Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 035, Qi Family 3

Chapter 35 035, Qi Family 3

Therefore, his father had always followed his grandfather’s dying wish, and he would take them with them if there was anything good, and he never cared about many small things.

Even if their juniors had any conflicts, his father would always persuade the three brothers and sisters to be more generous and not be too preoccupied with their own family.

Originally it was just a little bit of trouble, but after that, it’s nothing.

Since childhood, the three brothers have been raised by their parents to be upright and kind. They don’t put too much effort into it. To put it bluntly, they have a carefree temperament, optimistic and generous.

Originally, it was just a little bit of trouble, but after that, it was nothing. The three brothers and sisters all belonged to the kind of temperament that did not hold grudges.

But who knows that they don’t hold grudges, but it doesn’t mean that others don’t hold grudges either.

Maybe the people in their family are soft-hearted and talkative, and they place too much importance on friendship, which makes the people in the big house have strong temperaments and inflated ambitions, and completely ignore them.

Perhaps, they think that the people in their second room are very easy to fool?

Therefore, when certain interests are involved, they will completely disregard blood and kinship, directly use their second room as a stepping stone, sacrifice their second room, and come to the glory and dignity of their big room.

is obviously the closest relative, but for his own selfishness, he did something to harm his blood relatives.

In the last life, their family had always wondered why the big house had to persecute and trample them again and again. When their parents passed away, they were full of doubts and grudges.

In fact, people live forever, why are there so many?

Some things have no reason at all, they are just personal desires.

They are all affectionate and have a strong sense of family, but it does not mean that others are also willing to sacrifice their ego for the harmony and tranquility of the family.

It’s like you are good to someone and have given what you can give as much as possible, but the other party may not be grateful. On the contrary, the other party may blame you for being stingy and mean because you didn’t give everything. Not even righteous.

Because the second room attaches great importance to siblings and keeps their promises, the big room **** their blood as a matter of course.

And the fuse that started their family’s tragic life was last year’s study abroad quota.

In 1949, the Hua Kingdom was established. After the war, the new country needed a lot of financial resources and talents to alleviate the embarrassing situation at that time.

Therefore, at the beginning of last year, the state publicly held a selection test for all college students, and those who passed the test would have the opportunity to study abroad.

And he just graduated from college, and his major just fits the architectural talent that the country wants to cultivate, so he took the selection exam with his cousin Qi Ming.

But in the end, he lost!

But his cousin got the opportunity to study abroad. For this reason, Dafang specially celebrated in the restaurant in the provincial capital.

Such a place is undoubtedly one in a hundred, and the country has selected 60 people in total. Therefore, Qi Ming can get this opportunity, which has made the big house beautiful for a while, and even got a lot of benefits for it.

Today’s update is complete!

I’m out of town today and tomorrow, so I can’t move, so I’ll update later.

(end of this chapter)

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