Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 033, Qi Family 1

Chapter 33 033, Qi Family 1

“Uh, tell me, I’m listening.”

Qin Tianru stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, and felt that his position was too uncertain. Since he chose to trust him last night, he should trust him more.

“The members of my family are very simple, my parents are very good, I am the eldest, and there is a younger sister and a younger brother.”

Immediately, the two walked forward side by side, Qi Han told the situation of the Qi family in a slow voice, while Qin Tianru listened quietly, showing a harmonious atmosphere along the way.

The Qi family is actually just an ordinary farmer for several generations, but compared with other families in the village, the Qi family has an inherited carpentry craftsmanship.

And this craft has also been passed down from generation to generation by the men of the Qi family. I don’t know if the men of the Qi family have some talent in woodcraft, so that there is always one outstanding talent in each generation of children.

Qi Han’s great-grandfather was the leader of his generation. In addition, he was very intelligent, so he started a carpentry shop in the town by relying on this craftsmanship.

And the Qi family’s courtyard began to change, from a farmer in the village to a merchant.

After the Qi family settled in the town, the identity of the great-grandfather also changed, so he learned the old style of that time and took in a concubine.

Mrs. Zhengfang gave birth to two sons and one daughter, but in the end she only supported one son, Qi Deming, Qi Han’s biological grandfather.

And that concubine gave birth to a son and two daughters, and raised a son and a daughter, the second son Qi Desheng, and the daughter Qi Shuhui.

Qi Deming inherited the talent of the Qi family in wood art, and even the blue is better than the blue, and because of this, he was valued and loved by the great-grandfather of the Qi family.

Before his death, he naturally handed over the family shop to Qi Deming, the eldest son, and left the village property to his concubine Qi Desheng.

Since ancient times, the coexistence of concubines has been controversial. The great-grandfather of the Qi family was worried that after he left, it would cause family discord. In order not to cause trouble for his eldest son, who had high hopes for him, he deliberately distributed the land in the countryside to the concubine, and let the concubine family return. The village guards the ancestral home.

In this way, one of the two brothers will honor their ancestors in the front, and the other will stay in the rear. During the season, someone can sweep the tomb and offer incense.

And Qi Deming did not disappoint his great-grandfather. He developed a small shop all the way to the provincial capital, and the scale has also developed from an ordinary carpenter’s shop to a woodcarving shop, a furniture store, and a carpentry workshop.

Qi Deming had two direct sons and a concubine.

The eldest son, Qi Yuanping, married Yang Meilian and had a son and a daughter. His son Qi Ming, now 21 years old, was dispatched to study abroad last year. Before going abroad, he married a female classmate Wang Caiyan.

Daughter Qi Shishi, now 17 years old, is currently studying women’s high school in the provincial capital.

The second son, Qi Yuanhua, married Shen Yuerong and had two sons and a daughter. The eldest son, Qi Han, is 19 years old. He just graduated from college last year.

The eldest daughter, Qi Qing, is 17 years old and is currently studying in a women’s high school in the provincial capital. The youngest son, Qi Jun, is 14 years old and is in junior high school.

Qi Wenfang, a concubine, married a working-class family in the provincial capital and gave birth to a son and a daughter. She lived a good life.

And Qi Deming died of illness five years ago. Before his death, he divided the property under his name into two.

The furniture store and the wood workshop were all distributed to the eldest son Qi Yuanping, the woodcarving shop was distributed to the second son and his family, and the money was distributed equally to the two sons and one daughter, and there was no favoritism at all.

(end of this chapter)

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