit boring, and secondly, the bread was not fluffy enough to bite.

But the bread he is eating now has a soft crust and a crispy taste. It has a strong wheat aroma, but it is not too sweet and tastes very good.


Qin Tianru took out a big loaf of bread when he saw him two or three mouthfuls, and hurriedly took out two more loaves, plus a carton of milk.

These are the breakfasts that she keeps with her. Sometimes she oversleeps in the morning at school, or if she is in a hurry, she will take it out to deal with it.

(end of this chapter)

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